Dead by Daylight Wiki
mNo edit summary
mNo edit summary
Line 255: Line 255:
result = string.lower(str)
result = string.lower(str)
result = p.RemoveSpecialCharacters(result)
result = p.RemoveSpecialCharacters(result)
result = p.CapitalizeName(result)
result = p.CapitalizeName(result)
if not keepSpaces then
if not keepSpaces then

Revision as of 16:15, 9 January 2021

Template-info Documentation
Colour test
Script error: The function "clroTest" does not exist.

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Template-info Documentation

Colour Table

Number Hex Value Colour Rarities Ranks/Grades Status HUD Texts Cosmetic Background Colour
1 Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Common Rarity Ranks 20-17 #Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'.
2 Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Uncommon Rarity Ranks 16-13 Status HUD Buffs Aura Colour / Invigorated / General Buffs #Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'.
3 Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Rare Rarity Ranks 12-9 #Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'.
4 Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Very Rare Rarity Ranks 8-5 General Reworks #Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'.
5 Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Ultra Rare Rarity Unlockables Removed From The Bloodweb #Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'.
6 Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Teachable Perks Rarity / Teachable Levels Aura Colour / Quality of Life Change #Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'.
7 Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Grades Ash IV-I Miscellaneous
8 Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Status HUD/Perk Debuffs Aura Colour / General Nerfs
9 Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Flavour Texts / Aura Colour
10 Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Spiritual Rarity (unused) Aura Colour / Stacking Corrections
11 Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Teachable Perk explanation #Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'.
12 Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Legendary Rarity Teachable Perk Shrine #Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'.
13 Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Perk Buffs Retired/Decommissioned Unlockables
14 Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Event Rarity Grades Gold IV-I Golden Toolbox #Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'.
15 Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Artefact Rarity Intoxicated #Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'.
16 Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Aura Colour
17 Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Vile Purge
18 Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Corrupt Purge
19 Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Ranks 4-1/Grades Iridescent IV-I Aura Colour/Miscellaneous
20 Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Grades Silver IV-I Unused Unlockables / Miscellaneous
21 Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Miscellaneous
22 Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Miscellaneous
23 Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Miscellaneous
24 Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Miscellaneous
25 Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Limited Items Grades Bronze IV-I Aura Colour
26 Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Miscellaneous
27 Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Miscellaneous
28 Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Miscellaneous
29 Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Miscellaneous
30 Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Miscellaneous
31 Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Miscellaneous
32 Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'. Miscellaneous

Colouring Order

In case of highlighting values and modifier values within a section, there is a specific order for the colours used to do so, which originates from the original Perk descriptions and is represented in the first four colours:

Highlight Colour
1 Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'.
2 Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'.
3 Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'.
4 Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'.
5 Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'.
6 Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'.
7 Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'.
8 Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'.
9 Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'.
10 Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'.
11 Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'.
12 Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'.
13 Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'.
14 Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'.
15 Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'.
16 Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'.
17 Lua error: frame:expandTemplate: invalid type table for arg '2'.

local p = {}
local mathOps = require("Module:MathOps")
local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()
local _brigtnessTreshold = 0.36

function p.getCount(subject)
	local list
	--if you have another list just add it into a list then call appropriate function
	if		subject == "map"		then list = maps
	elseif	subject == "realm"		then list = realms
	elseif	subject == "killer"		then list = killers
	elseif	subject == "survivor"	then list = survivors
	elseif	subject == "dlc"		then list = dlcs
	elseif	subject == "chapter"	then return getCountDlcType(1)
	elseif	subject == "paragraph"	then return getCountDlcType(2)
	elseif	subject == "clothing"	then return getCountDlcType(3)
	elseif	subject == "ost"		then return getCountDlcType(4)
	elseif	subject == "ccy"		then return getCountCCY(true)
	elseif	subject == "ccy-gc"		then return getCountCCY(true) --redundant option to keep convention
	elseif	subject == "ccy-rc"		then return getCountCCY(false)
	else return 0
	local i = 0
	while list[i + 1] do i = i + 1 end

	return i

function getCountDlcType(type)
	local count = 0
	for i, dlc in ipairs(dlcs) do
		if dlc.category == type and (dlc.skip == nil or dlc.skip == false) then count = count + 1 end
	return count

function getCountCCY(gc)
	local list = ccy

	local i = 0
	while list[i + 1] and list[i + 1].gc == gc do i = i + 1 end

	return i

-- Function allowing for consistent treatment of boolean-like wikitext input.
-- It works similarly to the template {{yesno}}.

function p.bool(val, default)
	-- If your wiki uses non-ascii characters for any of "yes", "no", etc., you
	-- should replace "val:lower()" with "mw.ustring.lower(val)" in the
	-- following line.
	val = type(val) == 'string' and val:lower() or val
	if val == nil then
		return nil
	elseif val == true 
		or val == 'yes'
		or val == 'y'
		or val == 'true'
		or val == 't'
		or val == 'on'
		or tonumber(val) == 1
		return true
	elseif val == false
		or val == 'no'
		or val == 'n'
		or val == 'false'
		or val == 'f'
		or val == 'off'
		or tonumber(val) == 0
		return false
		return default

