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The Jigsaw Boxes are Props and a Game Mechanic featured in Dead by DaylightIconHelp DBDlogoIconHelp DBDlogoIconHelp DBDlogo.

They were introduced as a new Game Mechanic alongside The PigIconHelpLoading pigIconHelpLoading pigIconHelpLoading pig in Patch 1.9.0 and the release of CHAPTER 7: The SAW™ Chapter.


Jigsaw Box New

A Jigsaw Box on The Game

Jigsaw Boxes are used in conjunction with the Reverse Bear TrapsIconPowers jigsawsBaptismIconPowers jigsawsBaptismIconPowers jigsawsBaptism.
Survivors with a Reverse Bear Trap put on their head by The Pig must search for a key in one of the several Jigsaw Boxes in order to unlock the trap and remove it.

Spawn Behaviour

Jigsaw Boxes spawn into a Trial whenever The Pig is the Killer.
A total of 5 Jigsaw Boxes will spawn in random locations on the Map.
They emit distinct mechanical noise when one happens to be near them.


Survivors with a Reverse Bear Trap on their head see the AuraIconHelp aurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp auras of all Jigsaw Boxes they have not yet searched for the key to unlock the Trap.
They can walk up to any Jigsaw Box and try their luck in removing the trap.

If they are successful, the Trap will be removed and vanish from the Trial Grounds.
If they are unsuccessful, the Jigsaw Puppet atop the Jigsaw Box will cackle at the Survivor and they must move on to the next box.
An unsuccessfully searched box will no longer show its Aura to the Survivor.

As of Patch 6.0.0, once the fourth Jigsaw Box is searched by a Survivor, the game guarantees the removal of the Reverse Bear Trap.

Searching the Jigsaw Box has a high chance to spawn Skill ChecksIconHelp skillChecksIconHelp skillChecksIconHelp skillChecks.
Failing those Skill Checks incurs a brief pause as well as a loss of progression.
It also alerts The Pig through a Loud Noise Notification.

Box Search Mechanic

The actual mechanics of the Jigsaw Boxes and the Reverse Bear Trap work quite a bit differently in code to how it is suggested in the description in Jigsaw's Baptism.
Jigsaw Boxes are merely the means to complete these Searches and the Reverse Bear Trap does not have a specific box assigned to it that contains its key.

Starting the Trial, there is a pool of so-called "Box Searches", determined by how many Reverse Bear Traps are available to The Pig, as each RBT adds 3 Searches to the pool.

In a regular Trial, without the use of any number-altering Add-ons, there will be a total of 12 Searches distributed across 4 Reverse Bear Traps:

Add-ons Number of RBTs Box Searches Pool
Amanda's LetterIconAddon amandasLetterIconAddon amandasLetterIconAddon amandasLetter 2 RBTs 6 Searches
Amanda's LetterIconAddon amandasLetterIconAddon amandasLetterIconAddon amandasLetter +
Jigsaw's Annotated PlanIconAddon jigsawsAnnotatedPlanIconAddon jigsawsAnnotatedPlanIconAddon jigsawsAnnotatedPlan
3 RBTs 9 Searches
Default 4 RBTs 12 Searches
Jigsaw's Annotated PlanIconAddon jigsawsAnnotatedPlanIconAddon jigsawsAnnotatedPlanIconAddon jigsawsAnnotatedPlan 5 RBTs 15 Searches
Jigsaw's Annotated PlanIconAddon jigsawsAnnotatedPlanIconAddon jigsawsAnnotatedPlanIconAddon jigsawsAnnotatedPlan +
Jigsaw's SketchIconAddon jigsawsSketchIconAddon jigsawsSketchIconAddon jigsawsSketch
6 RBTs 18 Searches

Each time The Pig places a Reverse Bear Trap on a Survivor's head, a random number of Searches ranging from 1-4 is allotted to the RBT.
The following rules apply to the number selection:

  1. The number may not exceed the remaining Box Searches from the pool.
  2. The number cannot be larger than 4.
    • This is because the Reverse Bear Traps are hard-coded to be removed on the fourth Box Search.
  3. The cross sum of all allotted numbers must add back up to the original size of the pool of Box Searches.

The size of the pool essentially limits how often Jigsaw Boxes can be searched in a Trial, if all available Reverse Bear Traps are used.
This means that if for example the first two RBTs used up the maximum allotted number of 4 Searches each, the remaining two will either be allotted 3 and 1 Search(es) respectively, or 2 Searches each, totalling up to the maximum pool size of 12 Searches.

