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EventTome11 Haunted by Daylight 2024 Banner
EventIcon hauntedByDaylightPumpkin2023
The connection between Realms has never been stronger.
The Void is calling, with new secrets to uncover...
Quotes right

Haunted by Daylight is a recurring Halloween Event in Dead by DaylightIconHelp DBDlogoIconHelp DBDlogoIconHelp DBDlogo, celebrating Halloween.

Haunted by Daylight 2024 is the third iteration of the Event and started on 17 October 2024.
It will end on 7 November 2024.

Event Gameplay[]

The main gameplay loop is similar to that of the previous year, with some modifications to the Void mechanics.

Void Portals[]

A rift stabilises at the start of the Trial, creating a Portal to the Void.

  • Additional Portals can be opened by finding Unstable Rifts located in the environment and feeding them one's collected Void Energy.
  • Up to 4 Portals can exist.
  • Unlike the previous year, one Portal (the original one) stays open for the entire duration of the Trial and only closes as the Trial is coming to an end.
    • The other Portals are on a timer of 120 seconds, after which they close and need to be reopened.

Void Energy[]

Survivors and Killers can hold up to 100 Void Energy and can collect it from various sources:

  • Collecting a free-floating Void Orb: 3
  • Repairing Generators (per second): 2, limited to a maximum of 250
  • Hooking Survivors: 30, limited to a maximum of 90
  • Destroying PumpkinsIconHelp pumpkinIconHelp pumpkinIconHelp pumpkin: 12
  • Blinding the Killer: up to 10 (siphoned from the Killer)
  • Stunning the Killer: up to 20 (siphoned from the Killer)
  • Downing a Survivor: up to 30 (siphoned from the Survivor)

Void Realm[]

  • Changed from the previous year:
    • Spawns Lockers and Pallets that Survivors can use.
    • Killers can use their Power.
    • When a Survivor enters the Void, the Killer is notified with an audio cue and sees a special icon next to the Survivor's name on the HUD.
  • Unchanged from the previous year:
    • Killers benefit from the UndetectableIconStatusEffects undetectableIconStatusEffects undetectableIconStatusEffects undetectable Status Effect while inside the Void.
    • Survivors suffer from the BrokenIconStatusEffects brokenIconStatusEffects brokenIconStatusEffects broken and ExhaustedIconStatusEffects exhaustedIconStatusEffects exhaustedIconStatusEffects exhausted Status Effects while inside the Void.
    • Hooking a Survivor in the Void teleports them to a random Hook outside of it.

Void Well[]

In the centre of the Void lies the Void Well.
Transferring one's Void Energy into the Void Well rewards the Player with something special:

  • Survivors can retrieve a Void Crystal that releases a cloud of thick smoke when shattered.
  • Killers receive a Captured Haunt that can be unleashed upon unwitting Survivors.

Void Crystal[]

The Void Crystal is a new Limited Item that acts as a smoke-bomb when used, creating a thick cloud of turquoise smoke upon detonation that greatly obscures one's vision and hides Scratch MarksIconHelp scratchMarksIconHelp scratchMarksIconHelp scratchMarks.

Captured Haunt[]

The Captured Haunt is a deadly projectile power and behaves like one of the Flying Entities conjured by The LichIconHelpLoading lichIconHelpLoading lichIconHelpLoading lich (though it cannot travel as far).

The Killer can launch 2 Captured Haunts in succession (with a cool-down of 15 seconds in-between) by pressing the Special Event Ability button, before needing to acquire new ones from the Void Well.


Void Portals[]

  • Aura-reveal distance of Unstable Rifts: 12 metres
    • This distance is doubled to 24 metres with the Event Offering.
    • This distance becomes effectively unlimited while inside the Void.
  • Teleport interaction for Survivors: 1.25 seconds
  • Teleport interaction for Killers: 0.2 seconds
  • Teleport cool-down time: 2 seconds
    • Applies when Players intend to go through the same Portal.

