Dead by Daylight Wiki
Quotes left 几天前,一个年轻女子的突然出现让我感到惊讶。她是这场我似乎无法从中醒来的噩梦中的又一位客人。她跑过来,经过了一个受伤的女孩,始终没有停下脚步。只是回头看了一眼,就走了。她脸上带着坚定的表情,好像有什么重要的事情要做。我不知道该怎么称呼这个这个新来的人,该叫她独狼吗? Quotes right
~ 未知日记(疑似来自贝内迪克特·贝克
FM charSelect portrait
Bianca Lavric

凤敏黎明杀机 IconHelp DBDlogo

她是DLC 疯狂的火花中的角色。

概述[ | ]

凤敏 是一位专心致志的竞争对手,能够专注于目标并快速切换焦点。

她的可传授技能技术员 IconPerks technician轻盈敏捷 IconPerks lithe以及警戒 IconPerks alert帮助她修理发电机并找到杀手的位置。



背景故事[ | ]

FM charPreview


在父母的管制下凤敏难以喘息,她离开了家并把时间全花在了网吧和游戏聚会上,在那里她是无拘无束的。她花费了大量时间在游戏、直播上,通过竞赛站上了顶级玩家的位置。终于在游戏世界里为自己赢得了一席之地,“Shining Lion”是她的昵称。她被邀请加入了一家著名的电子竞技战队,她终于摆脱了父母和外界对游戏的误解与偏见。


可传授技能[ | ]

以下技能起初只会出现在凤敏的血网 IconHelp bloodweb中。在血网 IconHelp bloodweb解锁可传授版之后才会出现在其他逃生者角色的血网 IconHelp bloodweb中:

  • 技术员 —— 30级解锁
  • 轻盈敏捷 —— 35级解锁
  • 警戒 —— 40级解锁
图标 名称 描述
IconPerks technician

維修技能檢驗 IconHelp skillChecks失敗後,有機率出現以下效果:

  • 阻止發電機爆炸。
  • 發電機正常倒退進度。
  • 額外倒退5/4/3 %進度。


IconPerks lithe


会触发疲劳状态 IconStatusEffects exhausted并持续60/50/40 秒。

“怎么,有挫败感了吗?” — 凤敏

IconPerks alert

在殺手進行破壞動作時,他會向你暴露氣場 IconHelp auras3/4/5 秒
“我擁有真視。” —— 鳳敏

成就[ | ]



图标 名称 描述
File:Ach AdeptMin.jpg 专业凤敏 扮演凤敏,在只使用他的3个可传授技能的情况下成功逃脱。

服裝[ | ]

玩家們可以從套裝中挑選部件來自訂他們的角色。 血衣會在鳳敏每次到達50等並轉生後獲得1個,共3個。


預設[ | ]

圖示 名稱 部位 稀有度 描述
FM Head01 鳳敏 CategoryIcon head 常見 A highly focused and competitive young woman. She's in it to win it.
FM Torso01 Lazer Bears Tournament Polo CategoryIcon torso 常見 Lazer Bears' official polo shirt for the 2016 e-sports tournament.
FM Legs01 Lazer Shorts CategoryIcon legs 常見 Short shorts showing off the flashy Lazer Bears' colors.

血衣[ | ]

圖示 名稱 部位 稀有度 描述 附註
FM Head01 P01 血腥鳳敏 CategoryIcon head 稀少 A highly focused and competitive young woman... covered in blood. 第三次轉生獎勵
FM Torso01 P01 血腥激光熊 CategoryIcon torso 稀少 Nothing like a blood smeared polo shirt to intimidate the competition. 第一次轉生獎勵
FM Legs01 P01 血腥激光短褲 CategoryIcon legs 稀少 Short shorts with the flashy Lazer Bears' colors under a thick layer of blood. 第二次轉生獎勵

特殊[ | ]

圖示 名稱 部位 稀有度 描述 活動
FM Torso01 CNEvent03 Phoenix Rises Polo CategoryIcon torso 活動 A gold-trimmed polo with a phoenix motif.

