Dead by Daylight Wiki
Dead by Daylight Wiki
Quotes left 我無法保持我的理智。 某天, 這個被修改過的世界給了我一個新的挑戰。 我眼前出現了一位穿著長袍的醫生。看來他正在尋找著什麼...但是他...不太一樣,他的嘴巴和眼睛被一種痛苦又令人不安的方式撐開。 這些器具是哪裡來的? 我無法相信他,他給予我們的是痛苦而非治療。我將盡量遠離他,這是最明智的選擇。 Quotes right
~ Unknown (Potentially Benedict Baker)
DO charSelect portrait
115 % | 4.6 米/秒
32 米
章节 4:疯狂火花
Alex Lin, Product Manager
File:Doctor Theme Music.ogg

医生,本名赫曼·卡特,是 黎明杀机 IconHelp DBDlogo 中的 37杀手 IconHelpLoading killer 之一。

他是发行于 2017年 5月 11日的 DLC 章节 4:疯狂火花 中所推出的一名杀手。



他的可傳授技能壓迫性氣場 IconPerks overwhelmingPresence監控與打擊 IconPerks monitorAndAbuse以及電量超載 IconPerks overcharge加強了追蹤能力,影響逃生者的修理效率,混淆自身的位置。


難度等級:困難 (这些杀手要求玩家熟悉角色的基础知识,即使他们与简单的杀手有共同的机制)


DO charPreview

赫尔曼卡特从很小的时候就了解人类的心理。分析和解构像大脑一样强大的东西引起了他的兴趣。他是一个合格的学生,得到了老师们的注意。他在高中时表现出色,并在心理学公报“Partisan”上发表。一年之内,卡特迅速进入了耶鲁大学的高级神经科学项目,这确实是中央情报局的前线。如果您要征服世界并摧毁整个池塘的敌人,那么脑力是必须的。中央情报局明白这一点,因此审讯和情报成为他们的首要任务。他们所需要的只是才华横溢的人——比如卡特。 卡特和其他顶级新兵被转移到校外,进入伊利诺伊州一个名为莱里纪念研究所的秘密黑场设施。门生渴望导师,而这正是 Stamper 先生介入的地方,他教导 Carter 信息就是一切,知识就是力量。他得到了所有需要的工具,一只指导手,以及或多或少他要求的一切。他从来没有意识到阳光开始变得如此稀少,以至于他也被蒙在鼓里。因为知识不仅会给你力量,还会把你变成威胁。提取信息是他的使命。斯坦珀先生鼓励卡特走得更远,不要认为这是一个普通的医疗机构——没有眼睛在看着他们,没有规则可以遵守。该机构只是为卡特指明了正确的方向,然后他开始后退几步,看到卡特如何能够自己走路。温顺的测试对象被换成了真实的、活生生的间谍。在设施外的麻烦中起了作用的人。卡特承担了这个新角色——觉醒计划成型,卡特在纸上将其描述为“实验性审讯”。它被批准了,几个月后,没有人敲他的门。实验室外的走廊里充满了尖叫和呻吟,但战争会扭曲人们和他们接受的东西——只要敌人被拒之门外。荧光灯闪烁得越来越频繁。电痉挛疗法成为菜单上的标准菜肴。关押在设施中的囚犯恳求看守将他们带到卡特实验室以外的任何其他实验室。谣言一开始就被忽视了。 多年来,卡特被称为医生,没有人质疑他是否持有医疗证明,甚至没有人质疑他们在放弃信息后发生了什么。直到莱里纪念研究所沉默了一个星期后,他们才终于揭露了那里发生的事情的真正恐怖之处。 卡特的实验性信息提取变成了可怕而诡异的折磨。患者和囚犯被发现死亡或处于植物人状态,并伴有各种类型的头部外伤。在他的办公室里,他们发现了最可怕的发现。斯坦珀先生本人,他的头被剥开,一排电极和传感器插入了他仍在工作但已经消失的大脑中。没有赫尔曼“医生”卡特的迹象,但他的研究论文表明,他在寻找精神控制的灵丹妙药时一直在使用囚犯作为可怕的 ECT 实验的一部分。 政府不想知道。黑色网站遭到谴责,莱里纪念研究所的所有知识都被永远编辑了。


這些技能一開始只會出現在醫生的血網 IconHelp bloodweb裡。在到達30等後, 可遺傳的版本會在以下等級出現在血網:

  • 壓迫性氣場 - 30等
  • 監控與打擊 - 35等
  • 電量超載 - 40等




受影響的逃生者的物品 IconHelp items消耗速度增加80/90/100 %。




當你在追獵時,你的恐懼範圍會擴大8米。在其他時候,你的恐懼範圍會縮小8米,而你的視野會拓展3/5/10 度。


“治療時間到了!” — 醫生



通過執行破壞發電機來使一台發電機 IconHelpLoading generators電量超載。

下一個使用該發電機的逃生者將面臨極大難度的技能檢驗 IconHelp skillChecks。未通過技能檢驗會導致額外3/4/5 %發電機退化。





DO Stick01



FulliconPowers cartersSpark

成功使用醫生的特殊能力,如電擊療法靜電爆炸擊中逃生者後,會提高逃生者的神經紊亂 IconStatusEffects madness等級,最終導致其承受神經紊亂狀態並觸發逐漸提升的潛在效果。

神經紊亂 I:

  • 導致逃生者發出一聲尖叫,並將其位置暴露給醫生。
  • 小幅影響技能檢驗位置 (33 %)。

神經紊亂 II:

  • 導致逃生者發出一聲尖叫,並會看到醫生幻象 出現。
  • 中幅影響技能檢驗位置 (66 %)。

神經紊亂 III:

  • 導致逃生者發出間歇性尖叫,並會看到醫生幻象 出現。
  • 逃生者無法進行治療、修理、破壞、搜索或淨化等動作直至其成功擺脫控制
  • 巨幅影響在擺脫控制 時的技能檢驗位置(100 %)。
  • 當逃生者完成擺脫控制 後,其將會回到神經紊亂 I

長按力量鍵 (右鍵)發動電擊療法 ,對你面的地面釋放一道遠程電擊。

  • 電擊療法 命中的逃生者將提升神經紊亂 ,且其正在進行的動作將被立刻打斷。
  • 釋放完後你會有2.5秒的冷卻時間。
  • 電擊療法 會立刻消除渾然不覺狀態 IconStatusEffects oblivious

