Dead by Daylight Wiki
Quotes left A new terror stalks the darkness; her appearance strikes me as more intense than the others after but a glimpse of her haggard silhouette. Twisted and torn in unspeakable ways, with greyish dead skin stretched out over her emaciated body. Her arm is a horrid overgrown deformity capable of slashing through both flesh and bone alike. Her very presence speaks of endless torture similar to mine. I wonder - did she refuse the entity's calling until broken or did she wish for this? Quotes right
~ 未知日記(疑似來自貝內迪克特·貝克
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110% | 4.4米/秒
章節 3:穢土幻境
Eliane Pregent

妖巫,本名麗莎·謝伍德,是 黎明殺機 IconHelp DBDlogo 中的 37殺手 IconHelpLoading killer 之一。

她是發行於 2016年 12月 8日的 DLC 章節 3:穢土幻境 中所推出的一名殺手。

概述[ | ]

妖巫 一個被詛咒的殺手,可以設置鬼靈陷阱,當陷阱被觸發時傳送至陷阱處。

她的專屬技能厄咒:第三封印 IconPerks hexTheThirdSeal厄咒:毀滅 IconPerks hexRuin厄咒:吞噬希望 IconPerks hexDevourHope 在厄咒圖騰還未被清除的情況下會對逃生者施加巨大的負面效果。

難度: 非常困難

背景故事[ | ]

HA charPreview




裝備配置[ | ]

妖巫的技能[ | ]

妖巫3 個專屬的 技能 IconHelp perks


一個可以阻礙氣場 IconHelp auras解讀能力的厄咒。在厄咒圖騰激活時用普通攻擊擊中逃生者會引起障目狀態效果。此效果在命中最後2/3/4 逃生者逃生者時生效。

只要相關的厄咒圖騰 IconHelpLoading totem存在,厄咒效果就會持續存在。



會影響所有逃生者修理發電機 IconHelpLoading generators進度的厄咒。所有發電機均會受厄咒:毀滅影響。當發電機未被逃生者修理時,其修理進度將會立刻回退,且回退速度為正常速度的100/150/200 %。

只要厄咒圖騰 IconHelpLoading totem未被摧毀,厄咒效果就會持續。



厄咒的力量根植於希望。逃生者的癡心妄想引發了你的飢餓感。當逃生者從至少24 米外的吊鉤中被救出時,吞噬希望會收到一個代幣。

  • 2個代幣: 勾住逃生者10秒後,獲得3/4/5 % 急速狀態 IconStatusEffects haste 效果持續10秒
  • 3個代幣: 逃生者遭受暴露狀態 IconStatusEffects exposed 效果。
  • 5個代幣: 賦予你親手殺死逃生者的能力。

只要相關的厄咒圖騰 IconHelpLoading totem存在,厄咒效果就會持續存在。


技能轉生[ | ]

轉生妖巫會自動將她的可分享技能 等級 I 添加到所有殺手的技能庫中,並解鎖其他殺手可在 血網 IconHelp bloodweb 升級的能力。

再轉生兩次妖巫將會自動把 等級 II等級 III 添加到所有殺手的技能庫里。

武器:灰燼利爪[ | ]

HA Claw01


  • 不同於大部分的殺手擦拭武器上血跡的方式,她會直接讓血滴進嘴裡。

力量:鬼靈陷阱[ | ]

FulliconPowers blackenedCatalyst


  • 賦予創造並維持10個鬼靈陷阱的能力。
  • 賦予其立即傳送至40米範圍內已觸發的鬼靈的能力。

力量細節[ | ]

  • 當逃生者靠近鬼靈陷阱時,鬼靈陷阱會被觸發。
    • 觸發的鬼靈陷阱會跳出一個污泥鬼靈
    • 觸發的鬼靈陷阱會發出妖巫的尖叫,同時逃生者會發出恐懼的聲音且視角會被拉向污泥鬼靈
    • 蹲下的逃生者不會觸發鬼靈陷阱。
  • 用手電筒照射鬼靈陷阱可以使其失效。

鬼靈陷阱附加品[ | ]