"Happy Lunar New Year 2018!" -The Dead by Daylight Team

FM Torso01 CNEvent02 人皇戰袍 CategoryIcon torso 超級罕見 Special edition Lazer Bears' polo shirt celebrating their victory in the 2016 tournament. 原為2017上海WePlay遊戲文化展活動序號兌換,後於2019年12月3號更新時贈送給全玩家。
FM Legs01 CNEvent02 人皇短褲 CategoryIcon legs 超級罕見 Special Edition short shorts celebrating the Lazer Bears' victory in the 2016 tournament. 原為2017上海WePlay遊戲文化展活動序號兌換,後於2019年12月3號更新時贈送給全玩家。

DLC[ | ]

圖示 名稱 部位 稀有度 描述 DLC
FM Head02 輕鬆丸子頭 CategoryIcon head 常見 A relaxed hairdo when spending time away from the cameras. 章節4:瘋狂的火花
FM Torso02 休假無袖外套 CategoryIcon torso 常見 A comfy and soft wool wrap that keeps you warm and cozy on rainy afternoons. 章節4:瘋狂的火花
FM Legs02 柔軟運動褲 CategoryIcon legs 常見 常見 track pants complimented by flashy silver sneakers. 章節4:瘋狂的火花

IconHelp archivesGeneral文檔庫[ | ]

圖示 名稱 部位 稀有度 描述 套裝 系列 古書 裂縫等級
FM Head010 Conquering Herione CategoryIcon head 罕見 Straight, no-nonsense hair, with the symbol of Feng's defeated rivals acting as a war trophy upon her head. Demon Slayer Community 2 70
FM Torso010 Mad World CategoryIcon torso 罕見 Loud and eye-catching, the Shining Lion's jacket worked well with the charmingly demonic backpack slung upon her. Demon Slayer Community 2 47
FM Legs010 Fortune Crop Pants CategoryIcon legs 罕見 A traditional style mixed with urban fashion-a look that favors the bold! Demon Slayer Community 2 15
FM Legs002 03 Last Quarter Skirt CategoryIcon legs 罕見 Pleated Skirt and knee high socks to take you back to your high school days. 2 54
圖示 名稱 部位 稀有度 描述 系列 古書 裂縫等級
FM outfit 010 Demon Slayer CategoryIcon outfits 罕見 Feng dressed the part of slayer as she celebrated her Lazer Bears' victory over the reigning champion, Shock Demons.

Design inspired by Agus Alvi.

Community 2 15,47,70

IconHelp store商店[ | ]

CategoryIcon outfits套裝[ | ]
圖示 名稱 稀有度 描述 內容物 系列 價格
Feng outfit 013 Shining Lion Common A breathable, athletic attire for your nightly e-sports training sessions. Tournament Polo (Teal/Magenta)

Tournament Shorts (Black/Magenta)

Feng Essentials AuricCells Icon 90

Icon iridescentShards 1800

Feng outfit 012 Shining Lion Common A breathable, athletic attire for your nightly e-sports training sessions. Tournament Polo (Red/Teal)

Tournament Shorts (Black/Teal)

Feng Essentials AuricCells Icon 90

Icon iridescentShards 1800

Feng outfit 014 Shining Lion Common A breathable, athletic attire for your nightly e-sports training sessions. Tournament Polo (Purple/Black)

Tournament Shorts (Dark Purple/Black)

Feng Essentials AuricCells Icon 90

Icon iridescentShards 1800

Feng outfit 010 Shining Lion Common A breathable, athletic attire for your nightly e-sports training sessions. Tournament Polo (Lime Green)

Tournament Shorts (Black/Yellow)

Feng Essentials AuricCells Icon 90

Icon iridescentShards 1800

Feng outfit 011 Shining Lion Common A breathable, athletic attire for your nightly e-sports training sessions. Tournament Polo (Brown)

Tournament Shorts (Black/Orange)

Feng Essentials AuricCells Icon 90

Icon iridescentShards 1800

Feng outfit 009 Enter the Matrix Uncommon Captain's Log: Acquired an awesome outfit. The plan for world domination is falling into place...

