Dead by Daylight Wiki
K14 charSelect portrait
115% | 4.6米/秒
130% | 5.2米/秒 (野性狂暴)
32米 / 40米(野性狂暴)
朱莉/苏西: Emilie Deschamps (BHVR)
弗兰克/乔伊: Nicolas Brassard (BHVR)

军团,本名分别为 弗兰克朱莉苏西乔伊,是 黎明杀机 IconHelp DBDlogo中的 37杀手 IconHelpLoading killer之一。

他们是 章节10:黑暗渗透 中所推出的一名杀手,此 DLC 发布于 2018年 12月 11日。


StoreBackground KK
Quotes left The Legion are a close-knit group of murderous Killers, linked by the desire to dole out pain in equal measure. Keep the injuries coming with Feral Frenzy, a high-intensity sprint that can set off a devastating chain reaction. Survivors will be constantly tending to their wounds, leaving them vulnerable to be picked off one by one. Quotes right


他们的专属技能包括 配合失谐 Unknown QuestionMark疯狂勇气 IconPerks madGrit铁处女 IconPerks ironMaiden使他们能夠定位猎物的位置,发起野蛮攻击,同时将逃生者挂上挂钩。

难度: 简单


Legion New Portrait

法蘭克 · 莫里森是個十九歲的青年,儘管他看起來一點都不像這個年紀的人。自從因爲將裁判推至看臺而被踢出籃球隊後,他便就此不再上學。然而法蘭克是一個很有潛力的人,儘管童年過得淒涼,他仍然奮發向上。六歲的時候,他被人從卡爾加里帶走,從此開始了寄養家庭的生活。無論他如何花錢如流水、大發脾氣、打架鬥毆,他們仍然將他帶到新的家庭。

最近一次是三年前,最後一位養父克里夫 · 安德魯從收養所將其帶走。他們路上走了 7 個小時才到了奧蒙德的一間小平房。這是他們一起度過的最長時光。克里夫的工作是以家庭式服務的支票去酒吧換取酒水。

奧蒙德是一個很小的陳舊之地,一個僅有 600 居民的偏遠小鎮,一年中大部分時間都是灰蒙蒙的冬天。爲了換收養家庭,法蘭克想盡了一切辦法,直到當他注意到一位美麗的女孩後,方纔改變了主意。朱莉是一個很受歡迎的女孩,她相信她值得擁有比在奧蒙德生活更好的東西,而法蘭克作爲外來者,是她通往外面世界的途徑。法蘭克參加了她舉辦的聚會,來到聚會上的每個人都比他年輕,很容易對他產生印象,他很喜歡這點。在此,他遇到了衝動且喜歡炫耀的喬伊和靦腆單純的蘇西--朱莉最好的朋友。







军团3 个专属的 技能 IconHelp perks


(技能描述未加入Template:Perk desc


搬运逃生者时,未命中敌人不会有冷却限制。命中其它逃生者则会使当前搬运的逃生者的挣扎即使器暂停2/3/4 秒。

"There's no getting out of this now. We're too good at it." — The Legion


你的開櫃子 IconHelp lockers速度增加(参数未加入 Template:Pl)。
逃生者每次從櫃子中出來時進入暴露 IconStatusEffects exposed狀態30秒,並且暴露自己的位置4秒
“這裡不是懦夫待的地方。” ——軍團


转生军团会自动将他们的可分享技能 等级 I 添加到所有杀手的技能库中,並解锁其他杀手可在 血网 IconHelp bloodweb升级的能力。

再转生两次军团将会自动把 等级 II等级 III 添加到所有杀手的技能库里。


KK W01



力量: 野性狂暴[]

Quotes left 他們曾是一群朋友,直到弗蘭克把他們變成軍團。現在。他們從惡不作、我行我素的自由中汲取力量。 Quotes right
FulliconPowers feralFrenzy


觸發野性狂暴以高速奔跑並在多名逃生者之間進行連鎖攻擊。當力量槽全滿時,按力量鍵 發動野性狂暴野性狂暴生效期間,軍團移動速度加快且獲得額外能力:翻越木板野性斬擊

野性狂暴生效期間按互動鍵 可在掉落的木板 IconHelp pullDown處發動翻越木板

野性狂暴生效期間按攻擊鍵 可發動野性斬擊。用野性斬擊命中逃生者可使其陷入受傷狀態並施加深度傷口狀態 IconStatusEffects deepWound效果。軍團的力量槽恢復全滿,且殺手本能會顯示出恐懼範圍 IconHelp terrorRadius內的所有無深度傷口狀態 IconStatusEffects deepWound效果的逃生者。若逃生者已有深度傷口狀態效果,則野性狂暴不產生任何效果並立刻結束。




筆記: 各種混音帶之間的組合可以在各自的附加頁面上找到。
此外,軍團的每個成員都會在他們的恐怖半徑/追逐音樂中自動使用與其個人混音帶關聯的層 像他們一樣玩的時候。

混音帶附加品通過在最近或在追逐中解鎖額外的層來改軍團恐懼範圍 IconHelp terrorRadius

朱莉的混音帶 (獨奏)
FulliconAddon juliesMixTape
蘇西的混音帶 (獨奏)
FulliconAddon susiesMixTape
喬伊的混音帶 (獨奏)
FulliconAddon joeysMixTape
法蘭克的混音帶 (獨奏)
FulliconAddon franksMixTape
冒煙的混音帶 (獨奏)
FulliconAddon fumingMixTape
FulliconAddon juliesMixTape
FulliconAddon susiesMixTape
FulliconAddon joeysMixTape
FulliconAddon franksMixTape
FulliconAddon fumingMixTape



与军团相关的成就有 2 个:

图标 名称 描述
Ach adeptLegion 军团专家 在一场公共比赛中,扮演 军团 IconHelpLoading legion且仅使用其 3 项专属技能,并完成一次无情胜利。
Ach derangedPursuit 疯狂追击 在公共比赛中,扮演 军团 IconHelpLoading legion,并击倒受到 深度伤口 IconStatusEffects deepWound状态影响的 25 名不同逃生者。


玩家们可以从套装中挑选部件来自定他们的角色。血衣会在军团每次转生达到 4、5、6 转后获得 1 个,共 3 个。



图标 部位 名称 稀有度 描述
KK Head01 CategoryIcon masks 军团(弗兰克) 普通 一幅咧嘴而笑的面具,吓得你夺路而逃。
KK Head02 CategoryIcon masks 军团(朱莉) 普通 一幅满脸嘲笑的面具,吓得你夺路而逃。
KK Body01 CategoryIcon body 兜帽皮夹克(弗兰克) 普通 在商店偷窃的两个人待在一起。一件柔软的人造皮革夹克,穿上它可以横行邻里。
KK Body02 CategoryIcon body 兜帽皮夹克(朱莉) 普通 在商店偷窃的两个人待在一起。一件柔软的人造皮革夹克,穿上它可以横行邻里。
KK W01 CategoryIcon weapons 猎刀 普通 刀刃锋利,带有锯齿,其握把纹路清晰。


