Dead by Daylight Wiki

從左到右,這三位逃生者分別為綠段(R10), 紅段(R4), 灰段(R20)

段位是一種排位機制,每一局都會評判一個玩家此局是否能獲得段位分(俗稱豆),積攢一定的段位分就可以往上升級一段。 (Dead by Daylight IconHelp DBDlogo

簡述[ | ]

玩家的排名取決於他們在比賽中作出的貢獻。 角色等級的數字表示玩家在遊戲中的整體技能水平。 段位最高的是 Rank 1(俗稱紅段),最低的是 Rank 20(灰段)。在一局比賽中,獲得的分數會取決於你在此局中採取的種種行為和為自己隊伍做出的貢獻。當你已經獲得了足夠的段位分數來增加你的段位,那麼你的段位就會相應的提升。 反之,如果你最近的對局並沒有沒有做出什麼貢獻,則過一段時間,你的段位會開始倒退(rank down)。


段位機制[ | ]


註:不像經驗機制( Levels),殺手(Killers IconHelpLoading killer)和逃生者( Survivors IconHelpLoading survivor)之間的段位並不共享,雙方會有各自獨立的段位機制。

排位(賽)機制[ | ]

Rank totalPips

比賽結束後,獲得的分數將計入玩家的殺手等級或逃生者等級。 如果玩家已擁有升段位所需的段位分,則該玩家將排名上升,其段位分將會被重置。如果玩家在未獲得(或者極少的)分數的情況下完成比賽,玩家將會失去一個段位分。 如果他們失去足夠多的段位分,段位將會降低一級,最低只能降到 15 級。

降級到 15 級以上會進入保護階段(即不會再扣除段位分),他們將會獲得一個免費的段位分(俗稱安全分),直到再次進入 15 級。

隨着玩家的段位提升,達到下一個段位的點數會增加。如果段位為R1(即Rank 1),則段位分不再累積。 在之後的遊戲中,如果輸掉一個點,段位分將會以 4 個段位分的方式返回到R2(即Rank 2)。

排位頭像框 (殺手) 排位頭像框 (逃生者) 段位 升級段位所需的段位分
IconRank killer 20 IconRank survivor 20 Rank 20 3 段位分
IconRank killer 19 IconRank survivor 19 Rank 19
IconRank killer 18 IconRank survivor 18 Rank 18 4 段位分
IconRank killer 17 IconRank survivor 17 Rank 17
IconRank killer 16 IconRank survivor 16 Rank 16
IconRank killer 15 IconRank survivor 15 Rank 15
IconRank killer 14 IconRank survivor 14 Rank 14
IconRank killer 13 IconRank survivor 13 Rank 13
IconRank killer 12 IconRank survivor 12 Rank 12 5 段位分
IconRank killer 11 IconRank survivor 11 Rank 11
IconRank killer 10 IconRank survivor 10 Rank 10
IconRank killer 9 IconRank survivor 9 Rank 9
IconRank killer 8 IconRank survivor 8 Rank 8
IconRank killer 7 IconRank survivor 7 Rank 7
IconRank killer 6 IconRank survivor 6 Rank 6
IconRank killer 5 IconRank survivor 5 Rank 5
IconRank killer 4 IconRank survivor 4 Rank 4
IconRank killer 3 IconRank survivor 3 Rank 3
IconRank killer 2 IconRank survivor 2 Rank 2
IconRank killer 1 IconRank survivor 1 Rank 1 最高上限,無需段位分

徽章系統[ | ]

從 1.9.4 開始,殺手和倖存者的分數將會由徽章系統判定。


徽章的品質 你會獲得的段位分
(將不會獲得徽章) 0
銅質徽章 1
銀質獎章 2
金質獎章 3
霓虹獎章 4

升段所需的段位分[ | ]

As of Patch 2.6.0, the Pip conditions depend on the specific Rank group (colour) the Player's Character is in.

2.6.0 開始,拿到段位分的條件開始取決於玩家在什麼樣的顏色的段位里。

Rank Group Emblem Points Pip(s)
Rank 20-17(灰段) 0-8分 0 (Safety) 段位分
9-13 分 +1 段位分
14-16 分 +2 段位分
Rank 16-13(黃段) 0-5 分 -1 段位分
6-9 分 0 (Safety) 段位分
10-13 分 +1 段位分
14-16 分 +2 段位分
Rank 12-9(綠段) 0-6 分 -1 段位分
7-10 分 0 (Safety) 段位分
11-14 分 +1 段位分
15-16 分 +2 段位分
Ranks 8-5(紫段) 0-7 分 -1 段位分
8-11 分 0 (Safety) 段位分
12-14 分 +1 段位分
15-16 分 +2 段位分
Ranks 4-1(紅段) 0-8 分 -1 段位分
9-12 分 0 (Safety) 段位分
13-15 分 +1 段位分
16 分 +2 段位分

賽季重製機制[ | ]

每個月的 13 日,你的段位分數將會重置。 目前賽季結束時還沒有排名獎勵。

賽季重製之前與之後[ | ]

重製之前的段位 重製之後的段位
1 10, 附帶2段位分
2 10
3 11, 附帶2段位分
4 11
5 12, 附帶3段位分
6 12
7 13, 附帶3段位分
8 13
9 14, 附帶2段位分
10 14
11 15, 附帶2段位分
12 15
13 16, 附帶1段位分
14 16
15 17, 附帶1段位分
16 18, 附帶3段位分
17 18
18 19, 附帶1段位分
19 20, 附帶2段位分
20 20

History[ | ]

Bloodpoint Ranking[ | ]

Rank endOfMatch

A player receiving one pip after a match.