There is no spoon.

Trinity Bang + Pony

Hexagon Sci-Fi Coat

Cypher Skinny Jeans

Sci-Fi Fan AuricCells Icon 270

Icon iridescentShards 5400

Feng outfit 008 Outer Orbit Uncommon Captain's Log: Acquired an awesome outfit. The plan for world domination is falling into place... Engineer Bang + Pony

First Mate Sci-Fi Coat

Space Explorer Skinny Jeans

Sci-Fi Fan AuricCells Icon 270

Icon iridescentShards 5400

Feng outfit 007 Extraterrestrial Uncommon Captain's Log: Acquired an awesome outfit. The plan for world domination is falling into place... Supernova Bang + Pony

Alien Sci-Fi Coat

Invader Skinny Jeans

Sci-Fi Fan AuricCells Icon 324
Feng outfit 005 Good Game, Easy Rare Show off your love for geek culture in style. The geek takeover has begun! #gg #ez Toxic Brown

Toxic GG Top & Jacket

Raw Denim Shorts & Boots

Geek Chic AuricCells Icon 675

Icon iridescentShards 13500

Feng outfit 006 Coffee Luva Rare Show off your love for geek culture in style. The geek takeover has begun!

But first, coffee!

Long Black

Caffeine Geek Top & Jacket

Washed Denim Shorts & Boots

Geek Chic AuricCells Icon 675

Icon iridescentShards 13500

Feng outfit 004 Electric Dreams Rare Show off your love for geek culture in style. The geek takeover has begun! Electro Highlights

Electric Bouquet Top & Jacket

Paradise Shorts & Boots

Geek Chic AuricCells Icon 810
FM outfit 011 無憂無慮 罕見 剛打完一場電競比賽,精疲力盡的他開始直播自己最喜歡的遊戲以放鬆身心。
  • 兔耳
  • 毛絨衛衣
  • 輪廓分明的打底褲
新春佳節 AuricCells Icon 1080
FM outfit 011 01 復活節彩蛋 罕見 剛打完一場電競比賽,精疲力盡的他開始直播自己最喜歡的遊戲以放鬆身心。
  • 兔耳
  • 柔軟衛衣
  • 舒適的打底褲
春天靈魂 AuricCells Icon 1080

Icon iridescentShards 21600

FM outfit 008 Rare Loot Collector Very Rare Aggro the mobs with an outfit that's sure to be noticed. Fantasy Ribbon

Ruffled Top

Stripes and Spots

Lan Party AuricCells Icon 1080
Feng outfit 001 Amphibian Very Rare A throw-back to the slamming fashion of the 80s. Turn back time and blow everyone away with these retro styles! Tree Frog Ponytails

Skink Tie-Front Top

Axolotl Kitty Skirt

I Heart the 80s AuricCells Icon 1080

Icon iridescentShards 21600

Feng outfit 003 Campus Punk Very Rare A throw-back to the slamming fashion of the 80s. Turn back time and blow everyone away with these retro styles! Prerequisite Purple Ponytails

Freshman Tie-Front Top

Applied Science Skirt

I Heart the 80s AuricCells Icon 1080

Icon iridescentShards 21600

Feng outfit 002 Tokyo Subway Very Rare A throw-back to the slamming fashion of the 80s. Turn back time and blow everyone away with these retro styles!

From Akihabara to Harajuko, keep some surgical masks handy.

