Dead by Daylight Wiki

Lament Configuration is a Limited ItemIconHelp itemsIconHelp itemsIconHelp items.

Icon Description Cost
IconItems lamentConfiguration
Limited Item

Spawns in the environment when facing The CenobiteIconHelpLoading cenobiteIconHelpLoading cenobiteIconHelpLoading cenobite.

  • Starts a Chain Hunt after 90 seconds of spawning into the environment
    • Starts one immediately if picked up by The Cenobite.
  • Reveals its AuraIconHelp aurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp auras to all Survivors.
Can be picked up and carried by Survivors.
  • Resets the timer of the Lament Configuration and ends active Chain Hunts on other Survivors.
  • Press the Use Item button to solve the Lament Configuration, causing it to respawn in a new location.
    • Reveals your location to the The Cenobite while solving it through a special version of Killer Instinct and grants him the ability to teleport to you.
  • Causes the ObliviousIconStatusEffects obliviousIconStatusEffects obliviousIconStatusEffects oblivious Status Effect when carried.
Limited Items are consumed on use.
They cannot be brought back to the Campfire after a Trial and are removed by The EntityIconHelp entityIconHelp entityIconHelp entity upon exiting the Trial.

IconHelp bloodpoints

Change Log[]

Patch 7.0.0[]

  • Change: Limited Items now have their own slot, allowing Survivors to carry Regular Items in addition to the Lament Configuration.


  • Escaping with the Lament Configuration will always leave it behind, but trigger a special Score Event called "Seeker of Pleasure", as well as prevent the box from spawning for the remainder of the Trial.
  • When a Survivor triggers Killer Instinct by solving the Lament Configuration, the VFX seen by The Cenobite are unique for the mechanic, representing an outline Lament Configuration in orange.
  • The Lament Configuration is always removed from the Survivor's inventory if they go down by any means, including when using Plot TwistIconPerks plotTwistIconPerks plotTwistIconPerks plotTwist (but this will not solve it).

