Dead by Daylight Wiki

同族是一個通用的技能 IconHelp perks

圖示 I II III 描述
任意1名逃生者 气场 所有逃生者 气场 所有逃生者和杀手(以钩子为中心的8米范围内) 气场 解开前所未有的气场探知潜能。当你上钩了,任意1名逃生者/所有逃生者/所有逃生者和杀手(以钩子为中心的8米范围内) 气场逃生者的气场将会被互相感知。如果杀手位于8米范围内,其气场也会被其他逃生者所感知。即使杀手使用隐身技能,你也照样可以通过 同族 感知他的存在。

“善待彼此,我们便是一家人。” — 失落的唱片:舒杨

4,000IconHelp bloodpoints 5,000IconHelp bloodpoints 6,000IconHelp bloodpoints

Trivia[ | ]

  • Kindred was added with Patch 1.1.0.
  • "Sujan" from the Lost Tapes is a reference to Sujan Saha, a community moderator who is known by their screen-name, "Faded ♥" in the Steam Community Hub for the game.
  • The Nightmare is immune to the effects of 同族 Tier III unless the Survivors are inside the Dream World.

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