長按主動能力鍵 (左Ctrl)發動靜電爆炸 ,使醫生恐懼範圍內的所有逃生者尖叫。

  • 靜電爆炸 命中的逃生者將提升神經紊亂 ,且其正在進行的動作將被立刻打斷。
  • 靜電爆炸 僅在未處於冷卻時可激活(60秒)。
  • 靜電爆炸 會立刻消除 渾然不覺狀態 IconStatusEffects oblivious


  • 影響技能檢驗位置:進入神經紊亂狀態後,有機會出現位置隨機的技能檢驗,位置與平時正中央的不同。
  • 醫生幻象:進入神經紊亂狀態後,逃生者身邊有機會出現虛擬的幻象醫生,會將所在位置暴露給醫生。
  • 擺脫控制:當逃生者進入神經紊亂 III 後將會無法進行一些互動,直到成功擺脫控制。
    • 進行擺脫控制時會出現大量的技能檢驗,此時的技能檢驗的成功區域是全白的,且一旦失敗進度就會歸零。


Additional information can be found in the Madness IconStatusEffects madness Article
  • The Shock Therapy attack has a default range of 10.7 metres.
  • The Shock Therapy attack has a default charge time of 1 second.
  • The Doctor is slowed to 3.08 m/s while charging the Shock Therapy attack.
  • The Shock Therapy attack has a default delay of 1 second in-between spawning the visual effects and affecting the Survivors.
  • After a successful Shock Therapy attack, there is a Power and Attack cool-down of 1.5 seconds.
  • Madness declines at a rate of 0.5 Madness Points per second outside of the Terror Radius.


圖示 名稱 稀有度 描述
  • 小幅提升電擊療法的有效距離。
  • 小幅增加電擊療法所需充能時間。
FulliconAddon mapleKnight
  • 顯示出電擊療法 特殊攻擊的有效範圍。
FulliconAddon orderClassI
  • 小幅提升靜電爆炸特殊能力造成神經紊亂等級的累積速度。

處於 神經紊亂 III 的逃生者會受到以下效果:

  • 幻象板子可能會出現在被破壞的板子處,直到玩家足夠接近時,幻象才會消失。
  • 每隔20秒會有一個幻象板子生成在距離醫生 32米範圍內的被破壞的板子處。
  • 醫生會看到醫生幻象的氣場。
  • 同樣的效果將不會疊加。
FulliconAddon calmClassI
(附加品敘述未加入Template:Add-on desc
FulliconAddon polishedElectrode
(附加品敘述未加入Template:Add-on desc
FulliconAddon restraintClassII
(附加品敘述未加入Template:Add-on desc
FulliconAddon orderClassII
(附加品敘述未加入Template:Add-on desc
FulliconAddon disciplineClassII
(附加品敘述未加入Template:Add-on desc
FulliconAddon calmClassII
(附加品敘述未加入Template:Add-on desc
FulliconAddon interviewTape
(附加品敘述未加入Template:Add-on desc
FulliconAddon highStimulusElectrode
  • 大幅提升電擊療法的距離。
  • 大幅增加電擊療法所需充能時間。
FulliconAddon restraintClassIII
(附加品敘述未加入Template:Add-on desc
FulliconAddon obedienceClassIII
(附加品敘述未加入Template:Add-on desc
FulliconAddon disciplineClassIII
(附加品敘述未加入Template:Add-on desc
FulliconAddon restraintCartersNotes
(附加品敘述未加入Template:Add-on desc
FulliconAddon orderCartersNotes
(附加品敘述未加入Template:Add-on desc
FulliconAddon disciplineCartersNotes
(附加品敘述未加入Template:Add-on desc
FulliconAddon calmCartersNotes
(附加品敘述未加入Template:Add-on desc
FulliconAddon iridescentQueen
  • 所有被電擊療法靜電爆炸 特殊能力擊中的逃生者會獲得持續的靜電蓄能靜電蓄能會留在逃生者體內直至發散。
  • 如有多名逃生者在彼此相距4米內被同一電擊療法靜電爆炸特殊能力擊中則不會獲得靜電蓄能
  • 當任意時間有逃生者未於其他處於靜電蓄能的逃生者4米內時,前者將受到等同於電擊療法 特殊能力的效果,同時靜電蓄能效果立刻發散。

"等我們建立好有效療程之後,就可以集中研究運送方式了。" —— H•卡特

FulliconAddon iridescentKing
(附加品敘述未加入Template:Add-on desc



与医生相关的成就有 3 个:

图标 名称 描述
Ach adeptDoctor 医生专家 在一场公共比赛中,扮演 医生 IconHelpLoading doctor 且仅使用其 3 项专属技能,并完成一次无情胜利。
Ach madHouse 精神病院 在一场公共比赛中,至少一次使 4 位逃生者同时达到神经紊乱 III级。
Ach shockingTreatment 电击疗程 在公共比赛中,用 医生 IconHelpLoading doctor电击疗法攻击命中逃生者,累计 500 次。


玩家们可以从套装中挑选部件来自定他们的角色。血衣会在医生每次转生达到 4、5、6 转后获得 1 个,共 3 个。



图标 部位 名称 稀有度 描述
DO Head01 CategoryIcon head Herman Carter 普通 Strapped in his electroconvulsive gear, The Doctor is forever forced in a maniacal grin.
DO Body01 CategoryIcon body Doctor's Coat 普通 A sleeveless doctor's coat that has seen better days. Herman always appreciated the dramatic look of a doctor's garment.
DO Weapon01 CategoryIcon weapons The Stick 普通 An instrument of punishment when all other treatments failed.