图标 部位 名称 稀有度 描述 额外笔记
KK Mask01 P01 CategoryIcon masks 染血军团(弗兰克) 稀有 一幅咧嘴而笑的面具,吓得你夺路而逃。你不断流血的伤口会让它表现得更明显。 转生等级 VI 奖励
KK Mask02 P01 CategoryIcon masks 染血军团(朱莉) 稀有 一幅满脸嘲笑的面具,吓得你夺路而逃。你不断流血的伤口会让它表现得更明显。 转生等级 VI 奖励
KK Body01 P01 CategoryIcon body 恐怖皮夹克(弗兰克) 稀有 在商店偷窃的两个人待在一起。一件柔软的人造皮革夹克,穿上它……用受害者的五脏六腑恐吓邻里。 转生等级 V 奖励
KK Body02 P01 CategoryIcon body 恐怖皮夹克(朱莉) 稀有 在商店偷窃的两个人待在一起。一件柔软的人造皮革夹克,穿上它……用受害者的五脏六腑恐吓邻里。 转生等级 V 奖励
KK W01 P01 CategoryIcon weapons 湿猎刀 稀有 刀刃锋利,带有锯齿,其握把还残留着温暖的骨髓。 转生等级 IV 奖励


转生等级 VII 奖励 转生等级 VIII 奖励 转生等级 IX 奖励
K14 PCharm001 K14 PCharm002 K14 PCharm003


图标 部位 名称 稀有度 描述 活动
KK W024 CategoryIcon weapons Luminescent Carver 文物 This knife isn’t just cool. It’s lit. Amazon Prime Gaming November 2022 reward


图标 部位 名称 稀有度 描述 活动
KK Head01 WinterEvent2018 CategoryIcon masks 霜冻之眼 精良 令人毛骨悚然的冷血目光。

“2018-2019年度冬日快乐!” —— 《黎明杀机》 团队
冬至 2018
Crown 4A CategoryIcon masks 恶灵头冠(弗兰克) 活动 散发着喜气与不不祥气息的头冠,由恶灵的头号粉丝制作。 四周年
Crown 4A CategoryIcon masks 恶灵头冠(朱莉) 活动 散发着喜气与不不祥气息的头冠,由恶灵的头号粉丝制作。 四周年
Crown 5A CategoryIcon masks 5 周年头冠(弗兰克) 活动 为非常特别的周年活动制作的头冠。

“谢谢你多年来对我们的支持和鼓励!” —— 《黎明杀机》 团队
Crown 5A CategoryIcon masks 5 周年头冠(朱莉) 活动 为非常特别的周年活动制作的头冠。

“谢谢你多年来对我们的支持和鼓励!” —— 《黎明杀机》 团队
KK Mask026 CategoryIcon masks 军团面具 活动 每个人自己在假面舞会上佩戴的面具。 扭曲假面舞会 2023
KK W030 CategoryIcon weapons 糖浆匕首 活动 沾有糖浆的匕首,带来甜蜜刺痛感。 黎明鬼祟 2023

IconHelp archivesGeneral 藏书库[]

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 古书 花费
KK Body01 02 CategoryIcon body Fairview Varsity Jacket (Graffiti) 精良 古书第 2 册 - 推想 100
IconHelp auricCells
Punching a basketball referee and flunking classes weren’t enough for Frank to get out of Ormond. 1,800
IconHelp iridescentShards

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 古书 花费
KK W02 02 CategoryIcon weapons 靴刀 精良 古书第 4 册 - 信念 100
IconHelp auricCells
带特制手柄的小刀,由军团的每个成员共享。 1,800
IconHelp iridescentShards

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 古书 费用
KK outfit 015 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
森林派对(朱莉) 稀有 恶化 古书第 3 册 - 恶化 750
IconHelp auricCells
粗犷而自信的衣服,适合休闲场合或是施暴时穿着。 13,500
IconHelp iridescentShards
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KK Head015 CategoryIcon masks 空洞凝视 柔和的表情,其缺乏情绪的方面令人感到不安。
KK Body015 CategoryIcon body Checkered Past Comfortable flannel and denim, beaten and torn during adrenaline-fueled moments.
KK W015 CategoryIcon weapons Sawtooth Blade Robbed from a hardware store, the keyhole saw has a pointed tip for stabbing and a toothed blade for slicing off souvenirs.

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 古书 费用
KK outfit 01 03 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
狂暴海狗(弗兰克) 稀有 险恶水域 古书第 6 册 - 分歧 750
IconHelp auricCells
It was only a rickety boat on an Albertan lake that he stole, but he did so with a flair for the dramatic. 13,500
IconHelp iridescentShards
↑ 展开查看以上套装的内容 ↑
KK Mask01 03 CategoryIcon masks Jolly Roger The mask is a clear indicator that no quarter will be given.
KK Body01 03 CategoryIcon body Privateer's Bounty The uniform of a man who would sail the seven seas just for a sip of blood.
KK W01 03 CategoryIcon weapons 波峰潜水刀 一把专为潜水员制造的优质利刃,可切割钓鱼线,绳索和任何碍事者的骨头。

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 古书 费用
KK outfit 01 04 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
周六杀手(朱莉) 稀有 大二焦虑症 古书第 8 册 - 拯救 750
IconHelp auricCells
周末是用来放纵和狂欢的。 13,500
IconHelp iridescentShards
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KK Mask01 04 CategoryIcon masks 骗人面具 它可能看起来很好玩,但如果有人上当,就会被捅在刀口上。
KK Body015 01 CategoryIcon body 乡村牛仔衬衫 舒适的牛仔布,在争斗之中被损坏了。
KK W014 01 CategoryIcon weapons 金光小刀 她夺过一把镶有宝石的刀,跟着男人离开。她追着他走过小巷。为了给弗兰克留下好印象,她在男人的背后捅了两刀。他停下脚步,跌跌撞撞,而苏西抢走了他的钱包。她把他丢在冰冷的街道上,任他血流不止。

