Dead by Daylight Wiki

Patch 1.2.1[ | ]


  • Content – Added a new location (Haddonfield)
  • Content – Added a new map for Haddonfield (Lampkin Lane)
  • Content – Added a new offering that allows to play as Michael Myers (appears on killers』 bloodwebs if you do not own the associated DLC) (refer to the dev message below for more details)
  • Feature – Added the new Obsession Mechanic (refer to the dev message below for more details)


  • Fixed an issue causing map calling tremendous offerings to have no effect
  • Fixed an issue making it possible for a killer to hook a survivor instantly from the ground if picked up under a hook
  • Fixed missing text for the Enduring Perk ("Recovery from physical stun condition caused by perks is increased by 20%" added)

Hotfix 1.2.1a[ | ]


  • Fixed an issue making it impossible to successfully stalk a survivor with The Shape at certain resolutions

Hotfix 1.2.1b[ | ]


  • 給夾子、幽靈和電鋸屠夫增加了萬聖節主題的頭部皮膚


  • 調整「魂牽夢繞」技能,攜帶此技能成為非血祭品人類時也會獲得透視效果(距離稍短)


  • 在聖所購買傳承技能後會強制存檔一次
  • 調整(追逐&接近)BGM的音量
  • 修復了在哈登菲爾德地圖無法從屋頂跳過圍牆缺口的問題
  • 修復了在哈登菲爾德地圖某長椅後面無法操作(被卡住?)的問題,因為一個石頭和圍欄靠的太近導致
  • 修復了殺人鬼可以隔着柜子潛行跟蹤人類的問題
  • 現在無法再跳上哈登菲爾德地圖某建築的屋頂了
  • 修復了哈登菲爾德地圖中桶刷新在鈎子下的問題
  • 修復了殺人鬼進入潛行狀態會立即中止「追逐狀態」的問題
  • 修正了新人類勞麗的聲音
  • 修復了某些醫療包附加品會對自摸技能以及其他交互動作產生影響的問題
  • 修復了殺人鬼第三階段直接殺人動作會同時消耗掉處決祭品的問題
  • 重新平衡了遊戲音效

Hotfix 1.2.1c[ | ]


  • Fixed a few in-game crashes
  • Fixed an issue causing the camera to clip through survivor’s heads while opening the exit gates
  • Fixed an issue making it possible for players to be able to randomly go through one another (temporarily having no collisions between specific players)
  • Fixed an issue making it possible to push survivors away from hooks
  • Fixed an issue making it possible to stalk survivors after they have escaped the level

Public Test Build Nov 2016[ | ]


  • Increased the initial phase of the sacrifice to be infinite
    • There is a 5% chance to save yourself from the hook during this sequence
    • There is 25% chance to be sent directly into the struggle phase when attempting to save yourself.
  • Killers can now interact with uncompleted generators by pressing and holding the interaction button.
  • Hooks auto-repair themselves after 2 minutes (from both sabotage and sacrifices)
  • Sabotage meat hook time will be reduced from 20 seconds to 12 seconds.
  • Disarm Bear trap time is reduced from 5 seconds to 3 seconds.
  • Trapper Bear Trap Add-on - Fastening Tools –increased the Bear-Traps disable time
  • Iron Grasp - Changed to - Your powerful hold on the survivors causes escapes to be nearly impossible. Effects of survivor struggling are reduced by 40%/50%/60%. Time to struggle out of your grasp is increased by 8%/10%/12%. (note that the text in game is NOT changed)

Hotfix 1.2.1d[ | ]


  • Added a cooldown period (after losing or gaining a charge) before a killer can gain an additional charge for the 「Play With Your Food」 Perk
  • Added an additional modifier to the 「Vanity Mirror」 The Shape Add-On that slightly decreases the movement speed
  • Reduced the maximum recovery percentage to 85% (down from 95%)
  • The 「Play With Your Food」 speed increase bonus was adjusted to 3%/4%/5% (down from 5%/6%/7%)
  • The 「Tinkerer」 Perk now affects 3 additional Add-Ons for The Shape (「Judith’s Journal」, 「Memorial Flower」, 「J. Myers Memorial」)

Hotfix 1.2.1e[ | ]


  • Added support for fixed duration blood points bonus events
  • Adjusted accumulation of stalking points to be the same for any number of stalked survivors (simultaneously stalking multiple survivors does not increase the speed at which stalking points increase)
  • Adjusted the minimum distance between bear traps to 1.5 meters (up from 0.6 meters)
  • Fixed an issue causing blood points to sometimes start counting from a negative value in the Tally screen
  • Modified the process of joining lobbies which results in reduced time to join a lobby after a game has been found