Masuku Bijin

Light Denim Tie-Front Top

Cherry Blossom Skirt

I Heart the 80s AuricCells Icon 1080
FM outfit 009 The Main Event Very Rare The Nubula Arc Championship have arrived. Plug in, boot up, and show them what you can do. Cyber Gamer

Laser Bear Jersey

Laser Bear Pants

Familiar Foes AuricCells Icon 1080

Icon iridescentShards 21600

Feng outfit 007 01 Spring Festival Event Feng partakes in the festive parade that courses down narrow streets and lights up the sky. Red Peony

Open-Back Top

High Slit Qípáo Skirt

Moonrise AuricCells Icon 1080
CategoryIcon head頭部[ | ]
圖示 名稱 稀有度 描述 套裝 系列 價格
FM Head001 01 Trinity Bang + Pony Uncommon An elegant fringe-cut with ponytail. Perfect for creeping and peeping! Enter the Matrix Sci-Fi Fan AuricCells Icon 100

Icon iridescentShards 1800

FM Head001 02 Engineer Bang + Pony Uncommon An elegant fringe-cut with ponytail. Perfect for creeping and peeping! Outer Orbit Sci-Fi Fan AuricCells Icon 100

Icon iridescentShards 1800

FM Head001 Supernova Bang + Pony Uncommon An elegant fringe-cut with ponytail. Perfect for creeping and peeping! Extraterrestrial Sci-Fi Fan AuricCells Icon 120
FM Head003 01 Toxic Brown Rare Shoulder length straight cut with bangs. Simple, but classic. Good Game, Easy Geek Chic AuricCells Icon 250

Icon iridescentShards 4500

FM Head003 Long Black Rare Shoulder length straight cut with bangs. Simple, but classic. Coffee Luva Geek Chic AuricCells Icon 250

Icon iridescentShards 4500

FM Head003 02 Electro Highlights Rare Shoulder length straight cut with bangs. Simple, but classic. Electric Dreams Geek Chic AuricCells Icon 300
FM Head011 兔耳 罕見 她為了讓自己的直播更加喜慶,就順應時節地戴上了可愛的兔子耳朵。 無憂無慮 新春佳節 AuricCells Icon 400
FM Head011 01 兔耳 罕見 她為了讓自己的直播更加喜慶,就順應時節地戴上了可愛的兔子耳朵。 復活節彩蛋 春天靈魂 AuricCells Icon 400

Icon iridescentShards 7200

FM Head008 Fantasy Ribbon Very Rare In some realms, it's said to prevent status effects. In this one, it just looks cute. Rare Loot Collector Lan Party AuricCells Icon 400
FM Head002 01 Tree Frog Ponytails Very Rare Colorful hair. Colorful makeup. Stand out from the crowd! Amphibian I Heart the 80s AuricCells Icon 400

Icon iridescentShards 7200

FM Head002 02 Prerequisite Purple Ponytails Very Rare Colorful hair. Colorful makeup. Stand out from the crowd! Campus Punk I Heart the 80s AuricCells Icon 400

Icon iridescentShards 7200

FM Head002 Masuku Bijin Very Rare Colorful hair. Colorful makeup. Stand out from the crowd!

Trapper-branded surgical mask. TM.

Tokyo Subway I Heart the 80s AuricCells Icon 400
FM Head009 Cyber Gamer Very Rare Top of the line Ec.ko Shock headphones for premium gaming immersion, paired with anti-reflective 180-lens gaming glasses to reduce eyestrain. Standard issue hardware for members of the Laser Bears' Nebula Arc squad. The Main Event Familiar Foes AuricCells Icon 400

Icon iridescentShards 7200

FM Head007 Red Peony Event A side bun decorated with a red peony to attract good fortune. Spring Festival 新月 AuricCells Icon 400
CategoryIcon torso上身[ | ]
圖示 名稱 稀有度 描述 套裝 系列 價格
FM Torso01 CV04 Tournament Polo (Teal/Magenta) Common An unofficial, bootleg Lazer Bears tournament polo shirt. Shining Lion Feng Essentials AuricCells Icon 50

Icon iridescentShards 900

FM Torso01 CV03 Tournament Polo (Red/Teal) Common An unofficial, bootleg Lazer Bears tournament polo shirt. Shining Lion Feng Essentials AuricCells Icon 50