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 古书 费用
KK outfit 022 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
欢呼不再(苏西) 稀有 奥蒙德回忆 古书第 11 册 - 虔诚 750
IconHelp auricCells
Susie was bullied by a particularly vicious cheerleader at school. It didn’t end well for the cheerleader. 13,500
IconHelp iridescentShards
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KK Mask022 CategoryIcon masks 手工面具 作为一个艺术班的项目,这个面具曾经被闪光和亮片覆盖。
KK Body022 CategoryIcon body 破坏拉拉队服 苏西对费尔维尤没有爱,所以她用队里的一些喷漆来为一些值得欢呼的东西做代言。
KK W022 CategoryIcon weapons 人偶利刃 苏西现在带着这把挂着玩偶和绒球的致命利刃,这是对那些给她带来如此多痛苦的人的扭曲反击。

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 古书 费用
KK outfit 017 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
挥砍不息(弗兰克) 非常稀有 社区 古书第 5 册 - 放纵 21,600
IconHelp iridescentShards

设计灵感来自 Amacky。

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KK Mask017 CategoryIcon masks 谵妄面庞 令人不安的面具,在尖叫的受害者面前快乐地发着光。
KK Body017 CategoryIcon body Modern Outlaw A product of his environment. Blame society.
KK W017 CategoryIcon weapons 破坏者 用弗兰克打碎的第一家商店窗户做出的小刀。这是他个人革命的开始。

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 古书 费用
KK outfit 009 01 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
荧光恐惧(乔伊) 非常稀有 仲夏混乱收藏 古书第 12 册 - 失谐 1,200
IconHelp auricCells

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KK Mask009 01 CategoryIcon masks 头骨裹布 当你看到死亡的迹象时,已经为时已晚。
KK Body009 01 CategoryIcon body 绑带式连身衣 相比于现在,这看起来更像是 1980 年代的东西。
KK W009 01 CategoryIcon weapons 寒光爪刀 令人作呕的橙色光泽在刺入受害者体内之前映着月光。

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 古书 费用
KK outfit 019 01 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
高跟鞋(苏西) 非常稀有 丘比特之选收藏 古书第 14 册 - 背叛 1,200
IconHelp auricCells
One night she just decided to smash and burn every Valentine’s decoration in Ormond.

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KK Mask019 01 CategoryIcon masks 盲目约会(苏西) 为了挑衅,她在无脸面具上潦草地画了一颗心。
KK Body019 01 CategoryIcon body 血腥嬉笑(苏西) 她毫不犹豫地把小镇翻了个底朝天,这让她露出笑容。
KK W019 01 CategoryIcon weapons 直抵内心(苏西) 爱之所向是怦然心动,剑之所指的片甲不留。

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 古书 费用
KK outfit 020 01 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
混乱之夜(乔伊) 非常稀有 太空旅行收藏 古书第 16 册 - 存在 1,200
IconHelp auricCells

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KK Mask020 01 CategoryIcon masks 破裂面具 他恐怖的面具让所有人都心生畏惧。
KK Body020 01 CategoryIcon body 灰色交易 他从黄牛那弄到了音乐节的门票。
KK W020 01 CategoryIcon weapons 隐刃 他擅长在安检时藏起刀片。

IconHelp store 商城[]

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 花费
Legion outfit 02 CV02 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Mugger (Julie) 普通 Legion Aberrations 2018年 12月 11日 150
IconHelp auricCells
There’s no running away from The Legion. 2,700
IconHelp iridescentShards
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KK Mask02 CV02 CategoryIcon masks Toothy Grin (Ashy) A twisted smile tormenting its victims.
KK body02 CV02 CategoryIcon body Zip Up Hoodie (Ashy) A discrete leather jacket over a nondescript hoodie. Perfect to remain anonymous.
KK W02 CV02 CategoryIcon weapons Tactical Knife (Ashy) First batch of stainless-steel blades shared among The Legion.

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 花费
Legion outfit 01 CV01 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Carjacker (Frank) 普通 Legion Aberrations 2018年 12月 11日 150
IconHelp auricCells
There’s no running away from The Legion. 2,700
IconHelp iridescentShards
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KK Mask01 CV01 CategoryIcon masks Toothy Grin (Moldy) A twisted smile tormenting its victims.
KK body01 CV01 CategoryIcon body Zip Up Hoodie (Moldy) A discrete leather jacket over a nondescript hoodie. Perfect to remain anonymous.
KK W01 CV01 CategoryIcon weapons Tactical Knife (Moldy) First batch of stainless-steel blades shared among The Legion.

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 花费
Legion outfit 02 CV01 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Vandal (Julie) 普通 Legion Aberrations 2018年 12月 11日 150
IconHelp auricCells
There’s no running away from The Legion. 2,700
IconHelp iridescentShards
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KK Mask02 CV01 CategoryIcon masks Toothy Grin (Muddy) A twisted smile tormenting its victims.
KK body02 CV01 CategoryIcon body Zip Up Hoodie (Muddy) A discrete leather jacket over a nondescript hoodie. Perfect to remain anonymous.
KK W02 CV01 CategoryIcon weapons Tactical Knife (Muddy) First batch of stainless-steel blades shared among The Legion.

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 花费
Legion outfit 01 CV02 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Squatter (Frank) 普通 Legion Aberrations 2018年 12月 11日 150
IconHelp auricCells
There’s no running away from The Legion. 2,700
IconHelp iridescentShards
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KK Mask01 CV02 CategoryIcon masks Toothy Grin (Bloody) A twisted smile tormenting its victims.
KK Body01 CV02 CategoryIcon body Zip Up Hoodie (Bloody) A discrete leather jacket over a nondescript hoodie. Perfect to remain anonymous.
KK W01 CV02 CategoryIcon weapons Tactical Knife (Bloody) First batch of stainless-steel blades shared among The Legion.

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 花费
Legion outfit 02 01 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Suspended (Julie) 精良 Fairview Senior 2018年 12月 11日 300
IconHelp auricCells
Bullying, vandalism, and theft were their weekly routine. 5,400
IconHelp iridescentShards
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KK Mask02 01 CategoryIcon masks Hushed Smile A smile etched in blood.
KK Body02 01 CategoryIcon body Delinquent Denim Jacket Julie’s classic denim jacket and gray hoodie to escape, incognito, her ever-increasing detention hours.
KK W02 01 CategoryIcon weapons Survival Knife Blade with a custom-made grip that was shared amongst each member of Legion.

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 花费
Legion outfit 01 01 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Dropout (Frank) 精良 Fairview Senior 2018年 12月 11日 300
IconHelp auricCells
Bullying, vandalism, and theft were their weekly routine. 5,400
IconHelp iridescentShards
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KK Mask01 01 CategoryIcon masks Smeared Smirk A smile etched in blood.
KK Body01 01 CategoryIcon body Fairview Varsity Jacket Punching a basketball referee and flunking classes weren’t enough for Frank to get out of Ormond.
KK W01 01 CategoryIcon weapons Camo Knife Blade with a custom-made grip that was shared amongst each member of Legion.

