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The Twisted Skills are special abilities available to all Players during the Twisted Masquerade Anniversary Event, if they participate in Trials of the special Event Queue.

Their first iterations were introduced during the Twisted Masquerade 2023 (Seventh Year Anniversary).


The Twisted Skills are inextricably linked to the Masquerade PillarIconHelp crownPillar5AIconHelp crownPillar5AIconHelp crownPillar5A mechanic, requiring Players to collect at least 1 Invitation Scroll floating atop said Pillar to unlock the Twisted Skills.

They can be used at the Player's discretion by pressing the Event Ability button when having at least 1 Token, after which they go on cool-down for 30 seconds.

They are disabled during the Endgame CollapseIconHelp endGameIconHelp endGameIconHelp endGame.

Survivor Abilities[]

Survivors have a choice of 3 different Twisted Skills, depending on their surroundings:

Block Window Vault[]

This special ability can only be used mid-chase and causes the target WindowIconHelp windowIconHelp windowIconHelp window to become unvaultable for the Killer for 4 seconds after you vault through it.

Set Party Pallet[]

This special ability can be used whenever you are within 8 metres of an empty Pallet location and creates a fragile Party Pallet.

The Party Pallet can be used just like a regular one, but will instantly break upon dropping it.
While this can still stun the Killer, it is risky to use it and requires good timing.

Quiet Mode[]

This special ability suppresses the sound of your Grunts of Pain, footsteps and rushed actions, and the creation of Pools of Blood for the next 15 seconds.

Killer Abilities[]

Killers have a choice of 4 different Twisted Skills, depending on their surroundings:

Expose Survivor[]

This ability was only available during the 2023 iteration of the Twisted Masquerade.

This special ability granted the Killer the ability to inflict the chased Survivor with the ExposedIconStatusEffects exposedIconStatusEffects exposedIconStatusEffects exposed Status Effect once they gained BloodlustIconHelp bloodlustIconHelp bloodlustIconHelp bloodlust.

Endure Stun[]

This special ability grants the Killer a unique version of the EnduranceIconStatusEffects enduranceKillerIconStatusEffects enduranceKillerIconStatusEffects enduranceKiller Status Effect, making them impervious to any Stuns for the next 4 seconds.

Remote Destroy[]

This special ability allows the Killer to remotely destroy a nearby Breakable WallIconHelp breakableWallIconHelp breakableWallIconHelp breakableWall or a dropped PalletIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDown within 8 metres.

Remote Hook[]

This special ability allows the Killer to remotely hook a downed Survivor onto the nearest available HookIconHelpLoading hookIconHelpLoading hookIconHelpLoading hook.

Numbers / Values[]

Twisted Skills (Generic):

  • Passive Charge rate outside a Chase: +0.015 c/s
  • Passive Charge rate inside a Chase: +0.03 c/s
  • Carried Charges VFX render distance: 2.5 metres
    • This refers to the comet-like fireballs circling the Player from the POV of other Players.
  • Cool-down time between uses: 30 seconds

Survivor Twisted Skills:

  • Maximum distance to Ability target: 8 metres
  • Maximum Height difference to Ability target: ± 1.5 metres
    • If the difference is greater than this, the target will not be selected despite being in range.
  • Party Pallet Spawn time: 1.25 seconds

Killer Twisted Skills:

  • Remote Destroy interaction duration: 0.75 seconds
  • Remote Hook interaction delay: 0.3 seconds
    • This refers to the delay between picking up a Survivor and the prompt becoming available.
  • Remote Hook minimum Survivor distance: 4 metres
    • This refers to a buffer zone around potential target Hooks.
      If a Survivor is detected within that zone, then a different Hook will be selected to hook the Survivor onto.
  • Remote Hook Travel time: 0.2 seconds

Twisted Skills:

  • Twisted Skills Tokens gained per interaction: +1 Token
  • Twisted Skills Token Capacity: 2 Tokens
  • Passive Token Charge rate: +0.03 c/s (inside of Chases) / +0.015 c/s (outside of Chases)
  • Ability Cool-down: 15 seconds

Party Pallet:

  • Maximum Spawn distance: 8 metres
  • Spawn time: 1.25 seconds
  • Maximum Remote-Destroy distance: 8 metres
  • Remote-Destroy duration: 1.5 seconds
  • Maximum Negate-Stun Effect distance: 8 metres
  • Maximum Negate-Stun Effect duration: 4 seconds
    • This refers to for how long the Killer benefits from the Endurance Status Effect.
  • Stun-Time reduction: -100 %

Vault Blocker:

  • Maximum Spawn distance: 8 metres
  • Block duration: 4 seconds

Change Log[]

Twisted Masquerade 2024[]

  • Buff: added the Remote Hook ability for Killers.
  • Buff: added the Quiet Mode ability for Survivors.
  • Buff: reduced the Remote Destroy duration from 1.5 seconds to 0.75 seconds.
  • Buff: increased the Stun Duration reduction from the special Killer Endurance Status Effect from -75 % to -100 %, thus making the Killer immune to stuns.
  • Buff: Players now also gain passive Charges towards their Twisted Skills outside of Chases at a halved rate of +0.015 c/s.
  • Nerf: removed the Expose Survivor Twisted Skill for Killers.
  • Nerf: reduced the passive Charge rate of Twisted Skills from +0.05 c/s in a Chase to +0.03 c/s.
  • Nerf: reduced the Spawn distance of Party Pallets from 12 metres to 8 metres.
  • Nerf: reduced the Endure Stun duration from 8 seconds to 4 seconds.
  • Nerf: increased the Cool-down time after using a Twisted Skill from 15 seconds to 30 seconds.