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IconHelp statusHUD

The Status HUD is the primary information system available to Players in Dead by DaylightIconHelp DBDlogoIconHelp DBDlogoIconHelp DBDlogo and displayed as an overlay on their screen.


The Status HUD is comprised of several subsystems, with each sub-system displaying distinct pieces of information about the state of the Trial and its Players:

System Location on Screen Information Type Visibility
Status Effects Right side (AllStatusEffects) , above Perk Diamond Displays when a Player is afflicted by a Status Effect and if its timer-based, for how long. Personal
Proficiency Indicator Bottom centre, above Status Bar Displays when outside influences affect the Player's current interaction with an Interactable. Personal
Player Effects Bottom right (MaximumPerkEffects) , next to Perk Diamond Displays when a Player and their abilities are affected directly by the effects of Unlockables, regardless of whether those originate from the Player's own Unlockables or from those of other Players. Personal
Survivor HUD Icons Left side Displays which Character is part of the Trial and is combined with the Health State and Survivor Activity HUD systems. All Players
Health State Left side, combined with Survivor HUD Icons Displays the current Health State (separate Article) of Survivors to all Players in the Trial and is combined with the Survivor HUD Icons and Survivor Activity HUD systems. All Players
Survivor Activity HUD Left side (SurvivorActivityHUD Screenshot01) , combined with Survivor HUD Icons Displays a Survivor's current activity/interaction to all other Survivors. All Survivors

Status Effects

IconHelp statusEffects
IconHelp statusEffectList

All available Status Effects (except for Madness) active at the same time.[1]

First added with Patch 1.5.0, Status Effects show whenever a Survivor is affected by a special effect or affliction, indicated by a corresponding icon above the Perk diamond.
The icon's colour will reflect whether it is a buff (yellow) or a debuff (red).

Tiered Status Effects feature up to three Chevrons on the icon:
The more chevrons a Status Effect has, the stronger is its effect.
There are currently just two tiered Status Effects: BloodlustIconHelp bloodlustIconHelp bloodlustIconHelp bloodlust and MadnessIconStatusEffects madnessIconStatusEffects madnessIconStatusEffects madness.

Status Effects that are on a timer may have their timer refreshed by a new application of the effect, but will generally not stack the strength of their effects.


Main article: Blessed

FulliconStatusEffects blessed The Blessed Status Effect is a buff applied exclusively to Survivors.
  • Survivors benefit from Blessed and whichever effect(s) it applies whenever they are inside the Area of Effect of an active Boon TotemAtl Hud Icon BoonTotemAtl Hud Icon BoonTotemAtl Hud Icon BoonTotem (24 metres) and does so for as long as they remain inside it.


Main article: Blindness

FulliconStatusEffects blindness The Blindness Status Effect is a debuff that can be applied to both Survivors and the Killer.
  • Players suffering from Blindness are unable to read any AurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp auras, including the default ones of their role and those from PerksIconHelp perksIconHelp perksIconHelp perks.
    • Some essential Auras are exempt from that general rule, usually associated with Killer Power Objects.


Main article: Bloodlust

FulliconStatusEffects bloodlust The Bloodlust Status Effect is a buff applied exclusively to the Killer.
  • Killers benefitting from Bloodlust increasingly gain more Movement speed in prolonged Chases.
  • Bloodlust is a tiered Status Effect.


Main article: Broken

FulliconStatusEffects broken The Broken Status Effect is a debuff applied exclusively to Survivors.
  • Survivors suffering from Broken are unable to be healed or heal themselves past the Injured StateIconHelp injuredIconHelp injuredIconHelp injured.


Main article: Cursed

FulliconStatusEffects cursed The Cursed Status Effect is a debuff applied exclusively to Survivors.
  • Survivors suffering from Cursed are currently affected by an active Hex TotemIconHelpLoading totemIconHelpLoading totemIconHelpLoading totem and its effects.


Main article: Deafened

FulliconStatusEffects hearing The Deafened Status Effect is a semi-used debuff that can be applied to both Survivors and the Killer.
While the Status Effect is not displayed on the HUD, its effects are used by several Unlockables.
  • Players suffering from Deafened have their audio muffled temporarily and hear a tinnitus-like whistling sound.

Deep Wound

Main article: Deep Wound

FulliconStatusEffects deepWound The Deep Wound Status Effect is a debuff applied exclusively to Survivors.
  • Survivors suffering from Deep Wound have a special health bar displayed on the HUD.
    • The health bar progressively drains whenever the Survivor is not running, or in the act of Mending themselves or being Mended by other Survivors.
    • Once the timer runs out, the Survivor is automatically put into the Dying StateIconHelp dyingIconHelp dyingIconHelp dying.


