Dead by Daylight Wiki
IconHelp store

The In-Game Store was originally introduced to Dead by DaylightIconHelp DBDlogo in Patch 2.0.0 and can be used to purchase various things, as well as redeem Codes.


The In-Game Store can be used to do the following:

  • Purchase individual DLC Characters or entire DLCs
  • Purchase Auric Cell Packs
  • Purchase Unique Perks from the Shrine of Secrets
  • Purchase Cosmetic Pieces and Outfits

It can also be used to redeem Codes.

Cosmetic Prices[]


Cosmetic Prices (7.7.0)

The prices for Cosmetics depends on their Rarity, with rarer Cosmetics being more expensive.

There were some exceptions to this, however, which is why the Developers standardised the pricing in Patch 7.7.0, affixing it fully to the Rarity.

Store Sections[]

The In-Game Store features 4 Sections:


Store Featured page example

The Featured Section is the default Section of the In-Game Store.
It lists featured DLC Characters, featured Outfits from new Collections or temporarily discounted Outfits, the most recent Chapter DLC, and also features the Redeem Code feature.

Summer Vacation Collection


The Characters Section lists all Characters currently featured in Dead by Daylight.
Each Character portrait displays a number in the following format: N/N
The second number indicates how many individual Cosmetic Pieces are available for that Character (though it also includes Rift Cosmetics not yet purchasable);
the first number indicates how many individual Cosmetic Pieces have been purchased or unlocked for that Character.

Clicking on the Character portraits will open an Overview of all purchasable and owned Cosmetic Pieces.
It is here that one can purchase new Cosmetic Pieces using either Auric CellsIconCurrency auricCells or Iridescent ShardsIconCurrency iridescentShards.

The Characters Section also allows to purchase not yet owned CharactersIconHelpLoading players.

Auric Cell Packs[]

Main article: Auric Cells

The Auric Cell Packs Section lists 6 different Auric Cell Packs that can be purchased for money.

Shrine of Secrets[]

Main article: Shrine of Secrets

The Shrine of Secrets Section features the Shrine of SecretsIconHelp shrineOfSecrets, which is on a weekly rotation with a selection of 4 Unique Perks that can be unlocked to forgo prestiging a Character.

Available Cosmetics[]

The following sub-Articles list all currently available Cosmetic Pieces in the In-Game Store:

Survivor Store Cosmetics[]

Killer Store Cosmetics[]


Original "Featured" Menu
Old featured
Past Featured Banners
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