图标 部位 名称 稀有度 描述 额外笔记
DO Head01 P01 CategoryIcon head Bloody Herman Carter 稀有 Strapped in his electroconvulsive gear, The Doctor has no choice but to get blood all over.... eyes and mouth included. 转生等级 VI 奖励
DO Body01 P01 CategoryIcon body Bloody Doctor's Coat 稀有 A sleeveless doctor's coat. The Doctor appreciates the dramatic look of blood on his coat. 转生等级 V 奖励
DO Weapon01 P01 CategoryIcon weapons The Bloody Stick 稀有 An instrument of punishment when all other treatments failed. They often do. 转生等级 IV 奖励


转生等级 VII 奖励 转生等级 VIII 奖励 转生等级 IX 奖励
K07 PCharm001 K07 PCharm002 K07 PCharm003


图标 部位 名称 稀有度 描述 DLC
DO Head01 01 CategoryIcon head Overcharged Herman Carter 普通 A furious Doctor, overcharged with his maddening electroconvulsive power. 章节 4:疯狂火花
DO Body01 01 CategoryIcon body Project Awakening Coat 普通 Official garments of the management staff at Léry's Memorial Institute 章节 4:疯狂火花
DO Weapon01 01 CategoryIcon weapons Project Awakening Stick 普通 The Stick, crackling furiously with the power of Carter's Spark 章节 4:疯狂火花

Atl Ico Events 活动[]

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 描述 活动
DO Head01 WinterEvent2017 CategoryIcon head 霜冻之眼 精良 令人毛骨悚然的冷血目光。

“2017-2018年度冬日快乐!” —— 《黎明杀机》 团队
冬至 2017
Crown 4A CategoryIcon head 恶灵头冠 活动 散发着喜气与不不祥气息的头冠,由恶灵的头号粉丝制作。 四周年
Crown 5A CategoryIcon head 5 周年头冠 活动 为非常特别的周年活动制作的头冠。

“谢谢你多年来对我们的支持和鼓励!” —— 《黎明杀机》 团队
DO outfit 013 CategoryIcon outfits 全身套装名称 活动 全身套装描述 午夜林地
↑ 以上套装分为以下 3 个部位 ↓
DO Head013 CategoryIcon head Hack Job 活动 What The Doctor lacked in looks, he more than made up for in intelligence. 午夜林地 活动古书:等级 2
DO Body013 CategoryIcon body Flesh Union 活动 The muscles and nerves of multiple corpses were forced together, creating a monstrosity that thrived on the pain of existence. 午夜林地 活动古书:等级 1
DO W013 CategoryIcon weapons Shocking Touch 活动 A shock stick covered in flesh. Electric impulses course through the nerves. 午夜林地 活动古书:等级 2
DO W015 CategoryIcon weapons Glucose Injection 活动 The fastest way to a sugar rush. 黎明鬼祟 2022
DO Body03 03 CategoryIcon body Suit of Madness 活动 A flamboyant suit that tests everyone's sanity. 镜月兔洞
DO Head024 CategoryIcon head Doctor's Mask 活动 他自己在假面舞会上佩戴的面具。 扭曲假面舞会 2024

IconHelp archivesGeneral 裂隙[]

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 古书 花费
DO Head03 03 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Bloodied Pincushion 精良 古书第 4 册 - 信念 100
IconHelp auricCells
A new form of physical therapy intended to stimulate the central nervous system by applying direct and intense pain. Do not try this at home. 1,800
IconHelp iridescentShards

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 古书 花费
DO outfit 01 04 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Naval Warfare 精良 Treacherous Waters 古书第 4 册 - 信念 300
IconHelp auricCells
The thought of having a hundred potential victims confined to a tin can in the ocean was only a dream. But The Entity has a way of providing... 5,400
IconHelp iridescentShards
↑ 展开查看以上套装的内容 ↑
DO Head01 04 CategoryIcon head Deep Blue Death There's nothing more invigorating than being jolted back to life after a spell in the deep abyss.
DO Body01 04 CategoryIcon body Captain of Waterboarding The uniform makes it official. You have command over the lives of others, and the authority to destroy them.
DO W01 04 CategoryIcon weapons Hydroshock A prototype device specially made to electrocute captured enemy sailors. The navy forbid its production, though flattered The Doctor by calling it "cruel and grotesque."

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 古书 花费
DO outfit 010 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
MK 觉醒 稀有 团队精神 古书第 2 册 - 推想 750
IconHelp auricCells
他的技术残忍,但深思熟虑。这是一个四处奔波的人。 13,500
IconHelp iridescentShards
↑ 展开查看以上套装的内容 ↑
DO Head010 CategoryIcon head Adreno-Head The Doctor’s experiments started with simple questions. For example, what if someone was sleep deprived, eyes pried open, and injected with steady streams of adrenaline? The results were fascinating.
DO Body010 CategoryIcon body Blood Test If you’re going to expand your mind—and someone’s ribcage—you have to be willing to get dirty.
DO W010 CategoryIcon weapons Voltaic Ray One of the Doctor’s first torture devices, made before the CIA money came flooding in. Holds a sentimental place in his heart.

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 古书 花费
DO outfit 007 01 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Love Doctor 非常稀有 Valentine’S 2022 古书第 10 册 - 电锯惊魂 1,200
IconHelp auricCells
An outfit for the man who wants your heart. Literally. 21,600
IconHelp iridescentShards
↑ 展开查看以上套装的内容 ↑
DO Head008 01 CategoryIcon head Viral Mask A mask that prevents infection from the love bug.
DO Body007 01 CategoryIcon body Sophisticated Practitioner Centuries old and still stylish.
DO W007 01 CategoryIcon weapons Cold Blood Cane A gentleman’s cane for a gentleman’s murder.

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 古书 花费
DO outfit 016 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Ruthless Insanity 非常稀有 《黑暗梦想家》收藏 古书第 15 册 - 苍穹 1,200
IconHelp auricCells
A sadistic villain from a nightmarish realm. 21,600
IconHelp iridescentShards
↑ 展开查看以上套装的内容 ↑
DO Head016 CategoryIcon head Protective Vision He stalked victims endlessly.
DO Body016 CategoryIcon body Voltaic Limb He could inflict a powerful shock.
DO W016 CategoryIcon weapons Energy Prod He had a lot of affection for this weapon, able to disrupt his patient's voluntary control of muscles without killing them.

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 古书 花费
DO outfit 016 01 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Ruthless Insanity(深层裂隙) 非常稀有 深层裂隙收藏 古书第 15 册 - 苍穹 1,200
IconHelp auricCells
A cruel tormentor from a nightmarish realm.