圖標 名稱 稀有度 描述
FulliconAddon ropeNecklet
  • 小幅減少 鬼靈陷阱的設置時間。
FulliconAddon powderedEggshell
  • 小幅增加 陷入鬼靈陷阱的持續時間。
FulliconAddon deadFlyMud
  • 小幅增加 妖巫可傳送至其所設陷阱的距離。
FulliconAddon bogWater
  • 小幅增加 鬼靈陷阱的觸發範圍。
FulliconAddon pussyWillowCatkins
  • 當逃生者陷入鬼靈陷阱時,顯現其氣場3秒
FulliconAddon halfEggshell
  • 中幅增加陷入鬼靈陷阱的持續時間。
  • 小幅減少妖巫可傳送至其所設陷阱的距離。
FulliconAddon dragonflyWings
  • 中幅增加 妖巫可傳送至其所設陷阱的距離。
  • 小幅增加 鬼靈陷阱的設置時間。
FulliconAddon cypressNecklet
  • 中幅減少 鬼靈陷阱的設置時間。
FulliconAddon bloodiedWater
  • 中幅增加 鬼靈陷阱的觸發範圍。
FulliconAddon willowWreath
  • 當逃生者陷入鬼靈陷阱時,顯現其氣場 4秒
  • 中幅減少 鬼靈陷阱的觸發範圍。
FulliconAddon swampOrchidNecklet
  • 大幅減少鬼靈陷阱的設置時間。
FulliconAddon driedCicada
  • 大幅增加 妖巫可傳送至其所設陷阱的距離。
FulliconAddon crackedTurtleEgg
  • 大幅增加 陷入鬼靈陷阱的持續時間。
  • 中幅減少 妖巫可傳送至其所設陷阱的距離。
FulliconAddon bloodiedMud
  • 大幅增加 鬼靈陷阱的觸發範圍。
  • 小幅減少 陷入鬼靈陷阱的持續時間。
FulliconAddon scarredHand
  • 污泥鬼靈將擁有物理碰撞體積。
  • 移除妖巫傳送至陷阱的能力。
  • 賦予300%血點獎勵來自陰險得分項。
  • 勝過所有其它附加品。


FulliconAddon rustyShackles
  • 陷入鬼靈陷阱的逃生者將不會獲得任何陷阱觸發提示。
  • 陷阱不會生成一個妖巫鬼靈。
FulliconAddon granmasHeart
  • 當逃生者觸發一個鬼靈陷阱時,將妖巫的心跳幅度減至 0米
  • 將污泥鬼靈的心跳輻射半徑增加 16米

「把那女孩的肉再給我割點下來。」 ——老奶奶

FulliconAddon disfiguredEar
  • 陷入鬼靈陷阱的逃生者變聾 6秒
  • 大幅增加 陷入鬼靈陷阱的持續時間。
FulliconAddon waterloggedShoe
  • 鬼靈陷阱在有效陷阱範圍內拖慢逃生者的行進速度。
  • 移除妖巫傳送至陷阱的能力。
FulliconAddon mintRag
  • 妖巫將可以傳送至關卡中的任何一個鬼靈陷阱。
  • 鬼靈陷阱傳送再次使用的冷卻時間為15秒

成就[ | ]


與妖巫相關的成就有 3 個:

圖標 名稱 描述
Ach adeptHag 妖巫專家 在一場公共比賽中,扮演 妖巫 IconHelpLoading hag 且僅使用其 3 項專屬技能,並完成一次無情勝利。
Ach evenPunishment 雨露均沾 在一場公共比賽中,傳送至你的鬼靈陷阱,並命中全部 4 名逃生者至少一次。
Ach triggered 觸發頻頻 在公共比賽中,扮演 妖巫 IconHelpLoading hag,使逃生者觸發鬼靈陷阱,累計 100 次。

自定義外觀選項[ | ]

玩家們可以從套裝中挑選部件來自定他們的角色。血衣會在妖巫每次轉生達到 4、5、6 轉後獲得 1 個,共 3 個。


預設[ | ]

圖標 部位 名稱 稀有度 描述
HA Head01 CategoryIcon head 污泥髒辮 普通 厚實緊湊的髒辮,上面粘著干泥。
HA Body01 CategoryIcon body Lisa 普通 Dried skin and soul, deformed by an insatiable hunger for flesh.
HA Claw01 CategoryIcon weapons 灰燼利爪 普通 長得變形的恐怖利爪,可穿透血肉。

轉生[ | ]

圖標 部位 名稱 稀有度 描述 額外筆記
HA Head01 P01 CategoryIcon head Bloody Dreadlock 稀有 Dense and compact dreadlock glued with blood and guts. 轉生等級 VI 獎勵
HA Body01 P01 CategoryIcon body Bloody Lisa 稀有 Dripping with the blood of countless feasts. 轉生等級 V 獎勵
HA Claw01 P01 CategoryIcon weapons Bloody Claws 稀有 Horridly overgrown claws dripping with blood and gory chunks. 轉生等級 IV 獎勵

技能護符[ | ]

轉生等級 VII 獎勵 轉生等級 VIII 獎勵 轉生等級 IX 獎勵
K06 PCharm001 K06 PCharm002 K06 PCharm003

特殊[ | ]

圖標 部位 名稱 稀有度 描述 活動
WI W013 CategoryIcon weapons Sugared Claws 活動 Devastating claws with shards of sugar glass embedded in the skin. 觀看兩小時黎明鬼祟直播獎勵

Atl Ico Events 活動[ | ]

圖標 部位 名稱 稀有度 描述 活動
WI Body01 WinterEvent2017 CategoryIcon head 霜凍之眼 精良 令人毛骨悚然的冷血目光。

「2017-2018年度冬日快樂!」 —— 《黎明殺機》 團隊
冬至 2017
Crown 4A CategoryIcon head 惡靈頭冠 活動 散發著喜氣與不不祥氣息的頭冠,由惡靈的頭號粉絲製作。 四周年
Crown 5A CategoryIcon head 5 周年頭冠 活動 為非常特別的周年活動製作的頭冠。