Icon iridescentShards 900

FM Torso01 CV08 Tournament Polo (Purple/Black) Common An unofficial, bootleg Lazer Bears tournament polo shirt. Shining Lion Feng Essentials AuricCells Icon 50

Icon iridescentShards 900

FM Torso01 CV01 Tournament Polo (Lime Green) Common An unofficial, bootleg Lazer Bears tournament polo shirt. Shining Lion Feng Essentials AuricCells Icon 50

Icon iridescentShards 900

FM Torso01 CV02 Tournament Polo (Brown) Common An unofficial, bootleg Lazer Bears tournament polo shirt. Shining Lion Feng Essentials AuricCells Icon 50

Icon iridescentShards 900

FM Torso001 01 Hexagon Sci-Fi Coat Uncommon The sci-fi coat is warm and loose-fitting. Super stylish and cutting edge. Perfect for gaming events and cosplay. Enter the Matrix Sci-Fi Fan AuricCells Icon 100

Icon iridescentShards 1800

FM Torso001 02 First Mate Sci-Fi Coat Uncommon The sci-fi coat is warm and loose-fitting. Super stylish and cutting edge. Perfect for gaming events and cosplay. Outer Orbit Sci-Fi Fan AuricCells Icon 100

Icon iridescentShards 1800

FM Torso001 Alien Sci-Fi Coat Uncommon The sci-fi coat is warm and loose-fitting. Super stylish and cutting edge. Perfect for gaming events and cosplay.

Game over, man! Game over!

Extraterrestrial Sci-Fi Fan AuricCells Icon 120
FM Torso003 01 Toxic GG Top & Jacket Rare Casual top and jacket combo, perfect for stalking the streets or chilling out in internet cafes.

Good game, nerd!

Good Game, Easy Geek Chic AuricCells Icon 250

Icon iridescentShards 4500

FM Torso003 Caffeine Geek Top & Jacket Rare Casual top and jacket combo, perfect for stalking the streets or chilling out in internet cafes.

Let's Coffee!

Coffee Luva Geek Chic AuricCells Icon 250

Icon iridescentShards 4500

FM Torso003 02 Electric Bouquet Top & Jacket Rare Casual top and jacket combo, perfect for stalking the streets or chilling out in internet cafes. Electric Dreams Geek Chic AuricCells Icon 300
FM Torso006 Gamer Cred Rare Just because it's the Holidays, that's no excuse to neglect gaming. There are people to beat and XP to gain! No Outfit Ugly Sweaters AuricCells Icon 250

Icon iridescentShards 4500

FM Torso011 毛絨衛衣 罕見 那件衛衣穿在身上無比舒適。最適合用在寒冷的初春保暖。 無憂無慮 新春佳節 AuricCells Icon 400
FM Torso011 01 柔軟衛衣 罕見 那件衛衣穿在身上無比舒適。最適合用在寒冷的初春保暖。 復活節彩蛋 春天靈魂 AuricCells Icon 400

Icon iridescentShards 7200

FM Torso008 Ruffled Top Very Rare The ruffled front is matched with a lace-up back and high waist, tied with a bow. Rare Loot Collector Lan Party AuricCells Icon 400
FM Torso002 01 Skink Tie-Front Top Very Rare This light, tie-front vest and t-shirt combination comes with exactly the required amount of flair. Amphibian I Heart the 80s AuricCells Icon 400

Icon iridescentShards 7200

FM Torso002 02 Freshman Tie-Front Top Very Rare This light, tie-front vest and t-shirt combination comes with exactly the required amount of flair. Campus Punk I Heart the 80s AuricCells Icon 400

Icon iridescentShards 7200

FM Torso002 Light Denim Tie-Front Top Very Rare This light, tie-front vest and t-shirt combination comes with exactly the required amount of flair. Tokyo Subway I Heart the 80s AuricCells Icon 400
FM Torso009 Laser Bear Jersey Very Rare A special Laser Bear uniform worn exclusively during the 2012 Nebula Arc Championships. A fine piece of gaming history. The Main Event Familiar Foes AuricCells Icon 400

