Dead by Daylight Wiki
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Pallets are interactive obstacles featured in Dead by DaylightIconHelp DBDlogoIconHelp DBDlogoIconHelp DBDlogo.


Pallets have two states: upright, and pulled-down, also referred to as "dropped".

At the start of a Trial, all Pallets are in the upright position, meaning that both the Survivors and the Killer can pass through the area next to them without needing to interact with them.
Killers are unable to interact with Pallets in this state, but Survivors have the option to pull it down and create an obstacle for the Killer that can only be vaulted by the Survivors, which is similar to vaulting a WindowIconHelp windowIconHelp windowIconHelp window.
The sole exceptions to this are The LegionIconHelpLoading legionIconHelpLoading legionIconHelpLoading legion, who can vault a dropped Pallet while using Feral Frenzy, and The MastermindIconHelpLoading mastermindIconHelpLoading mastermindIconHelpLoading mastermind, who can vault a dropped Pallet if he collides with it while using Virulent Bound.

As of Patch 3.4.0, Survivors can reset dropped Pallets to the upright position by using the Perk Any Means NecessaryIconPerks anyMeansNecessaryIconPerks anyMeansNecessaryIconPerks anyMeansNecessary.


Dead by Daylight currently features 4 different types}} of Pallets:

Regular Pallet

The Regular Pallet spawns in every single Trial and the main tool for Survivors to barricade the way for Killers while in a Chase.
Some Maps, such as The Decimated Borgo, spawn a visually unique version of it to fit with the theme.

Dream Pallet

The Dream Pallet is one of two types of Dream Traps, which The NightmareIconHelpLoading nightmareIconHelpLoading nightmareIconHelpLoading nightmare can place.
It is only visible to Survivors when they are asleep and dropping it will instantly break it without stunning or hindering The Nightmare in any way.

Possible spawn locations are highlighted to The Nightmare in orange and placed Dream Pallets are highlighted to him in white.

Fake Pallet

The Fake or Illusionary Pallet is one of several possible Illusions induced by The DoctorIconHelpLoading doctorIconHelpLoading doctorIconHelpLoading doctor, using the MadnessIconStatusEffects madnessIconStatusEffects madnessIconStatusEffects madness mechanic.
They can spawn in both the upright and dropped positions and will dissolve if a Survivor walks through them.

They are highlighted to The Doctor in white.

Fragile Pallet

TwistedMasquerade FragilePallet

Party Pallet model

The Fragile or Party Pallet is the newest type and was introduced for the Twisted Masquerade 2023 Event.

It can be spawned by Survivors using their Twisted Skills special ability.
Fragile Pallets have the trade-off that they break immediately upon use, but can still stun the Killer.

It features a unique model, visually designating it as a special Pallet.


Killers have the option to break and thus permanently destroy dropped Pallets by interacting with them (default: SPACE, R1, or RB), an action that takes 2.34 seconds.

Breaking a Pallet displays a short animation in which the Killer will destroy it either with their foot, their hand, or their Weapon.
This will momentarily obstruct their vision as the camera will tilt downwards until the Pallet is destroyed, giving the Survivor an opportunity to hide out of sight.
It also gives the Survivor the opportunity to easily blind the Killer with a FlashlightIconItems flashlightIconItems flashlightIconItems flashlight, as they are locked into the animation and cannot turn their head to try and evade the blind.

The HillbillyIconHelpLoading hillbillyIconHelpLoading hillbillyIconHelpLoading hillbilly and The CannibalIconHelpLoading cannibalIconHelpLoading cannibalIconHelpLoading cannibal, both wielding Chainsaws, can alternatively choose to destroy a Pallet with them.
The DemogorgonIconHelpLoading demogorgonIconHelpLoading demogorgonIconHelpLoading demogorgon, The OniIconHelpLoading oniIconHelpLoading oniIconHelpLoading oni, The BlightIconHelpLoading blightIconHelpLoading blightIconHelpLoading blight, and The NemesisIconHelpLoading nemesisIconHelpLoading nemesisIconHelpLoading nemesis may destroy a Pallet by using their Special Attacks.
The Legion can destroy a Pallet by vaulting it during Feral Frenzy if the Iridescent ButtonIconAddon iridescentButtonIconAddon iridescentButtonIconAddon iridescentButton Add-on is equipped.
The Mastermind can destroy Pallets using Virulent Bound if the Lab PhotoIconAddon labPhotoIconAddon labPhotoIconAddon labPhoto Add-on is equipped.
The Knight can destroy Pallets by ordering a Guard to break it for him.
The Good GuyIconHelpLoading goodGuyIconHelpLoading goodGuyIconHelpLoading goodGuy can destroy Pallets by Scampering under them if the Hard HatIconAddon hardHatIconAddon hardHatIconAddon hardHat Add-on is equipped.