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 费用
Legion outfit 007 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Volunteering (Susie) 稀有 大二焦虑症 2018年 12月 11日 750
IconHelp auricCells
Time to start preparing for the college application process. 13,500
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KK Mask007 CategoryIcon masks Rusted Smile A metallic smile chasing after its victim in the dead of night.
KK Body007 CategoryIcon body Green Fairview HS Hoodie Susie snatched this hoodie from the Lost and Found, and made it her own.
KK W007 CategoryIcon weapons Wooden Ruler Stake 一把锋利的标尺上面粘着指南针。

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 费用
Legion outfit 007 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
课外(苏西) 稀有 大二焦虑症 2018年 12月 11日 750
IconHelp auricCells
Time to start preparing for the college application process. 13,500
IconHelp iridescentShards
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KK Mask007 CategoryIcon masks Wiry Smile A metallic smile chasing after its victim in the dead of night.
KK Body007 CategoryIcon body Purple Fairview HS Hoodie Susie snatched this hoodie from the Lost and Found, and made it her own.
KK W007 CategoryIcon weapons 金尺赌注 一把锋利的标尺上面粘着指南针。

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 费用
KK Body012 CategoryIcon body Cozy Holidays 稀有 Ugly Sweaters 2019年 12月 11日 250
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She hated how happy the neighbors were as they enjoyed a warm Christmas dinner all together. This year, she'd make them suffer as she had. 4,500
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图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 费用
KK Body013 CategoryIcon body Season's Killing 稀有 Ugly Sweaters 2019年 12月 11日 250
IconHelp auricCells
The holidays always brought up the worst in him. To avoid the fake Christmas cheer with his single mom, he'd leave the house and cause trouble. 4,500
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图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 费用
KK outfit 015 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
森林派对(朱莉) 稀有 恶化 2021年 11月 4日 750
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粗犷而自信的衣服,适合休闲场合或是施暴时穿着。 13,500
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KK Head015 CategoryIcon masks 空洞凝视 柔和的表情,其缺乏情绪的方面令人感到不安。
KK Body015 CategoryIcon body Checkered Past Comfortable flannel and denim, beaten and torn during adrenaline-fueled moments.
KK W015 CategoryIcon weapons Sawtooth Blade Robbed from a hardware store, the keyhole saw has a pointed tip for stabbing and a toothed blade for slicing off souvenirs.

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 费用
KK outfit 01 04 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
周六杀手(朱莉) 稀有 大二焦虑症 2022年 8月 16日 750
IconHelp auricCells
周末是用来放纵和狂欢的。 13,500
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KK Mask01 04 CategoryIcon masks 骗人面具 它可能看起来很好玩,但如果有人上当,就会被捅在刀口上。
KK Body015 01 CategoryIcon body 乡村牛仔衬衫 舒适的牛仔布,在争斗之中被损坏了。
KK W014 01 CategoryIcon weapons 金光小刀 她夺过一把镶有宝石的刀,跟着男人离开。她追着他走过小巷。为了给弗兰克留下好印象,她在男人的背后捅了两刀。他停下脚步,跌跌撞撞,而苏西抢走了他的钱包。她把他丢在冰冷的街道上,任他血流不止。

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 费用
KK outfit 022 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
欢呼不再(苏西) 稀有 奥蒙德回忆 2023年 2月 21日 750
IconHelp auricCells
Susie was bullied by a particularly vicious cheerleader at school. It didn’t end well for the cheerleader. 13,500
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KK Mask022 CategoryIcon masks 手工面具 作为一个艺术班的项目,这个面具曾经被闪光和亮片覆盖。
KK Body022 CategoryIcon body 破坏拉拉队服 苏西对费尔维尤没有爱,所以她用队里的一些喷漆来为一些值得欢呼的东西做代言。
KK W022 CategoryIcon weapons 人偶利刃 苏西现在带着这把挂着玩偶和绒球的致命利刃,这是对那些给她带来如此多痛苦的人的扭曲反击。

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 费用
Legion Outfit 006 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
鬼才关心(乔伊) 非常稀有 鬼才关心 2018年 12月 11日 1,200
IconHelp auricCells
Joey’s louder, more urban take on the Legion’s more nondescript style. 21,600
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KK Mask006 CategoryIcon masks 病态笑脸 他们陷入黑暗深渊后,撞上了死亡笑脸。
KK Body006 CategoryIcon body Defiant Streetwear Hoodie Sport a dark, edgy and heavy-weight hoodie.
KK W006 CategoryIcon weapons 现代弯刀 一把现代化的特殊弯刀。刀柄的戒指设计使它不易滑落。

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 费用
Legion outfit 009 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
High-vis Horror(乔伊) 非常稀有 霓虹之夜 2019年 5月 15日 1,200
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There's no need to hide. We have the strength of numbers. 21,600
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KK Mask009 CategoryIcon masks Death Stare The last thing they'll see as the blade slips between their ribs.
KK Body009 CategoryIcon body Afterglow Lightweight jacket and hoodie, accented with neon stripes. So the quarry sees the hunter.
KK W009 CategoryIcon weapons Double-bladed Karambit A small blade protrudes from the butt of the knife, ready to catch the target off-guard.

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 费用
KK outfit 010 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
派对破坏者(朱莉) 非常稀有 十一月 2019年 11月 2日 1,200
IconHelp auricCells
准备好在派对上大闹一场,为王者之国多贡献一些灵魂吧。 21,600
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KK Mask010 CategoryIcon masks 意图不明 放聪明点……现在保持低调……
KK Body010 CategoryIcon body Body Paint More exposed than usual.
KK W010 CategoryIcon weapons 黑曜石利刃 打磨锋利的石块,配上坚固的握柄。

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 费用
KK outfit 011 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
派对破坏者(弗兰克) 非常稀有 十一月 2019年 11月 2日 1,200
IconHelp auricCells
准备好在派对上大闹一场,为王者之国多贡献一些灵魂吧。 21,600
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KK Mask011 CategoryIcon masks 意图不明 放聪明点……现在保持低调……
KK Body011 CategoryIcon body Body Paint More exposed than usual.
KK W011 CategoryIcon weapons 黑曜石利刃 打磨锋利的石块,配上坚固的握柄。

