Dead by Daylight Wiki
Dead by Daylight Wiki
IconStatusEffects deepWound
Additional information may be found in the Health State article.

Deep Wound is a Status Effect and Game Mechanic featured in Dead by DaylightIconHelp DBDlogoIconHelp DBDlogoIconHelp DBDlogo that is applied exclusively to SurvivorsIconHelpLoading survivorIconHelpLoading survivorIconHelpLoading survivor.


The Deep Wound Status Effect is a debuffing effect applied by various Unlockables and some Powers.

Survivors suffering from Deep Wound are on borrowed time and will automatically enter the Dying StateIconHelp dyingIconHelp dyingIconHelp dying after 20 seconds, unless they either Self-Mend or have other Survivors Mend them.

The Deep Wound timer is displayed to all Players as a special, yellow Health bar displayed on the Survivor HUD.
The timer is paused whenever the affected Survivor is either running or in the process of Mending.

If Survivors take any damage while suffering from Deep Wound, they immediately enter the Dying State.

Deep Wound is considered its own Health State (in-between the Dying and the Injured State) for technical reasons, so healing (i.e. Mending) Survivors from it will put them into the Injured StateIconHelp injuredIconHelp injuredIconHelp injured.
This also applies to any Healing effects acting on Deep Wound.


The following Unlockables either inflict or interact with the Deep WoundIconStatusEffects deepWoundIconStatusEffects deepWoundIconStatusEffects deepWound Status Effect:


IconAddon interlockingRazor
Interlocking Razor A modification to the Reverse Bear Trap:
The addition of interlocking razor blades makes it impossible to move suddenly in the Jigsaw Box without slitting one's wrists.
  • While injured, Survivors failing a Skill CheckIconHelp skillChecksIconHelp skillChecksIconHelp skillChecks at a Jigsaw Box become afflicted by the Deep WoundIconStatusEffects deepWoundIconStatusEffects deepWoundIconStatusEffects deepWound Status Effect.

IconAddon puncturedEyeball
Punctured Eyeball The station was a scene of madness.
The officers had seemingly turned on each other.
  • Survivors successfully performing the Dispel interaction on a Hallucination, while they are both in the Injured StateIconHelp injuredIconHelp injuredIconHelp injured and the Weakened State, suffer from the Deep WoundIconStatusEffects deepWoundIconStatusEffects deepWoundIconStatusEffects deepWound Status Effect.

IconAddon smileyFacePin
Smiley Face Pin A friendly looking, bright yellow button used as a sarcastic statement.
  • Survivors suffer from the BlindnessIconStatusEffects visionIconStatusEffects visionIconStatusEffects vision Status Effect for 60 seconds after mending themselves.

IconAddon defacedSmileyPin
Defaced Smiley Pin A once friendly looking, bright yellow button of a defaced smiley.
A signature icon of The Legion.
  • Survivors suffer from the MangledIconStatusEffects mangledIconStatusEffects mangledIconStatusEffects mangled Status Effect for 60 seconds after mending themselves.

IconAddon lengthenedJaws
Lengthened Jaws Jaws with long teeth that dig further into the flesh than a conventional Bear Traps.
  • Survivors who escape from Bear Traps suffer from the Deep WoundIconStatusEffects deepWoundIconStatusEffects deepWoundIconStatusEffects deepWound Status Effect.

IconAddon poisonOakLeaves
Poison Oak Leaves An ordinary-looking plant, Caleb found out that spears coated in its oil cause unbearable blistering around wound.
  • Increases the Mending time of Survivors by +1.5 seconds.

IconAddon joeysMixTape
Joey's Mix Tape A mix of bangin' tracks and slammin' beats for chillaxin' when life's a bitch.
  • Survivors suffer from the HaemorrhageIconStatusEffects bleedingIconStatusEffects bleedingIconStatusEffects bleeding Status Effect until fully healed after mending themselves.
  • Unlocks an additional sound layer in your Terror RadiusIconHelp terrorRadiusIconHelp terrorRadiusIconHelp terrorRadius, enhancing it musically.

Joey's Mix Tape can be combined with any other Mix Tape Add-on to unlock multiple sound layer combos.

IconAddon stylishSunglasses
Stylish Sunglasses Oval-shaped sunglasses that exude poise and cool.
Their colour-tinted lenses add an understated appeal.
  • The AurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp auras of Survivors mending themselves within 24 metres of your location are revealed to you.

