Dead by Daylight Wiki

The Emblem System is a Grading system in Dead by Daylight used to determine a Player's Grade.

It is displayed in the Tally Screen following a ranked Trial and was originally implemented in Patch 1.9.4.

They are disabled and hidden during 2v8 Trials.


Emblems come in four different Qualities, which together determine how many Emblem Points a Player has achieved in the just finished Trial (i.e. how well they engaged with their various main and side objectives) and ultimately whether a Player receives a Pip, a Double-Pip or no Pips towards their Grade.

Thus the Emblem System and Grades are inextricably linked since the latter's implementation in Patch 5.2.0.


Before Grades and later the Skill-Based Matchmaking Rating were added to the game, Emblems were an integral part of the matchmaking process, since they determined a Player's Rank (in the same way as they still determine Grades to this day), which was used for matchmaking Players with others of similar Ranks.

It originally replaced two different Ranking Systems that had become obsolete and inadequate for the faster-paced Dead by Daylight of early 2018 (when it was implemented), compared to the generally slower-paced Trials of 2016 and 2017.

On the Killer side, it replaced the 2017 Victory Cube Ranking System and on the Survivor side, it replaced the 2016 Bloodpoint-based Ranking System that had been in use since release day.

Grading System

The Emblem System is used to determined a Player's Grade based on their performance in Trials, which is measured across four Categories that represent the core gameplay mechanics of the Game.

The idea is that Players not only focus on their main objective alone, but also engage in side objectives in order to obtain good Emblems.
A good Emblem must be earned.

The more Emblems a Player has earned and the better their respective Quality, the more Pips are awarded towards the Player's Grade.

Emblem Qualities

Emblems come in 4 different Qualities.

The Quality of an Emblem can be likened to a type of grade.
Each Quality represents a certain number of Emblem Points, which are added together and then converted into Pips to determine whether a Player receives progress towards their Grade or not.


Receiving a Bronze Emblem indicates that the Player performed poorly in its associated Gameplay Category.
The Player successfully completed a few actions that contribute towards the Emblem, but also failed several of them.


Receiving a Silver Emblem indicates that the Player performed adequately in its associated Gameplay Category.
The Player successfully completed several actions that contribute towards the Emblem, but also failed a few of them.


Receiving a Gold Emblem indicates that the Player exceeded expectations in its associated Gameplay Category.
The Player successfully completed several actions that contribute towards the Emblem.


Receiving an Iridescent Emblem indicates that the Player performed outstandingly its associated Gameplay Category.
The Player successfully completed all actions that contribute towards the Emblem.


Failing to receive an Emblem indicates that the Player performed dreadfully in its associated Gameplay Category.
The Player failed all actions that contribute towards the Emblem.

Emblem Scoring & Quality Thresholds

EmblemIcon qualityThresholdsBar

Scoring Points

Each Emblem tracks specific gameplay events during the Trial, which add or deduct Scoring Points to or from the Emblem.
The amount of points are then used to determine each Emblem's Quality after the Trial.

The Scoring Points are hidden to Players during the Trial and tracked in the background.

When Players hover over their Emblems in the Tally Screen, a pop-up reveals a break-down of the actions that contributed towards or against the Emblem's achieved Quality, as well as the Scoring Points.

Quality Thresholds

The break-down pop-up also displays a Progress bar that converts the Scoring Points at the very bottom into percentages contributing towards the Emblem's Quality.

The Progress bar displays the different Quality Thresholds right above it with icons in the corresponding colours and the shape of a shield.

Emblem Types

Emblems come in four types per side, which represent the four core gameplay mechanics of Dead by Daylight's Trials and were originally represented by the four categories still used today in Score Events:

Survivor Emblems


The Lightbringer Emblem grades how much the Player participated in progressing the main objective as a Survivor.