Main article: Endurance

FulliconStatusEffects enduranceSurvivorFulliconStatusEffects enduranceKiller The Endurance Status Effect is a buff that can be applied to both Survivors and the Killer.
  • Survivors benefitting from Endurance can resist damage from the Killer.
    If they are hit or otherwise damaged, their character model is briefly outlined in white, which is used to indicate the recent damage-protection through Endurance to the Killer.
    • Endurance is cancelled prematurely whenever the Survivor protected by it performs a Conspicuous Action.
    • Endurance cannot protect a Survivor already suffering from the Deep Wound Status Effect from being downed.
  • Killers benefitting from Endurance can endure Stuns from Survivors, greatly reducing their duration.


Main article: Exhausted

FulliconStatusEffects exhausted The Exhausted Status Effect is a debuff applied exclusively to Survivors.
  • Survivors suffering from Exhaustion are unable to use any of the numerous Exhaustion Perks, preventing them from chaining multiple such Perks in quick succession.
  • Exhausted slowly recovers over time whenever the Survivor is not running.
  • Exhausted recovers immediately after being unhooked.


Main article: Exposed

FulliconStatusEffects exposed The Exposed Status Effect is a debuff applied exclusively to Survivors:
  • Survivors suffering from Exposed will suffer double-damage when hit by a Basic Attack, which immediately puts them into the Dying StateIconHelp dyingIconHelp dyingIconHelp dying.
    • The Endurance Status Effect can shield a Survivor from double-damage, which would afflict them with Deep Wound instead.
  • Survivors hear the sound cue found atop this table whenever they become Exposed by any means.

It should be noted that there is a popular misconception, especially amongst new Players, that due to the name "exposed", the Status Effect actually reveals their Aura to the Killer.
This is not and has never been the case, Exposed only ever applies double-damage.


Main article: Glyph

FulliconStatusEffects glyph The Glyph Status Effect is a debuff that is currently exclusive to the Killer.
  • It indicates to the Killer that they are currently suffering from a debuff that was applied after interacting with a GlyphIconStatusEffects glyphIconStatusEffects glyphIconStatusEffects glyph.


Main article: Haemorrhage

FulliconStatusEffects bleeding The Haemorrhage Status Effect is a debuff applied exclusively to Survivors.
  • Survivors suffering from Haemorrhage produce more Pools of BloodIconStatusEffects bleedingIconStatusEffects bleedingIconStatusEffects bleeding, making them easier to track by the Killer.
  • Survivors suffering from Haemorrhage lose any partial Healing progress at a rate of -7 % per second if not healed up fully.


Main article: Haste

FulliconStatusEffects haste The Haste Status Effect is a buff that can be applied to both Survivors and the Killer.
  • Players benefitting from Haste have their Movement speed increased.
    The strength of the effect depends on the specific Unlockable that inflicts it.


Main article: Hindered

FulliconStatusEffects hindered The Hindered Status Effect is a debuff that can be applied to both Survivors and the Killer.
  • Players suffering from Hindered have their Movement speed decreased.
    The strength of the effect depends on the specific Unlockable that inflicts it.


Main article: Incapacitated

FulliconStatusEffects incapacitated The Incapacitated Status Effect is a debuff applied exclusively to Survivors.
  • Survivors suffering from Incapacitated are unable to interact with certain Props or other Survivors.
    See Inhibited Actions for a full list.


Main article: Madness

FulliconStatusEffects madness The Madness Status Effect is a debuff applied exclusively to Survivors and exclusive to Trials against The DoctorIconHelpLoading doctorIconHelpLoading doctorIconHelpLoading doctor.
  • Survivors suffering from Madness suffer from various hallucinations and other debilitating impairments.
  • Madness is a tiered Status Effect.

The Madness Status Effect, used exclusively by The DoctorIconHelpLoading doctorIconHelpLoading doctorIconHelpLoading doctor, impairs the Survivor's sanity, increasingly affecting them with various Afflictions, depending on the Add-on(s) The Doctor is using.


Main article: Mangled

FulliconStatusEffects mangled The Mangled Status Effect is a debuff applied exclusively to Survivors.
  • Survivors suffering from Mangled take 25 % longer to be healed for 1 Health State.
    • This is achieved by reducing the Healing speed on that Survivor by -20 %.
    • Mangled only applies to healing from the Injured State back to full health.


