Residual Manifest is a Unique Perk belonging to Haddie Kaur.
Prestige Haddie Kaur to Prestige 1, 2, 3 respectively to unlock Tier I, Tier II, Tier III of Residual Manifest for all other Characters.
A lifetime of chasing the darkness has taught you that the best disinfectant is light.
- After a successful Killer Blind, the Killer suffers from the Blindness Status Effect for 20/25/30 seconds.
- Residual Manifest grants the ability to rummage through an opened Chest once per Trial and will guarantee a basic Flashlight.
- Residual Manifest also applies the Blindness Status Effect to blinds caused by Firecrackers, Flash Grenades or Blast Mine.
- When used with Appraisal, Residual Manifest's Token is consumed first.