Blocked upright Pallets cannot be pulled down by Survivors.
Upright Pallets can be blocked while using the Perk Hex: Blood FavourIconPerks hexBloodFavourIconPerks hexBloodFavourIconPerks hexBloodFavour.


If a Killer is inside the area of a Pallet and a Survivor pulls it down, they will be pushed back and get stunned for 2 seconds, obstructing their vision as their camera tilts.
This will also award the Survivor a hefty amount of Bloodpoints in the BoldnessDailyRitualIcon boldnessDailyRitualIcon boldnessDailyRitualIcon boldness Category.

If the Killer is close to the edge of the Pallet's Area of Effect, they can try avoiding the stun from the Survivor dropping it by quickly exiting the Area of Effect, as the stun condition is only applied once the Pallet is pulled about 50 % down.

A Killer carrying a Survivor can be stunned by Pallets. If stunned while holding a Survivor, the Killer will drop the Survivor into the Injured StateIconHelp injuredIconHelp injuredIconHelp injured, giving them time to escape.
This only happens when the Killer is able to move as the animation to pick up a Survivor cannot be cancelled.


A Survivor in the Injured StateIconHelp injuredIconHelp injuredIconHelp injured can be grabbed by the Killer mid-vault and hoisted directly onto their shoulder by tapping the attack button (default: M1, R2, RT or ZR), putting them instantly into the Dying StateIconHelp dyingIconHelp dyingIconHelp dying upon a drop.


In order to vault over a Pallet, SurvivorsIconHelpLoading survivorIconHelpLoading survivorIconHelpLoading survivor must walk up to it and press SPACE (PC), R1 (PS4), RB (Xbox), or R (Switch).

Killers are generally unable to vault Pallets, with the sole exception being The LegionIconHelpLoading legionIconHelpLoading legionIconHelpLoading legion and The MastermindIconHelpLoading mastermindIconHelpLoading mastermindIconHelpLoading mastermind while using their Powers.
The Good GuyIconHelpLoading goodGuyIconHelpLoading goodGuyIconHelpLoading goodGuy can Scamper under Pallets while in Hidey-Ho Mode.

Survivors have two different types of Pallet vaults:

Fast Vault

If a Survivor runs up to a Pallet and initiates a vault, they will quickly, but noisily slide across it.

  • This vault will take 1.1 seconds.
  • This type of vault is considered a rushed action and will alert the Killer with a noise notification.

Slow Vault

If a Survivor walks up to a Pallet and initiates a vault, they will slowly, but quietly climb over it.

  • This vault will take 2 seconds.
  • This type of vault will not alert the Killer.
    • It still makes a quiet noise that can be identified by experienced Killers if they are close enough to hear it.


The location of a Pallet or a Pallet Cluster varies with the procedural Map generation and usually differs between two iterations of the same Map.

Spawn Routine

Pallets will spawn at least either 14, 16, 18 or 20 metres away from each other in predetermined spawn spots, with some exceptions on maps such as Midwich Elementary School.



IconAddon orderClassI
"Order" - Class I A conventional ECT procedure, part of a patient's daily routine at the Léry's Memorial Institute.
Can cause a state of mild confusion in the patient.
  • Reduces the Cool-down duration of Static Blast by -2 seconds.

Survivors affected by MadnessIconStatusEffects madnessIconStatusEffects madnessIconStatusEffects madness suffer from the Affliction of Order:

  • Broken Pallets are randomly replaced by dropped or upright Illusionary Pallets, which persist until approached by Survivors.
    • New Illusionary Pallets are generated every 20 seconds.

You share into your patients' Madness and can see the Illusionary Pallets.

IconAddon shadowDance-Soot
"Shadow Dance" - Soot THIS ADD-ON IS UNUSED (This Unlockable is not used in the current Game, but exists in the Game Code.)

