Dead by Daylight Wiki
Quotes left Today I found something. A fallen structure that transports the mind to sanitariums and institutions. But it brings me no ease, but rather I feel entrapped. Beds and cabinets are scattered about whatever this place might be. Even though it is filled with hiding places, I’ll avoid it. Quotes right
~ Unknown (Potentially Benedict Baker)
Quotes left When the asylum burned to a smouldering ruin, the ashes of the dead seeped into the soil.

Faint traces of their sickly wails still linger in the air.

Quotes right

RealmKeyArt 04
Crotus Prenn Asylum
Patch 1.1.0

克洛普瑞恩疯人院黎明杀机 IconHelp DBDlogo目前 20幻境里的其中之一

它是隨著 2016年 8月 18日 发布的 章节1:濒死之息 加入到游戏中

概述[ | ]

这个幻境以疯人院为主题和以灰色为主色调。目前有 2 张地图正在使用:

背景故事[ | ]


There is insanity, and then there are minds that are so severely distorted that they cease being humans. Instead they end up a feral, living, unwanted thing. These people must be "stored" somewhere, and that's where the Crotus Prenn Asylum plays a crucial role. Established in 1857, Crotus Prenn was originally a hospital, but as the need of storage grew, it was turned into an insane asylum. Crotus Prenn is a place riddled with tall tales that aren't even close to the reality that takes place within its walls. It was never the biggest asylum, but the one that held the most violent and warped minds the country had ever met.

But it was not the residents that etched the name Crotus Prenn into the history books. Instead it was the mass homicide where over fifty patients were found dead in their beds. The building was abandoned shortly after that. Investigators had no answers, and the town's folk became more and more worried as rumours talked about a woman still living inside the asylum. Finally, one night, smoke rose from the woods as Crotus Prenn had been set ablaze. The bystanders did nothing. They just let it burn.

地图[ | ]

IconMap Asy Asylum
IconMap Asy Chapel

祭品[ | ]

烧焦的婚纱照 是 一個稀少祭品 IconHelp offerings

圖示 描述 花費
FulliconFavors charredWeddingPhotograph 最大程度地增加可被送至克洛普瑞恩疯人院的几率。


3,250 BPs

新增项目[ | ]

Patch 2.0.0[ | ]

杂项[ | ]

  • 在游戏文件中,克洛普瑞恩疯人院幻境被称为 Asylum(翻译为疯人院
  • There is also an unreleased Map that can be found in the game files:
    • Infinite Gym

迈克米伦庄园 废旧车库 寒风农场 克洛普瑞恩疯人院 哈登菲尔德 黑水沼泽
煤矿废塔 阿扎罗夫长眠处 断骨牛舍 精神病房 兰普金街 苍白玫瑰
哀嚎仓库 血屋 腐败屠宰场 坎贝尔神父的教堂 阴森棚屋
悲惨钢铁厂 废弃加油站 腐臭之地
掩护林 废旧车库后院 汤姆森宅邸
窒息矿井 悲惨商店 痛苦溪流
莱理疗养中心 红树林 春木镇 吉迪恩肉制品加工厂 山岡家族地产 奥蒙德
疗程教室 母亲的住所 巴德姆幼儿园 游戏 家宅 奥蒙德山度假村
霍金斯國家實驗室 格伦维尔墓地 寂静岭 浣熊市 烏鴉巢穴 凋零島
地下设施 死狗酒馆 米德维奇小学 浣熊市警察局東邊 烏鴉巢穴 極樂園
篝火 The Dream World The Ethereal Plane The Spirit World The Void
地下室 杀手小屋