Main article: Oblivious

FulliconStatusEffects oblivious The Oblivious Status Effect is a debuff applied exclusively to Survivors.
  • Survivors suffering from Oblivious are unable to perceive the Killer's Terror RadiusIconHelp terrorRadiusIconHelp terrorRadiusIconHelp terrorRadius and also do not hear the Heartbeat warning of the Killer's proximity.
  • Survivors suffering from Oblivious in turn do not suffer from any effects that rely on Survivors being inside the Terror Radius to be applied.
  • During a Chase, Survivors are still able to hear the Chase Music.


Main article: Revealed

FulliconStatusEffects revealed The Revealed Status Effect is a debuff that is applied exclusively to Survivors.
  • Survivors suffering from Revealed have their AuraIconHelp aurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp auras revealed to both Killers in the 2v8 Game Mode, to which this Status Effect is exclusive.


Main article: Undetectable

FulliconStatusEffects undetectable The Undetectable Status Effect is a buff applied exclusively to the Killer.


Main article: Vision

FulliconStatusEffects vision The Vision Status Effect is an unused buff that would have been applied to both Survivors and the Killer.
  • The effect would have boosted the radius of range-limited Aura-reading abilities, an effect that is identical to the effect of the Perk Open-HandedIconPerks open-HandedIconPerks open-HandedIconPerks open-Handed.

Proficiency Indicators

IconHelp proficiency
IconHelp proficiencyList

First added with Patch 1.5.0, Proficiency Indicators indicate to both Killers and Survivors how various effects from either their own Add-ons, Perks, Offerings, etc., or those of other Players, affect their performance at the interaction they are currently performing.
They do this by displaying the effect's associated icon above the Progress Bar and by colouring said bar accordingly.

Unlike Status Effects, Proficiency Indicators are not inherently a buff (yellow) or a debuff (red) in effect, but can be either, indicated by the colour of the icon and the colour of the Progress Bar.

  • The only exception to this is the Sleep Penalty Proficiency Indicator.

Progress Bar

The Progress Bar is displayed whenever an interaction requires a certain amount of Charges to be completed.
The Bar has 3 possible states/colours:

State & Colour Icon Information
Default State: blueish white ProgressBar neutralProgressionComplete The Player's Action speed is exactly 1 Charge per second (default).
Buff State: yellow ProgressBar yellowProgressionComplete The Player's Action speed is greater than 1 Charge per second.
Debuff State: red ProgressBar redProgressionComplete The Player's Action speed is less than 1 Charge per second.

It should be duly noted that the colour of the Progression is individual to each Player.
Even if the overall interaction (i.e. Generator Repair with multiple Survivors) is faster than the default Action speed of 1 Charge per second, if your individual speed/contribution to this is below that (i.e. due to Efficiency penalty), or above that (i.e. Toolbox Repair), the Progress Bar will be coloured accordingly.


Main article: Chance

FulliconStatusEffects chance The Chance Proficiency Indicator works alongside the Luck Mechanic and indicates whether the action a Survivor is currently performing has a higher or lower chance at succeeding.
  • Only applies to self-unhooking from a HookIconHelpLoading hookIconHelpLoading hookIconHelpLoading hook.


Main article: Efficiency

FulliconStatusEffects efficiency The Efficiency Proficiency Indicator indicates whether an Item's current Depletion rate is reduced or increased.
  • This Proficiency Indicator was originally known as Expertise.


Main article: Healing

FulliconStatusEffects healing The Healing Proficiency Indicator is an unused Proficiency Indicator that would have indicated whether a Survivor's Healing speed would be increased or reduced.
  • This functionality was usurped by the Progression Speed Proficiency Indicator.

Progression Speed

Main article: Progression Speed

FulliconStatusEffects progressionSpeed The Progression speed Proficiency Indicator indicates whether the Progression speed of an Action being performed by the Player is increased or reduced.


Main article: Repairing

FulliconStatusEffects repairing The Repairing Proficiency Indicator is an unused Proficiency Indicator that would have indicated whether a Survivor's Repair speed would be increased or reduced.
  • This functionality was usurped by the Progression Speed Proficiency Indicator.


Main article: Sabotaging

FulliconStatusEffects sabotaging The Sabotaging Proficiency Indicator is an unused Proficiency Indicator that would have indicated whether a Survivor's Sabotage speed would be increased or reduced.
  • This functionality was usurped by the Progression Speed Proficiency Indicator.