「謝謝你多年來對我們的支持和鼓勵!」 —— 《黎明殺機》 團隊
WI W007 01 CategoryIcon weapons Garland Talon 活動 A rotting garland of moss spread on the twisted and fractured claw. 刺骨嚴寒 2021
WI outfit 011 CategoryIcon outfits 沼澤生物 活動 她從骯髒的黑暗沼澤中走出來,散發著海藻和腐爛的惡臭……來自失落世界的東西改變了她。 黎明鬼祟 2022
↑ 以上套裝分為以下 3 個部位 ↓
WI Hair011 CategoryIcon head Aquatic Visage 活動 Her face resembled a fish, her body almost human… a true horror from the depths. 黎明鬼祟 2022 活動古書:等級 2
WI Body011 CategoryIcon body 污穢鱗片 活動 僅僅是臭味就差不多能嗆死人了。 黎明鬼祟 2022 活動古書:等級 1
WI W011 CategoryIcon weapons Amphibious Claws 活動 Just as capable of rending flesh on land as they are at sea. 黎明鬼祟 2022 活動古書:等級 2
WI Hair016 CategoryIcon head Hag's Mask 活動 A mask she found herself wearing at the masquerade ball. 扭曲假面舞會 2024

IconHelp archivesGeneral 裂隙[ | ]

圖標 部位 名稱 稀有度 收藏 古書 費用
WI outfit 01 03 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Verdant Outbreak 精良 Under The Night Sky 古書第 5 冊 - 放縱 300
IconHelp auricCells
The rituals brought her closer to nature until, one day, she became one with it. 5,400
IconHelp iridescentShards
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WI Hair01 03 CategoryIcon head Overgrowth Affliction Her head crawled with pain as sprouts twisted within, brightening her with leafy hues.
WI Body01 03 CategoryIcon body Overwatered Vegetation grew deep within her husk, tearing her apart in a beautiful red and green glow.
WI W01 03 CategoryIcon weapons Venus Grip A sticky fluid oozed from her pores as her claw felt more like a merciless clamp.

圖標 部位 名稱 稀有度 收藏 古書 費用
WI outfit 009 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
The Abomination 稀有 Conviction 古書第 4 冊 - 信念 750
IconHelp auricCells
Her grandmother warned her not to trifle with such power... 13,500
IconHelp iridescentShards
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WI Hair009 CategoryIcon head Twin Terror The mark of power carved into her forehead allowed her to access unnatural abilities, but with it came a repulsive transformation.
WI Body009 CategoryIcon body Teratoma Something, or someone, grew within her, its bones protruding, limbs reaching for freedom from the prison of flesh.
WI W009 CategoryIcon weapons Reach of Other The ferocity of her claw was given new life by the tumorous growth that formed from it.

圖標 部位 名稱 稀有度 收藏 古書 費用
WI outfit 03 01 CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Bile Beldam 非常稀有 Chemosynthesis 古書第 1 冊 - 覺醒 800
IconHelp auricCells
She relished in the darkness of the swamp, growing stronger as days turned into an endless night. 14,400
IconHelp iridescentShards
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WI Body03 01 CategoryIcon body Venom Veins Exterior veins have developed across the surface of the skin, most likely supporting the twisted, snake-like protrusions from the side of the skull.
WI W03 01 CategoryIcon weapons Toxic Talon The talon supports both, the injection of poisons and toxins, as well as the removal of liquids, such as blood.

圖標 部位 名稱 稀有度 收藏 古書 費用
WI outfit 04 01 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Sapling Siren 非常稀有 Photosynthesis 古書第 2 冊 - 推想 1,200
IconHelp auricCells
The transformation into full plant creature is almost complete. Just a few more souls to produce the light and energy required… 21,600
IconHelp iridescentShards
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WI Head04 01 CategoryIcon head Exposed Floret (Grey / Blue) This compound arrangement across the head provides both, a hard outer covering as well as an attractive cluster of plant-based material.
WI Body04 01 CategoryIcon body Blooming Seed Core (Ice Blue) The seed core is the central component in converting light into the chemical energy required to perform the key functions of a plant creature.
WI W04 01 CategoryIcon weapons Entangled Thorn (Light Purple / Ice Blue) A tangled mess of intertwined stems and shoots that have formed into a sharp, rigid spike. Like a root, it can drain and absorb liquid from whatever it is lodged in for long enough.

圖標 部位 名稱 稀有度 收藏 古書 花費
WI Hair03 02 CategoryIcon head Dreaded Husks 非常稀有 古書第 3 冊 - 惡化 400
IconHelp auricCells
These spurs are hardened outgrowths protruding from the skull. They resemble the horns of the unfortunate wildlife that have found themselves trapped in the swamps. 7,200
IconHelp iridescentShards

圖標 部位 名稱 稀有度 收藏 古書 費用
WI outfit 006 01 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
精美衣飾 非常稀有 金絲華服 古書第 19 冊 - 璀璨 1,200
IconHelp auricCells
Baubles and finery were hard to come by in her quaint little village.