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 费用
KK outfit 014 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
新年扒手(苏西) 非常稀有 猩红狂潮 2020年 1月 21日 1,200
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Feeling anxious to fit in the group, Susie skipped school to prove herself, wandering the streets of Chinatown during the Lunar New Year. 21,600
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KK Mask014 CategoryIcon masks 新年面具 庆典活动分散了店主的注意力,使她可以随便下手偷东西。起初她只是顺手牵羊一些小物品,但后来发现新面具的材料时变得胆大了。
KK Body014 CategoryIcon body 失窃帽衫 她在偷一件新年帽衫時,发现有个男人在用厚厚的银行存折付款。她脑海里立刻有了个计划。
KK W014 CategoryIcon weapons 闪光小刀 她夺过一把镶有宝石的刀,跟着男人离开。她追着他走过小巷。为了给弗兰克留下好印象,她在男人的背后捅了两刀。他停下脚步,跌跌撞撞,而苏西抢走了他的钱包。她把他丢在冰冷的街道上,任他血流不止。

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 费用
KK outfit 016 CategoryIcon outfits
CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
失落的吉祥物(弗兰克) 非常稀有 兔子罗比 2020年 6月 16日 1,080
IconHelp auricCells

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KK Head016 CategoryIcon masks 阴森笑容(弗兰克) 吉祥物的脸上挂着一副摸棱两可的笑容,让人觉得不安和恐惧。
KK Body016 CategoryIcon body 泡泡糖皮草(弗兰克) 它明亮的毛皮与沾上了污泥与鲜血的罩衫形成了鲜明对比。
KK W016 CategoryIcon weapons Rollercoaster Knife 根据游乐园中某个废弃设施雕刻成的利刃。

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 费用
KK outfit 016 01 CategoryIcon outfits
CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
失落的吉祥物(朱莉) 非常稀有 兔子罗比 2020年 6月 16日 1,080
IconHelp auricCells

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KK Mask016 01 CategoryIcon masks 阴森笑容(朱莉) 吉祥物的脸上挂着一副摸棱两可的笑容,让人觉得不安和恐惧。
KK Body016 01 CategoryIcon body 泡泡糖皮草(朱莉) 它明亮的毛皮与沾上了污泥与鲜血的罩衫形成了鲜明对比。
KK W016 01 CategoryIcon weapons Teacup Ride Knife 根据游乐园中某个废弃设施雕刻成的利刃。

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 费用
KK outfit 016 02 CategoryIcon outfits
CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
失落的吉祥物(乔伊) 非常稀有 兔子罗比 2020年 6月 16日 1,080
IconHelp auricCells

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KK Mask016 02 CategoryIcon masks 阴森笑容(乔伊) 吉祥物的脸上挂着一副摸棱两可的笑容,让人觉得不安和恐惧。
KK Body016 02 CategoryIcon body 泡泡糖皮草(乔伊) 它明亮的毛皮与沾上了污泥与鲜血的罩衫形成了鲜明对比。
KK W016 02 CategoryIcon weapons Bumper Cars Knife 根据游乐园中某个废弃设施雕刻成的利刃。

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 费用
KK outfit 016 03 CategoryIcon outfits
CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
失落的吉祥物(苏西) 非常稀有 兔子罗比 2020年 6月 16日 1,080
IconHelp auricCells

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KK Mask016 03 CategoryIcon masks 阴森笑容(苏西) 吉祥物的脸上挂着一副摸棱两可的笑容,让人觉得不安和恐惧。
KK Body016 03 CategoryIcon body 泡泡糖皮草(苏西) 它明亮的毛皮与沾上了污泥与鲜血的罩衫形成了鲜明对比。
KK W016 03 CategoryIcon weapons 旋转木马小刀 根据游乐园中某个废弃设施雕刻成的利刃。

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 费用
KK outfit 019 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
愤怒艺术家(苏西) 非常稀有 霓虹之夜 2021年 7月 8日 1,200
IconHelp auricCells
她冒着夜色继续创作。即便身处黑暗之中,她依然闪闪发光。 21,600
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KK Mask019 CategoryIcon masks 沾有颜料的辫子 溅上颜料的长辫子。
KK Body019 CategoryIcon body 沾有颜料的衣服 在晚上闯入奥蒙德高中的美术工作室后,她终于可以不受约束和判断地表达自己。
KK W019 CategoryIcon weapons 霓虹旋刃 她的刀刃刺穿并切开了血肉,让鲜艳的深红色血滴喷洒在画布上。

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 费用
KK outfit 020 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
博览会 COSER(乔伊) 非常稀有 GAMEPLAY 博览会 2021年 8月 26日 1,200
IconHelp auricCells
他装扮成他最喜欢的角色,参加某个全新的电子游戏展——GamePlay 博览会。 21,600
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KK Mask020 CategoryIcon masks 阿特拉斯·弗林特面具 他最喜欢的角色的标志性面具,一名叫阿特拉斯·弗林特的残暴小偷。
KK Body020 CategoryIcon body Covert Hoodie Stealthy outfit worn by his favourite character who remains undetectable despite the mayhem he causes.
KK W020 CategoryIcon weapons 隐匿之刃 握柄很结实的深红色弯刀。

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 费用
KK Body021 CategoryIcon body 致命小猫裙子 非常稀有 猫和狗 2022年 3月 25日 400
IconHelp auricCells
一件猫耳帽衫连衣裙,上面有一只致命小猫的标志。不要被他可爱的外表所迷惑,这只猫的心情可不太好。搭配有一双高筒羊毛袜和结实的战斗靴。 7,200
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图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 费用
KK outfit 017 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
挥砍不息(弗兰克) 非常稀有 社区 2022年 5月 24日 21,600
IconHelp iridescentShards

设计灵感来自 Amacky。

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KK Mask017 CategoryIcon masks 谵妄面庞 令人不安的面具,在尖叫的受害者面前快乐地发着光。
KK Body017 CategoryIcon body Modern Outlaw A product of his environment. Blame society.
KK W017 CategoryIcon weapons 破坏者 用弗兰克打碎的第一家商店窗户做出的小刀。这是他个人革命的开始。

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 费用
KK outfit 025 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
防盗装备(朱莉) 非常稀有 机能服装收藏 2023年 3月 22日 1,200
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无聊的她闯进了几户人家。 21,600
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KK Mask025 CategoryIcon masks 红色四重奏(朱莉) 四只红色眼睛在黑暗中闪闪发亮。
KK Body025 CategoryIcon body 可视化数据(朱莉) 条形码后讥讽的笑容。
KK W025 CategoryIcon weapons 科技匕首(朱莉) 专为逃生、露营和谋杀而设计的匕首。

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 费用
KK outfit 027 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
不祥之兆(乔伊) 非常稀有 未来愿景 2023年 7月 4日 1,200
IconHelp auricCells
他邀请自己参加化妆舞会,在人群中制造混乱。 21,600
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KK Mask027 CategoryIcon masks 井字棋(乔伊) 社交恐怖份子不太喜欢这个面具。
KK Body027 CategoryIcon body 恶霸盔甲(乔伊) 他花不少时间切割、涂绘这些硬质塑料,让它看起来逼真。
KK W027 CategoryIcon weapons Hidden Karambit (Joey) He painted his blade the same color as his outfit.