The Yiwarick symbol, representing dark synergy, is finger-drawn out of soot on the body of the Bell.

IconAddon theSerpent-Soot
"The Serpent" - Soot The Laokeye symbol, representing cunning, is finger-drawn out of soot on the body of the Bell.

IconAddon dollEyes
Doll Eyes One of the advantages of possessing a mass-produced doll is easy access to replacement parts.
  • When in Hidey-Ho Mode, the AurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp auras of all WindowsIconHelp windowIconHelp windowIconHelp window and downed PalletsIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDown are revealed to you within 20 metres.

IconAddon pillagedMead
Pillaged Mead Drinks taken from their victims tasted sweet, but such frivolities were often short-lived.
  • Reduces the duration of the Break or Damage action of a Guard by -10 %.

IconAddon orderClassII
"Order" - Class II A high stimulus ECT procedure, part of a patient's daily routine at the Léry's Memorial Institute.
Can cause a state of moderate confusion in the patient.
  • Reduces the Cool-down duration of Static Blast by -2.5 seconds.

Survivors affected by MadnessIconStatusEffects madnessIconStatusEffects madnessIconStatusEffects madness suffer from the Affliction of Order:

  • Broken Pallets are randomly replaced by dropped or upright Illusionary Pallets, which persist until approached by Survivors.
    • New Illusionary Pallets are generated every 20 seconds.

You share into your patients' Madness and can see the Illusionary Pallets.

"Side effects are very rare." — Léry's Memorial Institute

IconAddon barbsGlasses
Barb's Glasses A broken pair of glasses that travelled to the Upside Down.

IconAddon shadowDance-White
"Shadow Dance" - White The Yiwarick symbol, representing dark synergy, is stamped in white ink on the body of the Bell.

IconAddon frontPageArticle
Front-Page Article The assailant had torn gaping holes in the walls of the cabin, and drove the family into the woods.
  • Reduces the Spawn timer of your next Hallucination by -50 %, after breaking a Breakable WallIconHelp breakableWallIconHelp breakableWallIconHelp breakableWall or a PalletIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDown.

IconAddon olsensWallet
Olsen's Wallet Olsen's wallet holds thirty dollars in cash, a video club membership card, and a folded picture of Olsen's first Roseville victim.
Carrying incriminating evidence boosts your excitement and resolve.

IconAddon uchiwa
Uchiwa A handheld fan with a koi motif to create a nice breeze on a hot summer day.
  • Instantly recharges Yamaoka's Haunting after being stunned by a PalletIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDown.

IconAddon woodenOniMask
Wooden Oni Mask A mask that a young Kazan bought to celebrate Setsubun, its repulsively fanged mouth began haunting his nightmares.
  • Increases the Spawn frequency of Blood Orbs from injured Survivors by +14 %.
  • Increases the number of Blood Orbs spawned when Survivors perform specific interactions by +1.

"It is no coincidence that man is so familiar with demons." — Renjiro's Doctrine 3:8

IconAddon orderCartersNotes
"Order" - Carter's Notes An experimental version of the ECT procedure, annotated by Doctor Herman Carter himself.
The long, constant stimulus leaves the patient in a state of severe confusion.
  • Reduces the Cool-down duration of Static Blast by -3 seconds.

Survivors affected by MadnessIconStatusEffects madnessIconStatusEffects madnessIconStatusEffects madness suffer from the Affliction of Order:

  • Broken Pallets are randomly replaced by dropped or upright Illusionary Pallets, which persist until approached by Survivors.
    • New Illusionary Pallets are generated every 20 seconds.

You share into your patients' Madness and can see the Illusionary Pallets.

"The stimulus must be kept active at a convulsive level." — Herman Carter

IconAddon shadowDance-Blood
"Shadow Dance" - Blood The Yiwarick symbol, representing dark synergy, is stamped in blood on the body of the Bell.

IconAddon flintAndSteel
Flint and Steel Attacks at night were not uncommon.
Fear was often their greatest ally.

Summoning The CarnifexIconPowers guardiaCompagnia Carnifex has the following effect:

  • The AurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp auras of all Survivors within 24 metres of unbroken PalletsIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDown are revealed to you for 8 seconds.
IconAddon foreignPlantFibres
Foreign Plant Fibres Xenobotanists would have a field day with these strange samples of alien plant life.
  • Reduces the duration of the Movement Speed penalty after being stunned by a PalletIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDown during Overclock Mode by -20 %.

