Dead by Daylight Wiki
Dead by Daylight Wiki
Quotes left Some nightmares feel so real - especially in Springwood.

Forever tainted by its heinous past, even the innocent preschool has been defiled by unspeakable misery.

Quotes right
RealmKeyArt 09
美國 俄亥俄州
Patch 1.8.0
File:MapIntro Springwood.ogg

春木鎮黎明殺機 IconHelp DBDlogo目前 20幻境里的其中之一

它是隨著 2017年 10月 26日 發布的 章節6:榆樹街夢魘™ 加入到遊戲中。


這個幻境以學區為主題,但除了深紫色的天空是沒有主色調,和哈登菲爾德幻境很相似。目前有 5 張地圖正在使用:

  • 巴德姆幼兒園 I (CN) / 巴德姆幼稚園 I (TW)
  • 巴德姆幼兒園 II (CN) / 巴德姆幼稚園 II (TW)
  • 巴德姆幼兒園 III (CN) / 巴德姆幼稚園 III (TW)
  • 巴德姆幼兒園 IV (CN) / 巴德姆幼稚園 IV (TW)
  • 巴德姆幼兒園 V (CN) / 巴德姆幼稚園 V (TW)



Springwood is a quiet town in the Midwest, somewhere to raise a family, where neighbours are friends, the diner waitresses know their patron’s names, doors are left unlocked and nothing can possibly harm the residents or those they love.

But this is just a veneer, covering a rotten core. Under the cover of respectability, a parasite named Freddy Krueger stalked his prey in what should have been the town’s safest space. Once these poisonous crimes were uncovered, the townspeople decided to act. They didn't trust that the authorities would be able to deal with him, to provide the justice they craved, so they banded together and hunted him down.

With a single, decisive act, they hoped to burn away the infection from their lives. But they were too late. The threat might have gone but the rot has infected everything. The houses that seemed so pretty now have darkness behind their windows. The leafy streets echo with the sound of fire and screams. And nothing will ever be normal again.


巴德姆幼兒園 I
IconMap Eng ElmStreet
巴德姆幼兒園 II
IconMap Eng ElmStreet02
巴德姆幼兒園 III
IconMap Eng ElmStreet03
巴德姆幼兒園 IV
IconMap Eng ElmStreet04
巴德姆幼兒園 V
IconMap Eng ElmStreet05


魔笛手 是 一個稀少祭品 IconHelp offerings

圖示 描述 花費
FulliconFavors thePiedPiper 巨幅增加被送往春木鎮的幾率。


3,250 BPs


  • 在遊戲文件中,春木鎮幻境被稱為 England(翻譯為英國),a reference to Robert Englund, the actor originally playing the Character of Freddy Krueger.
  • 春木鎮 坐落於 美國 俄亥俄州 [1]
  • Before The Realm Beyond brought a graphical update to the Springwood Realm, car plates featured on its Maps used to allude to the Entity recreating its 1980s iteration, the timeframe of the original movie. In the mentioned update, the aforementioned plates were changed to their 2004-2010 counterparts, the timeframe of the Nightmare on Elm Street 2010 reboot, wherefrom the DLC's Characters stem.
    • However, they were removed from all vehicles at some point, which currently feature empty license plate holders.

邁克米倫莊園 廢舊車庫 寒風農場 克洛普瑞恩瘋人院 哈登菲爾德 黑水沼澤
煤礦廢塔 阿扎羅夫長眠處 斷骨牛舍 精神病房 蘭普金街 蒼白玫瑰
哀嚎倉庫 血屋 腐敗屠宰場 坎貝爾神父的教堂 陰森棚屋
悲慘鋼鐵廠 廢棄加油站 腐臭之地
掩護林 廢舊車庫後院 湯姆森宅邸
窒息礦井 悲慘商店 痛苦溪流
萊理療養中心 紅樹林 春木鎮 吉迪恩肉製品加工廠 山岡家族地產 奧蒙德
療程教室 母親的住所 巴德姆幼兒園 遊戲 家宅 奧蒙德山度假村
霍金斯國家實驗室 格倫維爾墓地 寂靜嶺 浣熊市 烏鴉巢穴 凋零島
地下設施 死狗酒館 米德維奇小學 浣熊市警察局東邊 烏鴉巢穴 極樂園
篝火 The Dream World The Ethereal Plane The Spirit World The Void
地下室 殺手小屋