The Lightbringer Emblem tracks the following interactions:

  • Repairing GeneratorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generators actively
    • This refers to any progress the Player themselves make towards completing Generators.
  • Repairing Generators passively
    • This refers to any progress other Survivors make towards completing Generators while the Player is engaging the Killer in a Chase.
  • Cleansing TotemsIconHelpLoading totemIconHelpLoading totemIconHelpLoading totem
    • This includes both Dull Totems and Hex Totems
  • Opening Exit GatesIconHelp exitGatesIconHelp exitGatesIconHelp exitGates
Quality Thresholds
No Emblem achieved Bronze Emblem Silver Emblem Gold Emblem Iridescent Emblem
0 Points 30 Points 100 Points 190 Points 270 Points
0 % ~11 % ~37 % ~70 % 100 %
EmblemIcon lightbringer none
EmblemIcon lightbringer bronze
EmblemIcon lightbringer silver
EmblemIcon lightbringer gold
EmblemIcon lightbringer iridescent
Scoring Points

The Player's goal is to gain as many points towards this Emblem as possible during a Trial
The starting value for this Emblem is 0 points, which is equivalent to No Emblem obtained:

  • +5 points:
    • added to all Survivors' point inventories each time a Generator is completed
    • added for another Survivor cleansing a Dull Totem while the Player is in a Chase
  • +10 points:
    • added for another Survivor cleansing/blessing a Hex Totem while the Player is in a Chase
  • +15 points:
    • added for opening an Exit Gate
      • can be awarded twice if the Player manages to open both Gates
  • +20 points:
    • added for cleansing a Dull Totem
  • +50 points:
    • added for cleansing/blessing a Hex Totem
  • up to +33.33 points per Generator:
    • added for passively repairing Generators
      • grants 1/3 point for each percent other Players contribute towards completing a Generator
  • up to +100 points per Generator:
    • added for actively repairing Generators
      • grants 1 point for each percent the Player contributes towards completing the Generator
      • the points are split evenly across all Survivors repairing the Generator at the same time


The Unbroken Emblem grades the Player's ability to survive during Trials as a Survivor.
It is unique amongst Emblems in its scoring in that it works backwards: the fewer points the Player has, the better the Quality.
It also has uniquely fixed thresholds for its qualities, that are defined in code, rather than calculated based on the number of points one obtained.

The Unbroken Emblem tracks the following interactions:

  • Escaping a Trial without having entered the Dying StateIconHelp dyingIconHelp dyingIconHelp dying once
    • This grants Iridescent Unbroken.
  • Escaping a Trial having entered the Dying State at least once
    • This grants Gold Unbroken.
  • Failing to escape a Trial, but having survived for at least 9 minutes
    • This grants Silver Unbroken.
  • Failing to escape a Trial, but having survived for at least 5 minutes
    • This grants Bronze Unbroken.
  • Failing to escape a Trial and having survived for less than 5 minutes
    • This grants no Emblem.
Quality Thresholds
No Emblem achieved Bronze Emblem Silver Emblem Gold Emblem Iridescent Emblem
999 Points 899 Points 799 Points 699 Points 0 Points
0 % 25 % 50 % 75 % 100 %
EmblemIcon unbroken none
EmblemIcon unbroken bronze
EmblemIcon unbroken silver
EmblemIcon unbroken gold
EmblemIcon unbroken iridescent
  • The displayed percentage thresholds for this Emblem, unlike for all others, were defined in code and depend on the obtained Quality; they are not calculated via actual percentages, as that would be impractical for this Emblem.
Scoring Points

The Player's goal is to gain as few points towards this Emblem as possible during a Trial
The starting value for this Emblem is 0 points, which is equivalent to Iridescent Unbroken:

  • Only apply when the Player manages to escape the Trial:
    • 0 points:
      • added for escaping without entering the Dying State once
    • +1 point:
      • added for escaping, but having entered the Dying State at least once
  • Only apply when the Player fails to escape the Trial:
    • +799 points:
      • added for failing to escape, but having survived for more than 9 minutes
    • +899 points:
      • added for failing to escape, but having survived for more than 5 minutes
    • +999 points:
      • added for failing to escape and having survived for less than 5 minutes


The Benevolent Emblem grades the altruistic behaviour of Survivors during the Trial in general.

