Dead by Daylight Wiki

Vaccine is a Limited ItemIconHelp itemsIconHelp itemsIconHelp items.

Icon Description Cost
IconItems vaccine
Limited Item

A vaccine that helps reverse the effects of a T-Virus infection.

  • Press the Use Item button to cure yourself or another Survivor from the T-Virus Infection.
  • Can be found in Supply CasesIconHelp supplyCaseIconHelp supplyCaseIconHelp supplyCase located in the environment.
The Vaccine has 1 Use.

Limited Items are consumed on use.
They cannot be brought back to the Campfire after a Trial and are removed by The EntityIconHelp entityIconHelp entityIconHelp entity upon exiting the Trial.


IconHelp bloodpoints

Change Log[]

Patch 7.0.0[]

  • Change: Limited Items now have their own slot, allowing Survivors to carry Regular Items in addition to a Vaccine.

Patch 7.4.0[]

  • Change: updated the animation for the Vaccine.
    • Instead of using a generic self-heal animation, Survivors now inject the Vaccine into their shoulder.


  • The Vaccine, as well as the Flash GrenadeIconItems flashGrenadeIconItems flashGrenadeIconItems flashGrenade, were the first Limited Items added to Dead by Daylight in Patch 5.0.0.
    The Vaccine can only be obtained in Trials against The NemesisIconHelpLoading nemesisIconHelpLoading nemesisIconHelpLoading nemesis and can only be used in that very Trial.
    Escaping with a Vaccine will always leave it behind, but trigger a special Score Event called "Vaccine Thief".
  • The model used for the in-game Vaccine, as well as the icon, are the same as the one used by Carlos, one of the two protagonists of Resident Evil 3, to cure Jill from the T-VirusIconPowers t-VirusIconPowers t-VirusIconPowers t-Virus, after Nemesis had infected her.