IconAddon geographicalReadout
Geographical Readout The Drones generate and communicate a detailed three-dimensional map of the terrain, making traversal easier.

IconAddon obscureGameCartridge
Obscure Game Cartridge Some maintained Project Apple-Pie evolved over time, turning to new forms of media for results.

IconAddon splinteredHull
Splintered Hull Fragments of a ship that carried Renjiro Yamaoka.
Against all odds, the legendary samurai seemed to survive.
  • Increases the Spawn frequency of Blood Orbs from injured Survivors by +33 %.
  • Increases the number of Blood Orbs spawned when Survivors perform specific interactions by +1.

"To plan subterfuge, begin with a counsel of none." — Renjiro's Doctrine 7:9

IconAddon hardHat
Hard Hat Keeps the dome intact while performing high-impact activities
  • Instantly breaks PalletsIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDown when performing a Scamper under them.

"A true classic never goes out of style." — Chucky

IconAddon iridescentButton
Iridescent Button A glass-like button moulded from The Fog that captures The Legion's likeness.
The surface is warm and reverberating with The Entity's power.
  • Causes Feral Vaults to instantly break vaulted PalletsIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDown.

"The youth consumed by the iridescent glass magnifies and widens the reach of The Entity."

IconAddon iridescentKing
Iridescent King A glass-like king chess piece moulded from The Fog itself.
The Entity's trace reverberating within can break the most powerful minds.

Survivors affected by MadnessIconStatusEffects madnessIconStatusEffects madnessIconStatusEffects madness suffer simultaneously from the Afflictions of Calm, Discipline, Order, and Restraint:

  • Survivors intermittently hear a distant Illusionary Terror Radius.
  • During a Chase, Survivors perceive an Illusionary Red Stain and Terror Radius, as if you were constantly right behind them.
    • Madness II: This effect lingers for 6 seconds after the Chase ends.
    • Madness III: This effect is constant, regardless of whether the Survivors are being chased or not.
  • Broken Pallets are randomly replaced by dropped or upright Illusionary Pallets, which persist until approached by Survivors.
    • New Illusionary Pallets are generated every 20 seconds.
  • Increases the duration of Illusionary Doctors by +6 seconds.
You share into your patients' Madness and can see the Illusionary Doctors, Red Stain, and Pallets.

"Gazing into the iridescent glass is plunging one's self into madness." — Herman Carter

IconAddon kintsugiTeacup
Kintsugi Teacup A cup mended and lacquered with powdered gold.
Both the breakage and repair are part the cup.

IconAddon labPhoto
Lab Photo Wesker was as much a researcher as he was a guinea pig for Umbrella's bio-weapons.
  • Grants the ability to break Breakable WallsIconHelp breakableWallIconHelp breakableWallIconHelp breakableWall or PalletsIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDown when colliding with them Mid-Bound.
  • You can no longer vault over Pallets using Virulent Bound.

"Only a handful of humans truly matter. Everyone else is just so much chaff. So now I have to separate this chaff from the wheat." — Albert Wesker


Survivor Perks

Alert Alert Your acute senses are on high alert.

Whenever the Killer performs the Break or Damage Action, Alert triggers:

  • Their AuraIconHelp aurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp auras is revealed to you for 3/4/5 seconds.
"I have true sight," — Feng Min
Any Means Necessary Any Means Necessary You stand up for yourself, using whatever's on hand to gain an advantage.

Press and hold the Active Ability button for 6/5/4 seconds while standing beside a dropped Pallet to reset it to its upright position.

  • Grants the ability to see the AurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp auras of all dropped but not yet destroyed PalletsIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDown in the environment.
"I'll hit you with everything I've got. Then I'll do it again." — Yui Kimura
Chemical Trap Chemical Trap In the Fog, an officer must adapt to the materials at hand.

After repairing GeneratorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generators for a total of 20 %, Chemical Trap activates:

  • Press the Active Ability button while near a dropped Pallet to install a Trap, which stays active for 40/50/60 seconds.
  • When the Killer breaks the Trapped Pallet, its Trap explodes, spraying the Killer with a chemical compound:
    • Causes the Killer to suffer from a -50 % HinderedIconStatusEffects hinderedIconStatusEffects hinderedIconStatusEffects hindered Status Effect for 4 seconds.
Chemical Trap deactivates after triggering successfully or once the timer runs out.

The AurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp auras of Trapped Pallets are revealed to all Survivors in yellow.

"How do we kill it, Ash?" — Ellen Ripley

Dance With Me Dance With Me When performing a Rushed Action to vault a WindowIconHelp windowIconHelp windowIconHelp window or exit a LockerIconHelp lockersIconHelp lockersIconHelp lockers, Dance With Me triggers its effect:

Dance With Me has a cool-down of 30/25/20 seconds.

"Another show's off and runnin',
Dance with me, cuz there's a storm a commin'
Follow my boots, try to keep up,
Dance with me, until sun up." — Kate Denson's "Dance with Me"

Exultation Exultation Fortune favours the bold, even in the darkest corners of existence.

Stunning the Killer with a PalletIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDown upgrades the Rarity of your held ItemIconHelp itemsIconHelp itemsIconHelp items to the next tier.

  • Recharges the Item by +25 %.
Exultation has a cool-down of 40/35/30 seconds.

"You will not take me this day!" — Trevor

Lithe Lithe Performing a Rushed Vault triggers Lithe:
  • Grants a +50 % HasteIconStatusEffects hasteIconStatusEffects hasteIconStatusEffects haste Status Effect for 3 seconds.

Lithe causes the ExhaustedIconStatusEffects exhaustedIconStatusEffects exhaustedIconStatusEffects exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds.
Lithe cannot be used when Exhausted.

"U mad?" — Feng Min

Power Struggle Power Struggle You have never given up and you are not about to start now.

While being carried by The Killer, reaching 25/20/15 % Wiggling progression activates Power Struggle:

  • You can drop a nearby, standing Pallet to stun the Killer and escape their grasp.

Power Struggle deactivates after triggering successfully.

"I relied on others to protect me once and I lost everything. Never again." — Élodie Rakoto

Quick & Quiet Quick & Quiet You do not make as much noise as others when quickly vaulting over obstacles or hiding in Lockers.

Quick & Quiet has a cool-down of 30/25/20 seconds.

Smash Hit Smash Hit When your rival makes a mistake, you seize the opportunity.

Stunning the Killer with a PalletIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDown triggers Smash Hit:

  • Grants a +50 % HasteIconStatusEffects hasteIconStatusEffects hasteIconStatusEffects haste Status Effect for 4 seconds.
Smash Hit causes the ExhaustedIconStatusEffects exhaustedIconStatusEffects exhaustedIconStatusEffects exhausted Status Effect for 30/25/20 seconds.
Smash Hit cannot be used when Exhausted.

"I have dealt with psychopaths in suits. You're just uglier and worse dressed." — Yun-Jin Lee

Troubleshooter Troubleshooter No amount of distraction will shake you from your primary task.

When you are chased by the Killer, Troubleshooter activates:

  • The AuraIconHelp aurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp auras of the GeneratorIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generators with the most progress is revealed to you.
  • The Aura of the Killer is revealed to you for 4/5/6 seconds after dropping a PalletIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDown.

These effects linger for 6/8/10 seconds after ending the Chase, after which Troubleshooter deactivates.

"Nothing gets done around here if I don't do it." — Gabriel Soma

Windows of Opportunity Windows of Opportunity Unlocks potential in your Aura-reading ability.

The AurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp auras of Breakable WallsIconHelp breakableWallIconHelp breakableWallIconHelp breakableWall, PalletsIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDown, and WindowsIconHelp windowIconHelp windowIconHelp window are revealed to you within 24/28/32 metres.

"Rise and shine, work hard, carve out your name,
Take aim, pull the trigger, hit the bulls eye for fame,
Know the value of faith, an' family, and don't you complain,
Open wide, your windows of opportunity" — Kate Denson's "Windows of Opportunity"

Killer Perks

Brutal Strength Brutal Strength Your great strength allows you to shred through your prey's defences.

"It is more than muscles. A dark power motivates the beast."

Dark Arrogance Dark Arrogance When everything is going right, you are an inescapable inevitability.

Increases your Vaulting speed in exchange for increased vulnerability to being blinded and stunned:

  • Permanently increases the duration of Killer Blinds by any means and the duration of Pallet Stuns by +25 %.
  • Permanently increases your Vaulting speed by 15/20/25 %.
"Run all you want. I will not be denied." — Vecna
Dissolution Dissolution Everything turns to dust. It is as inescapable as the coming of the night.

