Dead by Daylight Wiki

Trail of Torment is a Unique PerkIconHelp perksIconHelp perksIconHelp perks belonging to The ExecutionerIconHelpLoading walesIconHelpLoading walesIconHelpLoading wales.
Prestige The Executioner to Prestige 1, 2, 3 respectively to unlock Tier I, Tier II, Tier III of Trail of Torment for all other Characters.

IconPerks trailOfTorment
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You guide your victims along a path of pain and punishment.

Performing the Damage Generator action on a GeneratorIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generators activates Trail of Torment:

  • Grants the UndetectableIconStatusEffects undetectableIconStatusEffects undetectableIconStatusEffects undetectable Status Effect until the Generator stops regressing.
  • The AuraIconHelp aurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp auras of the damaged Generator is revealed to all Survivors in yellow.

Trail of Torment has a cool-down of 60/45/30 seconds.


Icon Tier I Tier II Tier III Description
IconPerks trailOfTorment 80 seconds 70 seconds 60 seconds You guide your victims along a path of pain and punishment.

Performing the Damage Generator Action on a Generator activates Trail of Torment:

  • Grants the Undetectable Status Effect for 16 seconds.

The Aura of the damaged Generator is revealed to all Survivors in yellow.

Trail of Torment has a cool-down of 80/70/60 seconds.

Icon Tier I Tier II Tier III Description
IconPerks trailOfTorment 80 seconds 70 seconds 60 seconds You guide your victims along a path of pain and punishment.

Performing the Damage Generator Action on a Generator activates Trail of Torment:

  • Grants the Undetectable Status Effect until that Generator stops regressing or you damage any Survivor.

The Aura of the damaged Generator is revealed to all Survivors in yellow.

Trail of Torment has a cool-down of 80/70/60 seconds.

Icon Tier I Tier II Tier III Description
IconPerks trailOfTorment 80 seconds 70 seconds 60 seconds You guide your victims along a path of pain and punishment.

Performing the Damage Generator Action on a Generator activates Trail of Torment:

  • Grants the Undetectable Status Effect until that Generator stops regressing.

The Aura of the damaged Generator is revealed to all Survivors in yellow.

Trail of Torment has a cool-down of 80/70/60 seconds.

Icon Tier I Tier II Tier III Description
IconPerks trailOfTorment 60 seconds 45 seconds 30 seconds You guide your victims along a path of pain and punishment.

Performing the Damage Generator Action on a Generator activates Trail of Torment:

  • Grants the Undetectable Status Effect until that Generator stops regressing.

The Aura of the damaged Generator is revealed to all Survivors in yellow.

Trail of Torment has a cool-down of 60/45/30 seconds.

Change Log[]

Patch 4.3.0[]

  • Buff: now applies the Undetectable Status Effect for the entire duration the Generator is regressing.
  • Nerf: now deactivates whenever the Generator is being repaired or a Survivor is hit by any means.

Patch 7.1.0[]

  • Buff: no longer deactivates whenever a Survivor is hit by any means.

Patch 8.1.0[]

  • Buff: reduced the Cool-down duration from 80/70/60 seconds to 60/45/30 seconds.