The following table lists some examples of Box-Search distributions in a standard Trial, in which all four Reverse Bear Traps were used.
The cross sum in such Trials will always adds up to 12 Searches:

4 4 3 1
4 4 2 2
2 4 2 4
1 4 3 4
3 3 3 3
4 3 3 2


  • Searching a Jigsaw Box: 12 seconds
  • Skill Check Trigger odds: 80 % each second
  • Failed Skill Check Pause timer: 1.5 seconds
  • Failed Skill Check Regression penalty: -10 %



IconAddon interlockingRazor
Interlocking Razor A modification to the Reverse Bear Trap:
The addition of interlocking razor blades makes it impossible to move suddenly in the Jigsaw Box without slitting one's wrists.
  • While injured, Survivors failing a Skill CheckIconHelp skillChecksIconHelp skillChecksIconHelp skillChecks at a Jigsaw Box become afflicted by the Deep WoundIconStatusEffects deepWoundIconStatusEffects deepWoundIconStatusEffects deepWound Status Effect.

IconAddon razorWires
Razor Wires A modification to the Reverse Bear Trap:
The addition of razor sharp wires makes it extra difficult and potentially painful to search them.
  • While healthy, Survivors failing a Skill CheckIconHelp skillChecksIconHelp skillChecksIconHelp skillChecks at a Jigsaw Box become injured.
  • Increases the Skill Check difficulty by +20 %.

IconAddon bagOfGears
Bag of Gears A few mechanical parts that allow the creation of challenging Jigsaw Boxes and easier to install Reverse Bear Traps.
  • Increases the Attachment speed of Reverse Bear Traps by +50 %.
  • Reduces the Search speed of Jigsaw Boxes by -14 %.

IconAddon rulesSetNo.2
Rules Set No.2 Not all games need to have the same rules.
  • Disables the ability of Survivors to see the AurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp auras of Jigsaw Boxes, until their Reverse Bear Trap becomes active.

"Listen, there are rules." — Jigsaw

IconAddon amandasSecret
Amanda's Secret A black metal box containing a knife and various medical supplies, such as bandages and compresses.
Deep cuts reduce stress and awaken the senses.

IconAddon crateOfGears
Crate of Gears This collection of mechanical parts allows the creation of extra-challenging Jigsaw Boxes and Reverse Bear Traps that are easier to install.
  • Increases the Attach speed of Reverse Bear Traps by +50 %.
  • Reduces the Search speed of Jigsaw Boxes by -25 %.

Change Log

Patch 2.5.0

  • Added a minimum spawn distance in-between ChestsIconHelp chestsIconHelp chestsIconHelp chests to no longer cause Jigsaw Boxes to spawn too close together.

Patch 6.0.0

  • Change: added an extra Jigsaw Box in Trials with The Pig.
    Additionally, the fourth searched Jigsaw Box is guaranteed to remove the Trap.
    • This change was motivated by many Pig players body-blocking the last Jigsaw Box, preventing Survivors from searching it, thus guaranteeing death.
  • Buff: reduced the RNG-elements of Jigsaw Boxes, increasing the average number of Searches per Trap from 2.5 Searches to 3 Searches.


  • The game files refer to Jigsaw Boxes as "Puzzle Boxes".
  • The Auras of Jigsaw Boxes are not affected by the BlindnessIconStatusEffects visionIconStatusEffects visionIconStatusEffects vision Status Effect.

10 Pints of Sacrifice Trap

  • The Jigsaw Boxes are most likely inspired by the 10 Pints of Sacrifice Trap featured in SAW V. They have a similar look and some of the Add-ons affecting the Jigsaw Boxes point to a similar use.
    • This Trap required the Victims to "donate" 10 Pints of their own blood within 15 minutes, to unlock a door or they would be killed by nail bombs located in the room. Inside the Trap, circular blades would cut open the Victims' hands and collect the blood in a glass beaker below.

Billy, the Jigsaw Puppet

Jigsaw Boxes are easily recognised due to the presence of "Billy", Jigsaw's Puppet, who sits atop of each Box.
He can also be seen on the TV-sets featured throughout the Map The Game.



An unsuccessful search of a Jigsaw Box, causing the Jigsaw Puppet to laugh Removing a Reverse Bear Trap at a Jigsaw Box with a successful search A Survivor dying to a Reverse Bear Trap while searching a Jigsaw Box


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