Void Orbs[]

  • Auto-collect radius: 0.75 metres
  • Respawn time: 15 seconds
    • In the Void: 8 seconds

Void Energy[]

  • Maximum Deposit per interaction: 10

Spawn Restrictions[]

  • Between Pumpkins: 12 metres
  • Between Unstable Rifts and Void Orbs: 16 metres

Void Well[]

  • Void Energy requirement : 50

Void Crystal[]

  • Interaction time: 0.75 seconds
  • Expansion time: 1 second
  • Time staying at maximum Expansion: 8 seconds
  • Shrinking time: 6 seconds
  • Smoke Cloud radius: 4 metres
  • Scratch Mark Prevention zone (minimum radius): 2 metres
  • Scratch Mark Prevention zone (maximum radius): 6 metres

Captured Haunt[]

  • Scream range: 8 metres
  • Wind-up time: 0.05 seconds
  • Flying speed: 18 m/s
  • Travel time: 1.5 seconds
  • Cool-down time: 15 seconds
  • Spawn offset to ground: 80 units
  • Spawn offset to Killer: 10 units

Event Currency[]

Haunted by Daylight 2024 sees the return of the temporary Event Currency from the previous year: Dark TrinketsIconCurrency darkTrinketsIconCurrency darkTrinketsIconCurrency darkTrinkets.

Dark Trinkets can be earned by completing Challenges and Tome Levels in the Event Tome 11 - Haunted by Daylight 2024 and are used to purchase the Event Cosmetics.

All Players also receive 100 Dark Trinkets the first time they log into the game during the Event.

Event Items[]

IconItems allHallowsEveLunchbox
All Hallows' Eve Lunchbox THIS ITEM CAN NO LONGER BE OBTAINED FROM THE BLOODWEB (This Unlockable can no longer be obtained, but stockpiles may still be used in Trials.)

A plastic lunchbox with phosphorescent Halloween Stickers that has been packed with First-Aid equipment.

  • Makes you considerably more visible.

Can be used to heal other Survivors:

  • Increased Altruistic Healing speed of +40 %.

Unlocks the Self-Heal action:

  • Reduced Personal Healing speed of -33 %.
  • Reduced Item efficiency of -33 %.

The All Hallows' Eve Lunchbox has a Capacity of 24 Charges.

The All Hallows' Eve Lunchbox is only available during Halloween Events.

"Safety first! Make sure you can be seen when trick or treating."

IconItems willOWisp
Will O' Wisp THIS ITEM CAN NO LONGER BE OBTAINED FROM THE BLOODWEB (This Unlockable can no longer be obtained, but stockpiles may still be used in Trials.)

A Flashlight equipped with a special lens cover that adds an orange tint and a little Ghost to the beam.

  • Press the Use Item button to light the Flashlight for up to 8 seconds.
  • Causes more friendly Ghosts in your life.

The Will O' Wisp is only available during Halloween Events.

"Happy Trick or Treating!"

Event Limited Item[]

IconItems voidCrystal
Void Crystal THIS ITEM CAN NO LONGER BE OBTAINED FROM THE BLOODWEB (This Unlockable can no longer be obtained, but stockpiles may still be used in Trials.)

Limited Item

Press the Use Item button to drop the Void Crystal at your feet.

  • Detonates and creates a thick smoke-screen to obscure visibility.
  • Grants you full invisibility while inside its Area of Effect.
  • Suppresses the creation of your Scratch MarksIconHelp scratchMarksIconHelp scratchMarksIconHelp scratchMarks.
    • This effect lingers for a few seconds after leaving the Area of Effect.
  • Can be retrieve from the Void Well located in the Void in exchange for depositing 50 Void Energy.
Limited Items are consumed on use.
They cannot be brought back to the Campfire after a Trial and are removed by The EntityIconHelp entityIconHelp entityIconHelp entity upon exiting the Trial.