↑ 展开查看以上套装的内容 ↑
DO Head016 01 CategoryIcon head Protective Vision(深层裂隙) He ambushed victims endlessly.
DO Body016 01 CategoryIcon body Voltaic Limb(深层裂隙) He could inflict a devastating electric punch.
DO W016 01 CategoryIcon weapons Energy Prod(深层裂隙) He had a lot of affection for this weapon, able to stun his patient during a chase.

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 古书 花费
DO outfit 021 CategoryIcon outfits
CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Endless Suffering 超级稀有 Misery Everlasting 古书第 19 册 - 璀璨 1,485
IconHelp auricCells
The apparatus was complete. He could now administer pain like never before.

↑ 展开查看以上套装的内容 ↑
DO Head021 CategoryIcon head Afflicted Brain Steroids and electric shocks were administered based on the victim's cortisol levels. More stress meant more pain.
DO Body021 CategoryIcon body Surging Body He envisioned a system to pump adrenaline through the subject's body, keeping them conscious and energized.
DO W021 CategoryIcon weapons Breaking Point The agony ended with a spark, a lone strike from an electric wand that caused the engorged muscles to tear.

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 古书 花费
DO outfit 021 01 CategoryIcon outfits
CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Endless Suffering(深层裂隙) 超级稀有 深层裂隙收藏 古书第 19 册 - 璀璨 1,485
IconHelp auricCells
The apparatus was perfect. He took pleasure in watching his victims endure unfathomable pain.

↑ 展开查看以上套装的内容 ↑
DO Head021 01 CategoryIcon head Afflicted Brain(深层裂隙) Steroids and electric shocks were administered based on the victim's cortisol levels. Every sensation was agony.
DO Body021 01 CategoryIcon body Surging Body(深层裂隙) He envisioned a system to pump adrenaline through the subject's body, to ensure his subjects were awake and aware at all moments.
DO W021 01 CategoryIcon weapons Breaking Point(深层裂隙) The agony ended with a spark, a lone strike from an electric wand that caused tendons to rupture and skin to split open.

IconHelp store 商城[]

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 花费
Killer07 outfit 008 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
神经学家 普通 畸变医生 2018年 6月 12日 100
IconHelp auricCells
大脑是新的开发热潮。在你的手中,这片未知领域是一股不容忽视的力量。 1,800
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DO Head01 CV04 CategoryIcon head Rehabilitation Eyes (Analyzed) Strap in to some electroconvulsive gear. Force out a maniacal grin. Make those crazy eyes pop! It's rehabilitation time!
DO Body01 CV04 CategoryIcon body Medical Coat (Analyzed) A sleeveless medical coat that has seen better days. For those that appreciate the dramatic look of a doctor's garment.

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 花费
Killer07 outfit 005 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
神经学家 普通 畸变医生 2018年 6月 12日 100
IconHelp auricCells
大脑是新的开发热潮。在你的手中,这片未知领域是一股不容忽视的力量。 1,800
IconHelp iridescentShards
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DO Head01 CV01 CategoryIcon head Rehabilitation Eyes (Demented) Strap in to some electroconvulsive gear. Force out a maniacal grin. Make those crazy eyes pop! It's rehabilitation time!
DO Body01 CV01 CategoryIcon body Medical Coat (Demented) A sleeveless medical coat that has seen better days. For those that appreciate the dramatic look of a doctor's garment.

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 花费
Killer07 outfit 009 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
神经学家 普通 畸变医生 2018年 6月 12日 100
IconHelp auricCells
大脑是新的开发热潮。在你的手中,这片未知领域是一股不容忽视的力量。 1,800
IconHelp iridescentShards
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DO Head01 CV05 CategoryIcon head Rehabilitation Eyes (Dissected) Strap in to some electroconvulsive gear. Force out a maniacal grin. Make those crazy eyes pop! It's rehabilitation time!
DO Body01 CV05 CategoryIcon body Medical Coat (Dissected) A sleeveless medical coat that has seen better days. For those that appreciate the dramatic look of a doctor's garment.

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 花费
Killer07 outfit 010 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
神经学家 普通 畸变医生 2018年 6月 12日 100
IconHelp auricCells
大脑是新的开发热潮。在你的手中,这片未知领域是一股不容忽视的力量。 1,800
IconHelp iridescentShards
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DO Head01 CV06 CategoryIcon head Rehabilitation Eyes (Probed) Strap in to some electroconvulsive gear. Force out a maniacal grin. Make those crazy eyes pop! It's rehabilitation time!
DO Body01 CV06 CategoryIcon body Medical Coat (Probed) A sleeveless medical coat that has seen better days. For those that appreciate the dramatic look of a doctor's garment.

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 花费
Killer07 outfit 006 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
神经学家 普通 畸变医生 2018年 6月 12日 100
IconHelp auricCells
大脑是新的开发热潮。在你的手中,这片未知领域是一股不容忽视的力量。 1,800
IconHelp iridescentShards
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DO Head01 CV02 CategoryIcon head Rehabilitation Eyes (Stunned) Strap in to some electroconvulsive gear. Force out a maniacal grin. Make those crazy eyes pop! It's rehabilitation time!
DO Body01 CV02 CategoryIcon body Medical Coat (Stunned) A sleeveless medical coat that has seen better days. For those that appreciate the dramatic look of a doctor's garment.

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 花费
Killer07 outfit 007 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
神经学家 普通 畸变医生 2018年 6月 12日 100
IconHelp auricCells
大脑是新的开发热潮。在你的手中,这片未知领域是一股不容忽视的力量。 1,800
IconHelp iridescentShards
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DO Head01 CV03 CategoryIcon head Rehabilitation Eyes (Unhinged) Strap in to some electroconvulsive gear. Force out a maniacal grin. Make those crazy eyes pop! It's rehabilitation time!
DO Body01 CV03 CategoryIcon body Medical Coat (Unhinged) A sleeveless medical coat that has seen better days. For those that appreciate the dramatic look of a doctor's garment.

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 费用
Killer07 outfit 011 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
Secret Weapon 精良 Combat Medic 2018年 9月 18日 200
IconHelp auricCells
Inspire front line trauma in your patients. 3,600
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DO Head01 03 CategoryIcon head Brainwash Fixation Straps For absolute restraint when bedtime arrives.
DO Body01 03 CategoryIcon body Sleeveless Leather Trench Coat A slick trench coat to command dismay in your freshly arrived patients.

