Dead by Daylight Wiki
IconItems chineseFirecracker

Firecrackers are a type of ItemIconHelp itemsIconHelp itemsIconHelp items The SurvivorsIconHelpLoading survivorIconHelpLoading survivorIconHelpLoading survivor can use in Dead by DaylightIconHelp DBDlogoIconHelp DBDlogoIconHelp DBDlogo.

They are usually added during Events and can only be obtained during a limited amount of time. They can be used to blind, deafen and stun a Killer, if they explode close enough to them, and are single-use only. However, Survivors too close to them will also experience those afflictions.

Chinese Firecracker[]

This Firecracker was added with Patch 1.4.0 in early 2017 for the Chinese New Year Event.

IconItems chineseFirecracker
Chinese Firecracker THIS ITEM CAN NO LONGER BE OBTAINED FROM THE BLOODWEB (This Unlockable can no longer be obtained, but stockpiles may still be used in Trials.)

A row of small explosive devices wrapped in heavy paper casing.
Can be used as a distraction, as a blinding device or to celebrate.

  • Press the Use Item button to detonate the Firecracker.
  • Detonates into loud bangs and intense light flashes, temporarily blinding and deafening nearby Players.

The Chinese Firecracker is consumed on use.

The Chinese Firecracker is only available during Lunar Events.

Winter Party Starter[]

This winter-themed Firecracker was added with Patch 1.8.3 in late 2017 for the Winter Solstice Event.

IconItems winterPartyStarter
Winter Party Starter THIS ITEM CAN NO LONGER BE OBTAINED FROM THE BLOODWEB (This Unlockable can no longer be obtained, but stockpiles may still be used in Trials.)

A small, highly-explosive dinner table decoration.
Can be used as a distraction, as a blinding device or to celebrate.

  • Press the Use Item button to detonate the Firecracker.
  • Detonates into loud bangs and intense light flashes, temporarily blinding and deafening nearby Players.

The Winter Party Starter is consumed on use.

The Winter Party Starter is only available during Winter Events.

Third Year Party Starter[]

This Firecracker was added with for the 3 Year Anniversary Event.

IconItems thirdYearPartyStarter
Third Year Party Starter THIS ITEM CAN NO LONGER BE OBTAINED FROM THE BLOODWEB (This Unlockable can no longer be obtained, but stockpiles may still be used in Trials.)

A small, highly-explosive dinner table decoration.
Can be used as a distraction, as a blinding device or to celebrate our three years together.

  • Press the Use Item button to detonate the Firecracker.
  • Detonates into loud bangs and intense light flashes, temporarily blinding and deafening nearby Players.

The Third Year Party Starter is consumed on use.

The Third Year Party Starter was only available during the Third Year Anniversary Event.

""Happy Anniversary! Here is to our three years together!" — The Dead by Daylight Team"


While there are Add-ons in the Game's code, they are unfinished and not available:

Icon Name Description
Unknown QuestionMark
Buck Shot THIS ADD-ON IS UNUSED (This Unlockable is not used in the current Game, but exists in the Game Code.)

Unknown Description.

  • Increases the Blindness duration by +1.5 to 2.5 seconds.
  • Increases the duration of the DeafenedIconHelp hearingIconHelp hearingIconHelp hearing Status Effect by +0 to 2 seconds.

Unknown QuestionMark
Flash Powder THIS ADD-ON IS UNUSED (This Unlockable is not used in the current Game, but exists in the Game Code.)

Unknown Description.

  • Increases the Blindness duration by +10 %.

Unknown QuestionMark
Medium Fuse THIS ADD-ON IS UNUSED (This Unlockable is not used in the current Game, but exists in the Game Code.)

Unknown Description.

  • Increases the Detonation delay by +0.75 seconds.

Unknown QuestionMark
Gun Powder THIS ADD-ON IS UNUSED (This Unlockable is not used in the current Game, but exists in the Game Code.)

Unknown Description.

  • Increases the Blindness duration by +20 %.

Unknown QuestionMark
Long Fuse THIS ADD-ON IS UNUSED (This Unlockable is not used in the current Game, but exists in the Game Code.)

Unknown Description.

  • Increases the Detonation delay by +1.5 seconds.

Unknown QuestionMark
Magnesium Powder THIS ADD-ON IS UNUSED (This Unlockable is not used in the current Game, but exists in the Game Code.)

Unknown Description.

  • Increases the Detonation radius by +2.5 metres.

Unknown QuestionMark
Black Powder THIS ADD-ON IS UNUSED (This Unlockable is not used in the current Game, but exists in the Game Code.)

Unknown Description.

  • Increases the Detonation radius by +5 metres.

Unknown QuestionMark
Large Pack THIS ADD-ON IS UNUSED (This Unlockable is not used in the current Game, but exists in the Game Code.)

Unknown Description.

  • Increases the number of available Uses by +2.