Icon iridescentShards 7200

FM Torso007 Open-Back Top Event Squeeze into this elegant, traditional silk top for a night of fireworks. Spring Festival Moonrise AuricCells Icon 400
CategoryIcon legs下身[ | ]
圖示 名稱 稀有度 描述 套裝 系列 價格
FM Legs01 CV04 Tournament Shorts (Black/Magenta) Common Short shorts for work or play. Shining Lion Feng Essentials AuricCells Icon 50

Icon iridescentShards 900

FM Legs01 CV03 Tournament Shorts (Black/Teal) Common Short shorts for work or play. Shining Lion Feng Essentials AuricCells Icon 50

Icon iridescentShards 900

FM Legs01 CV08 Tournament Shorts (Purple/Black) Common Short shorts for work or play. Shining Lion Feng Essentials AuricCells Icon 50

Icon iridescentShards 900

FM Legs01 CV01 Tournament Shorts (Black/Yellow) Common Short shorts for work or play. Shining Lion Feng Essentials AuricCells Icon 50

Icon iridescentShards 900

FM Legs01 CV02 Tournament Shorts (Black/Orange) Common Short shorts for work or play. Shining Lion Feng Essentials AuricCells Icon 50

Icon iridescentShards 900

FM Legs001 01 Cypher Skinny Jeans Uncommon Sleek and stylish skinny jeans. A great accompaniment to most outfits. Enter the Matrix Sci-Fi Fan AuricCells Icon 100

Icon iridescentShards 1800

FM Legs001 02 Space Explorer Skinny Jeans Uncommon Sleek and stylish skinny jeans. A great accompaniment to most outfits. Outer Orbit Sci-Fi Fan AuricCells Icon 100

Icon iridescentShards 1800

FM Legs001 Invader Skinny Jeans Uncommon Sleek and stylish skinny jeans. A great accompaniment to most outfits. Extraterrestrial Sci-Fi Fan AuricCells Icon 120
FM Legs003 01 Raw Denim Shorts & Boots Rare Chic short shorts and leather work boots, great for kicking ass and taking names!

MLG plays.

Good Game, Easy Geek Chic AuricCells Icon 250

Icon iridescentShards 4500

FM Legs003 Washed Denim Shorts & Boots Rare Chic short shorts and leather work boots, great for kicking ass and taking names!

Let's Coffee!

Coffee Luva Geek Chic AuricCells Icon 250

Icon iridescentShards 4500

FM Legs003 02 Paradise Shorts & Boots Rare Chic short shorts and leather work boots, great for kicking ass and taking names!

Also perfect for tropical beaches.

Electric Dreams Geek Chic AuricCells Icon 300
FM Legs011 輪廓分明的打底褲 罕見 好幾個小時不用穿外褲給人一種放飛自我感覺。在加工作最棒的一點就是能穿打底褲! 無憂無慮 新春佳節 AuricCells Icon 400
FM Legs011 01 舒適的打底褲 罕見 好幾個小時不用穿外褲給人一種放飛自我感覺。在加工作最棒的一點就是能穿打底褲! 復活節彩蛋 春天靈魂 AuricCells Icon 400

Icon iridescentShards 7200

FM Legs008 Stripes and Spots Very Rare Pair a short skirt, pleated and striped, with polka dot pantyhose. Rare Loot Collector Lan Party AuricCells Icon 400
FM Legs002 01 Axolotl Kitty Skirt Very Rare Pleated Skirt and knee high socks to take you back to your high school days. Amphibian I Heart the 80s AuricCells Icon 400

Icon iridescentShards 7200

FM Legs002 02 Applied Science Skirt Very Rare Pleated Skirt and knee high socks to take you back to your high school days. Campus Punk I Heart the 80s AuricCells Icon 400