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 费用
Killer07 outfit 012 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
Reformed Ally 精良 Combat Medic 2018年 9月 18日 200
IconHelp auricCells
Inspire front line trauma in your patients. 3,600
IconHelp iridescentShards
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DO Head01 02 CategoryIcon head Propaganda Fixation Straps For absolute restraint when bedtime arrives.
DO Body01 02 CategoryIcon body Sleeveless U.S Camo Trench Coat A slick trench coat to command dismay in your freshly arrived patients.

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 花费
DO outfit 010 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
MK 觉醒 稀有 团队精神 2021年 4月 20日 750
IconHelp auricCells
他的技术残忍,但深思熟虑。这是一个四处奔波的人。 13,500
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DO Head010 CategoryIcon head Adreno-Head The Doctor’s experiments started with simple questions. For example, what if someone was sleep deprived, eyes pried open, and injected with steady streams of adrenaline? The results were fascinating.
DO Body010 CategoryIcon body Blood Test If you’re going to expand your mind—and someone’s ribcage—you have to be willing to get dirty.
DO W010 CategoryIcon weapons Voltaic Ray One of the Doctor’s first torture devices, made before the CIA money came flooding in. Holds a sentimental place in his heart.

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 花费
Killer07 outfit 002 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Strictly Business 稀有 理疗学家 2018年 6月 12日 750
IconHelp auricCells
It's not personal. It's strictly business. 13,500
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DO Head03 CategoryIcon head Bandaged Pincushion A new form of physical therapy intended to stimulate the central nervous system by applying direct and intense pain. Do not try this at home.
DO Body03 CategoryIcon body Bloody Business Suit It's business. It's business time.
DOW04 CategoryIcon weapons Spiked Therapy Bat The nails have been included to help speed up the rehabilitation process.

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 花费
Killer07 outfit 003 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Anger Management 稀有 理疗学家 2018年 6月 12日 750
IconHelp auricCells
你为什么不在那里坐下来解释问题到底出在哪?哦,别介意……它只是一种帮助达成理想解决方案的治疗工具。 13,500
IconHelp iridescentShards
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DO Head03 01 CategoryIcon head Burnt Pincushion A new form of physical therapy intended to stimulate the central nervous system by applying direct and intense pain. Do not try this at home.
DO Body03 01 CategoryIcon body Violent Business Suit It's time to get down to business with this vest, collared shirt, and tie combo.
DOW04 01 CategoryIcon weapons Bad Temper Therapy Bat This is an instrument of death used for the sole purpose of therapy and rehabilitation.

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 花费
Killer07 outfit 004 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
裂魂者 稀有 理疗学家 2018年 6月 12日 750
IconHelp auricCells
你为什么不在那里坐下来解释问题到底出在哪?哦,别介意……它只是一种帮助达成理想解决方案的治疗工具。 13,500
IconHelp iridescentShards
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DO Head03 02 CategoryIcon head Wrapped Pincushion A new form of physical therapy intended to stimulate the central nervous system by applying direct and intense pain. Do not try this at home.
DO Body03 02 CategoryIcon body Crumpled Business Suit It's time to get down to business with this vest, collared shirt, and tie combo.
DOW04 02 CategoryIcon weapons Metal Therapy Bat This is an instrument of death used for the sole purpose of therapy and rehabilitation.

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 花费
DO outfit 007 01 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Love Doctor 非常稀有 Valentine’S 2022 2018年 6月 12日 1,200
IconHelp auricCells
An outfit for the man who wants your heart. Literally. 21,600
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DO Head008 01 CategoryIcon head Viral Mask A mask that prevents infection from the love bug.
DO Body007 01 CategoryIcon body Sophisticated Practitioner Centuries old and still stylish.
DO W007 01 CategoryIcon weapons Cold Blood Cane A gentleman’s cane for a gentleman’s murder.

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 费用
DOW02 CategoryIcon weapons Charged Brain Thumper 非常稀有 Mental Patient 2018年 6月 12日 400
IconHelp auricCells
A large, heavy rod that has been fashioned into an effective weapon used for applying moral clarity and punishment. 7,200
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图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 费用
Killer07 outfit 001 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Wild Asylum 非常稀有 Mental Patient 2018年 6月 12日 1,200
IconHelp auricCells
Sometimes, one must experience the treatment in order to be able to administer it effectively. Now that is over, it's time to start the session… 21,600
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DO Head02 CategoryIcon head Auto-Lobotomizer Bzzzzzzzzt!
DO Body02 CategoryIcon body Broken Straightjacket Well, you've got some real nuts here.
DOW03 CategoryIcon weapons Spiked Brain Thumper The addition of spikes helps to apply multiple puncture wounds.

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 费用
Killer07 outfit 014 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
氯仿大人 非常稀有 邪恶维多利亚 2018年 11月 7日 1,200
IconHelp auricCells
被洪水淹没的贫民窟里有散发着阵阵臭气的污水和腐物,在其中狩猎,展开你的实验。 21,600
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DO Head007 CategoryIcon head Corroded Eyepieces Ocular apparatus with focus gears and lenses that transmit the physiological responses of a variety of pain stimuli.
DO Body007 CategoryIcon body Ladykiller Frock Coat A long coat projecting an enigmatic silhouette for the discrete debauchee. The pockets are lined with chloroform to swiftly stifle your prey into narcosis.
DO W007 CategoryIcon weapons 污秽疫苗 一根银色带刺的棍子,尖端有一颗血色红宝石,并被镶嵌在一只嗜血饥饿野兽的嘴里。

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 费用
Killer07 outfit 008 01 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
瘟疫医生 非常稀有 金丝华服 2019年 8月 9日 1,200
IconHelp auricCells
感染既可以取其比喻意义,也可以取其字面意义。自由意志是一种感染,而医生有他相应的治愈方法。 21,600
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DO Head008 CategoryIcon head Beaked Mask Electricity surges across the mask's terminals, ridding the mind of unwanted thoughts.
DO Body008 CategoryIcon body Modified Suit Formerly an elegant evening ensemble, The Doctor has customized it to his needs, weaving high-tension wires through the fabric.
DO W008 CategoryIcon weapons 导电手杖 治愈能量沿着这根手杖噼啪作响,随时准备净化你所有的杂质,罪恶思想和人生。

