Dead by Daylight Wiki

Void Crystal is a Limited ItemIconHelp itemsIconHelp itemsIconHelp items.

Icon Description Cost
IconItems voidCrystal
THIS ITEM CAN NO LONGER BE OBTAINED FROM THE BLOODWEB (This Unlockable can no longer be obtained, but stockpiles may still be used in Trials.)

Limited Item

Press the Use Item button to drop the Void Crystal at your feet.

  • Detonates and creates a thick smoke-screen to obscure visibility.
  • Grants you full invisibility while inside its Area of Effect.
  • Suppresses the creation of your Scratch MarksIconHelp scratchMarksIconHelp scratchMarksIconHelp scratchMarks.
    • This effect lingers for a few seconds after leaving the Area of Effect.
  • Can be retrieve from the Void Well located in the Void in exchange for depositing 50 Void Energy.
Limited Items are consumed on use.
They cannot be brought back to the Campfire after a Trial and are removed by The EntityIconHelp entityIconHelp entityIconHelp entity upon exiting the Trial.

IconHelp bloodpoints

