Dead by Daylight Wiki

Field Recorder is a Very Rare Add-onIconHelp addonsIconHelp addonsIconHelp addons for Reign of DarknessIconPowers reignOfDarknessIconPowers reignOfDarknessIconPowers reignOfDarkness.

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IconAddon fieldRecorder
Haddie documented all of her forays near Overlaps, to prove not only to the world but herself what she saw and felt.
  • Causes the Trial to start in Nightfall.
  • Causes Nightfall to activate automatically once the last GeneratorIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generators is completed.
  • Survivors suffer from the ExhaustedIconStatusEffects exhaustedIconStatusEffects exhaustedIconStatusEffects exhausted Status Effect for 15 seconds after coming into contact with the Remnant.


IconHelp bloodpoints