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 费用
DO outfit 009 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
嗜杀医生 非常稀有 老对头 2019年 10月 16日 1,200
IconHelp auricCells
活人的身体是知识的宝库,你自己的身体也不例外。 21,600
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DO Head009 CategoryIcon head Experimental Measures There’s no laughing gas coming through the mask and yet he can’t help but smile. It might have to do with the dangerous amount of electrodes he's streamed into his limbic cortex.
DO Body009 CategoryIcon body Dr. Vivisection An abundance of bloody malpractices are stabbed, twisted, and cut into his body. He wanted to feel what his last patient did before he opened them up.
DO W009 CategoryIcon weapons 外科帮手 手术机器人工的手臂。它从前能有效地在人的头骨上钻孔,不过后来医生或许是出于嫉妒而把它从基座上扯了下来。这就是抢人类饭碗的下场。

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 费用
DO outfit 011 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
1 号实验体 非常稀有 实验暴露 2020年 6月 5日 1,200
IconHelp auricCells
他进行的第一波实验中,他的目标是要从目标的脑袋中取得信息,无论这个过程有多痛苦。 21,600
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DO Head011 CategoryIcon head Copper Synapses He designed a brass helmet that made test subjects run, turn, and stop via remote control.
DO Body011 CategoryIcon body Leather Lab Coat Reinforced with leather, this coat can be subjected to any ill treatment in the lab without leaving a trace. Ideal for project undisclosed to the public.
DO W011 CategoryIcon weapons 铜制管线 有电子脉冲的高带宽管线,能够传送大量的痛楚。

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 费用
DO outfit 014 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
宿主滋生 非常稀有 茧蛹收藏 2022年 6月 15日 1,200
IconHelp auricCells
他的痛苦实验有时候甚至延伸到他自己身上,特别是有一次对昆虫繁殖的实验特别严峻。 21,600
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DO Head014 CategoryIcon head Larval Mask It didn’t take long for the reproducing creatures to get completely out of control.
DO Body014 CategoryIcon body Filthy Pustules He learned a lot about exotic types of pain over the years. Bug eggs under the skin was one of the worst.
DO W014 CategoryIcon weapons 致命电击 飞蛾的故事带有警告性:有时最吸引你的东西最终会毁掉你。

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 费用
DO W017 CategoryIcon weapons Electric Syringe 非常稀有 机修收藏 2023年 8月 8日 400
IconHelp auricCells
A precise weapon for a sharp electric shock. 7,200
IconHelp iridescentShards

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 费用
DO outfit 018 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Fire Moon Doctor 非常稀有 火月节 2023年 9月 26日 1,200
IconHelp auricCells
He dressed up for his torture session during the Fire Moon Festival. 21,600
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DO Head018 CategoryIcon head Ferocious Maw A horrifying face between sharp fangs.
DO Body018 CategoryIcon body Celestial Kimono His kimono featured exquisite fabric and intricate handmade details.
DO W018 CategoryIcon weapons Hard Whip Spark A military weapon from ancient times once believed to be charged with electricity.

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 费用
DO outfit 020 CategoryIcon outfits
CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Blood Shock 非常稀有 血月收藏 2024年 3月 18日 1,080
IconHelp auricCells
His early experiments with blood electrification gave him the false belief he was more spry, alert, and prone to outburst.

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DO Head020 CategoryIcon head Sense of Humors Now he felt that old familiar rush in ways he never could have imagined.
DO Body020 CategoryIcon body Heal Thyself Medical science took a back seat as he tapped into something more intuitive and elemental.
DO W020 CategoryIcon weapons The Exsanguinator The jolt was brief, but the pain was anything but.

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 费用
DO Head022 CategoryIcon head Zipper Mouthpiece 非常稀有 活结收藏 2024年 3月 26日 400
IconHelp auricCells
A mask appeared on The Doctor’s disturbing face after the unsettling tones of a distant keyboard echoed through the realm.

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 花费
DO outfit 016 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Ruthless Insanity 非常稀有 《黑暗梦想家》收藏 2024年 6月 19日 1,200
IconHelp auricCells
A sadistic villain from a nightmarish realm. 21,600
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DO Head016 CategoryIcon head Protective Vision He stalked victims endlessly.
DO Body016 CategoryIcon body Voltaic Limb He could inflict a powerful shock.
DO W016 CategoryIcon weapons Energy Prod He had a lot of affection for this weapon, able to disrupt his patient's voluntary control of muscles without killing them.

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 费用
DO outfit 012 CategoryIcon outfits
CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
惊魂一瞥 传奇 CRYPT TV 2021年 5月 4日 1,485
IconHelp auricCells
他撕碎了那些被悲伤和悔恨困扰的人。 29,700
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DO Head012 CategoryIcon head Sinister Grin A sinister, scarred face that featured a twisted grin.
DO Body012 CategoryIcon body Dark Suit His sharp claws ripped through his gloved hands and tore his clean suit.
DO W012 CategoryIcon weapons Chance Wrench A jolting and adjustable wrench for all of purposes, mainly shocking attacks.

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 费用
DO outfit 019 CategoryIcon outfits
CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Pharaoh Eddie 传奇 铁娘子收藏 2024年 2月 22日 1,485
IconHelp auricCells
A merciless ruler, who wielded ultimate power over his victims.

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DO Head019 CategoryIcon head Majestic Headdress He ended upon a strange realm surrounded by the ruins of ancient pyramids.
DO Body019 CategoryIcon body Mummified His victims quaked in terror, their screams echoing through his hollow chest.
DO W019 CategoryIcon weapons Ruler’s Scepter He raised the scepter over his fallen subject, a triumph of his reign of terror.

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 费用
Killer07 outfit 013 CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
恶臭胆汁 活动 万圣枯萎 2019年 10月 9日 1,200
IconHelp auricCells
残酷无情的样本,对实验的反应是强烈的攻击性。踝关节处均用物理方式拘束。 21,600
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DO Head006 CategoryIcon head Mind's Eye The scathed flesh reveals rotting canines and a third, malignant eye.
DO Body006 CategoryIcon body Bloody Intestine A gut seeping with the festering secretions of pierced bowels.
DO W006 CategoryIcon weapons Serious Stick A soiled instrument to apply pain of a terrible kind.


