Dead by Daylight Wiki

Load-out[ | ]

Killer P.O.V
  1. Weapon
  2. Power
  3. Survivors' Health States
  4. Generators to be repaired to power the Exit Gates
  5. Killer Perks
  6. Generator

杀手能力与组合[ | ]

Main articles: Powers & Add-ons



The Trapper IconHelpLoading trapper[ | ]

The Trapper's main Power are Bear Traps.

The Wraith IconHelpLoading wraith[ | ]

The Wraith's main Power is the Wailing Bell.

The Hillbilly IconHelpLoading hillbilly[ | ]

The Hillbilly's main Power is the Chainsaw.

The Nurse IconHelpLoading nurse[ | ]

The Nurse's main Power is Spencer's Last Breath.

The Shape IconHelpLoading shape[ | ]

The Shape's main Power is Evil Within.

The Hag IconHelpLoading hag[ | ]

The Hag's main Power is Blackened Catalyst.

The Doctor IconHelpLoading doctor[ | ]

The Doctor's main Power is Carter's Spark.

The Huntress IconHelpLoading huntress[ | ]

The Huntress' main Power are Hunting Hatchets.

The Cannibal IconHelpLoading cannibal[ | ]

The Cannibal's main Power is Bubba's Chainsaw.

The Nightmare IconHelpLoading nightmare[ | ]

The Nightmare's main Power is Dream Demon.

追踪求生者[ | ]

噪音[ | ]



  • 沉重的呼吸
  • 脚步声
  • 树枝碎裂声
  • 乌鸦 IconHelp crows叫声
  • 呻吟声
  • 正在治疗的声音
  • 拆除东西的声音
  • 搜索 箱子 IconHelp chests的声音
  • 拆除 恶咒 Unknown QuestionMark的声音

Notification[ | ]

恶灵 IconHelp entity赋予了杀手更强的感官和精确定位制造噪音的幸存者的能力 . 当求生者 技巧检定 Unknown QuestionMark失败 或执行快速行动时, 杀手会收到视觉上的噪音通知。这个视觉效果表明了噪声源的位置。

  • All Killers will receive a notification when the Survivors:
    • Repaired a Generator IconHelpLoading generators
    • Destroyed a Totem IconHelpLoading totem
    • Sabotaged a Hook IconHelpLoading hook
    • Unhooked themselves or by another Survivor
  • The Trapper IconHelpLoading trapperwill receive a notification when the Survivors activated his Bear Traps whether they got trapped by it or they disarmed it. He'll also receive a notification when the Survivors sabotaged his Bear Traps.
  • The Hag IconHelpLoading hag will receive notifications when the Survivors activated her Phantom Traps. Activating her traps will summon an illusion Hag. Within range you'll have an option if you want to teleport to the illusion or not.
    • She will not receive a notification when the Survivors destroyed her Phantasm Traps with a Flashlight IconItems flashlight.
  • As the Doctor IconHelpLoading doctor, he can increase the Survivors' madness by attacking them in Treatment Mode or being in his Static Field. While in Madness Tier III, the Survivors will regularly scream which the Doctor will receive a notification from them. They will continue to scream until they Snap Out of It.

Scratch Marks[ | ]

Running Survivors leave tracks only the Killer can see. These tracks last a few seconds before they fade, and can be very helpful for locating and tracking Survivors.

Bloodstains[ | ]

Main article: Bleeding

Another way for Killers to track Survivors is by the bloodstains that they leave behind while injured Unknown QuestionMark or dying Unknown QuestionMark. Bloodstains are harder to see than scratch marks, but they are more precise and Survivors cannot stop bleeding until they're back to healthy.

  • If a Survivor hides in a Locker IconHelp lockers and they're injured, their blood can be seen outside of the locker which is a dead giveaway.
  • Survivors that are using No Mither IconPerks noMitherperk don't leave bloodstain trails.
  • Combining Bloodhound IconPerks bloodhoundand Sloppy Butcher IconPerks sloppyButcherwill create an almost continuous red-line of blood on the floor.