Event Add-ons[]

IconAddon blightSerum
Blight Serum THIS ADD-ON IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE (This Unlockable can no longer be obtained and stockpiles can no longer be used.
If it is an Event Unlockable, it may return with its associated Event.

A small amount of Compound Thirty-Four, the final serum The Blight had worked on before his transformation.
Causes extreme mutations in high doses.

Playing as The BlightIconHelpLoading blightIconHelpLoading blightIconHelpLoading blight, you benefit from the following effect:

  • Grants 1 additional Token towards his Power.

Playing as any other Killer, Blighted Serum temporarily replaces your Power with the Blighted Rush ability.

  • Press the Power button to dash forwards at 200 % of your default Movement speed for 2.5 seconds.
  • Start the Trial with 1 Token.
  • Receive 1 Token each time a Survivor is hooked.
IconAddon brokenBulb
Broken Bulb THIS ADD-ON IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE (This Unlockable can no longer be obtained and stockpiles can no longer be used.
If it is an Event Unlockable, it may return with its associated Event.

A damaged bulb that causes a spooky flickering effect.

  • Causes the Flashlight to flicker.
  • Increases the brightness of the Beam by +15 %.
  • Increases the duration of a successful Blind by +30 %.
  • Increases the spookiness.

The Broken Bulb is only available during Halloween Events.

IconAddon refinedSerum
Refined Serum THIS ADD-ON IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE (This Unlockable can no longer be obtained and stockpiles can no longer be used.
If it is an Event Unlockable, it may return with its associated Event.


A refined version of the Putrid Serum that is mostly safe for human consumption.

  • Press the Secondary Action button while healing yourself or another Survivor with a Med-Kit to use the Refined Serum to boost the Movement speed of the affected Survivor by +5 % for 16 seconds.
  • Creates a Blight trail behind the affected Survivor.
Refined Serum consumes the Med-Kit on use.

The Refined Serum is only available during Halloween Events.

Event Offering[]

IconFavors arcaneDousingRod
Arcane Dousing Rod THIS OFFERING IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE (This Unlockable can no longer be obtained and stockpiles can no longer be used.
If it is an Event Unlockable, it may return with its associated Event.

Taps into the latent energy of The Entity's Realm to find even more concentrated pockets of power.

Calls upon The EntityIconHelp entityIconHelp entityIconHelp entity for the following effects:

  • Grants +100 % bonus Bloodpoints for the following interactions:
    • Hooking Survivors onto Esoteric Hooks.
    • Repairing Esoteric Generators.
    • Transferring Void Energy into Unstable Rifts and Haunts.
  • Triggers a directional auditory cue when an Unstable Rift spawns within 24 metres.
The bonus BloodpointsIconCurrency bloodpointsIconCurrency bloodpointsIconCurrency bloodpoints are applied during the Trial.

Arcane Dousing Rod was only available during the Haunted by Daylight Halloween Event.

Event Rewards[]

The Event introduces new skeletal Halloween shirts and candied weapons for several Killers, as well as new Badges and Banners.

Daily Log-in Rewards[]

EventCalendar hauntedByDaylight2024

Daily Rewards contain either Bloodpoints, Iridescent Shards, Rift Fragments or Event Currency.

Event Cosmetics[]

The Event brings new variants of skeletal T-Shirts for Survivors and candied Weapons for Killers.

Event Tome[]

The Haunted by Daylight 2024 Event is accompanied by an Event Tome.

It honours DbD Day, an official holiday in Japan, with special Challenges on the Community Track.

Event Tome Cosmetics[]

The Event Tome features two unique Outfits, earnable for Yun-Jin LeeSurvivorYun-JinSurvivorYun-JinSurvivorYun-Jin and The TricksterIconHelpLoading tricksterIconHelpLoading tricksterIconHelpLoading trickster.


  • The Developers announced a Livestream about the Event for 1 October 2024, confirming that this year would feature another iteration of the Haunted by Daylight Event series.