医生2 个替代角色可从商城购买:

  • 惊魂一瞥
  • Pharaoh Eddie



医生目前是 1DLC 的一部份內容:

章节 DLC[]


Hotfix 1.5.1b[]

  • Increased Treatment Mode Movement speed from 4.3 m/s to 4.4 m/s.
  • Increased the default Shock Therapy range by 20 % to 9 metres.
    • Adjusted the Area of Effect to also hit Survivors slightly above and below The Doctor.
  • Changed Hallucination Aura colour from "Notice Me!" Hot Pink to "I Indicate An Ally" Yellow.
  • The Doctor can see the Aura of Illusionary Doctors when the afflicted Survivor is in Madness III.
  • Increased Snap Out of It duration by 4 seconds to 12 seconds.

Patch 1.6.2 (Doctor Cube)[]

  • Snap Out of It classified as a Healing action, allowing it to be afflicted by (at the time) Botany Knowledge IconPerks botanyKnowledge and A Nurse's Calling IconPerks aNursesCalling.
  • Snap Out of It may trigger Skill Checks. Failing them will interrupt the action and reveal the Survivor's location.
  • Added the Illusionary Pallets effect to "Order" IconAddon orderCartersNotes Add-ons and made the increasing chances to trigger Madness Skill Checks part of his base-kit.
  • Adjusted the Fake Stain effect on "Discipline" IconAddon disciplineCartersNotes Add-ons, removing it from The Doctor and attaching it to the afflicted Survivor instead of it having a chance to follow the Survivor for a couple of seconds.
  • Removed the speed penalty during switching Stances, The Doctor now moves at Treatment Mode speed.
  • Added an interaction cool-down of 2.5 seconds to Survivors hit by the Shock Therapy Attack.
  • Madness III disables a Survivor's ability to use their Item and perform most interactions.

Patch 2.0.0[]

  • Illusionary Doctors now wear the same cosmetic outfit as The Doctor.


  • Illusionary Doctors can be seen as an Aura by The Doctor if the afflicted Survivor is in Madness III (or already Madness II when using "Restraint" IconAddon restraintCartersNotes Add-ons).
    • This betrays a Survivors general location and should be kept in mind when attempting to hide.
  • When using "Order" IconAddon orderCartersNotes Add-ons, spawning an Illusionary Pallet or having one dismissed by a Survivor will notify The Doctor with flickering static around the edges of his screen.
    • This can be used to guess a Survivor's location in some situations, but is tricky and not nearly as reliable as Illusionary Doctors.


  • "Herman" was a widely popular name in the US in the 19th century and remained so throughout the first half of the 20th.
  • "Carter" is a surname common among African Americans capable of tracing their roots back to the southern United States or Caribbean from the early 20th century onward.
  • File logs reveal that he was to be called "Mu Yi" at some point during development.
    • The Japanese and Korean term "mu" (無 or 무 respectively; "wú" (无) in Chinese) means "not have; without" and is a key word in Buddhism, especially Zen traditions.
    • In Confucianism, the term Yi (義) means "justice, righteousness, meaning", a moral disposition to do good
    • When taken together, Carter's original name literally translates to "without justice" or "without meaning."
  • Other file logs and WIP names of his Add-ons also reveal, that The Doctor was generally supposed to be more Chinese-themed at an early point in development. This was later changed to his current name and ancestral descent.
    • Some of the early Add-on names are:
      • Jade Charm instead of Scrapped Tape
      • Nanmu Catapult instead of Maple Knight
      • Tiger Fang Charm instead of Interview Tape
  • The Doctor introduced Madness IconStatusEffects madness, a new Game Mechanic unique to him.
  • The Doctor was the first Killer to have had two different stances, Punishment Mode for regular attacks and Treatment Mode to use his Power.
    • Treatment Mode allowed The Doctor to perform grabs, but prohibited any attacks with his primary Weapon.
      • Since so-called Treatment grabs were virtually guaranteed to succeed, it made it extremely dangerous to go for an unhook against a Doctor in attack range.
  • The Doctor's facial equipment is a reference to the 1971 Movie A Clockwork Orange where the protagonist undergoes brutal psychotherapy treatment in an attempt to cure his mania and bloodlust.
  • The Doctor's background story may be a reference to MK ULTRA, a CIA research project that officially ran from 1951 to 1973 and experimented with unethical methods of interrogation and mind control.
  • The Doctor's Memento Mori animation was the first one in which saw part of the animation from the Killer's perspective.
  • When a Survivor has gained Madness, it is possible for them to hear Entity IconHelp entity whispers, that are usually only heard by Killers using the Perk Whispers IconPerks whispers.
  • The Doctor is one of few Killers with naturally glowing eyes.
  • Due to technical limitations, Illusionary Doctors, used to always wear the default customisation option of The Doctor.
    • This was changed with Patch 2.0.0, the Illusions now always wear the same customisation option as The Doctor.
  • The Doctor laughs menacingly whenever he hits a Survivor with his Shock Therapy Attack.
    • This laugh is also heard, albeit just by the Survivor, when they get fooled by an Illusionary Pallet.
  • After receiving a Rework with Patch 3.5.0, The Doctor received his own Main Menu Theme and unique Chase Music.
  • Using the perk Dark Devotion IconPerks darkDevotion will make the Static Blast special attack affect Survivors in your Obsession IconHelp obsession's Terror Radius rather than your own.


