Dead by Daylight Wiki
Dead by Daylight Wiki

The Entity taking Meg.

Dbd-journal-entity Quotes left This thing, that I dubbed The Entity, is evil in its purest form. I find it hard to spot, but I can hear the cracking sound this loathsome thing emanates. Like a deity, it surrounds the area, closing in on me as its killers hunt me. It does not seem to be dangerous in itself. Not until you are caught and the killer hangs you from one of the abhorrent hooks. I have ended up there over and over and every time I yearn for both release as well as escape. Pain melts with fear in a most horrid way. Yet I return to it, more or less every night. Once on the hook, the Entity takes over, pulling one upwards to something else. Quotes right
~ Benedict Baker's Journal, Nov. 1896

The 恶灵 is an omnipotent non-player Character in Dead by Daylight IconHelp DBDlogo.

The Entity is the mighty, malevolent being that created the nightmare Realms Unknown QuestionMark of trials in which the Killers IconHelpLoading killer and Survivors IconHelpLoading survivor are trapped.

Not much is known about The Entity, and it is rarely seen, except for when it manifests to claim its sacrificed Survivors. Some claim to have caught a glimpse of it in the deep, dark fog beyond the trial walls. It was probably just their eyes playing tricks on them.



After a Character IconHelpLoading players reaches Level 10, the Entity will begin to share the Bloodweb IconHelp bloodweb with that Character. After the Player has bought numerous Nodes from the Character's Bloodweb, a dark, smoky patch will appear, and the Player will then take turns with The Entity in taking Nodes from the Bloodweb: The Entity will move to another Node after every purchase is made by the Player. The Nodes consumed by The Entity cannot be obtained from that particular Bloodweb, and so rarer Bloodweb Nodes, such as Perks, will not be obtainable until the Player levels up again. When The Entity cannot take over any of the adjacent Nodes, it will move to another place.



一旦得逞,恶灵就拥有了进入现实世界的可趁之机,它把人们从这道裂隙拖入它那噩梦般的领域——幻境。而首当其冲的受害者就是那些被腐蚀的人们,那些最早被逼迫去召唤这一古老恶魔的人—— 杀手 IconHelpLoading killer

恶灵的猎物是那些还未被侵蚀的受害者们—— 逃生者 IconHelpLoading survivor。一些普通人偶然地闯入这些腐化地带,随后就被恶灵拖入其中,他们甚至完全不会记得事情是如何发生的。一旦他们在噩梦中被 篝火 唤醒,就再也无法逃脱了。


在这个怪异的世界中有一些令人感到熟悉的部分:地图以及幻境建立在它们所对应的、现实世界中的腐化地带的基础之上,但同时也包含了一些怪异的机械 发电机 IconHelpLoading generators 。逃生者们可以激活它们以开启两扇 逃生大门 IconHelp exitGates。而如果成功,他们就能逃出生天——当然,也只能够回到他们出发时的篝火。







After a hooked Survivor has less than half of their Health Bar remaining, The Entity will attempt to take them.

If a Survivor is hooked by the Killer a second time and the Health Bar was not halfway depleted after the first one, they will be able to struggle against The Entity, delaying their imminent death and giving other Survivors a chance to rescue them once more. However their Health Bar will continue to slowly deplete as this happens. If a Survivor does not struggle, The Entity will take them and they cannot be saved.

If a Survivor had less than half of their Health Bar remaining when they were rescued and are placed on a Hook IconHelpLoading hook again, or if they are the last remaining Survivor, they will be immediately taken by The Entity and cannot be saved nor struggle.


  • As The Entity is a non-player Character, it cannot be killed. However, The Entity can only kill Survivors who have been placed on a Hook by the Killer.
  • If a Survivor vaults the same Window IconHelp window three times within the same chase, The Entity will make a wall of spikes appear in that Window, temporarily blocking that particular Survivor from vaulting it another time. Similarly, if a Killer tries to exit the trial through the gate, The Entity will block their path with spikes.