After 3 seconds of injuring a Survivor by any means, Dissolution activates for 12/16/20 seconds:

  • Instantly breaks the next PalletIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDown that Survivor performs a Fast Vault across while inside your Terror RadiusIconHelp terrorRadiusIconHelp terrorRadiusIconHelp terrorRadius.
"The Garden shall be a place of perfect Joy; through Joy, nothing shall stand in our way." — Otto Stamper
Enduring Enduring You are resilient to pain.
  • Reduces the duration of Pallet Stuns by 40/45/50 %.

Enduring has no effect while carrying a Survivor.

"He stops at nothing."

Fire Up Fire Up The increased pressure of losing your preys fills you with anger and gives you unsuspected motivation.

Each time a Generator is completed, Fire Up grows in power and gains 1 Token, up to a maximum of 5 Tokens.
Each Token applies a stack-able buff of 3/3.5/4 % per Token, up to a maximum of 15/17.5/20 %, to the following Action speeds:

"Now why don't you just fucking die?" — Freddy Krueger

Game Afoot Game Afoot First you pick your prey, then you pick it apart.
  • Whenever you hit the Survivor with the highest cumulative Chase time, with a Basic Attack, they become the Obsession.

While you are chasing your ObsessionIconHelp obsessionIconHelp obsessionIconHelp obsession, Game Afoot activates its secondary effect:

You can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.

"This one might actually be a challenge..." — Sonhadores Sombrios, Issue #3

Hex: Blood Favour Hex: Blood Favour A Hex that gains the favour of The EntityIconHelp entityIconHelp entityIconHelp entity when blood is spilt.
  • Whenever a Survivor loses a Health StateIconStatusEffects healingIconStatusEffects healingIconStatusEffects healing by any means and thus enters the Injured StateIconHelp injuredIconHelp injuredIconHelp injured or the Dying StateIconHelp dyingIconHelp dyingIconHelp dying, Hex: Blood Favour calls upon The Entity to block all PalletsIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDown within 24/28/32 metres of that Survivor's location from being pulled down for the next 15 seconds.

All effects of the Hex Perk persist until its Hex TotemIconHelpLoading totemIconHelpLoading totemIconHelpLoading totem is cleansed or blessed.

"It would be no leap of the imagination to suggest that the Trials are a biological response of sorts." — Journal of Talbot Grimes

Nemesis Nemesis You seek retribution on those who have wronged you.

  • Any Survivor who blinds you or stuns you using a PalletIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDown or a LockerIconHelp lockersIconHelp lockersIconHelp lockers becomes the ObsessionIconHelp obsessionIconHelp obsessionIconHelp obsession.
  • Anytime your ObsessionIconHelp obsessionIconHelp obsessionIconHelp obsession switches to another SurvivorIconHelpLoading survivorIconHelpLoading survivorIconHelpLoading survivor by any means, that Survivor then suffers from the ObliviousIconStatusEffects obliviousIconStatusEffects obliviousIconStatusEffects oblivious Status Effect for 40/50/60 seconds and their AuraIconHelp aurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp auras is revealed to you for 4 seconds.

You can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.

"Only a fool would spit in a demon's face and declare victory." — Renjiro's Doctrine 4:9

Spirit Fury Spirit Fury Each obstacle you break magnifies the wrath of The Entity.

After manually breaking a dropped PalletIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDown by any means for a total of 4/3/2 times, Spirit Fury activates:

  • Causes The EntityIconHelp entityIconHelp entityIconHelp entity to instantly break the next Pallet used to stun you.
    • The normal Stun penalty applies afterwards, unless it is mitigated by other effects.
Spirit Fury deactivates after use.

"Fury is her blood."

Superior Anatomy Superior Anatomy Decades of research have culminated in you: something faster, stronger, and more dangerous than any human.

Whenever a Survivor performs a Rushed Vault within 8 metres of your location, Superior Anatomy activates:

  • Increases your Vaulting speed by 30/35/40 %.
Superior Anatomy deactivates after vaulting.

Superior Anatomy has a cool-down of 30 seconds.

THWACK! THWACK! Your prey is terrified by your relentless pursuit.