Skill Check Difficulty

FulliconStatusEffects skillCheckDifficulty The Skill Check Difficulty Proficiency Indicator indicates whether the Success Zone of a triggered Skill Check is increased or reduced.

Skill Check Probability

FulliconStatusEffects skillCheckProbability The Skill Check Probability Proficiency Indicator indicates the Odds of an interaction triggering a Skill Check are increased or reduced, with the latter being considered beneficial.

Sleep Penalty

Main article: Sleep Penalty

FulliconStatusEffects sleepPenalty The Sleep Penalty Proficiency Indicator only displays that the Wake Up action is slowed when trying to manually wake other Survivors in Trials against The NightmareIconHelpLoading nightmareIconHelpLoading nightmareIconHelpLoading nightmare after they were woken up that way at least once before already.

Player Effects System


Maximum number of Player Effects possible in a single Trial as of CHAPTER 27.[2]

The Player Effects System is used to indicate when something is affecting the Player and their abilities directly.

It was the very first such information system in Dead by Daylight and was already present in the release version 1.0.0.
It has remained in use to this date, with the Status Effects and Proficiency Indicator Systems complementing its functionality since Patch 1.5.0, taking up functions that would have been ill-suited to the Player Effects System.


Originally, the Player Effects System was reserved solely for the effects of Perks and Add-ons that influenced other Players, but has since expanded to encompass any effects affecting the Player and their abilities directly, whether those originate from the Player's own Unlockables or from those of other Players.

It is also used to indicate when a Killer's Power is affecting the Player in a way that cannot be displayed by any of the other information systems in Dead by Daylight.

Buff vs. Debuff

Before the introduction of the newer Status Effects and Proficiency Indicator Systems, effects which buffed the Player would use a turquoise colour, instead of yellow.
Since the Player Effects System is the oldest remaining system, it still uses the turquoise colour to indicate a buff.
Debuffs already used a red colour back then.

Icon Examples

Buff Debuff
IconStatusEffects buffPerk IconStatusEffects debuffPerk


The following Unlockables will display their icon using the Player Effects System:

Carter's SparkIconPowers cartersSparkIconPowers cartersSparkIconPowers cartersSpark Shows a debuff icon of Carter's Spark while a Survivor's interactions are inhibited from being hit by a Shock Therapy Attack.
Props / Interactables
Orange Glyphs Shows a debuff icon while the Killer suffers from its afflictions.

Survivor Activity HUD

SurvivorActivityHUD Screenshot01

First added with Patch 6.5.0, the Survivor Activity HUD displays the current interactions of Survivors to all other Survivors as a small symbol next to their HUD Icon.
In case of some crucial interactions such as Dying State Recovery and Generator Repair Progression, the current Progression of the interaction is displayed as well as a yellow circle surrounding the icon that is filling itself.

It also modified the mechanic of displaying when a Survivor is being chased by the Killer, which was formerly exclusive to the Obsession, so that it is now used on all Survivors.
The modified system still marks the Obsession with a long pair of Entity-claws framing their Survivor HUD Icon, but now uses a shorter pair of Entity-claws to indicate which Survivor is currently being chased.

The following interactions are currently displayed on the Survivor Activity HUD:

Icon Activity Progression Circle
T survivorActivity iconTotems Blessing a Totem DBD UI Icon X
Cleansing a Totem DBD UI Icon X
T survivorActivity iconHealing Healing yourself DBD UI Icon X
Healing another Survivor DBD UI Icon X
T survivorActivity iconKiller Interacting with a Killer's Power or related Prop DBD UI Icon X
T survivorActivity iconGates Opening an Exit Gate DBD UI Icon X
T survivorActivity iconRecovery Recovering from the Dying State DBD UI Icon CheckMark
T survivorActivity iconGenerator Repairing a Generator DBD UI Icon CheckMark
T survivorActivity Invocation Starting an Invocation DBD UI Icon CheckMark
T survivorActivity iconChests Unlocking a Chest DBD UI Icon X

Survivor HUD Icons

IconHelp healthy

The Survivor HUD Icons represent each Survivor in the Trial and the current state they are in or experiencing.
This includes their current Health State, whether or not they are being carried, being hooked, having escaped, being sacrificed, being killed, or being dead.
It also includes over-/underlays with special interactions with Killer Powers.

Up to the Status HUD Rework in Patch 4.5.2, Survivors were represented with a generic icon in the Status HUD instead of their Character portrait.


