Dead by Daylight Wiki
IconHelp sounds Quotes left Wiggle, little worm. Wiggle. Quotes right
~ The Voices

Iron Grasp is a General PerkIconHelp perksIconHelp perksIconHelp perks available to all KillersIconHelpLoading killerIconHelpLoading killerIconHelpLoading killer.

IconPerks ironGrasp
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Your powerful grasp on Survivors causes escapes to be nearly impossible.

Whenever you are carrying a Survivor, the following effects apply:

  • Reduces the strength of the Wiggle effects, causing involuntary strafing, by 75 %.
  • Increases the maximum Wiggle duration by 4/8/12 %.


Icon Tier I Tier II Tier III Description
IconPerks ironGrasp 25 %

20 %

50 %

40 %

75 %

60 %

Your powerful hold onto the Survivors causes escapes to be nearly impossible. Effects of Survivors' wiggling are reduced by 25/50/75 %.

Time to wiggle free from your grasp is increased by 20/40/60 %.

Icon Tier I Tier II Tier III Description
IconPerks ironGrasp 20 %

15 %

40 %

27 %

60 %

36 %

Your powerful hold onto the Survivors causes escapes to be nearly impossible. Effects of Survivors' wiggling are reduced by 20/40/60 %.

Time to wiggle free from your grasp is increased by 15/27/36 %.

Icon Tier I Tier II Tier III Description
IconPerks ironGrasp 25 %

4 %

50 %

8 %

75 %

12 %

Your powerful hold onto the Survivors causes escapes to be nearly impossible. Effects of Survivors' wiggling are reduced by 25/50/75 %.

Time to wiggle free from your grasp is increased by 4/8/12 %.

Icon Tier I Tier II Tier III Description
IconPerks ironGrasp 4 % 8 % 12 % Your powerful hold onto the Survivors causes escapes to be nearly impossible. Effects of Survivors' wiggling are reduced by 75 %.

Time to wiggle free from your grasp is increased by 4/8/12 %.

Change Log

Patch 1.0.5

  • Nerf: decreased the Struggle Effect reduction to 20/40/60 %.
  • Nerf: decreased the time taken to wiggle free to 15/27/36 %.

Patch 1.5.0

  • Buff: reverted the Struggle Effect reduction to 25/50/75 %.
  • Nerf: decreased the time taken to wiggle free to 4/8/12 %.

Patch 2.6.3

  • Buff: changed the Struggle Effect reduction to 75 % across all Tiers.


Tier Wiggle Time Carrying Distance (max.)
0 16 s 58.9 m
1 16.6 s 61.2 m
2 17.3 s 63.6 m
3 17.9 s 65.9 m


  • Has its reduced Struggle Effect countered by Boil OverIconPerks boilOverIconPerks boilOverIconPerks boilOver.
  • Struggle Effects describe the Killer's involuntary side-to-side movement (also known as "strafing"), caused by the Survivor wiggling on the Killer's shoulder.
    • Iron Grasp decreases that effect, giving the Killer an easier time to counter it with their movement keys, allowing for a greater chance to reach a nearby Hook in nearly a straight line without much hindrance.