Start the Trial with 3 Tokens.
Whenever you break a Breakable WallIconHelp breakableWallIconHelp breakableWallIconHelp breakableWall or a dropped PalletIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDown, THWACK! consumes -1 Token and applies the following effect:

  • Causes all Survivors within 24 metres of your location to scream and reveal their location for 3/4/5 seconds.
Whenever you hook a Survivor, THWACK! is granted +1 Token.

"All those who stood in her path feared her mighty THWACK!" — Sonhadores Sombrios, Issue #3

Zanshin Tactics Zanshin Tactics Unlocks potential in your Aura-reading ability:

You are mentally alert and aware of key points on the battlefield and nearby enemies in retreat.

  • The AurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp auras of PalletsIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDown and WindowsIconHelp windowIconHelp windowIconHelp window are revealed to you within 32 metres.
  • Whenever a Survivor drops a Pallet, their Aura is revealed to you for 3/4/5 seconds.
"Within your enemy's strength is weakness." — Renjiro's Doctrine 12:5

Change Log

Unknown Patch

  • Change: first visual update to the Pallet model.
    • The new model featured horizontal boards, rather than vertical ones, and less vibrant, darker shades of the previous model's colours.

Patch 1.5.1

  • Survivor Nerf: adjusted the spawn routines of Pallets to remove Double-Pallets when a structure has several possible spawn locations.

Patch 1.7.0

  • Killer Buff: reduced the default Breaking time from 3 seconds to 2.6 seconds.
    • This was equivalent to increasing the Breaking speed by +15 %.

Patch 1.9.0

  • Survivor Nerf: adjusted the minimum and maximum number of generic Pallets that are allowed to spawn in the Trial Grounds, but generally reducing the resulting quantity.
    • This change also implementing a mechanic that allows the Developers to better control procedurally-generated Pallets.
  • Survivor Nerf: increased the minimum distance between two Pallets from 8 metres to 10 metres.

Patch 2.0.0

  • Survivor Nerf: removed the ability to rapidly move from one side of a Pallet to the other when dropping it.
    • This ability was referred to as "Pallet Vacuum" by the Community.

Patch 4.2.0

  • Change: second visual update to the Pallet model.
    • The new model looked more weathered and faded than the previous model, but retained the same general look.

Patch 5.2.0 (PTB)

  • Unimplemented Change: third visual update to the Pallet model.
    • This change was never implemented.
      The new model would have been identical to the 4.2.0 model, but with a heavily rusted and weathered look to it.

Patch 5.2.0

  • Killer Buff: changed Pallet hit boxes to prevent the Killer from getting stunned when on the same side as the Survivor dropping the Pallet.

Patch 6.1.0

  • Killer Buff: again reduced the default Breaking time from 2.61 seconds to 2.34 seconds.
    • This was equivalent to increasing the Breaking speed by +11.111 %.

Patch 6.4.0

  • Change: fourth visual update to the Pallet model.
    • The new model retains the same basic colour-scheme, but with very faded paint.
      It is also fashioned from more, but thinner boards.
    • This Patch introduced a unique new model themed after the The Decimated Borgo Map, which only spawns there.
      This unique model has its boards arranged vertically and is generally assembled much more cleanly and sturdily, featuring chains instead of twine rope.


  • The stun condition is applied to the Killer once the Pallet has been pulled down about 50 % of the way, given they are in range.
  • Pallets are also known as "Pull-Downs" and "Barricades".
  • In the Game files, internal references reveal that Pallets were originally supposed to be "Bookshelves" that the Survivors could throw down.



IconHelp alarmClock Alarm Clocks IconHelp barrel Barrel IconPowers trap Bear Traps IconHelp breakableWall Breakable Walls IconHelp cagesOfAtonement Cages
Dbd-gameplay-crate Chests IconItems LimitedTurret Control Stations IconHelp crownPillar5A Crown Pillar IconPerks spiesFromTheShadows Crows IconFavors murkyReagent Dark Mist
IconPowers eyesInTheSky Drones IconHelp exitGates Exit Gates IconHelpLoading generators Generators QuestIcons glyph Glyphs IconHelpLoading hatch Hatch
IconHelpLoading hook Hooks IconHelp jigsawBoxes Jigsaw Boxes IconHelp lockers Lockers IconHelp crownPillar5A Masquerade Pillar QuestIcons fragment Memory Shards
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