Dead by Daylight Wiki

Maiden Medallion is a Rare Add-onIconHelp addonsIconHelp addonsIconHelp addons for .

Icon Description Cost
IconAddon maidenMedallion
A medallion depicting a beautiful maiden.
Its purpose was unknown for many years.
  • Survivors suffer from the BlindnessIconStatusEffects visionIconStatusEffects visionIconStatusEffects vision Status Effect for 60 seconds when they reach Critical Infection.


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  • The Maiden Medallion is part of the Medallion Puzzle in Resident Evil 2 Remake, the first major objective in the game after entering the Raccoon City Police Station.
    • Each of the three Medallions is embedded into its associated statue found inside the Police Station.
      The Player must find a code for a lock in each statue's pedestal in order to unlock and retrieve the Medallion.
      Inserting all three Medallions into the pedestal of the grand statue in the Police Station's Main Hall will unlock a hidden entrance to a secret room in its base.