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 费用
KK outfit 028 CategoryIcon outfits
CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
School Gang (Julie) 非常稀有 Artists From The Fog Collection 2023年 8月 1日 1,080
IconHelp auricCells
Designed by Ikumi Nakamura.

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KK Mask028 CategoryIcon masks Voiceless Youth Unable to express herself through words, she did it through art.
KK Body028 CategoryIcon body Old Sailor Suit An old Japanese sailor suit.
KK W028 CategoryIcon weapons Kanto-Style Knife A Kanto-style knife with a red scarf attached to the handle.

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 费用
KK outfit 029 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
灌篮高手(弗兰克) 非常稀有 致命游戏 2023年 9月 12日 1,200
IconHelp auricCells
由于他的暴力行为,他被篮球队开除了。 21,600
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KK Mask029 CategoryIcon masks 蛇蝎笑容 他从不放过他的对手。
KK Body029 CategoryIcon body 犯规出局 他因恶意犯规而臭名昭著。
KK W029 CategoryIcon weapons 首发刀片 他总有办法在比赛中拿着刀片。

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 费用
KK outfit 031 CategoryIcon outfits
CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
访问日(苏西) 非常稀有 DOMREBEL 收藏 2024年 1月 9日 1,080
IconHelp auricCells

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KK Mask031 CategoryIcon masks 全罩头盔 她希望自己偷了一个中世纪头盔的复制品。
KK Body031 CategoryIcon body 破损毛衣 她注意到同学留下的一件紫色连帽衫,但她什么也没说。
KK W031 CategoryIcon weapons Ceremonial Dagger At the sight of the knife, she could easily imagine people with masks sacrificing animals and more.

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 费用
KK outfit 033 CategoryIcon outfits
CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
潜意识威胁(弗兰克) 非常稀有 活结收藏 2024年 3月 26日 1,080
IconHelp auricCells

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KK Mask033 CategoryIcon masks 晦涩鄙夷 面具的嘴上沾满了干涸的鲜血,凝固在永不停息的尖叫声中。
KK Body033 CategoryIcon body Crimson Cover-Up The cape sewed itself around Frank's body like a second skin, filling his head with devious thoughts.
KK W033 CategoryIcon weapons Claimed Blade Frank examined the knife in his hand and studied his reflection in the stainless steel. The face staring back at him renewed his desire for blood.

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 费用
KK outfit 034 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
背刺者(苏西) 非常稀有 DUNGEONS & DRAGONS 2024年 6月 3日 1,080
IconHelp auricCells

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KK Mask034 CategoryIcon masks Hoaxer Cloak Joey wouldn't stop gloating about Susie's failure. While the group planned their escape from the castle, Susie decided to put Joey in his place.
KK Body034 CategoryIcon body Sly Rogue Armor When it was her turn, she rolled to attack Joey's fighter. She rolled a critical hit this time, leaving Frank and Julie stunned.
KK W034 CategoryIcon weapons Web Dagger Joey's saving throw failed. Susie's rogue plunged the knife into his fighter and kicked him in the shin for good measure.

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 费用
KK outfit 023 CategoryIcon outfits
CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
汉克 传奇 PROJECT W 收藏 2022年 8月 30日 1,485
IconHelp auricCells

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KK Mask023 CategoryIcon masks Gas Mask With a filter that significantly lowers the chance of infection, he can storm the battlefield with abandon.
KK Body023 CategoryIcon body Umbrella Armor Heavy with supplies, this specialist gear has everything an operator requires during a combat sortie.
KK W023 CategoryIcon weapons Grim Reaper A blade that shares its nickname with Hunk himself.

图标 部位 名称 稀有度 收藏 发行日期 费用
KK outfit 018 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Chimeric Horde 活动 Hallowed Curse 2020年 10月 20日 1,200
IconHelp auricCells
Repulsive. The serum has grafted the four specimens into a single creature, three of which are entrapped within the flesh of the host, ineffectually attempting to escape. 21,600
IconHelp iridescentShards
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KK Mask018 CategoryIcon masks Two-Faced Behind the masked face of one is the blistered face of another. Though it seems incapable of communicating, it does provide an uneasy feeling to any who see it.
KK Body018 CategoryIcon body Homicidal Fusion Hideous faces stretch out from the wall of flesh, their limbs gripping around the blistered, weeping body.
KK W018 CategoryIcon weapons Separation Blade The blade used by Joey as he attempted to cut himself free from the abomination Legion had become. Once he lost his control over Frank’s arm, his fate was set.


军团1 个替代角色可从商城购买:

  • 汉克



军团目前是 2DLC 的一部份內容

可购买的 DLC[]

  • 章节10:黑暗渗透
  • 杀手扩张包


Patch 2.5.0[]

  • 增强:manually cancelling Feral Frenzy no longer depletes the Power gauge.
  • 体验质量:reduced the intensity of the blurred visual effects during Feral Frenzy.

Patch 2.7.0[]

  • 重制:reworked The Legion to reduce their oppressiveness and remove the abusive sides of the old Deep Wound mechanics.
    • 增强The Legion can now search Lockers IconHelp lockers during Feral Frenzy.
    • 增强':increased The Legion's Movement speed from 4.4 m/s to 4.6 m/s.
    • 增强:successful attacks outside of Feral Frenzy no longer fully deplete the Power gauge, but rather reduce its Charge by 50 % of the total.
    • 增强:increased Feral Frenzy duration from 6 seconds to 10 seconds.
    • 削弱:increased The Legion's Terror Radius from 24 metres to 32 metres.
    • 削弱The Legion can no longer see Pools of Blood Unknown QuestionMark while in Feral Frenzy.
    • 削弱:reduced The Legion's Feral Frenzy Movement speed from 5.28 m/s to 5.0 m/s.
    • 削弱:reduced The Legion's Feral Frenzy Vaulting speed from 0.9 seconds for both Windows and Pallets to 1.1 seconds for Windows and 1.35 seconds for Pallets.
    • 削弱:missed attacks during Feral Frenzy now cancel it automatically and fully deplete the Power gauge.
    • 削弱:increased Feral Frenzy Recharge time from 15 seconds to 20 seconds.
    • 削弱:increased Feral Frenzy Fatigue duration from 3 seconds to 4 seconds.
    • 削弱:disabled the ability to use Feral Frenzy when the Power gauge is only partially recharged.
    • 削弱:the Deep Wound timer no longer decreases while a Survivor is inside the Terror Radius Unknown QuestionMark.
    • 削弱:removed the base-kit ability to reduce a Survivor's Deep Wound timer with additional Feral Frenzy hits (originally -10 seconds per Hit).
      • This ability was available when using the Add-on Frank's Mix Tape FulliconAddon franksMixTape up until their next rework in Patch 5.7.0.