Crows[ | ]

Main article: Crows

Crows are another way to help Killers locate the Survivors. They will make noise and can be seen flying away if the Survivors startle them. Note that Killers can startle the Crows too. They're normally in pairs and can be seen throughout the Map standing on the ground or on top of rocks or crates.

  • If a Survivor stays in a area for too long without preforming and interactions, Stillness Crows will be flying in circles above them, which gives away there position.
  • Killers will receive a notification from the Crows with Spies From The Shadows IconPerks spiesFromTheShadows Perk.
  • A Cloaked Wraith IconHelpLoading wraith will not startle the Crows.

Exit Gates[ | ]

Main article: Exit Gates

If Survivors manage to repair 5 Generators, the 2 Exit Gates become accessible. If this happens, their locations are revealed to all players, but only temporarily for Survivors. Killer can use this knowledge to predict Survivor movements and catch them in the final stretch. Survivors must hold down the lever on the switch box to open the gates before they can escape, which takes them 20 seconds, a great opportunity for the Killer to catch them there.

  • Once the Survivors open the Exit Gates, sometimes they will stand near the exit so once the Killer puts them in the dying state, they can fall down and escape while giving the Killer some Bloodpoints.
  • Once the the Survivors powered the Exit Gates, No One Escapes Death Unknown QuestionMark is activated and all your hits can instantly put Survivors into dying state (Tier III only).
    • This is a Hex Perk, so the Perk can only be activated if there is a Totem IconHelpLoading totemavailable to turn into a Hex Totem. The Hex can be removed as normal by destroying its associated Totem.
    • This Perk doesn't affect the Huntress IconHelpLoading huntress' Hatchets nor the Trapper IconHelpLoading trapper's Bear Traps.
  • The Trapper IconHelpLoading trapper or Hag IconHelpLoading hag can place their traps near the Exit Gates. Bear Traps may be easy to see in the bright light of an Exit Gate but offer a guaranteed kill if the Killer is nearby. The Hag IconHelpLoading hag's traps are much more hidden, but do not stop Survivors from escaping.
  • Blood Warden IconPerks bloodWarden will summon the Entity IconHelp entity to block both exits for the Survivors when you hooked at least one Survivor. You can also read the Auras IconHelp auras of the Survivors if they're near the Exit Gates IconHelp exitGates. This Perk can only work when a Exit Gate is open.
  • Remember Me IconPerks rememberMe will increase the opening time to the Exit Gates IconHelp exitGates for each time you hit your Obsession IconHelp obsession. This will affect all Survivors except the Obsession.

Patrolling[ | ]

Generators[ | ]

When the trial begins, the first thing most Killers will try to do is locate some Survivors. Survivors must repair Generators IconHelpLoading generatorsto escape, so Killers are likely to encounter Survivors there. Fortunately, Killers can read the Auras IconHelp auras of Generators that require repairs, allowing them to see their outlines with unlimited range. There are 7 Generators in a typical trial. Try to find an efficient patrol route to protect them. A Generator in progress is a good sign that a Survivor is nearby, so Killer should keep their eyes peeled in this situation. If the Survivors manage to repair at least 5 Generators, the Exit Gates IconHelp exitGates regain power and may be opened, allowing the Survivors to escape.

Killers can damage Generators that have been partially repaired by getting close and performing the Damage Generator action. This will cause the Generator's repair progress to degrade over time. A Generator that is losing progress can be identified by the fiery sparks it emits. This regression is cancelled when a Survivor resumes repairs.

Attacking Survivors[ | ]

Weapon Attacks[ | ]

There are 2 ways to attack the Survivors with your weapon: Quick Attack and Lunge Attack.

  1. The quick attack is performed by simply tapping the Attack button. As the name implies, it is quick but has a very short range.
  2. The lunge attack is performed by holding down the attack button. It provides greater reach at the cost of a longer recovery time and can take some practice to master.