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WI Hair006 01 CategoryIcon head 珍珠髮帶 她祖母說城市裡人們每天都穿得很精緻。
WI Body006 01 CategoryIcon body 祖母的長袍 這是一件代代相傳的傳家寶。有一天,它註定會成為她的。
WI W006 01 CategoryIcon weapons 環爪 在一切變黑之前,她看到泥里嵌著一些閃亮的東西。

IconHelp store 商城[ | ]

圖標 部位 名稱 稀有度 收藏 發行日期 花費
Witch outfit 005 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Weathered Crone 普通 Hag Aberrations 2018年 6月 12日 150
IconHelp auricCells
A misshapen, discolored swamp creature, with a deadly claw for a hand. 2,700
IconHelp iridescentShards
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WI Hair01 CV02 CategoryIcon head Crusty Dreadlock (Corrupted) Dense and compact dreads caked in dried mud.
WI Body01 CV02 CategoryIcon body Withered Flesh (Corrupted) Dried skin and broken soul. Only a burning hunger remains.
WI W01 CV02 CategoryIcon weapons Ashen Claw (Corrupted) A horridly overgrown deformity, breaking through flesh and bone to form a vicious claw-like weapon.

圖標 部位 名稱 稀有度 收藏 發行日期 花費
Witch outfit 004 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Weathered Crone 普通 Hag Aberrations 2018年 6月 12日 150
IconHelp auricCells
A misshapen, discolored swamp creature, with a deadly claw for a hand. 2,700
IconHelp iridescentShards
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WI Hair01 CV01 CategoryIcon head Crusty Dreadlock (Muddied) Dense and compact dreads caked in dried mud.
WI Body01 CV01 CategoryIcon body Withered Flesh (Muddied) Dried skin and broken soul. Only a burning hunger remains.
WI W01 CV01 CategoryIcon weapons Ashen Claw (Muddied) A horridly overgrown deformity, breaking through flesh and bone to form a vicious claw-like weapon.

圖標 部位 名稱 稀有度 收藏 發行日期 花費
Witch outfit 008 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Weathered Crone 普通 Hag Aberrations 2018年 6月 12日 150
IconHelp auricCells
A misshapen, discolored swamp creature, with a deadly claw for a hand. 2,700
IconHelp iridescentShards
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WI Hair01 CV05 CategoryIcon head Crusty Dreadlock (Splintered) Dense and compact dreads caked in dried mud.
WI Body01 CV05 CategoryIcon body Withered Flesh (Splintered) Dried skin and broken soul. Only a burning hunger remains.
WI W01 CV05 CategoryIcon weapons Ashen Claw (Splintered) A horridly overgrown deformity, breaking through flesh and bone to form a vicious claw-like weapon.

圖標 部位 名稱 稀有度 收藏 發行日期 花費
Witch outfit 006 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Weathered Crone 普通 Hag Aberrations 2018年 6月 12日 150
IconHelp auricCells
A misshapen, discolored swamp creature, with a deadly claw for a hand. 2,700
IconHelp iridescentShards
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WI Hair01 CV03 CategoryIcon head Crusty Dreadlock (Tortured) Dense and compact dreads caked in dried mud.
WI Body01 CV03 CategoryIcon body Withered Flesh (Tortured) Dried skin and broken soul. Only a burning hunger remains.
WI W01 CV03 CategoryIcon weapons Ashen Claw (Tortured) A horridly overgrown deformity, breaking through flesh and bone to form a vicious claw-like weapon.

圖標 部位 名稱 稀有度 收藏 發行日期 花費
Witch outfit 007 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Weathered Crone 普通 Hag Aberrations 2018年 6月 12日 150
IconHelp auricCells
A misshapen, discolored swamp creature, with a deadly claw for a hand. 2,700
IconHelp iridescentShards
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WI Hair01 CV04 CategoryIcon head Crusty Dreadlock (Twisted) Dense and compact dreads caked in dried mud.
WI Body01 CV04 CategoryIcon body Withered Flesh (Twisted) Dried skin and broken soul. Only a burning hunger remains.
WI W01 CV04 CategoryIcon weapons Ashen Claw (Twisted) A horridly overgrown deformity, breaking through flesh and bone to form a vicious claw-like weapon.

圖標 部位 名稱 稀有度 收藏 發行日期 花費
Witch outfit 009 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Weathered Crone 普通 Hag Aberrations 2018年 6月 12日 150
IconHelp auricCells
A misshapen, discolored swamp creature, with a deadly claw for a hand. 2,700
IconHelp iridescentShards
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WI Hair01 CV06 CategoryIcon head Crusty Dreadlock (Vile) Dense and compact dreads caked in dried mud.
WI Body01 CV06 CategoryIcon body Withered Flesh (Vile) Dried skin and broken soul. Only a burning hunger remains.
WI W01 CV06 CategoryIcon weapons Ashen Claw (Vile) A horridly overgrown deformity, breaking through flesh and bone to form a vicious claw-like weapon.

圖標 部位 名稱 稀有度 收藏 發行日期 費用
Witch outfit 011 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
Birch Twigs 精良 Wicked Brewer 2018年 9月 18日 200
IconHelp auricCells
As days go by, she becomes the wilderness. 3,600
IconHelp iridescentShards
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WI Hair01 02 CategoryIcon head Stumpy Dreads (Chalky) Tangled dreads marred with sap and clay.
WI Body01 02 CategoryIcon body Rooted Limbs (Chalky) Starved limbs striving to find a source of light.

