Dead by Daylight Wiki
IconCurrency trinkets

Trinkets are one of 7 in-game currencies in Dead by DaylightIconHelp DBDlogoIconHelp DBDlogoIconHelp DBDlogo.


Trinkets are a special Event Currency that are only available for a limited time during major in-game Events.

Each Event has its own variation of the Currency that is themed after it.
During the Event, the Currency can be obtained by completing Challenges in the Event Tome, which can then be used to purchase Cosmetics, Charms, Banners, and Badges from the Event Collection.

After the Event concludes, Trinkets become unavailable again.
Any left-over Trinkets not spent on Cosmetics are automatically converted into BloodpointsIconCurrency bloodpointsIconCurrency bloodpointsIconCurrency bloodpoints.


Dark Trinkets[]

IconCurrency darkTrinkets

Dark Trinkets were the first variation of Trinkets, introduced for the Haunted by Daylight 2023 Halloween Event.

  • The icon features an eerie-green trinket filled with Void Energy.
  • They are only available during the Halloween Events.
  • They can be obtained from the Event Tome.

Frosty Trinkets[]

IconCurrency frostyTrinkets

Frosty Trinkets were the second variation of Trinkets, introduced for the Bone Chill 2023 Winter Event.

  • The icon features an icy-blue trinket with frosty ice spikes.
  • They are only available during the Bone Chill Events.
  • They can be obtained from the Event Tome.

Thrombotic Trinkets[]

IconCurrency thromboticTrinkets

Thrombotic Trinkets were the third variation of Trinkets, introduced for the Blood Moon 2024 Spring Event.

  • The icon features an ashy-grey trinket adorned with vine-like bloody veins.
  • They are only available during the Spring Events.
  • They can be obtained from the Event Tome.

Gilded Trinkets[]

IconCurrency twistedTrinkets

Gilded Trinkets were the fourth and final variation of Trinkets, introduced for the Twisted Masquerade 2024 Anniversary Event.

  • The icon features a gilded trinket with blue accents.
  • They are only available during the Twisted Masquerade Events.
  • They can be obtained from the Event Tome.


All Trinkets are obtained by completing Challenges from the Event Tome that accompanies the Event, acting as a tertiary Reward Currency in addition to BloodpointsIconCurrency bloodpointsIconCurrency bloodpointsIconCurrency bloodpoints and Rift FragmentsRiftFragmentsRiftFragmentsRiftFragments.

Event Rewards[]

For the first two Events that featured the Trinkets, completing every single Event Tome Challenge would award Players with the exact amount needed of the Event Currency to purchase all Cosmetics, Charms, Banners, and Badges from the Event Collection.

Starting with the Blood Moon 2024 Event, Players completing all Challenges are since awarded more than the required amount, allowing Players to forgo certain Challenges that they do not wish to complete, as well as lessening the pressure of having to complete every single Challenge to unlock all the Rewards.

Any remaining Trinkets are converted into BloodpointsIconCurrency bloodpointsIconCurrency bloodpointsIconCurrency bloodpoints after the Event concludes.


  • Trinkets are the first new temporary Event Currency since the Putrid SerumIconHelp putridSerumIconHelp putridSerumIconHelp putridSerum, which was available for The Withering Blight in 2019.
  • Originally, unspent Trinkets were converted at a ratio of 125 Bloodpoints per Trinket, but since the Twisted Masquerade 2024, the ratio was increased to 500 Bloodpoints per Trinket.


Currency Icons[]

Dark Trinkets
IconCurrency darkTrinkets
Frosty Trinkets
IconCurrency frostyTrinkets
Thrombotic Trinkets
IconCurrency thromboticTrinkets
Gilded Trinkets
IconCurrency twistedTrinkets


AuricCells Icon Auric Cells BloodpointsIcon2 Bloodpoints Icon iridescentShards Iridescent Shards RiftFragments Rift Fragments
EventObjective goldCoins Gold Coins PutridSerum Putrid Serum IconCurrency trinkets Trinkets