An attack triggers a short cooldown during which the Killer's speed is reduced, with a hit triggering a much longer cooldown while the killer readies their weapon. Killers must be careful to properly aim and time their attacks, or risk allowing Survivors to escape. Hitting a healthy Survivor grants them a brief (1 second) burst of speed. Keep a close eye on their movements during this time in order to continue the pursuit.

Chases[ | ]

When Survivors are located by the Killer, they'll usually attempt to run and hide. The pursuit that follows is called The Chase. Most Killers are faster than a Survivor, but Survivors are small, nimble, and have many tricks they can use to gain distance, put obstacles in the Killer's way and break line of sight. The Killer's goal is to keep track of the fleeing Survivor and get close enough to land a devastating hit. The chase ends when the Survivor gets far enough away from the Killer or the Killer incapacitates the Survivor.

Interrupts[ | ]

Many Survivor actions can be interrupted, giving the Killer a free grab and pick up. To initiate an interrupt, tap the attack button at close range while the Survivor is occupied.

  • List of ways Killers can interrupt the Survivors:
  • Lunge attacks do not trigger interrupts.
  • Killers can't interrupt the Survivors while they're cleaning off the blood from their weapon.
  • The Survivors' health state will not change until the Killer either drop the Survivor (which will put them in the Dying State IconHelp dying), or hang them on a Hook IconHelpLoading hook.

Bloodlust[ | ]

Main article: Bloodlust

As a chase progresses, Killers will develop a boiling Bloodlust. Bloodlust is a Status Effect that grants the Killer increased movement speed. Bloodlust becomes stronger the longer a chase continues, to a maximum of Tier 3, indicated by 3 chevrons on the Status Effect icon.

  • Bloodlust subsides when a chase ends or a Survivor is successfully hit.
  • Bloodlust does not apply under the following conditions or will reset completely:
    • A cloaked Wraith IconHelpLoading wraith.
    • The Hillbilly IconHelpLoading hillbilly breaking into his Chainsaw Sprint.
    • The Nurse IconHelpLoading nurse using her Blink.
    • The Shape IconHelpLoading shape stalking a Survivor.
    • The Hag IconHelpLoading hag teleporting to her Phantasm trap.
    • The Doctor IconHelpLoading doctorin Treatment mode.
    • The Huntress IconHelpLoading huntressthrowing her Hatches.
    • The Cannibal IconHelpLoading cannibal during a Chainsaw Sweep.

Transporting Survivors[ | ]

Once a Killer catches a Survivor, their next goal is to carry them to a Hook IconHelpLoading hook. While being carried, Survivors can wiggle and attempt to break free. Their struggles will affect the Killer's movements. The Survivor will eventually succeed and escape the Killer's grasp, so there is a limited time to transport them. Fortunately, Killers are able to see the Auras IconHelp auras of available Hooks while they are carrying Survivors. Try to take the most efficient route.

  • The Killers can still swing their weapon while carrying a Survivor and potentially injure or down another Survivor, but will be punish with an increased cool- and slow-down.
  • Watch out for other Survivors while transporting a victim, as any action that stuns or blinds the Killer will free any carried Survivor.
  • If a Killer intentionally drops a Survivor, they will remain in the dying state. Sometimes, dropping them is the best option.
    • This will however fill their wiggle meter with each drop, eventually leading on a immediate break free.
    • You can't always trust Survivors to stay in the dying state. They can fully recover on their own if they're using Unbreakable IconPerks unbreakable or No Mither IconPerks noMither.
  • Using Iron Grasp IconPerks ironGrasp will reduce Survivors struggling so the Killer's movement is more steady and can hold on to the Survivors a little longer.
  • Beware of Survivors using Decisive Strike IconPerks decisiveStrike. If the carried Survivor succeeds the Skill Check IconHelp skillChecks, they will automatically stun the Killer and break free out of the their grasp.
    • A Killer might drop and pick-up such a Survivor every few steps to a very nearby Hook in order to prevent Decisive Strike from being used. This is called "Dribbling".
    • Whoever is the Killer's Obsession IconHelp obsession gets the Skill Check immediately when picked up. The other Survivors using it will have to wiggle before they're able to get the Skill Check.
  • Agitation IconPerks agitation will increase the Killer's movement speed while they're carrying a Survivor.
  • Survivors with a Flashlight IconItems flashlight might try to blind the Killers while they're picking up a Survivor so they can blind the Killer and have the Survivor immediately break free.
    • They got to time it perfectly though. Survivors can't stun Killers while they're picking up a Survivor.
    • Look up quickly to avoid getting blind.
  • Try to avoid going through the pallets.

