Dead by Daylight Wiki

Shared Killer Skill 2.1 is a SkillIconHelp skillsIconHelp skillsIconHelp skills belonging to KillersIconHelpLoading killerIconHelpLoading killerIconHelpLoading killer.

Icon Description Slot
IconSkills KillerTeammateAura Generic
  • After performing the Damage Generator Action, all Survivors within 20 metres of it suffer from the RevealedIconStatusEffects revealedIconStatusEffects revealedIconStatusEffects revealed Status Effect for 5 seconds.



  • This Skill and the Shared Killer Skill 2.2IconSkills KillerRegressionSpeed GenericIconSkills KillerRegressionSpeed GenericIconSkills KillerRegressionSpeed Generic are two parts of the same combined Skill in-game.
    • The Wiki separates them because they have unique icons for either ability.