IconAddon theLegionPin
The Legion Pin A handmade button with the face of The Legion.
To use exclusively on intimidation dares.
  • Survivors suffer from the BrokenIconStatusEffects brokenIconStatusEffects brokenIconStatusEffects broken Status Effect for 60 seconds after mending themselves.

IconAddon barbedWire
Barbed Wire Pliable American-made steel lined with sharp barbs.
Despite its simplicity, Caleb found it could be wrapped around a spear to increase its viciousness.
  • Increases the Mending time of Survivors by +3.5 seconds.

"There won't be nothing to fear soon. Till then, fear me." — Caleb Quinn

IconAddon filthyBlade
Filthy Blade This blade is stained with foul spots of blood and grime that make injuries particularly difficult to mend.
  • Increases the Mending time of Survivors by +4 seconds.

IconAddon loProChains
LoPro Chains Light chains that decrease the weight of the Chainsaw, allowing for greater manoeuvrability.
  • Grants the ability to continue a Chainsaw Sprint through Breakable WallsIconHelp breakableWallIconHelp breakableWallIconHelp breakableWall and dropped PalletsIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDown, breaking them in the process.
  • Healthy Survivors hit with the Chainsaw within 5 seconds of triggering the primary effect are only damaged for a single Health StateIconStatusEffects healingIconStatusEffects healingIconStatusEffects healing.
    • Injured Survivors will suffer from the Deep WoundIconStatusEffects deepWoundIconStatusEffects deepWoundIconStatusEffects deepWound Status Effect instead.

IconAddon originalPain
Original Pain The first pin pushed into Pinhead's skull.
Such pleasure and pain.
  • Survivors suffer from the Deep WoundIconStatusEffects deepWoundIconStatusEffects deepWoundIconStatusEffects deepWound Status Effect after breaking from the Possessed Chain.

"No tears, please. It's a waste of good suffering." — Pinhead

IconAddon somaFamilyPhoto
Soma Family Photo A sentimental object that grounds someone to an imagined past.
Inflicting Survivors with Temporal Slipstream from a Biopod has the following effects:
  • Causes them to suffer from a -3 % HinderedIconStatusEffects hinderedIconStatusEffects hinderedIconStatusEffects hindered Status Effect for 3 seconds.
  • Causes them to suffer from the Deep WoundIconStatusEffects deepWoundIconStatusEffects deepWoundIconStatusEffects deepWound Status Effect if they are injured.


IconAddon stabWoundsStudy
Stab Wounds Study A printed medical article stolen from Ormond's public library, vulgarising a study on lesions and stab wounds.
  • The AurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp auras of Survivors are revealed to you for 4 seconds after they mend themselves.

IconAddon acidicBlood
Acidic Blood When damaged, The Xenomorph's unique physiology made it deadlier than ever.

When Survivors stun you within 20 seconds after emerging from the Tunnels and while you are in Crawler Mode, the following effects apply:

  • Causes healthy Survivors to lose 1 Health State.
  • Causes injured Survivors to suffer from the Deep WoundIconStatusEffects deepWoundIconStatusEffects deepWoundIconStatusEffects deepWound Status Effect.
"I think we oughta discuss the bonus situation." — Parker


Dead Hard Dead Hard You can take a beating.

After being unhooked or unhooking yourself, Dead Hard activates whenever you are injured and running, and allows you to tap into your adrenaline bank to avoid taking further damage:

  • Press the Active Ability button to trigger the EnduranceIconStatusEffects enduranceSurvivor Status Effect for 0.5 seconds.
Dead Hard deactivates after use.

Dead Hard causes the ExhaustedIconStatusEffects exhaustedIconStatusEffects exhaustedIconStatusEffects exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds.
Dead Hard cannot be used when Exhausted.

"We were walkin' through t'ginnel one night when a beer bottle flew past me, then another, and another.
I thought to myself "Gonna 'ave some fun 'ere lads, let's get stuck in!".
It were a right dust up, I swear down!" — David King

For the People For the People You risk life and injury for others.