Patch 3.4.0[]

  • 增强:increased The Legion's Feral Frenzy Movement speed from 5.0 m/s to 5.2 m/s.
  • 增强:increased The Legion's Feral Frenzy Vaulting speed from 1.1/1.35 seconds to 0.9 seconds for both Windows and Pallets.
  • 体验质量:the Deep Wound timer will no longer deplete if a Survivor is either Sprinting or Mending.
  • 削弱:attacks during Feral Frenzy is no longer considered a Basic Attack.
  • 削弱:reduced the Mending times of Survivors from an unknown amount (~15 seconds) to 12 seconds for Self-Mending and 8 seconds for Altruistic Mending.

Patch 3.7.0[]

  • 体验质量:added the ability to see Scratch Marks Unknown QuestionMark and Pools of Blood Unknown QuestionMark during the Fatigue state.
  • 修改:polished the animation of The Legion's vaults during Feral Frenzy.

Patch 4.5.0[]

  • 增强:reduced the Deep Wound timer from 30 seconds to 20 seconds.

Patch 5.7.0[]

  • 重制:reworked The Legion to lean into their signature - running really fast with a knife!
    • 增强The Legion now gains an additional +0.2 m/s to their Frenzy speed with each successful Frenzy Hit, up to +0.8 m/s.
    • 增强:after 4 successful Feral Slashes, the next Feral Slash will put the Survivor into the Dying State IconHelp dying and end Feral Frenzy.
    • 增强:when Feral Frenzy ends, the Power gauge starts recharging immediately, rather than after Fatigue elapses.
    • 增强:reduced the Fatigue duration from 4 seconds to 3 seconds, effectively reverting the previous change made in Patch 2.7.0.
    • 增强:removed the Penalty that caused Basic Attacks outside of Feral Frenzy to drain the Power Gauge by -50 %.
  • 修改The Legion now features a unique Terror Radius Unknown QuestionMark and Chase Music.
    • Using Mix Tape Add-ons unlocks additional unique layers to the Terror Radius and the Chase Music.
  • 修改:received an Add-on pass, reworking most of their Add-ons and introducing two new ones.

Patch 6.4.0[]

  • 削弱 (undocumented) Feral Vaults over Pallets and Windows no longer benefit from effects that increase Vaulting speed.
  • 削弱 (undocumented) :downing Survivors with the fifth Feral Slash now depletes the Power gauge.


  • The Legion is the only Killer to date to be made up of multiple members, two of which come with purchasing the DLC itself (Frank and Julie) and two additional ones can be unlocked through Cosmetic Outfits (Joey and Susie).
  • The Legion was the first Character in Dead by Daylight to come with two sets of Prestige Cosmetics, and remains so to date.
  • The Legion was the sixth Killer to wear a Mask.
  • The Legion was the second Killer added to the Game with an ability that allows them to vault faster than most other Killers by default.
  • The Legion was the first Killer added to the Game with an ability that allows them to vault pulled-down Pallets.
  • The Legion is to date the only Killer whose Chase music can be modified by another factor within the Game, namely their Mix Tape Add-ons.
  • The Legion was the first Killer to have their base Movement Speed changed during a Rework: from 4.4 m/s to 4.6 m/s.


  • Susie is likely the youngest member of The Legion, as Cosmetics hint at her having been a Sophomore when The Entity originally took her and the other members of the gang.
  • Joey shaves his head because he pulls his hair out when stressed.


  • The silhouettes of the four members of The Legion can be found in the Chapter's Logo:
    • Frank is the vertical line of the 'D'.
    • Julie is the vertical line of the 'K'.
    • Joey is the second vertical line of the 'M'.
    • Susie is the vertical curve of the 'G'.


  • The Legion has a male voice when used with Frank or Joey's cosmetics and a female voice when used with Julie or Susie's cosmetics.
    • While wearing the Atlas Flint Mask or Covert Hoodie, The Legion possesses a robotic voice.
  • The Legion are voiced by Nicolas Brassard (Frank/Joey) and Emilie Deschamps (Julie/Susie), who at that time worked as a Quality Assurance Tester and the Lead Game Programmer on the Game respectively.

Member Names[]

  • Frank's surname, Morrison, is the only surname that was known from the beginning.
    • "Morrison" is an ancient Anglo-Norman surname, originating in 11th century England.
  • Julie's surname, Kostenko, was revealed in Tome 3 - Escalation, as the story Soldiers of Mayhem is centred on her.
    • "Kostenko" is a common Ukrainian surname, designating one's origin as a child of Kost.
  • Susie's surname, Lavoie, was revealed in Tome 11 - Devotion, with a Charm depicting her ID card from Fairview High School.
    • "Lavoie" is a topographic name of French origin, designating someone who lived by a roadway.
      It is a common surname in Canada.
  • To date, Joey remains the only member of The Legion with an unknown surname.


  • The fourth issue of the Legion Comic series confirmed that Susie is queer.
    • While the comic does not elaborate on her orientation, it does show her kissing fellow Legion-member Julie in a dream, likely a case of a crush and unrequited love, as Julie is canonically interested in Frank.


  • Like all Killers, The Legion received a new Character Portrait with Patch 7.1.0.
    However, the current version, released with Patch 7.2.0, was already the third iteration of that Portrait due to some grievances the Community had had with the previous two iterations:
    • The first iteration only featured Frank, unlike the original Portrait, which featured the other three members of The Legion, standing behind Frank.
    • The second iteration did again feature all members of The Legion, but had the error of displaying Frank twice, as the mask visible on the second member belonged to him (Dropout Outfit).
    • The third iteration changed the mask of the second Frank to be one of Julie's from the Suspended Outfit.
      • However, looking very closely at the Character's neck tattoo, one can see that the body is still Frank's, not Julie's.