Dwight Fairfield DF charSelect portrait HUD Nothing Meg Thomas MT charSelect portrait HUD Nothing Jake Park JP charSelect portrait HUD Nothing Claudette Morel CM charSelect portrait HUD
Nea Karlsson NK charSelect portrait HUD Laurie Strode LS charSelect portrait HUD Ace Visconti AV charSelect portrait HUD Bill Overbeck BO charSelect portrait HUD
Feng Min FM charSelect portrait HUD David King DK charSelect portrait HUD Quentin Smith QS charSelect portrait HUD David Tapp FS charSelect portrait HUD
Kate Denson GS charSelect portrait HUD Adam Francis AF charSelect portrait HUD Jeff Johansen KS charSelect portrait HUD Jane Romero MS charSelect portrait HUD
Ash Williams MS2 charSelect portrait HUD Nancy Wheeler QF charSelect portrait HUD Steve Harrington QM charSelect portrait HUD Yui Kimura SS charSelect portrait HUD
Zarina Kassir US charSelect portrait HUD Cheryl Mason S22 charSelect portrait HUD Felix Richter S23 charSelect portrait HUD Élodie Rakoto S24 charSelect portrait HUD
Yun-Jin Lee S25 charSelect portrait HUD Jill Valentine S26 charSelect portrait HUD Leon Scott Kennedy S27 charSelect portrait HUD Mikaela Reid S28 charSelect portrait HUD
Jonah Vasquez S29 charSelect portrait HUD Yoichi Asakawa S30 charSelect portraitHUD Haddie Kaur S31 charSelect portraitHUD Ada Wong S32 charSelect portraitHUD
Rebecca Chambers S33 charSelect portraitHUD Vittorio Toscano S34 charSelect portraitHUD Thalita Lyra S35 charSelect portraitHUD Renato Lyra S36 charSelect portraitHUD
Gabriel Soma S37 charSelect portraitHUD Nicolas Cage S38 charSelect portraitHUD Ellen Ripley S39 charSelect portraitHUD Alan Wake S40 charSelect portraitHUD
Sable Ward S41 charSelect portraitHUD Aestri Yazar S42 charSelect portraitHUD Baermar Uraz S42 Baermar charSelect portraitHUD Lara Croft S43 charSelect portraitHUD
Trevor Belmont S44 charSelect portraitHUD Taurie Cain S45 charSelect portraitHUD

Survivor Legendary Portraits

As of Patch 5.0.0, Legendary Character feature their own portrait, replacing both the icon and the name displayed on the Survivor HUD:

Jonathan Byers QM Outfit 010 charSelect portrait HUD Nothing Lisa Garland S22 outfit 006 charSelect portrait HUD Nothing Cybil Bennett S22 outfit 008 charSelect portrait HUD Nothing Maria S22 Maria charSelect portrait HUD
James Sunderland S22 outfit 009 charSelect portrait HUD Claire Redfield S26 outfit02 charSelect portrait HUD Sheva Alomar S26 outfit008 charSelect portrait HUD Chris Redfield S27 outfit02 charSelect portrait HUD
Carlos Oliveira S27 outfit008 charSelect portrait HUD Tubarão S36 Tubarao charSelect portraitHUD Saga Anderson S40 Saga charSelect portraitHUD Rose Marigold S40 Rose charSelect portraitHUD
Rain Carradine S39 Rain charSelect portraitHUD Alucard S44 Alucard charSelect portraitHUD Soma Cruz S44 Soma charSelect portraitHUD

Killer HUD Icons

Added in the second iteration of 2v8 Game Mode and being exclusive to it, these icons only visible to Killers to see their teammate.

The Trapper T UI K01 charSelect portrait HUD Nothing The Wraith T UI K02 charSelect portrait HUD Nothing The Hillbilly T UI K03 charSelect portrait HUD Nothing The Nurse T UI K04 charSelect portrait HUD
The Huntress T UI K08 charSelect portrait HUD The Spirit T UI K13 charSelect portrait HUD The Deathslinger T UI K19 charSelect portrait HUD The Blight T UI K21 charSelect portrait HUD

Killer Legendary Portraits

Naughty Bear T UI K01 outfit018 charSelect portrait HUD Nothing The Mordeo T UI K08 outfit012 charSelect portrait HUD Nothing Stranger Eddie T UI K19 outfit015 charSelect portrait HUD

Broken State

IconStatusEffects broken

The Broken State is shown whenever a Survivor is damaged to the point that they can no longer be healed back to the Healthy State.

It adds a red version of the Broken Status Effect's icon to the Survivor's HUD portrait.

Caged State

IconStatus cagedSurvivor

The Caged State is shown whenever a Survivor was sent to a Cage of AtonementIconHelp cagesOfAtonementIconHelp cagesOfAtonementIconHelp cagesOfAtonement by The ExecutionerIconHelpLoading walesIconHelpLoading walesIconHelpLoading wales.

It replaces the Survivor's HUD portrait with a stylised Survivor trapped in a stylised cage.

Carried State

IconHelp carrySurvivor

The Carried State is shown whenever a Survivor is being carried by the Killer.

It replaces the Survivor's HUD portrait with a stylised Survivor hung up around their midsection.

Chain Hunt State

UI Rip - ChainHunt

The Chain Hunt State is shown whenever Lament Configuration is charging a Chain Hunt when facing The CenobiteIconHelpLoading cenobiteIconHelpLoading cenobiteIconHelpLoading cenobite.

It frames all Survivors' HUD portraits with a ring of dark blue chains.
The ring slowly fills with light blue and white colours (same as The Cenobite's visual effects when using his Powers) while the next Chain Hunt is charging up.
Once the ring is filled, the Chain Hunt starts.

Chased State

Unknown QuestionMark

The Chased State is shown whenever a Survivor whom is not the ObsessionIconHelp obsessionIconHelp obsessionIconHelp obsession is being chased by the Killer.

It frames the chased Survivor's HUD portrait with two short wiggling Entity claws.

Condemned State

IconHUD condemnation
IconHUD condemned

The Condemned State is shown whenever a Survivor has gained Condemned progress when facing The OnryōIconHelpLoading onryoIconHelpLoading onryoIconHelpLoading onryo.

It frames the Survivor's HUD portrait with a ring that fills its seven sections in white.
Once a Survivor is fully Condemned, the ring turns red and they can be killed with the Inexorable Stare.

Contaminated State

Unknown QuestionMark

The Contaminated State is shown whenever The NemesisIconHelpLoading nemesisIconHelpLoading nemesisIconHelpLoading nemesis contaminates a Survivor with a Tentacle Strike.

It underlays the Survivor's HUD portrait in blue with the heartbeat line of an electrocardiogram.

Dead State

IconHelp BleedOutDeath

The Dead State is shown after a Survivor dies in any manner other than being sacrificed to the Entity using the Sacrificial Hooks, meaning being killed with a Memento Mori or comparable Unlockable, or bleeding out completely in the Dying State.

It replaces the Survivor's HUD portrait with a stylised skull.

Disconnected State

DC Icon

The Disconnected State is shown after a Survivor leaves match.

Before Survivors were replaced by Bots, it would replace the disconnected Survivor's HUD portrait with disconnected plugs.

Hooked State

IconHelpLoading hook

The Hooked State is shown whenever a Survivor is on a Hook and undergoing the Sacrifice process.

It replaces the Survivor's HUD portrait with a stylised hook.

Hunted State

IconHUD patrolhunt

The Hunted State is shown whenever a Survivor is being hunted by a Guard spawned by The KnightIconHelpLoading knightIconHelpLoading knightIconHelpLoading knight.

It frames the Survivor's HUD portrait with a turqoise-green circle that displays a timer turning counter clockwise as it runs out, displaying the remaining Hunt duration before the Guard dissolves.

Infected State

IconHUD infection
IconHUD infected

The Infected State is shown whenever The MastermindIconHelpLoading mastermindIconHelpLoading mastermindIconHelpLoading mastermind infects a Survivor with a Virulent Bound.

It frames the Survivor's HUD portrait with a patterned ring in two different colours:

  • White is the Progression icon for this state, showing the partial progression towards Critical Infection.
    • Partial progression is only visible to Survivors, The Mastermind will only ever see the full icon while Survivors are infected by Uroboros.
  • Red indicates that the infected Survivor is now Critical Infection, at which point they receive the Hindered Status Effect and are more vulnerable to The Mastermind's Virulent Bounds.
    • Both Survivors and The Mastermind will see this icon fully.

Lacerated State

UI Rip - Lacerated Empty
UI Rip - Lacerated
UI Rip - Lacerated Full

The Lacerated State is shown whenever a Survivor gets hit by The TricksterIconHelpLoading tricksterIconHelpLoading tricksterIconHelpLoading trickster's Blades.
The HUD also indicates how many Blades left until the next Health State.

It frames the Survivor's HUD portrait with a ring that fills its sections in fuchsia for each Blade that hit them.
Once they are one hit away from going down, the ring's colour changes to red.

Latched-On State

IconHUD latchedOnState

The Latched-On State is shown whenever Victor of The TwinsIconHelpLoading twinsIconHelpLoading twinsIconHelpLoading twins successfully pounced on a Survivor's back.

It frames the Survivor's HUD portrait with Victor's hands grabbing at it.

Lock On State

Unknown QuestionMark
Unknown QuestionMark

The Lock On State is shown whenever a Survivor enters the Detection Zone of a drone deployed by The Skull MerchantIconHelpLoading skullMerchantIconHelpLoading skullMerchantIconHelpLoading skullMerchant.

It underlays the Survivor's HUD portrait with a yellow digitized timer when they are in the Detection Zone, which becomes orange if it fully fills up.
The icon also acts as a timer to display for how long the Survivor stays Locked On for.

Madness State

Unknown QuestionMark
Unknown QuestionMark
IconHUD madState 3

The Mad State is shown whenever a Survivor afflicted with MadnessIconStatusEffects madnessIconStatusEffects madnessIconStatusEffects madness, induced by the Shock Attacks of The DoctorIconHelpLoading doctorIconHelpLoading doctorIconHelpLoading doctor.
The amount of static on the HUD overlay indicates the strength of Madness.

It underlays the Survivor's HUD portrait with increasing degrees of static:

  • Madness Tier I shows horizontal lines of static
  • Madness Tier II shows vertical lines of static
  • Madness Tier III shows static noise

Marked State

IconHUD marking
IconHUD markedState

The Marked State is shown whenever a Survivor was successfully stalked by The Ghost FaceIconHelpLoading ghostIconHelpLoading ghostIconHelpLoading ghost and now suffers from the Exposed Status Effect.

It frames the Survivor's HUD portrait with stylised blood drops propagating from the centre.
The icon also acts as a timer to display for how long the Survivor stays Marked for.

Obsessed State

IconHelp obsession

The Obsessed State is shown each Trial on the Survivor designated as the Killer's ObsessionIconHelp obsessionIconHelp obsessionIconHelp obsession.

It frames the Survivor's HUD portrait with two of The Entity's spider legs, which wiggle side-to-side whenever the Obsession is being chased by the Killer.

Puzzle Solving State

UI Rip - Puzzle Solve

The Puzzle Solving State is shown whenever a Survivor has picked up the Lament Configuration when facing The CenobiteIconHelpLoading cenobiteIconHelpLoading cenobiteIconHelpLoading cenobite.

It frames the Survivor's HUD portrait with a cog wheel of ocker/gold colour while they are carrying the Lament Configuration.
The cog wheel animates when the Survivor is solving the box.

Sacrificed State

IconHelp Sacrificed

The Sacrificed State is shown after a Survivor lost the battle against The EntityIconHelp entityIconHelp entityIconHelp entity or didn't escape within an hour after the trial started and was successfully sacrificed.

It replaces the Survivor's HUD portrait with a stylised blood-smeared skull.

Sickness State

IconHUD sicknessState 3
IconHUD sicknessState 2

The Sickness State is shown whenever a Survivor came in contact with Vile Purge by The PlagueIconHelpLoading plagueIconHelpLoading plagueIconHelpLoading plague.

It underlays the Survivor's HUD portrait with a vomit-puddle of different colours:

  • Red is the default background icon for this state and is visible to Survivors as soon as they come into contact with The Plague's vomit.
    • For Survivors, the icon will initially partially hidden by its yellow version, based how much progression they have obtained towards full Sickness
    • Both Survivors and The Plague will see this icon fully, as soon as Survivors are completely afflicted by her Sickness and receive the Broken Status Effect.
  • Yellow is the Progression icon for this state, showing the partial progression towards full Sickness.
    • Partial progression is only visible to Survivors, The Plague will only ever see the full icon while Survivors are partially sick.

Sleep State

Sleep clock
Status sleep iconpng

The two Sleep States are shown whenever a Survivor is under the influence of micro-sleep (a timer will be shown) or asleep and inside the Dream World of The NightmareIconHelpLoading nightmareIconHelpLoading nightmareIconHelpLoading nightmare.

It underlays the Survivor's HUD portrait with a timer during micro-sleep, static swirls when they are sleeping, and pulsating yellow rings when they are woken up by an Alarm Clock.

Swarmed State

UI Rip - Swarmed
UI Rip - Swarmed 2

The Swarmed State is shown whenever a Survivor is hit by a Dire Crow summoned by The ArtistIconHelpLoading artistIconHelpLoading artistIconHelpLoading artist.

Tormented State

UI Rip - Torment 1

The Tormented State is shown whenever a Survivor, while not crouched, moves through a Torment Trail set by The ExecutionerIconHelpLoading walesIconHelpLoading walesIconHelpLoading wales.

It frames the Survivor's HUD portrait with a ring of barbed wire.

Trapped State

StatusIcon trap

The Trapped State is shown whenever a Survivor gets caught in a Bear TrapIconPowers trapIconPowers trapIconPowers trap when facing The TrapperIconHelpLoading trapperIconHelpLoading trapperIconHelpLoading trapper, or when caught in a Mimic when facing The LichIconHelpLoading lichIconHelpLoading lichIconHelpLoading lich.

It replaces the Survivor's HUD portrait with a half-way-opened bear trap.

Trapped Timer State

IconHelp reverseBearTrap timerStop
IconHelp reverseBearTrap timerStart

The Trapped Timer State is shown whenever a Survivor's has a Reverse Bear TrapIconPowers jigsawsBaptismIconPowers jigsawsBaptismIconPowers jigsawsBaptism of The PigIconHelpLoading pigIconHelpLoading pigIconHelpLoading pig attached to their head.
The former shows an inactive Reverse Bear Trap, while the latter shows one ticking down.

It underlays the Survivor's HUD portrait with a timer icon that indicates whether the Death timer is paused (white) or ticking down (red).
Survivors are shown the exact time they have left on the Death timer.

Weakened State

Unknown QuestionMark

The Weakened State is shown whenever a Survivor comes in contact with UVXIconPowers uvxIconPowers uvxIconPowers uvx by The UnknownIconHelpLoading unknownIconHelpLoading unknownIconHelpLoading unknown.

Killer HUD Icons

With the re-addition of 2v8 in November 2024, Killers were given their own Icons in the UI next to the indicator of Generators remaining on the map.


The Trapper Nothing The Wraith Nothing The Hillbilly Nothing The Nurse
The Huntress The Spirit The Deathslinger The Blight

Legendary Portraits

Naughty Bear Nothing The Mordeo Nothing Stranger Eddie

Change Log

Patch 1.5.0

  • Quality of Life: added the Status Effects and Proficiency Indicators systems to the Status HUD, which allow the game to better convey to Players when outside effects are affecting them and of which type the effects are.

Patch 2.5.0

  • Change: timers no longer stack or automatically reset; the longest timer will prevail and shorter ones are ignored.
    • If the new Timer is the higher one, the previous timer is discarded and the Status Effect icon will visually reset to 100 %.
    • If the new Timer is the lower one, the new timer is discarded and the Status Effect icon will remain at its current progression.

Patch 3.4.0

  • Killer Quality of Life: the red de-buff icon applied by Perks no longer appears on the Survivors' HUD until the debuff is active.

Patch 4.5.0

  • Change: the Deep Wound timer is now 20 seconds across the board.

Patch 5.7.0

  • Killer Buff: added a new effect to Haemorrhage, which now causes partial Healing progression to regress over time.

Patch 6.1.0

  • Survivor Nerf: Endurance is no longer able to shield a Survivor from going down while suffering from Deep Wound at the same time.
    • This change was motivated by wishing to prevent Survivors from being able to avoid more than just one hit from the Killer through stacking Endurance.
  • Change: added the Glyph Status Effect, used exclusively for Killers when they are affected by the Orange Glyph effects.

Patch 6.5.0

  • Survivor Buff: added the Survivor Activity HUD system to the Status HUD, which displays a Survivor's current interaction to all other Survivors.
  • Survivor Quality of Life: added an icon to display when a Survivor is being carried.

Patch 6.5.1

  • Survivor Buff: if a Survivor is working on a Generator, its current Progression is now displayed on the Survivor Activity HUD.

Patch 7.0.0

  • Change: added the Killer version of the Endurance Status Effect, used exclusively for the Endure Stun Twisted Skill available during the Twisted Masquerade Events.

Patch 8.1.0

  • Change: added the Revealed Status Effect, used exclusively in the 2v8 Game Mode.


  1. Screenshot from Reddit Post by u/Potassium_40. Reddit. Retrieved 30 January 2022.
  2. Screenshot from Reddit Post by u/Potassium_40. Reddit. Retrieved 13 March 2023.

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