For more go to the Doctor's Gallery

逃生者 IconHelpLoading survivor
+ 章節 01
S01 charSelect portrait 德怀特·费菲尔德 SurvivorDwight S02 charSelect portrait 梅格·托马斯 SurvivorMeg S03 charSelect portrait 克劳黛特·莫莱 SurvivorClaudette S04 charSelect portrait 朴·杰克 SurvivorJake S05 charSelect portrait 妮娅·卡尔森 SurvivorNea
章節 02 - 05 S06 charSelect portrait 劳丽·斯特罗德 SurvivorLaurie S07 charSelect portrait 埃斯·维斯孔蒂 SurvivorAce S08 charSelect portrait 威廉·比尔·奥弗贝克 SurvivorBill S09 charSelect portrait 凤敏 SurvivorFeng S10 charSelect portrait 大卫·金 SurvivorDavid
章節 06 - 10 S11 charSelect portrait 昆汀·史密斯 SurvivorQuentin S12 charSelect portrait 大卫·泰普 SurvivorTapp S13 charSelect portrait 凯特·登森 SurvivorKate S14 charSelect portrait 亚当·弗朗西斯 SurvivorAdam S15 charSelect portrait 杰夫·约翰森 SurvivorJeff
章節 11 - 14 S16 charSelect portrait 簡·羅梅羅 SurvivorJane S17 charSelect portrait 阿什利·威廉姆斯 SurvivorAsh S18 charSelect portrait 南茜·惠勒 SurvivorNancy S19 charSelect portrait 史蒂夫·哈林頓 SurvivorSteve S20 charSelect portrait 木村唯 SurvivorYui
章節 15 - 19 S21 charSelect portrait 薩麗娜·卡希爾 SurvivorZarina S22 charSelect portrait 謝麗爾·梅森 SurvivorCheryl S23 charSelect portrait 菲利克斯·里奇特 SurvivorFelix S24 charSelect portrait 伊洛迪·拉科托 SurvivorElodie S25 charSelect portrait 李允珍 SurvivorYun-Jin
章節 20 - 23 S26 charSelect portrait 吉兒·瓦倫丁 SurvivorJill S27 charSelect portrait 里昂·S·肯尼迪 SurvivorLeon S28 charSelect portrait 米凱拉·里德 SurvivorMikaela S29 charSelect portrait 約拿·瓦斯克斯 SurvivorJonah S30 charSelect portrait 淺川陽一 SurvivorYoichi
章節 24 - 25 S31 charSelect portrait 海蒂·考爾 SurvivorHaddie S32 charSelect portrait 艾達·王 SurvivorAda S33 charSelect portrait 蕾貝卡·錢伯斯 SurvivorRebecca S34 charSelect portrait 維托里奧·托斯卡諾 SurvivorVittorio S35 charSelect portrait 塔莉塔·利拉 SurvivorThalita
章節 27 - 29 S36 charSelect portrait 雷納托·利拉 SurvivorRenato S37 charSelect portrait 加布里埃爾·索瑪 SurvivorGabriel S38 charSelect portrait 尼古拉斯·凱奇 SurvivorNicolas S39 charSelect portrait 艾倫·雷普莉 SurvivorEllen
杀手 IconHelpLoading killer
+ 章節 01 - 02
K01 charSelect portrait 陷阱杀手 IconHelpLoading trapper K02 charSelect portrait 幽灵杀手 IconHelpLoading wraith K03 charSelect portrait 电锯杀手 IconHelpLoading hillbilly K04 charSelect portrait 护士 IconHelpLoading nurse K05 charSelect portrait 迈克尔·迈尔斯 IconHelpLoading shape
章節 03 - 06 K06 charSelect portrait 妖巫 IconHelpLoading hag K07 charSelect portrait 医生 IconHelpLoading doctor K08 charSelect portrait 女猎手 IconHelpLoading huntress K09 charSelect portrait 食人魔 IconHelpLoading cannibal K10 charSelect portrait 梦魇 IconHelpLoading nightmare
章節 07 - 11 K11 charSelect portrait 门徒 IconHelpLoading pig K12 charSelect portrait 小丑 IconHelpLoading clown K13 charSelect portrait 怨灵 IconHelpLoading spirit K14 charSelect portrait 军团 IconHelpLoading legion K15 charSelect portrait 瘟疫 IconHelpLoading plague
章節 12 - 15 K16 charSelect portrait 鬼面 IconHelpLoading ghost K17 charSelect portrait 魔王 IconHelpLoading demogorgon K18 charSelect portrait 鬼武士 IconHelpLoading oni K19 charSelect portrait 死亡槍手 IconHelpLoading deathslinger K20 charSelect portrait 處刑者 IconHelpLoading wales
章節 16 - 21 K21 charSelect portrait 枯萎者 IconHelpLoading blight K22 charSelect portrait 連體嬰 IconHelpLoading twins K23 charSelect portrait 騙術師 IconHelpLoading trickster K24 charSelect portrait Nemesis IconHelpLoading nemesis K25 charSelect portrait 地獄修士 IconHelpLoading cenobite
章節 22 - 25 K26 charSelect portrait 藝術家 IconHelpLoading artist K27 charSelect portrait 貞子 IconHelpLoading onryo K28 charSelect portrait 影魔 IconHelpLoading dredge K29 charSelect portrait 操縱者 IconHelpLoading mastermind K30 charSelect portrait 惡騎士 IconHelpLoading knight
章節 27 - 29 K31 charSelect portrait 白骨商人 IconHelpLoading skullMerchant K32 charSelect portrait 奇點 IconHelpLoading singularity K33 charSelect portrait 異形 IconHelpLoading xenomorph
File:K25 Chatterer charSelect portrait.png 顫齒 File:S27 Chris charSelect portrait.png 克里斯·雷德菲爾 File:S26 Claire charSelect portrait.png 克蕾兒·雷德菲爾 File:S22 Cybil charSelect portrait.png 西碧兒·伯納特 File:S22 James charSelect portrait.png 詹姆士‧桑德蘭 File:S19 Jonathan charSelect portrait.png 喬納森·拜爾斯
File:S22 Lisa charSelect portrait.png 莉莎‧加蘭德 File:K07 Look-See charSelect portrait.png 驚魂一瞥 File:K08 Mordeo charSelect portrait.png 莫迪奧
File:K08 Baba Yaga charSelect portrait.png 芭芭雅嘎 File:K21 Ferryman charSelect portrait.png 冥界擺渡人 File:K01 Krampus charSelect portrait.png 克蘭普斯 File:K18 Minotaur charSelect portrait.png 彌諾陶洛斯
File:S22 Alessa charSelect portrait.png 阿萊莎·吉雷斯比 File:Birch Cosmetic Icon.png 樺木女巫
阿莱克斯 贝内迪克特·贝克 恶灵 IconHelp entity 觀察者 IconHelp archivesGeneral 威戈 (还有更多...)
Actor Sidney Prescott Smasher Teacher