This Ranking System was used up to Patch 1.9.3 for Survivors and up to Patch 1.5.3 for Killers:

In order to rank, Players had to accumulate sufficient amounts of Bloodpoints IconHelp bloodpoints in four scoring Categories.

Survivors had the following Categories: Objectives, Survival, Altruism and Boldness.

Killers had the following Categories: Brutality, Deviousness, Hunting and Sacrifice.

After the trial ended, or if the Player died, the Player would be shown their total score as a breakdown of the four Categories. Concurrently, a red bar beneath this information would begin to fill - with the bar representing the Player's total Bloodpoints accumulated that counted towards pipping and thus ranking up or down. In order to gain Pips, the red bar must have filled up past the first white pip. Players could earn up to two Pips per trial.

After a Player's Bloodpoint score reached 5,000 in a Category, the additional Bloodpoints earned would not count towards their Rank anymore and just be added to their account. For example, if a Player had earned 8,000 Bloodpoints in one category and 2,000 in another, they would not gain a Pip, due to the fact that each Category caps at 5,000 "ranking" Bloodpoints (and therefore the total "ranking" Bloodpoints would be 7,000). However, the Player would not lose a pip, due to the fact that they earned 7,000 "ranking" Bloodpoints which were enough for a safety pip. The "spendable" Bloodpoints received by the Player at the end of the match would still be 10,000.

"Ranking" Bloodpoints required Pips Awarded
0 - 6999 -1
7000 - 9999 0 (Safety Pip)
10000 - 19999 1
20000 - 32000 2

Victory Cube[ | ]

As of Patch 1.5.3, the Pip system for Killers was based upon achieved sacrifices and not upon the amount of Bloodpoints achieved in a scoring category, those two were now completely independent.

Killers earned Killer Goals by bringing a Survivor closer and closer to being sacrificed. The scoring events necessary for that were:

  1. Hooking: For each Hook phase, you gain +1 Killer Goals.
    • First time hooked +1
    • Struggle +1
    • Sacrifice +2 (+1 for the phase and +1 for the player's death)
  2. Memento Mori: Performing a Memento Mori on a Survivor grants +2 Killer Goals. (+ 1 for the action and +1 for the player’s death)
    • Bleed out: Bleeding out a Survivor grants +1 Killer Goals. (+0 for the bleed out and +1 for the player's death)
  3. Survivor Disconnect Loading: Survivors who disconnect during loading will grant Killers +2 Killer Goals each. (Killers should still be able to satisfy their Killer Goals when this happens, but as the Killer did not play against these Survivors he is only granted half the points)
  4. Survivor Disconnect during Trial: Survivors who disconnect after 5 minutes of the Trial will grant the Killer +4 Killer Goals as they would be depriving the Killer of his Killer Goals.
  5. Killer Disconnects: All Killer Goals are negated and the Killer is awarded 0 Killer Goals.
Killer Goals Pips Awarded Displayed Message
0 - 7 -1 Entity Displeased
8 0 (Safety Pip) Brutal Killer
9 - 15 1 Ruthless Killer
16 2 Merciless Killer

Emblems (pre-2.6.0)[ | ]

Pip Conditions[ | ]

Emblem Points Pips Awarded
0 - 5 -1
6 - 8 0 (Safety Pip)
9 - 13 1
14 - 16 2

Old Rank Reset[ | ]

Up to Patch 2.1.0, a Players post Rank Reset Rank was determined by the amount of Ranks they had obtained during the Season, which was converted into Pips that were awarded. This would reset Rank 1 Players to Rank 15 and 2 Pips, which is the equivalent of 20 Pips.

Pre Reset Rank Post Reset Rank
1 15, 附帶1段位分
2 15
3 16, 附帶3段位分
4 16, 附帶2段位分
5 16, 附帶1段位分
6 16
7 17, 附帶3段位分
8 17, 附帶2段位分
9 17, 附帶1段位分
10 17
11 18, 附帶3段位分
12 18, 附帶2段位分
13 18, 附帶1段位分
14 18
15 19, 附帶2段位分
16 19, 附帶1段位分
17 19
18 20, 附帶2段位分
19 20, 附帶1段位分
20 20

Trivia[ | ]

  • Up to Patch 1.0.6, there was no Safety Pip, Players could only gain or lose a Pip, but not remain at the same Pip Level.
  • In the Game's log files, Pips are referred to as "Skulls".