圖標 部位 名稱 稀有度 收藏 發行日期 費用
Witch outfit 010 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
Red Sap 精良 Wicked Brewer 2018年 9月 18日 200
IconHelp auricCells
As days go by, she becomes the wilderness. 3,600
IconHelp iridescentShards
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WI Hair01 01 CategoryIcon head Stumpy Dreads (Marrow) Tangled dreads marred with sap and clay.
WI Body01 01 CategoryIcon body Rooted Limbs (Marrow) Starved limbs striving to find a source of light.

圖標 部位 名稱 稀有度 收藏 發行日期 費用
WI outfit 01 03 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Verdant Outbreak 精良 Under The Night Sky 2021年 11月 11日 300
IconHelp auricCells
The rituals brought her closer to nature until, one day, she became one with it. 5,400
IconHelp iridescentShards
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WI Hair01 03 CategoryIcon head Overgrowth Affliction Her head crawled with pain as sprouts twisted within, brightening her with leafy hues.
WI Body01 03 CategoryIcon body Overwatered Vegetation grew deep within her husk, tearing her apart in a beautiful red and green glow.
WI W01 03 CategoryIcon weapons Venus Grip A sticky fluid oozed from her pores as her claw felt more like a merciless clamp.

圖標 部位 名稱 稀有度 收藏 發行日期 費用
Witch outfit 002 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Wood Witch 稀有 Petrification 2018年 6月 12日 750
IconHelp auricCells
As old as the forest itself. A fossil. A preserved shell. The petrification process has begun. Only the blood of the living can reverse it. 13,500
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WI Head02 CategoryIcon head Ashen Locks A tightly wrapped ponytail of pale, brittle braids.
WI Body02 CategoryIcon body Ragged Red Dress The remains of what was once an elegant dress. It is now covered in dust, dirt, and dried blood.
WI W02 CategoryIcon weapons Fossilized Barb Petrification has affected the limb significantly. Now it is used to siphon liquids from other organic materials for sustenance.

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WI outfit 009 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
The Abomination 稀有 Conviction 2021年 10月 7日 750
IconHelp auricCells
Her grandmother warned her not to trifle with such power... 13,500
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WI Hair009 CategoryIcon head Twin Terror The mark of power carved into her forehead allowed her to access unnatural abilities, but with it came a repulsive transformation.
WI Body009 CategoryIcon body Teratoma Something, or someone, grew within her, its bones protruding, limbs reaching for freedom from the prison of flesh.
WI W009 CategoryIcon weapons Reach of Other The ferocity of her claw was given new life by the tumorous growth that formed from it.

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Witch outfit 001 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Sapling Siren 非常稀有 Photosynthesis 2018年 6月 12日 1,200
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The transformation into full plant creature is almost complete. Just a few more souls to produce the light and energy required… 21,600
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WI Hair04 CategoryIcon head Exposed Floret This compound arrangement across the head provides both, a hard outer covering as well as an attractive cluster of plant-based material.
WI Body04 CategoryIcon body Blooming Seed Core This hybrid reaction is also the start of the reproductive process, causing new, unexpected plant life to form.
WI W04 CategoryIcon weapons Entangled Thorn A tangled mess of intertwined stems and shoots that have formed into a sharp, rigid spike. Like a root, it can drain and absorb liquid from whatever it is lodged in for long enough.

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Witch outfit 003 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Mud Medusa 非常稀有 Chemosynthesis 2018年 8月 8日 1,200
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The veined Medusa has relished in the darkness of the swamp, growing stronger and stronger, day by day. 21,600
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WI Hair03 CategoryIcon head Crone Spurs These spurs are hardened outgrowths protruding from the skull. They resemble the horns of the unfortunate wildlife that have found themselves trapped in the swamps.
WI Body03 CategoryIcon body Gorgon Veins Exterior veins have developed across the surface of the skin, most likely supporting the twisted, snake-like protrusions from the side of the skull.
WI W03 CategoryIcon weapons Veined Talon The talon supports both, the injection of poisons and toxins, as well as the removal of liquids, such as blood.

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Witch outfit 006 01 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Queen of the Mire 非常稀有 金絲華服 2019年 8月 9日 1,200
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One of the many possible lives denied to Lisa Sherwood by her captors. 21,600
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WI Hair006 CategoryIcon head Hair Rings The mud has been wiped away and the Hag's hair is held off her face with rings and clips.
WI Body006 CategoryIcon body Tattered Silk Dress The dress has seen better days, but still retains a semblance of the beauty that it once possessed, much like its wearer.
WI W006 CategoryIcon weapons Golden Bands Ornate bands, carved with symbols of power, encircle her talon.

