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Dead by Daylight Wiki

Harvest Festival Leaflet is a Common OfferingIconHelp offeringsIconHelp offeringsIconHelp offerings belonging to all Players. It has been retired.

Icon Description Cost
IconFavors harvestFestivalLeaflet
THIS OFFERING WAS RETIRED (This Unlockable can no longer be obtained and stockpiles can no longer be used.
It will not return to the Game.

Increases the likelihood of being sent to a Map in the Haddonfield Realm.

  • Modifies the Realm Selector Logic by a value of 2.

"A washed out informational leaflet for the '78 Haddonfield Harvest Festival.
A large cartoon pumpkin is depicted on the front."


IconHelp bloodpoints

Change Log[]

Patch 1.8.0[]

  • Deprecation: deprecated the Offering, removing its ability to spawn in the BloodwebIconHelp bloodwebIconHelp bloodwebIconHelp bloodweb.
    • However, Harvest Festival Leaflet could still be used for Trials by Players with a stockpile.

Patch 6.1.0[]

  • Retirement: retired the Offering, removing the ability to use it in Trials.