Dead by Daylight Wiki

不屈不撓是一個殺手 IconHelpLoading killer通用的技能 IconHelp perks

圖示 I II III 描述
20 % 25 % 30 % 你運用主要武器襲擊失手後的恢復速度加快。如果未擊中目標,冷卻時間減少20/25/30 %。
4,000IconHelp bloodpoints 5,000IconHelp bloodpoints 6,000IconHelp bloodpoints

History[ | ]

Version 1.0.0[ | ]

Icon Tier I Tier II Tier III Description
IconPerks unrelenting 3 %

2 %

6 %

4 %

9 %

6 %

You recuperate faster from any attack made with your main weapon. The cool-down of missed attacks is reduced by 3/6/9 %. The cool-down of successful attacks is decreased by 2/4/6 %.

Change Log[ | ]

Patch 1.2.0[ | ]

  • Attack cool-down reduction of missed attacks increased to 16/22/30 %.
  • Attack cool-down reduction of successful attacks increased to 10/16/22 %.

Patch 1.4.0[ | ]

  • Removed the flat attack cool-down reductions and replaced them with an attack cool-down reduction of 20/25/30 % for missed attacks only.

Movies[ | ]

Default Unrelenting III