Dead by Daylight Wiki

Hex: Plaything is a Unique PerkIconHelp perksIconHelp perksIconHelp perks belonging to The CenobiteIconHelpLoading cenobiteIconHelpLoading cenobiteIconHelpLoading cenobite.
Prestige The Cenobite to Prestige 1, 2, 3 respectively to unlock Tier I, Tier II, Tier III of Hex: Plaything for all other Characters.

IconPerks hexPlaything
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A Hex that toys with a victim's suffering.

If there is at least one Dull TotemIconHelpLoading totemIconHelpLoading totemIconHelpLoading totem remaining in the Trial Grounds, Hex: Plaything activates on a random Totem each time a Survivor is hooked for the first time:

  • The hooked Survivor suffers from the CursedIconStatusEffects cursedIconStatusEffects cursedIconStatusEffects cursed and ObliviousIconStatusEffects obliviousIconStatusEffects obliviousIconStatusEffects oblivious Status Effects until Hex: Plaything is cleansed.
  • For the first 90 seconds, only the Cursed Survivor is able to cleanse the Hex Totem.
  • The AuraIconHelp aurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp auras of Hex: Plaything's Hex Totem is revealed to the Cursed Survivor within 24/20/16 metres.

All effects of the Hex Perk persist until its Hex TotemIconHelpLoading totemIconHelpLoading totemIconHelpLoading totem is cleansed or blessed.

"We came. Now you must come with us. Taste our pleasure." — Pinhead


  • Survivors suffering from the BlindnessIconStatusEffects visionIconStatusEffects visionIconStatusEffects vision Status Effect are unable to see the Aura of their Hex Totem.
  • If a Survivor is in the middle of cleansing a Dull Totem that the Game selects to become another Survivor's Hex Totem due to the effect of Hex: Plaything, the Cleansing action will be interrupted.
    Additionally, since other Survivors are unable to cleanse said Hex Totem for 90 seconds after its creation, the action cannot be resumed immediately.