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WI outfit 007 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Snake Charmer 非常稀有 The Road Less Traveled 2019年 8月 28日 1,200
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Reeking of blood and rotting serpent meat, there’s the husk of a woman somewhere beneath it. 21,600
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WI Hair007 CategoryIcon head Fangtasmagoria Ornamented of bone and blood, with teeth formed of the serpent. The result of one whose humanity has long been lost to rage and revenge.
WI Body007 CategoryIcon body Slithering Den Wrapped in the remains of a boa constrictor, teeming with filth and moss—that which the swamp provides shall never be returned.
WI W007 CategoryIcon weapons Voracious Talon Squeezed tight by the body of a snake, moss grows fat on the twisted, fractured claw.

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WI outfit 04 01 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Sapling Siren 非常稀有 Photosynthesis 2021年 1月 6日 1,200
IconHelp auricCells
The transformation into full plant creature is almost complete. Just a few more souls to produce the light and energy required… 21,600
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WI Head04 01 CategoryIcon head Exposed Floret (Grey / Blue) This compound arrangement across the head provides both, a hard outer covering as well as an attractive cluster of plant-based material.
WI Body04 01 CategoryIcon body Blooming Seed Core (Ice Blue) The seed core is the central component in converting light into the chemical energy required to perform the key functions of a plant creature.
WI W04 01 CategoryIcon weapons Entangled Thorn (Light Purple / Ice Blue) A tangled mess of intertwined stems and shoots that have formed into a sharp, rigid spike. Like a root, it can drain and absorb liquid from whatever it is lodged in for long enough.

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WI outfit 010 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
樺木女巫 非常稀有 CRYPT TV 2021年 5月 4日 1,200
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微風吹過輕聲細語,一股溫暖的氣息激起了她內心古老的力量。 21,600
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WI Hair010 CategoryIcon head Knotted Crown Damp soil grumbled, and roots sprung from the ground.
WI Body010 CategoryIcon body Bark Crust A deep outrage surged and stiffened her body, transforming her limbs into a hard, crust.
WI W010 CategoryIcon weapons Gnarled Talon Her bond with nature empowered her to tear her assailants apart.

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WI outfit 012 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Toxic Roots 非常稀有 未來願景 2023年 9月 5日 1,200
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Her body was exposed to foreign organisms in a deadly realm. 21,600
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WI Hair012 CategoryIcon head Oozing Bulb Pollen continued to seep from the growth on her head.
WI Body012 CategoryIcon body Gnawed Wood Insects had burrowed their way through her emaciated body.
WI W012 CategoryIcon weapons Wooden Clamps A lethal claw produced by a merciless nature.

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WI outfit 014 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Family Knowledge 非常稀有 節日恐怖 2023年 12月 14日 1,200
IconHelp auricCells
Her grandmother used to teach her survival lessons during long walks in the woods.

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WI Hair014 CategoryIcon head Wooden Charm Her grandmother taught her how to create wooden charms out of twigs and branches.
WI Body014 CategoryIcon body Wooden Ribcage Her grandmother told her a story of a moss-covered woman with a glowing heart.
WI W014 CategoryIcon weapons Piercing Thorn The moss-covered woman had limbs like tree branches and a rough grip.

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WI outfit 015 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Fetid Bloom 非常稀有 遺忘花園 2024年 5月 21日 1,200
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Her body lay in a foul swamp for what felt like ages, straddling the blurry line between dream and reality. 21,600
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WI Hair015 CategoryIcon head Lilypad Cap The local flora took its nutrients from her, just as her captors once had.
WI Body015 CategoryIcon body Marsh Blossoms Instead of simply being sapped, she found ways to take power back. A grim symbiosis.
WI W015 CategoryIcon weapons Backwater Sting There was a wretched, violent beauty in the thing that she had become.

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WI outfit 017 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
黑寡婦 非常稀有 往日時光 2024年 10月 1日 1,200
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WI Hair017 CategoryIcon head Gaping Maw She imagined looking down from the ceiling, her many eyes blinking as she watched her captors enter the room.
WI Body017 CategoryIcon body Arachnid Agility She would scurry softly along the ceiling, ambushing them when there was no chance of escape.
WI W017 CategoryIcon weapons Venomous Claw She would feel the life drain from them slowly, painfully, until they stopped fighting back.

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WI outfit 008 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Scorched Harvester 活動 Hallowed Catalyst 2019年 10月 9日 1,200
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She escaped when a charm of strength buried within her was ignited by the serum. 21,600
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WI Hair008 CategoryIcon head Ember Locks Her charred dreads could not cover the painful, serum-filled blisters on her head.
WI Body008 CategoryIcon body Molten Limbs Her organs melted and fused into a burning mass.
WI W008 CategoryIcon weapons Calcified Talons The serum turned her flesh into hardened thorns.