Vaults & Pallets[ | ]

Main articles: Windows & Pull-Downs

Vaulting is the action of going through a window or over a pallet. Survivors can vault slowly and quietly or quickly and loudly. By running straight at a window, Survivors can pick up some extra speed for their vault. Killers can only vault slowly. Pallets are found around the map and can be dropped by Survivors to stun and create obstacles for the Killer. Killers cannot vault over pallets, but they can take time to destroy them by interacting with them.

  • The Shape has an increased vaulting speed when in Evil Within III.
  • Survivors that wait right next to the pallets, head straight towards them then back up quickly so they can throw the pallets down without you being stunned.
  • Another strategy for survivors waiting next to pallets is to walk somewhat close to the pallet. Survivors may simply wait for you to get closer so they can stun you. If this is the case, then you may catch them off guard by lunge attacking them. You may get a free hit in.
  • Survivors with a Flashlight IconItems flashlight will try to blind the Killers while they're breaking the pallets.
  • Leaving a dying Survivor, they will sometimes crawl to the nearest pallet so once you're ready pick them up, another Survivor will stun you with the pallet, thus making you drop the Survivor and letting them make their escape.
  • Brutal Strength IconPerks brutalStrength will have the Killer break the pallets faster.
  • Enduring IconPerks enduring will have the Killer recover faster when Survivors stuns them with pallets.
  • As the Trapper IconHelpLoading trapper or Hag IconHelpLoading hag, place traps on one side of the windows/pallets to cut the Survivors off when they're being chased by you.
  • The Hillbilly IconHelpLoading hillbilly and the Cannibal IconHelpLoading cannibal can break pallets with their Chainsaw.
  • As the Nurse IconHelpLoading nurse, blink to the other side if you think they will vault though a window or throw down a pallet.
  • As the Huntress IconHelpLoading huntress, prepare to throw a Hatchet at the Survivors if you think they're going to throw down a pallet or vault through a window.
  • As the Doctor IconHelpLoading doctor, attack the Survivors with Shock Therapy before they vault or if they stay near a pallet. Then switch to Punishment Mode and attack them if they're trying to perform any interactions. Attacking with Shock Therapy prevents Survivor to vault or drop pallets for 2.5 seconds.
  • Some of the Doctor IconHelpLoading doctor's Add-ons IconHelp addonscan replace Broken Pallets with Illusionary Pallets. The Survivors' madness need to be increased first.

处决逃生者[ | ]

There are two ways for the Killers to kill Survivors without sacrificing them to the Entity IconHelp entity:

  1. Survivors who are in the Dying State IconHelp dying will have a life bar under their names. If they're left alone for too long (240 seconds), they will slowly bleed to death. Their life bar will pause when they're being carried by the Killer or being healed by the Survivors. Recovering from the dying state will not restart their life bar, but it will resume when they go down again.
  2. Memento Mori are Killer-specific Offerings IconHelp offerings which influence the Entity to allow a Killer to kill one or multiple Survivors by their own hands instead of sacrificing them. They are a reward from the Entity, and an efficient way to deal with the Survivors, but Killers should not rely on them too often. Without sacrifice, the Entity will eventually become displeased.

Each Killer has their own unique Memento Mori animation:
