Dead by Daylight Wiki

IconHelp skills

Skills are a special type of Load-OutIconHelp loadoutIconHelp loadoutIconHelp loadout, which were first implemented in Patch 8.1.0.

There are currently 26 Skills featured in Dead by Daylight.


Skills are only available while playing the 2v8 Game Mode and replace all other Load-Out options.

Skills cannot be chosen freely, rather there are 4 different Classes per side that Players can select for their chosen Character, with each Class providing a predetermined set consisting of 3 Skills.

The only exception is the Innate Skill of a Killer, which remains unchanged across all four Classes.


Both Survivor and Killer Players can select freely from one of 4 Classes for their chosen Character, which will determine their skillset for the 2v8 Trial.

There is a limit of 4 Players per Class for Survivors and just 1 Player per Class for Killers, however.

Selecting a Class provides a unique set of 3 Skills, with the only exception being the Innate Skill of a Killer, as its name suggests.


Skills work like a mix of PerksIconHelp perksIconHelp perksIconHelp perks and Add-onsIconHelp addonsIconHelp addonsIconHelp addons, combining multiple effects to provide Survivors and Killers with special abilities and additionally enhancing the Powers of the latter.

Skill Slots[]

Players are always equipped with 3 Skills, which have their predetermined Slots:

  • Survivor Skills:
    • Slot 1: Reveal Skill
    • Slot 2: Team Skill
    • Slot 3: Unlockable Skill
  • Killer Skills:
    • Slot 1: Innate Skill
    • Slot 2: Team Skill
    • Slot 3: Reveal Skill

List of Skills[]

Survivor Skills[]

Icon Name Description Slot Character
IconSkills RunnerAura
Escapist Aura Skill

2 All
IconSkills RunnerInnate
Escapist Innate Skill
  • While injured, you are granted a permanent +3 % HasteIconStatusEffects hasteIconStatusEffects hasteIconStatusEffects haste Status Effect.

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IconSkills RunnerTeam
Escapist Team Skill Starting to run triggers this Skill:
  • Grants a +150 % HasteIconStatusEffects hasteIconStatusEffects hasteIconStatusEffects haste Status Effect for 3 seconds.
    • This effect is also extended to all other Survivors within 12 metres of your location.

This Skill causes the ExhaustedIconStatusEffects exhaustedIconStatusEffects exhaustedIconStatusEffects exhausted Status Effect for 20 seconds.
This Skill cannot be used when Exhausted.

1 All
IconSkills MechanicAura
Guide Aura Skill
  • The AurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp auras of Generators are revelaed to you within 16 metres.

2 All
IconSkills MechanicInnate
Guide Innate Skill
  • Survivors within 8 metres of your location benefit from the following effects:
    • The bonus Progression of Great Skill ChecksIconHelp skillChecksIconHelp skillChecksIconHelp skillChecks during Repairs is increased by +3 %.
    • The volume of Repair noises is reduced by -50 %.

This Skill is inactive while hiding inside a LockerIconHelp lockersIconHelp lockersIconHelp lockers.

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IconSkills MechanicTeam
Guide Team Skill
  • While repairing a GeneratorIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generators, your AuraIconHelp aurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp auras and that of the Generator are revealed to the team.

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IconSkills MedicAura
Medic Aura Skill
  • The AurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp auras of injured Survivors are revealed to you within 128 metres.

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IconSkills MedicInnate
Medic Innate Skill
  • Your Personal and Altruistic Healing speeds are increased by +35 %.

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IconSkills MedicTeam
Medic Team Skill
  • While healing another Survivor, their AuraIconHelp aurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp auras is revealed to the team.
  • Survivors within 3 metres of your location have their Altruistic Healing speed increased by +25 %.
    • This effects is inactive while you are being chased.

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IconSkills ScoutAura
Scout Aura Skill
  • Whenever either Killer performs the Break or Damage action, their AuraIconHelp aurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp auras is revealed to you.
    • This effect also triggers when the Killer is stunned by a PalletIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDown.

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IconSkills ScoutInnate
Scout Innate Skill
  • Grunts of Pain are suppressed while crouching.
  • Your Movement speed while crouching is increased by +100 %.

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IconSkills ScoutTeam
Scout Team Skill
  • Whenever a Killer is within 64 metres of your location and you have Line of Sight on them, their AuraIconHelp aurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp auras is revealed to the team.

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IconSkills SurvivorSelfcare Generic
Shared Unlockable Skill
  • Unlocks the Self-Care ability, allowing you to self-heal without needing a Med-KitIconItems firstAidKitIconItems firstAidKitIconItems firstAidKit at 50 % of the regular Healing speed.
  • Unlocks the Self-Recovery ability, allowing you to fully recover from the Dying StateIconHelp dyingIconHelp dyingIconHelp dying without help from other Survivors.
  • Self-Recovery after charging the Health Bar for at least 25 % by yourself grants the following additional effects:
    • EnduranceIconStatusEffects enduranceSurvivorIconStatusEffects enduranceSurvivorIconStatusEffects enduranceSurvivor Status Effect for 20 seconds.
    • +10 % HasteIconStatusEffects hasteIconStatusEffects hasteIconStatusEffects haste Status Effect for 10 seconds.

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Killer Skills[]

Icon Name Description Slot Character
IconSkills HillbillyPassive
Hillbilly Innate Skill
  • The Chainsaw no longer deals double damage.
  • Increases the Turn rate of the Chainsaw by +44 %.
  • Reduces the Cool-down time after hitting an obstacle during a Chainsaw Sprint by -12 %.

2 Hillbilly
K03 TheHillbilly Portrait
IconSkills HillbillyTeam
Hillbilly Team Skill
  • During a Chainsaw Sprint, all Survivors coming within 10 metres of The Hillbilly suffer from the ExposedIconStatusEffects exposedIconStatusEffects exposedIconStatusEffects exposed Status Effect until he ends the Chainsaw Sprint.

1 Hillbilly
K03 TheHillbilly Portrait
IconSkills HuntressPassive
Huntress Innate Skill
  • The Huntress starts the Trial with 10 Hunting HatchetsIconPowers huntingHatchetsIconPowers huntingHatchetsIconPowers huntingHatchets equipped.
  • Increases Movement speed while out of Hatchets by +4.5 % to ~4.6 m/s.
  • Increases Movement speed during the Wind-up Phase by +5 %.
  • Reduces the Reload time at LockersIconHelp lockersIconHelp lockersIconHelp lockers by -20 %.
  • Reduces the Cool-down time between successive Hatchet throws by -20 %.

2 Huntress
K08 TheHuntress Portrait
IconSkills HuntressTeam
Huntress Team Skill

1 Huntress
K08 TheHuntress Portrait
IconSkills NursePassive
Nurse Innate Skill
  • Increases the range of the Lunge Attack after a Blink by +30 %.
    • This range is further increased by an additional +30 % per Chain Blink, up to a combined total of +90 %.
  • Reduces the duration of Fatigue by -7 %.
  • Reduces the duration of the additional Fatigue gained from Chain Blinks by -65 %.
  • Reduces the duration of the additional Fatigue gained from missed Special Attacks by -0.5 seconds.
  • Teleporting within 1 metre of a Survivor causes them to scream.
  • Increases Movement speed during a Chain Blink by +30 %.
  • Extends the Chain Blink Window by +0.2 seconds.

2 Nurse
K04 TheNurse Portrait
IconSkills NurseTeam
Nurse Team Skill
  • While within 16 metres of the other Killer, The Nurse is granted +1 Token towards her Power.
    • This Token is lost once The Nurse is no longer in range and cannot be saved.

1 Nurse
K04 TheNurse Portrait
IconSkills KillerChaseAura Generic
Shared Killer Skill 1
  • When entering a Chase, the targeted Survivors all suffer from the RevealedIconStatusEffects revealedIconStatusEffects revealedIconStatusEffects revealed Status Effect for 5 seconds or until the other Killer comes within 16 metres of their location, whichever is shorter.

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IconSkills KillerTeammateAura Generic
Shared Killer Skill 2.1
  • After performing the Damage Generator Action, all Survivors within 20 metres of it suffer from the RevealedIconStatusEffects revealedIconStatusEffects revealedIconStatusEffects revealed Status Effect for 5 seconds.

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IconSkills KillerRegressionSpeed Generic
Shared Killer Skill 2.2
  • Performing the Damage Generator Action increases the Regression speed of that GeneratorIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generators by +200 %.

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IconSkills TrapperPassive
Trapper Innate Skill The Trapper starts the Trial with 4 Bear TrapsIconPowers trapIconPowers trapIconPowers trap equipped with an additional 8 Bear Traps spawning in the environment.
  • Increases the Setting speed of Bear Traps by +50 %.
  • Increases the Escape time from Bear Traps by +25 %.

Neither Killer can be caught in armed Bear Traps when walking over them, but doing so as The Trapper will disarm them, requiring a reset.

2 Trapper
K01 TheTrapper Portrait
IconSkills TrapperTeam
Trapper Team Skill Whenever The Trapper sets or resets a Bear TrapIconPowers trapIconPowers trapIconPowers trap, he benefits from the following effect:
  • Grants a +150 % HasteIconStatusEffects hasteIconStatusEffects hasteIconStatusEffects haste Status Effect for 3 seconds.
    • This effect also applies to the other Killer if they are within 16 metres of that Bear Trap.

1 Trapper
K01 TheTrapper Portrait
IconSkills WraithPassive
Wraith Innate Skill
  • Increases the Cloaking speed by +22 %.
  • Increases the Uncloaking speed by +22 %.
  • Increases Movement speed while Cloaked by +9 %.

2 Wraith
K02 TheWraith Portrait
IconSkills WraithTeam
Wraith Team Skill
  • While Cloaked, the UndetectableIconStatusEffects undetectableIconStatusEffects undetectableIconStatusEffects undetectable Status Effect is extended to the other Killer whenever they are within 16 metres of The Wraith.

1 Wraith
K02 TheWraith Portrait

Change Log[]

2v8 (V2)[]

  • Reduced the number of Skills associated with a Class from 4 to 3.
  • Killer Skills are now also linked to a Class, rather than their Power.
    • The only exception is the Innate Skill.
  • Added the previously Shared Killer Skills to their base-kit and update various values and effects.
  • Renamed the Aura Skill to Reveal Skill.
  • Adjusted the Unlockable Skill to be unique for each Survivor Class.