替代角色[ | ]

妖巫1 個替代角色可從商城購買:

  • 樺木女巫

DLC[ | ]


妖巫目前是 1DLC 的一部份內容:

章節 DLC[ | ]

雜項[ | ]

  • The Hag is the first Killer whose Memento Mori animation takes place in third person rather than from her own perspective.
  • The Hag is the first Killer that doesn't attack with an actual weapon, instead using her massive claw.
  • The Hag's profile is smaller than the other Killers, making it much harder for survivors to spot her, but also making it harder for her to see survivors past objects.
  • The Hag's movement speed is the second slowest for Killers (110% of Survivor running speed), only a little faster than the Nurse.
    • This is by now shared by The Huntress IconHelpLoading huntress and The Doctor IconHelpLoading doctor (Treatment mode).
  • The Hag is the first Killer whose perks are directly associated with a destructible item on the map, Totems IconHelpLoading totem. Cleansing these totems will effectively disable her perks.
  • The Hag is the second Killer who is able to place traps, but unlike the Trapper IconHelpLoading trapper, she doesn't need to collect them from the map and instead can have up to 10 traps placed at any one time.
  • The Hag is also the second Killer who can teleport, but unlike the Nurse IconHelpLoading nurse, survivors have to come within range of her traps and she needs to be close enough to a triggered trap before it expires in order to teleport.
  • Unlike all other Killers, the Hag doesn't step through windows, but rather jumps through them.
  • The Hag seems to be heavily based on the Wendigo, an Algonquian myth that says those who commit cannibalism will become possessed by spirits, deformed and eventually turn insane. This is suggested by The Hag's appearance, Memento Mori, backstory, and a few Hag-related items in the game which talk about cannibalism.
  • The Hag is the shortest Killer
  • The Hag and the Nurse IconHelpLoading nurse are the only two Killers to not break Pallets IconHelp pullDown/damage Generators IconHelpLoading generators with their foot, but with their hand instead.
  • The Hag is one of Template:NonGlowyKiller Killers without glowing eyes, the others being The Trapper IconHelpLoading trapper, The Nurse IconHelpLoading nurse, The Shape IconHelpLoading shape, The Huntress IconHelpLoading huntress, The Cannibal IconHelpLoading cannibal and The Nightmare IconHelpLoading nightmare.
  • The Hag does not have a standard 32 meter Terror Radius size, instead having one of only 28 meters.
  • Due to technical limitations, the Phantasms, like the Doctor Illusions spawned by the Doctor IconHelpLoading doctor, always wear the default customization.
  • The Hag was leaked a couple of weeks prior to her release due to the new Daily Rituals IconHelp dailyRituals already having been assigned to some players.
  • Since The Hag's "weapon" is her right hand, it is attached to her model, unlike the other killers, whose weapons are entirely separate.
    • Due to that fact, the main menu intro, instead of showing her right hand, shows her less deformed left hand.

提示[ | ]

  • The Hag's perks are tied to only one totem each. Totems with a Hag perk tied to them have a lit candle, and they can also be seen like a generator.
  • The Hag's profile is low to the ground, which you can use to your advantage if you are in areas with tall obstacles that Survivors can't see past.
  • The Hag's traps can be destroyed by the use of a Flashlight.
  • The Hag's traps will not trigger if Survivors сrouch.
    • Traps placed using the Scarred Hand FulliconAddon scarredHand will still have collision.
  • Guard objectives by placing traps around generators, totems, gates, etc.
  • You can also use the Hag's traps more aggressively, by placing traps near pallets and windows near objectives, so if you do chase someone, you have the advantage of travelling through obstacles instantly.
  • Like the Trapper IconHelpLoading trapper, the Hag's traps can be seen if they are out on the open, especially under bright light or on a clean surface. It is recommended that you place traps in grass or behind line of sight.
  • You can play mind games with Survivors: A Survivor may run from a triggered trap, but instead of teleporting to it, you can attack the Survivor normally as they run from the Phantasm.
  • Traps will create a false Terror Radius when triggered, even without The Granma's Heart FulliconAddon granmasHeart Add-on. You can use this to approach the area of a triggered trap without Survivors knowing you are doing so.
    • The Granma's Heart FulliconAddon granmasHeart Add-on will fully mask your Terror Radius, however, making this much easier to do.

相冊[ | ]