逃生者 IconHelpLoading survivor
+ 章节 01
S01 charSelect portrait 德怀特·费菲尔德 SurvivorDwight S02 charSelect portrait 梅格·托马斯 SurvivorMeg S03 charSelect portrait 克劳黛特·莫莱 SurvivorClaudette S04 charSelect portrait 朴·杰克 SurvivorJake S05 charSelect portrait 妮娅·卡尔森 SurvivorNea
章节 02 - 05 S06 charSelect portrait 劳丽·斯特罗德 SurvivorLaurie S07 charSelect portrait 埃斯·维斯孔蒂 SurvivorAce S08 charSelect portrait 威廉·比尔·奥弗贝克 SurvivorBill S09 charSelect portrait 凤敏 SurvivorFeng S10 charSelect portrait 大卫·金 SurvivorDavid
章节 06 - 10 S11 charSelect portrait 昆汀·史密斯 SurvivorQuentin S12 charSelect portrait 大卫·泰普 SurvivorTapp S13 charSelect portrait 凯特·登森 SurvivorKate S14 charSelect portrait 亚当·弗朗西斯 SurvivorAdam S15 charSelect portrait 杰夫·约翰森 SurvivorJeff
章节 11 - 14 S16 charSelect portrait 简·罗梅罗 SurvivorJane S17 charSelect portrait 阿什利·威廉姆斯 SurvivorAsh S18 charSelect portrait 南茜·惠勒 SurvivorNancy S19 charSelect portrait 史蒂夫·哈林顿 SurvivorSteve S20 charSelect portrait 木村唯 SurvivorYui
章节 15 - 19 S21 charSelect portrait 萨丽娜·卡希尔 SurvivorZarina S22 charSelect portrait 谢丽尔·梅森 SurvivorCheryl S23 charSelect portrait 菲利克斯·里奇特 SurvivorFelix S24 charSelect portrait 伊洛迪·拉科托 SurvivorElodie S25 charSelect portrait 李允珍 SurvivorYun-Jin
章节 20 - 23 S26 charSelect portrait 吉儿·瓦伦丁 SurvivorJill S27 charSelect portrait 里昂·S·肯尼迪 SurvivorLeon S28 charSelect portrait 米凯拉·里德 SurvivorMikaela S29 charSelect portrait 约拿·瓦斯克斯 SurvivorJonah S30 charSelect portrait 浅川阳一 SurvivorYoichi
章节 24 - 25 S31 charSelect portrait 海蒂·考尔 SurvivorHaddie S32 charSelect portrait 艾达·王 SurvivorAda S33 charSelect portrait 蕾贝卡·钱伯斯 SurvivorRebecca S34 charSelect portrait 维托里奥·托斯卡诺 SurvivorVittorio S35 charSelect portrait 塔莉塔·利拉 SurvivorThalita
章节 27 - 29 S36 charSelect portrait 雷纳托·利拉 SurvivorRenato S37 charSelect portrait 加布里埃尔·索玛 SurvivorGabriel S38 charSelect portrait 尼古拉斯·凯奇 SurvivorNicolas S39 charSelect portrait 艾伦·雷普莉 SurvivorEllen
杀手 IconHelpLoading killer
+ 章节 01 - 02
K01 charSelect portrait 陷阱杀手 IconHelpLoading trapper K02 charSelect portrait 幽灵杀手 IconHelpLoading wraith K03 charSelect portrait 电锯杀手 IconHelpLoading hillbilly K04 charSelect portrait 护士 IconHelpLoading nurse K05 charSelect portrait 迈克尔·迈尔斯 IconHelpLoading shape
章节 03 - 06 K06 charSelect portrait 妖巫 IconHelpLoading hag K07 charSelect portrait 医生 IconHelpLoading doctor K08 charSelect portrait 女猎手 IconHelpLoading huntress K09 charSelect portrait 食人魔 IconHelpLoading cannibal K10 charSelect portrait 梦魇 IconHelpLoading nightmare
章节 07 - 11 K11 charSelect portrait 门徒 IconHelpLoading pig K12 charSelect portrait 小丑 IconHelpLoading clown K13 charSelect portrait 怨灵 IconHelpLoading spirit K14 charSelect portrait 军团 IconHelpLoading legion K15 charSelect portrait 瘟疫 IconHelpLoading plague
章节 12 - 15 K16 charSelect portrait 鬼面 IconHelpLoading ghost K17 charSelect portrait 魔王 IconHelpLoading demogorgon K18 charSelect portrait 鬼武士 IconHelpLoading oni K19 charSelect portrait 死亡枪手 IconHelpLoading deathslinger K20 charSelect portrait 处刑者 IconHelpLoading wales
章节 16 - 21 K21 charSelect portrait 枯萎者 IconHelpLoading blight K22 charSelect portrait 连体婴 IconHelpLoading twins K23 charSelect portrait 骗术师 IconHelpLoading trickster K24 charSelect portrait Nemesis IconHelpLoading nemesis K25 charSelect portrait 地狱修士 IconHelpLoading cenobite
章节 22 - 25 K26 charSelect portrait 艺术家 IconHelpLoading artist K27 charSelect portrait 贞子 IconHelpLoading onryo K28 charSelect portrait 影魔 IconHelpLoading dredge K29 charSelect portrait 操纵者 IconHelpLoading mastermind K30 charSelect portrait 恶骑士 IconHelpLoading knight
章节 27 - 29 K31 charSelect portrait 白骨商人 IconHelpLoading skullMerchant K32 charSelect portrait 奇点 IconHelpLoading singularity K33 charSelect portrait 异形 IconHelpLoading xenomorph
File:K25 Chatterer charSelect portrait.png 颤齿 File:S27 Chris charSelect portrait.png 克里斯·雷德菲尔 File:S26 Claire charSelect portrait.png 克蕾儿·雷德菲尔 File:S22 Cybil charSelect portrait.png 西碧儿·伯纳特 File:S22 James charSelect portrait.png 詹姆士‧桑德兰 File:S19 Jonathan charSelect portrait.png 乔纳森·拜尔斯
File:S22 Lisa charSelect portrait.png 莉莎‧加兰德 File:K07 Look-See charSelect portrait.png 惊魂一瞥 File:K08 Mordeo charSelect portrait.png 莫迪奥
File:K08 Baba Yaga charSelect portrait.png 芭芭雅嘎 File:K21 Ferryman charSelect portrait.png 冥界摆渡人 File:K01 Krampus charSelect portrait.png 克兰普斯 File:K18 Minotaur charSelect portrait.png 弥诺陶洛斯
File:S22 Alessa charSelect portrait.png 阿莱莎·吉雷斯比 File:Birch Cosmetic Icon.png 桦木女巫
阿莱克斯 贝内迪克特·贝克 恶灵 IconHelp entity 观察者 IconHelp archivesGeneral 威戈 (还有更多...)
Actor Sidney Prescott Smasher Teacher