--Example usage:
--amount = 1333444.1
--amount = -22333444.5634
--print(format_num(amount,3,"$","NEG "))

--NEG $22,333,444.563

function p.format_num(amount, decimal, prefix, neg_prefix)
  local str_amount,  formatted, famount, remain

  decimal = decimal or 2  -- default 2 decimal places
  neg_prefix = neg_prefix or "-" -- default negative sign

  famount = math.abs(mathOps.round(amount,decimal))
  famount = math.floor(famount)

  remain = mathOps.round(math.abs(amount) - famount, decimal)

        -- comma to separate the thousands
  formatted = p.commaFormat(famount)

        -- attach the decimal portion
  if (decimal > 0) then
    remain = string.sub(tostring(remain),3)
    formatted = formatted .. "." .. remain ..
                string.rep("0", decimal - string.len(remain))

        -- attach prefix string e.g '$' 
  formatted = (prefix or "") .. formatted 

        -- if value is negative then format accordingly
  if (amount<0) then
    if (neg_prefix=="()") then
      formatted = "("..formatted ..")"
      formatted = neg_prefix .. formatted 

  return formatted

function p.commaFormat(amount)
  local formatted = amount
  while true do  
    formatted, k = string.gsub(formatted, "^(-?%d+)(%d%d%d)", '%1,%2')
    if (k==0) then
  return formatted

--Converting Arabic numbers to Roman
function ToRomanNumerals(s)
    local numbers = { 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000 }
	local chars = { "I", "V", "X", "L", "C", "D", "M" }

    s = tonumber(s)
    if not s or s ~= s then error"Unable to convert to number" end
    if s == math.huge then error"Unable to convert infinity" end
    s = math.floor(s)
    if s <= 0 then return s end
	local ret = ""
        for i = #numbers, 1, -1 do
        local num = numbers[i]
        while s - num >= 0 and s > 0 do
            ret = ret .. chars[i]
            s = s - num
        for j = 1, i - 1 do
            local n2 = numbers[j]
            if s - (num - n2) >= 0 and s < num and s > 0 and num - n2 ~= n2 then
                ret = ret .. chars[j] .. chars[i]
                s = s - (num - n2)
    return ret

--Converting Roman numbers to Arabic
function ToNumeral(roman)
    local Num = { ["M"] = 1000, ["D"] = 500, ["C"] = 100, ["L"] = 50, ["X"] = 10, ["V"] = 5, ["I"] = 1 }
    local numeral = 0    
    local i = 1
    local strlen = string.len(roman)
    while i < strlen do
        local z1, z2 = Num[ string.sub(roman,i,i) ], Num[ string.sub(roman,i+1,i+1) ]
        if z1 < z2 then
            numeral = numeral + ( z2 - z1 )
            i = i + 2
            numeral = numeral + z1
            i = i + 1    
    if i <= strlen then numeral = numeral + Num[ string.sub(roman,i,i) ] end
    return numeral    

function resolveNameWithRomanNumbers(str)
	local index = string.find(str, " [^ ]*$") + 1
	local romanNumber = (string.sub(str, index))
	local result
	if string.match(romanNumber, "[MDCLXVI]+$") then --finding ONLY Roman letters in last "word"
		result = str
		--result = string.sub(str, 1, index - 1) .. ToNumeral(romanNumber)
		mw.log("Non-Roman form")
		result = str
	return result

function p.CapitalizeName(str)
	return string.gsub(" "..str, "%W%l", string.upper):sub(2)

function p.FirstLetterLower(str)
	return str:sub(1, 1):lower() .. str:sub(2)

function p.RemoveSpecialCharacters(str)
	str = string.gsub(str, "[']", "")
	str = string.gsub(str, "[®]", "")
	str = string.gsub(str, "[™]", "")
	str = string.gsub(str, "[:]", "")
	str = string.gsub(str, "[!]", "") --perks
	str = string.gsub(str, "[&]", "And") --probably can be changed to lower: "and"
	--str = string.gsub(str, "[ÁÂ]", "A")
	str = string.gsub(str, "[áâ]", "a")
	str = string.gsub(str, "[ÉĚ]", "E")
	str = string.gsub(str, "[éě]", "e")
	str = string.gsub(str, "[Í]", "I")
	str = string.gsub(str, "[í]", "i")
	str = string.gsub(str, "[Ó]", "O")
	str = string.gsub(str, "[ó]", "o")
	str = string.gsub(str, "[ÚŮ]", "U")
	str = string.gsub(str, "[úů]", "u")
	str = string.gsub(str, "[Ý]", "Y")
	str = string.gsub(str, "[ý]", "y")
	return str

function p.isValidFileName(name)
	name = p.RemoveSpecialCharacters(name)
	return not (name == "" or not"File:" .. name .. ".png").exists)

