Play as Survivor is one of 3 permanently available Game Modes in Dead by Daylight.
Creates a Lobby for ranked Trials as a Survivor that up three additional (befriended) Survivors can join to then collectively join the matchmaking queue afterwards to play ranked Trials with 5 Players, divided into 4 Survivors and 1 Killer.
Survive With Friends[]
- often abbreviated as SWF
Created a Lobby for ranked Trials for up to 4 befriended Survivors that would then join the matchmaking queue to be matched with a Killer.
This formerly separate queue was merged with the regular Survivor queue in Patch 3.2.0.
- This Mode was originally known as Be a Survivor.
- Survive with Friends was originally not available when the Game released, only being added a few weeks later with Patch 1.0.3.