While healthy and healing another Survivor without using a Med-KitIconItems firstAidKitIconItems firstAidKitIconItems firstAidKit, press the Active Ability button to trigger the following effects:

  • Trade 1 Health StateIconStatusEffects healingIconStatusEffects healingIconStatusEffects healing with the other Survivor:
    • Instantly heals them to the Injured StateIconHelp injuredIconHelp injuredIconHelp injured, if they were dying or suffering from the Deep WoundIconStatusEffects deepWoundIconStatusEffects deepWoundIconStatusEffects deepWound Status Effect.
    • Instantly heals them to full health, if they were injured.
  • You yourself become injured and suffer from the BrokenIconStatusEffects brokenIconStatusEffects brokenIconStatusEffects broken Status Effect for the next 80/70/60 seconds.
  • You become the Killer's ObsessionIconHelp obsessionIconHelp obsessionIconHelp obsession, if not already.
Reduces your chance of becoming the initial Obsession by reducing the default value by -100 %.
The Killer can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.

"We can write our own story and decide how it really ends." — Zarina Kassir

Inner Strength Inner Strength You look inwards and trust your instincts when you feel lost and alone.

Each time you cleanse a TotemIconHelpLoading totemIconHelpLoading totemIconHelpLoading totem, Inner Strength activates:

  • You are automatically healed 1 Health State while hiding inside a LockerIconHelp lockersIconHelp lockersIconHelp lockers for 10/9/8 seconds when injured or suffering from the Deep WoundIconStatusEffects deepWoundIconStatusEffects deepWoundIconStatusEffects deepWound Status Effect.
Inner Strength does not activate if you currently suffer from the BrokenIconStatusEffects brokenIconStatusEffects brokenIconStatusEffects broken Status Effect.

"All this time I've been trying so hard to pretend like everything's fine, but it's not." — Nancy Wheeler

Made for This Made for This You were born to survive, and raised to adapt.

Whenever you are in the Injured StateIconHelp injuredIconHelp injuredIconHelp injured, Made for This activates and you benefit from the following effects:

  • Grants the EnduranceIconStatusEffects enduranceSurvivorIconStatusEffects enduranceSurvivorIconStatusEffects enduranceSurvivor Status Effect for 6/8/10 seconds, after completing a Healing action on another Survivor.
  • Grants a 1/2/3 % HasteIconStatusEffects hasteIconStatusEffects hasteIconStatusEffects haste Status Effect while running and also suffering from the Deep WoundIconStatusEffects deepWoundIconStatusEffects deepWoundIconStatusEffects deepWound Status Effect.
"I didn't come here to be robot food!" — Gabriel Soma
Off the Record Off the Record You have learnt that a quiet approach is sometimes best.

After being unhooked or unhooking yourself, Off the Record activates for the next 60/70/80 seconds:

  • Prevents your AuraIconHelp aurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp auras from being revealed to the KillerIconHelpLoading killerIconHelpLoading killerIconHelpLoading killer, if they attempt to read it.
  • Suppresses Grunts of Pain when injured.
  • Grants the EnduranceIconStatusEffects enduranceSurvivorIconStatusEffects enduranceSurvivorIconStatusEffects enduranceSurvivor Status Effect.

Off the Record deactivates once the Exit GatesIconHelp exitGatesIconHelp exitGatesIconHelp exitGates are powered.

"Trust me, I investigate thoroughly and discreetly." — Zarina Kassir

Soul Guard Soul Guard You have been through immense hardship and you're stronger for it.

After being healed from or having recovered from the Dying StateIconHelp dyingIconHelp dyingIconHelp dying, you benefit from the following effect:

While suffering from the CursedIconStatusEffects cursedIconStatusEffects cursedIconStatusEffects cursed Status Effect, you benefit from the following effects:
  • Grants the ability to fully recover yourself from the Dying State.
Soul Guard has a cool-down of 30 seconds.
We're Gonna Live Forever We're Gonna Live Forever Your few friends deserve the best protection.

You benefit from the following effect when healing a dying Survivor:

  • Increases your Healing speed by +100 %.
Any dying Survivor you heal back to the Injured State benefits from the following effect:
  • Grants the EnduranceIconStatusEffects enduranceSurvivorIconStatusEffects enduranceSurvivorIconStatusEffects enduranceSurvivor Status Effect for 6/8/10 seconds.
    • This effect can only be triggered once every 30 seconds.
"Come on then, let's ave' it! I don't give a shit pal." — David King


IconPowers eyesInTheSky Eyes in the Sky
IconPowers feralFrenzy Feral Frenzy
IconPowers guardiaCompagnia Guardia Compagnia
IconPowers theRedeemer The Redeemer
IconPowers virulentBound Virulent Bound


IconEventTryks HealExpose Heal You, Expose You!