逃生者 IconHelpLoading survivor
+ 章節 01
S01 charSelect portrait 德懷特·費菲爾德 SurvivorDwight S02 charSelect portrait 梅格·托馬斯 SurvivorMeg S03 charSelect portrait 克勞黛特·莫萊 SurvivorClaudette S04 charSelect portrait 朴·傑克 SurvivorJake S05 charSelect portrait 妮婭·卡爾森 SurvivorNea
章節 02 - 05 S06 charSelect portrait 勞麗·斯特羅德 SurvivorLaurie S07 charSelect portrait 埃斯·維斯孔蒂 SurvivorAce S08 charSelect portrait 威廉·比爾·奧弗貝克 SurvivorBill S09 charSelect portrait 鳳敏 SurvivorFeng S10 charSelect portrait 大衛·金 SurvivorDavid
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章節 11 - 14 S16 charSelect portrait 簡·羅梅羅 SurvivorJane S17 charSelect portrait 阿什利·威廉士 SurvivorAsh S18 charSelect portrait 南茜·惠勒 SurvivorNancy S19 charSelect portrait 史蒂夫·哈林頓 SurvivorSteve S20 charSelect portrait 木村唯 SurvivorYui
章節 15 - 19 S21 charSelect portrait 薩麗娜·卡希爾 SurvivorZarina S22 charSelect portrait 謝麗爾·梅森 SurvivorCheryl S23 charSelect portrait 菲利克斯·里奇特 SurvivorFelix S24 charSelect portrait 伊洛迪·拉科托 SurvivorElodie S25 charSelect portrait 李允珍 SurvivorYun-Jin
章節 20 - 23 S26 charSelect portrait 吉兒·瓦倫丁 SurvivorJill S27 charSelect portrait 里昂·S·甘迺迪 SurvivorLeon S28 charSelect portrait 米凱拉·里德 SurvivorMikaela S29 charSelect portrait 約拿·瓦斯克斯 SurvivorJonah S30 charSelect portrait 淺川陽一 SurvivorYoichi
章節 24 - 25 S31 charSelect portrait 海蒂·考爾 SurvivorHaddie S32 charSelect portrait 艾達·王 SurvivorAda S33 charSelect portrait 蕾貝卡·錢伯斯 SurvivorRebecca S34 charSelect portrait 維托里奧·托斯卡諾 SurvivorVittorio S35 charSelect portrait 塔莉塔·利拉 SurvivorThalita
章節 27 - 29 S36 charSelect portrait 雷納托·利拉 SurvivorRenato S37 charSelect portrait 加布里埃爾·索瑪 SurvivorGabriel S38 charSelect portrait 尼古拉斯·凱奇 SurvivorNicolas S39 charSelect portrait 艾倫·雷普莉 SurvivorEllen
殺手 IconHelpLoading killer
+ 章節 01 - 02
K01 charSelect portrait 陷阱殺手 IconHelpLoading trapper K02 charSelect portrait 幽靈殺手 IconHelpLoading wraith K03 charSelect portrait 電鋸殺手 IconHelpLoading hillbilly K04 charSelect portrait 護士 IconHelpLoading nurse K05 charSelect portrait 麥可·邁爾斯 IconHelpLoading shape
章節 03 - 06 K06 charSelect portrait 妖巫 IconHelpLoading hag K07 charSelect portrait 醫生 IconHelpLoading doctor K08 charSelect portrait 女獵手 IconHelpLoading huntress K09 charSelect portrait 食人魔 IconHelpLoading cannibal K10 charSelect portrait 夢魘 IconHelpLoading nightmare
章節 07 - 11 K11 charSelect portrait 門徒 IconHelpLoading pig K12 charSelect portrait 小丑 IconHelpLoading clown K13 charSelect portrait 怨靈 IconHelpLoading spirit K14 charSelect portrait 軍團 IconHelpLoading legion K15 charSelect portrait 瘟疫 IconHelpLoading plague
章節 12 - 15 K16 charSelect portrait 鬼面 IconHelpLoading ghost K17 charSelect portrait 魔王 IconHelpLoading demogorgon K18 charSelect portrait 鬼武士 IconHelpLoading oni K19 charSelect portrait 死亡槍手 IconHelpLoading deathslinger K20 charSelect portrait 處刑者 IconHelpLoading wales
章節 16 - 21 K21 charSelect portrait 枯萎者 IconHelpLoading blight K22 charSelect portrait 連體嬰 IconHelpLoading twins K23 charSelect portrait 騙術師 IconHelpLoading trickster K24 charSelect portrait Nemesis IconHelpLoading nemesis K25 charSelect portrait 地獄修士 IconHelpLoading cenobite
章節 22 - 25 K26 charSelect portrait 藝術家 IconHelpLoading artist K27 charSelect portrait 貞子 IconHelpLoading onryo K28 charSelect portrait 影魔 IconHelpLoading dredge K29 charSelect portrait 操縱者 IconHelpLoading mastermind K30 charSelect portrait 惡騎士 IconHelpLoading knight
章節 27 - 29 K31 charSelect portrait 白骨商人 IconHelpLoading skullMerchant K32 charSelect portrait 奇點 IconHelpLoading singularity K33 charSelect portrait 異形 IconHelpLoading xenomorph
File:K25 Chatterer charSelect portrait.png 顫齒 File:S27 Chris charSelect portrait.png 克里斯·雷德菲爾 File:S26 Claire charSelect portrait.png 克蕾兒·雷德菲爾 File:S22 Cybil charSelect portrait.png 西碧兒·伯納特 File:S22 James charSelect portrait.png 詹姆士‧桑德蘭 File:S19 Jonathan charSelect portrait.png 喬納森·拜爾斯
File:S22 Lisa charSelect portrait.png 莉莎‧加蘭德 File:K07 Look-See charSelect portrait.png 驚魂一瞥 File:K08 Mordeo charSelect portrait.png 莫迪奧
File:K08 Baba Yaga charSelect portrait.png 芭芭雅嘎 File:K21 Ferryman charSelect portrait.png 冥界擺渡人 File:K01 Krampus charSelect portrait.png 克蘭普斯 File:K18 Minotaur charSelect portrait.png 彌諾陶洛斯
File:S22 Alessa charSelect portrait.png 阿萊莎·吉雷斯比 File:Birch Cosmetic Icon.png 樺木女巫
阿萊克斯 貝內迪克特·貝克 惡靈 IconHelp entity 觀察者 IconHelp archivesGeneral 威戈 (還有更多...)
Actor Sidney Prescott Smasher Teacher