Dead by Daylight Wiki

Putrid Oak is a Very Rare OfferingIconHelp offeringsIconHelp offeringsIconHelp offerings belonging to KillersIconHelpLoading killerIconHelpLoading killerIconHelpLoading killer.

Icon Description Cost
IconFavors putridOak
Calls upon The EntityIconHelp entityIconHelp entityIconHelp entity for the following effect:
  • Reduces the minimum distance between Spawn locations for HooksIconHelpLoading hookIconHelpLoading hookIconHelpLoading hook by -3.5 metres.

"A ruined piece of oak oozing with a black putrescent liquid."


IconHelp bloodpoints



Icon Description
FulliconFavors putridOak Calls upon The Entity to create 3 more Hooks.


Icon Description
FulliconFavors putridOak Calls upon The EntityIconHelp entityIconHelp entityIconHelp entity for the following effect:
  • Reduces the minimum distance between Spawn locations for HooksIconHelpLoading hookIconHelpLoading hookIconHelpLoading hook by -3.5 metres.

"A ruined piece of oak oozing with a black putrescent liquid."

Change Log[]

Patch 2.5.0[]

  • Mechanics Change: now affects the minimum spawn distance in-between Hooks.


  • Despite being a non-DLC Unlockable, Putrid Oak was not part of the original Game until it was implemented alongside several other Unlockables in the big September Patch of 2016 (Patch 1.1.2).