function p.resolveFileName(str, keepSpaces)
	keepSpaces = keepSpaces or false
	local result = ""
	result = string.lower(str)
	result = p.RemoveSpecialCharacters(result)
	result = p.CapitalizeName(result)
	if not keepSpaces then
		result = string.gsub(result, "[ ]", "")
	--In future if there will be needed replace charactere such as "é" just add another substitution
	return result
function p.resolveImageName(name)
	if"File:" .. name .. ".png").exists then return name .. ".png" end
	if"File:" .. name .. ".jpg").exists then return name .. ".jpg" end
	return name .. ".png"

function p.GetDisplayName(item)
	return (item.tName or

function p.clr(text, color)
	return frame:expandTemplate{title = "clr", args = {color, text}}	

function p.resolveTextColorByBackground(hexBgColor)
	if(type(hexBgColor) == "table") then
		hexBgColor = hexBgColor.args[1]
	local red = tonumber(string.sub(hexBgColor, 1, 2), 16)
	local green = tonumber(string.sub(hexBgColor, 3, 4), 16)
	local blue = tonumber(string.sub(hexBgColor, 3, 4), 16)
	local darkness = (0.299 * red + 0.587 * green + 0.114 * blue) / 255
	mw.log("Red: " .. red .." | Blue: " .. blue .. " | Green: " .. green)
	if(darkness < _brigtnessTreshold) then
		return "white"
		return "black"

function p.getPageTitle()
	return mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text
function p.getSumOfASTiles(row)
	local result = 0
	local i = 1
	while row[i] do
		result = result + row[i][1] -- hardcoded first variable in table
		i = i + 1
	return result

function compASTiles(row1, row2)
	local sum1 = row1.ASTiles
	local sum2 = row2.ASTiles
	if(type(sum1) == "table") then
		sum1 = p.getSumOfASTiles(sum1) --converting back from table to number
	if(type(sum2) == "table") then
		sum2 = p.getSumOfASTiles(sum2)
	if sum1 > sum2 then return true
	elseif sum1 < sum2 then return false
		if row1.realm < row2.realm then return true
		elseif row1.realm > row2.realm then return false
			return resolveNameWithRomanNumbers( < resolveNameWithRomanNumbers(

function compMapRateSize(row1, row2)
	return row1.size > row2.size --comparison specificly made for mapRates table

function compName(row1, row2)
	return <

function compInt(row1, row2)
	return row1 < row2

function p.sortMapsByASTiles()
	local m = require("Module:Datatable")

function p.sortMapRates(rankTable)
	table.sort(rankTable, compMapRateSize)

function p.sortItemsByName(tableList)
	table.sort(tableList, compName)

function p.sortTable(tableList)
	table.sort(tableList, compInt)


function p.getCountOfSoundtracks()
	return utils.getCount("ost")

function p.resolveDateTime(datetime) --with weekday
	matchYear = "^(##)%.(##)%.(%d%d%d%d)$"
	matchMonth = "^(##)%.(%d%d)%.(%d%d%d%d)$"
	local rDate = os.time(p.GetDatetime(datetime))
	if string.find(datetime, matchYear) then
		return"%Y", rDate)
	elseif string.find(datetime, matchMonth) then
		return"%B %Y", rDate)
	return"%d %B %Y (%A)", rDate)

function p.IsFullDateTime(datestamp)
	local day, month, year = datestamp:match("^(..)%.(..)%.(....)$")
	if month == "##" or day == "##" or year == "####" then return false end
	return true

function p.GetDatetime(datestamp)
	local day, month, year = datestamp:match("^(..)%.(..)%.(%d%d%d%d)$")
	if month == "##" then month = 1 end
	if day == "##" then day = 1 end
	return {year = year, month = month, day = day}

function p.regularReplace(reggedString, regexTable)
	local result = ""
	local regexString = regex --"#pl%((%d)%)" -- looking and extracting number from "#pl(x)"
	for key, value in pairs(regexTable) do
		reggedString = reggedString:gsub(key, value)
	--for m in reggedString:gmatch(regex) do
	--	mw.log(mw.dumpObject(m))
	--	result = reggedString:gsub(regexString, "string")
	--	mw.log(result)
	return reggedString

function p.getIcon(icon)
	if type(icon) == "table" then
		icon = icon.args[1] or mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text
	for _, element in ipairs(icons) do
		if icon == element.icon then
			return element.iconFile
	return icons[1].iconFile --Icon not found, then pick the first one which is supposed to be the Unknown one

function p.getIconTest(icon)
	local iconR = ""
	if type(icon) == "table" then
		icon = icon.args[1] or mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text
	for _, element in ipairs(icons) do
		iconR = iconR .. "icon [" .. icon .. "] == [" .. element.icon .. "] element.icon<br>"
		if icon == element.icon then
			iconR = iconR .. "FOUND"
			return iconR
	iconR = iconR .. "NOT FOUND"
	return iconR

--************************* survivors & killers ******************************--

function p.getCharacterById(id, charTable)
	for _, character in ipairs(charTable) do
		if == id then return character end
	return "Character not found!"

return p