For more go to The [[Lua错误 在package.lua的第80行:module 'Module:Datatable' not found Gallery]]

In-game assets[]

Official artwork[]

Old assets[]

Concept arts[]


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+ 章節 01
S01 charSelect portrait 德怀特·费菲尔德 SurvivorDwight S02 charSelect portrait 梅格·托马斯 SurvivorMeg S03 charSelect portrait 克劳黛特·莫莱 SurvivorClaudette S04 charSelect portrait 朴·杰克 SurvivorJake S05 charSelect portrait 妮娅·卡尔森 SurvivorNea
章節 02 - 05 S06 charSelect portrait 劳丽·斯特罗德 SurvivorLaurie S07 charSelect portrait 埃斯·维斯孔蒂 SurvivorAce S08 charSelect portrait 威廉·比尔·奥弗贝克 SurvivorBill S09 charSelect portrait 凤敏 SurvivorFeng S10 charSelect portrait 大卫·金 SurvivorDavid
章節 06 - 10 S11 charSelect portrait 昆汀·史密斯 SurvivorQuentin S12 charSelect portrait 大卫·泰普 SurvivorTapp S13 charSelect portrait 凯特·登森 SurvivorKate S14 charSelect portrait 亚当·弗朗西斯 SurvivorAdam S15 charSelect portrait 杰夫·约翰森 SurvivorJeff
章節 11 - 14 S16 charSelect portrait 簡·羅梅羅 SurvivorJane S17 charSelect portrait 阿什利·威廉姆斯 SurvivorAsh S18 charSelect portrait 南茜·惠勒 SurvivorNancy S19 charSelect portrait 史蒂夫·哈林頓 SurvivorSteve S20 charSelect portrait 木村唯 SurvivorYui
章節 15 - 19 S21 charSelect portrait 薩麗娜·卡希爾 SurvivorZarina S22 charSelect portrait 謝麗爾·梅森 SurvivorCheryl S23 charSelect portrait 菲利克斯·里奇特 SurvivorFelix S24 charSelect portrait 伊洛迪·拉科托 SurvivorElodie S25 charSelect portrait 李允珍 SurvivorYun-Jin
章節 20 - 23 S26 charSelect portrait 吉兒·瓦倫丁 SurvivorJill S27 charSelect portrait 里昂·S·肯尼迪 SurvivorLeon S28 charSelect portrait 米凱拉·里德 SurvivorMikaela S29 charSelect portrait 約拿·瓦斯克斯 SurvivorJonah S30 charSelect portrait 淺川陽一 SurvivorYoichi
章節 24 - 25 S31 charSelect portrait 海蒂·考爾 SurvivorHaddie S32 charSelect portrait 艾達·王 SurvivorAda S33 charSelect portrait 蕾貝卡·錢伯斯 SurvivorRebecca S34 charSelect portrait 維托里奧·托斯卡諾 SurvivorVittorio S35 charSelect portrait 塔莉塔·利拉 SurvivorThalita
章節 27 - 29 S36 charSelect portrait 雷納托·利拉 SurvivorRenato S37 charSelect portrait 加布里埃爾·索瑪 SurvivorGabriel S38 charSelect portrait 尼古拉斯·凱奇 SurvivorNicolas S39 charSelect portrait 艾倫·雷普莉 SurvivorEllen
杀手 IconHelpLoading killer
+ 章節 01 - 02
K01 charSelect portrait 陷阱杀手 IconHelpLoading trapper K02 charSelect portrait 幽灵杀手 IconHelpLoading wraith K03 charSelect portrait 电锯杀手 IconHelpLoading hillbilly K04 charSelect portrait 护士 IconHelpLoading nurse K05 charSelect portrait 迈克尔·迈尔斯 IconHelpLoading shape
章節 03 - 06 K06 charSelect portrait 妖巫 IconHelpLoading hag K07 charSelect portrait 医生 IconHelpLoading doctor K08 charSelect portrait 女猎手 IconHelpLoading huntress K09 charSelect portrait 食人魔 IconHelpLoading cannibal K10 charSelect portrait 梦魇 IconHelpLoading nightmare
章節 07 - 11 K11 charSelect portrait 门徒 IconHelpLoading pig K12 charSelect portrait 小丑 IconHelpLoading clown K13 charSelect portrait 怨灵 IconHelpLoading spirit K14 charSelect portrait 军团 IconHelpLoading legion K15 charSelect portrait 瘟疫 IconHelpLoading plague
章節 12 - 15 K16 charSelect portrait 鬼面 IconHelpLoading ghost K17 charSelect portrait 魔王 IconHelpLoading demogorgon K18 charSelect portrait 鬼武士 IconHelpLoading oni K19 charSelect portrait 死亡槍手 IconHelpLoading deathslinger K20 charSelect portrait 處刑者 IconHelpLoading wales
章節 16 - 21 K21 charSelect portrait 枯萎者 IconHelpLoading blight K22 charSelect portrait 連體嬰 IconHelpLoading twins K23 charSelect portrait 騙術師 IconHelpLoading trickster K24 charSelect portrait Nemesis IconHelpLoading nemesis K25 charSelect portrait 地獄修士 IconHelpLoading cenobite
章節 22 - 25 K26 charSelect portrait 藝術家 IconHelpLoading artist K27 charSelect portrait 貞子 IconHelpLoading onryo K28 charSelect portrait 影魔 IconHelpLoading dredge K29 charSelect portrait 操縱者 IconHelpLoading mastermind K30 charSelect portrait 惡騎士 IconHelpLoading knight
章節 27 - 29 K31 charSelect portrait 白骨商人 IconHelpLoading skullMerchant K32 charSelect portrait 奇點 IconHelpLoading singularity K33 charSelect portrait 異形 IconHelpLoading xenomorph
File:K25 Chatterer charSelect portrait.png 顫齒 File:S27 Chris charSelect portrait.png 克里斯·雷德菲爾 File:S26 Claire charSelect portrait.png 克蕾兒·雷德菲爾 File:S22 Cybil charSelect portrait.png 西碧兒·伯納特 File:S22 James charSelect portrait.png 詹姆士‧桑德蘭 File:S19 Jonathan charSelect portrait.png 喬納森·拜爾斯
File:S22 Lisa charSelect portrait.png 莉莎‧加蘭德 File:K07 Look-See charSelect portrait.png 驚魂一瞥 File:K08 Mordeo charSelect portrait.png 莫迪奧
File:K08 Baba Yaga charSelect portrait.png 芭芭雅嘎 File:K21 Ferryman charSelect portrait.png 冥界擺渡人 File:K01 Krampus charSelect portrait.png 克蘭普斯 File:K18 Minotaur charSelect portrait.png 彌諾陶洛斯
File:S22 Alessa charSelect portrait.png 阿萊莎·吉雷斯比 File:Birch Cosmetic Icon.png 樺木女巫
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Actor Sidney Prescott Smasher Teacher