Icon iridescentShards 7200

FM Legs002 Cherry Blossom Skirt Very Rare Pleated Skirt and knee high socks to take you back to your high school days. Tokyo Subway I Heart the 80s AuricCells Icon 400
FM Legs009 Laser Bear Pants Very Rare With the classic Laser Bear logo sprawled on the leg, there's no question which team you're representing. The Main Event Familiar Foes AuricCells Icon 400

Icon iridescentShards 7200

FM Legs007 High Slit Qípáo Skirt Event A red, figure-hugging skirt with a thigh-high slit. Comes with a pair of low-heeled, suede ballet flats featuring an ankle strap and lace-up design. Spring Festival Moonrise AuricCells Icon 400

DLC[ | ]



可购买的DLC[ | ]

  • 疯狂的火花

不可购买的DLC[ | ]

  • 人皇战袍

杂项[ | ]

  • 凤敏的电竞战队名为“镭射熊”。

相册[ | ]


逃生者 IconHelpLoading survivor
+ 章節 01
S01 charSelect portrait 德怀特·费菲尔德 SurvivorDwight S02 charSelect portrait 梅格·托马斯 SurvivorMeg S03 charSelect portrait 克劳黛特·莫莱 SurvivorClaudette S04 charSelect portrait 朴·杰克 SurvivorJake S05 charSelect portrait 妮娅·卡尔森 SurvivorNea
章節 02 - 05 S06 charSelect portrait 劳丽·斯特罗德 SurvivorLaurie S07 charSelect portrait 埃斯·维斯孔蒂 SurvivorAce S08 charSelect portrait 威廉·比尔·奥弗贝克 SurvivorBill S09 charSelect portrait 凤敏 SurvivorFeng S10 charSelect portrait 大卫·金 SurvivorDavid
章節 06 - 10 S11 charSelect portrait 昆汀·史密斯 SurvivorQuentin S12 charSelect portrait 大卫·泰普 SurvivorTapp S13 charSelect portrait 凯特·登森 SurvivorKate S14 charSelect portrait 亚当·弗朗西斯 SurvivorAdam S15 charSelect portrait 杰夫·约翰森 SurvivorJeff
章節 11 - 14 S16 charSelect portrait 簡·羅梅羅 SurvivorJane S17 charSelect portrait 阿什利·威廉姆斯 SurvivorAsh S18 charSelect portrait 南茜·惠勒 SurvivorNancy S19 charSelect portrait 史蒂夫·哈林頓 SurvivorSteve S20 charSelect portrait 木村唯 SurvivorYui
章節 15 - 19 S21 charSelect portrait 薩麗娜·卡希爾 SurvivorZarina S22 charSelect portrait 謝麗爾·梅森 SurvivorCheryl S23 charSelect portrait 菲利克斯·里奇特 SurvivorFelix S24 charSelect portrait 伊洛迪·拉科托 SurvivorElodie S25 charSelect portrait 李允珍 SurvivorYun-Jin
章節 20 - 23 S26 charSelect portrait 吉兒·瓦倫丁 SurvivorJill S27 charSelect portrait 里昂·S·肯尼迪 SurvivorLeon S28 charSelect portrait 米凱拉·里德 SurvivorMikaela S29 charSelect portrait 約拿·瓦斯克斯 SurvivorJonah S30 charSelect portrait 淺川陽一 SurvivorYoichi
章節 24 - 25 S31 charSelect portrait 海蒂·考爾 SurvivorHaddie S32 charSelect portrait 艾達·王 SurvivorAda S33 charSelect portrait 蕾貝卡·錢伯斯 SurvivorRebecca S34 charSelect portrait 維托里奧·托斯卡諾 SurvivorVittorio S35 charSelect portrait 塔莉塔·利拉 SurvivorThalita
章節 27 - 29 S36 charSelect portrait 雷納托·利拉 SurvivorRenato S37 charSelect portrait 加布里埃爾·索瑪 SurvivorGabriel S38 charSelect portrait 尼古拉斯·凱奇 SurvivorNicolas S39 charSelect portrait 艾倫·雷普莉 SurvivorEllen
杀手 IconHelpLoading killer
+ 章節 01 - 02
K01 charSelect portrait 陷阱杀手 IconHelpLoading trapper K02 charSelect portrait 幽灵杀手 IconHelpLoading wraith K03 charSelect portrait 电锯杀手 IconHelpLoading hillbilly K04 charSelect portrait 护士 IconHelpLoading nurse K05 charSelect portrait 迈克尔·迈尔斯 IconHelpLoading shape
章節 03 - 06 K06 charSelect portrait 妖巫 IconHelpLoading hag K07 charSelect portrait 医生 IconHelpLoading doctor K08 charSelect portrait 女猎手 IconHelpLoading huntress K09 charSelect portrait 食人魔 IconHelpLoading cannibal K10 charSelect portrait 梦魇 IconHelpLoading nightmare
章節 07 - 11 K11 charSelect portrait 门徒 IconHelpLoading pig K12 charSelect portrait 小丑 IconHelpLoading clown K13 charSelect portrait 怨灵 IconHelpLoading spirit K14 charSelect portrait 军团 IconHelpLoading legion K15 charSelect portrait 瘟疫 IconHelpLoading plague
章節 12 - 15 K16 charSelect portrait 鬼面 IconHelpLoading ghost K17 charSelect portrait 魔王 IconHelpLoading demogorgon K18 charSelect portrait 鬼武士 IconHelpLoading oni K19 charSelect portrait 死亡槍手 IconHelpLoading deathslinger K20 charSelect portrait 處刑者 IconHelpLoading wales
章節 16 - 21 K21 charSelect portrait 枯萎者 IconHelpLoading blight K22 charSelect portrait 連體嬰 IconHelpLoading twins K23 charSelect portrait 騙術師 IconHelpLoading trickster K24 charSelect portrait Nemesis IconHelpLoading nemesis K25 charSelect portrait 地獄修士 IconHelpLoading cenobite
章節 22 - 25 K26 charSelect portrait 藝術家 IconHelpLoading artist K27 charSelect portrait 貞子 IconHelpLoading onryo K28 charSelect portrait 影魔 IconHelpLoading dredge K29 charSelect portrait 操縱者 IconHelpLoading mastermind K30 charSelect portrait 惡騎士 IconHelpLoading knight
章節 27 - 29 K31 charSelect portrait 白骨商人 IconHelpLoading skullMerchant K32 charSelect portrait 奇點 IconHelpLoading singularity K33 charSelect portrait 異形 IconHelpLoading xenomorph
File:K25 Chatterer charSelect portrait.png 顫齒 File:S27 Chris charSelect portrait.png 克里斯·雷德菲爾 File:S26 Claire charSelect portrait.png 克蕾兒·雷德菲爾 File:S22 Cybil charSelect portrait.png 西碧兒·伯納特 File:S22 James charSelect portrait.png 詹姆士‧桑德蘭 File:S19 Jonathan charSelect portrait.png 喬納森·拜爾斯
File:S22 Lisa charSelect portrait.png 莉莎‧加蘭德 File:K07 Look-See charSelect portrait.png 驚魂一瞥 File:K08 Mordeo charSelect portrait.png 莫迪奧
File:K08 Baba Yaga charSelect portrait.png 芭芭雅嘎 File:K21 Ferryman charSelect portrait.png 冥界擺渡人 File:K01 Krampus charSelect portrait.png 克蘭普斯 File:K18 Minotaur charSelect portrait.png 彌諾陶洛斯
File:S22 Alessa charSelect portrait.png 阿萊莎·吉雷斯比 File:Birch Cosmetic Icon.png 樺木女巫
阿莱克斯 贝内迪克特·贝克 恶灵 IconHelp entity 觀察者 IconHelp archivesGeneral 威戈 (还有更多...)
Actor Sidney Prescott Smasher Teacher