The Benevolent Emblem tracks the following interactions:

  • Survivors being put on HooksIconHelpLoading hookIconHelpLoading hookIconHelpLoading hook
  • Survivors being safely unhooked again, or not
  • Altruistic actions in general:
    • Healing other Survivors
    • Rescuing other Survivors from the Killer's grasp
    • Baiting the Killer into hitting a Survivor while carrying another Survivor
    • Taking Protection Hits in general
Quality Thresholds
No Emblem achieved Bronze Emblem Silver Emblem Gold Emblem Iridescent Emblem
0 Points 25 Points 45 Points 75 Points 100 Points
0 % 25 % 45 % 75 % 100 %
EmblemIcon benevolent none
EmblemIcon benevolent bronze
EmblemIcon benevolent silver
EmblemIcon benevolent gold
EmblemIcon benevolent iridescent
Scoring Points

The Player's goal is to gain as many points towards this Emblem as possible during a Trial.
The starting value for this Emblem is 35 points, which is equivalent to Bronze Benevolent:

  • -30 points:
    • deducted from the Rescuer's point inventory if the Rescuee is downed again within 10 seconds
  • -10 points:
    • deducted from all Survivors' point inventories when any other Survivor is hooked
  • 0 points:
    • added for getting hit by the Killer
    • added for personal Healing actions
  • +10 points:
    • added for altruistic Healing actions
    • added to all Survivors' point inventories when any other Survivor is unhooked
    • added for taking a Protection Hit while the Killer is carrying another Survivor
    • added for causing a Survivor to wiggle free because of sabotaging a Hook within 10 metres of the Killer
  • +20 points:
    • added to the Rescuer's point inventory if the Rescuee is not downed again within 10 seconds
  • +30 points:
    • added for rescuing another Survivor from the Killer's grasp

Additionally, the following multipliers may be applied:

  • x0.15:
    • applied to all positive Benevolent actions performed in the BasementIconHelp basementIconHelp basementIconHelp basement
    • applied to all positive Benevolent actions performed after powering up the Exit GatesIconHelp exitGatesIconHelp exitGatesIconHelp exitGates


The Evader Emblem grades the Player's ability to stay hidden from the Killer, as well as their ability to win chases (losing the Killer).

The Evader Emblem tracks the following interactions:

  • Being in the Killer's proximity without initiating a Chase
  • Stunning the Killer with PalletsIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDown
  • Winning or losing Chases and their general duration
Quality Thresholds
No Emblem achieved Bronze Emblem Silver Emblem Gold Emblem Iridescent Emblem
0 Points 230 Points 380 Points 560 Points 880 Points
0 % ~26.1 % ~43.2 % ~63.6 % 100 %
EmblemIcon evader none
EmblemIcon evader bronze
EmblemIcon evader silver
EmblemIcon evader gold
EmblemIcon evader iridescent
  • When escaping from a Chase, there is a buffer of 5 seconds before the Game considers the Chase ended
    • Should the Chase be reinitiated within that buffer, it will continue
  • On-going Chases are evaluated every 15 seconds, banking the current scores for the Player.
Scoring Points

The Player's goal is to gain as many points towards this Emblem as possible during a Trial.
The starting value for this Emblem is 100 points, which is equivalent to No Emblem obtained:

  • -10 points:
    • deducted when a Chase results in the Player getting hit by the Killer (= Chase lost)
  • 0 points:
    • added for initiating a Chase.
  • +50 points:
    • added for stunning the Killer with a Pallet
  • 1 point per second:
    • added for being inside the Killer's Terror RadiusIconHelp terrorRadiusIconHelp terrorRadiusIconHelp terrorRadius without being chased
      • applies a multiplier of x0 if the Killer is farther than 64 metres away, negating all points
      • applies a multiplier of x0.1 if the Killer is closer than 64 metres away
      • applies a multiplier of x0.3 if the Killer is closer than 45 metres away
      • applies a multiplier of x0.5 if the Killer is closer than 30 metres away
      • applies a multiplier of x1.1 if the Killer is closer than 20 metres away
      • applies a multiplier of x2.2 if the Killer is closer than 10 metres away
      • applies a multiplier of x6 if the Killer is closer than 5 metres away
  • up to 250 points per second:
    • added for being chased by the Killer; depends on the duration of the Chase; is only awarded AFTER the Chase ends
      • if the Chase lasted more than 60 seconds, the value is set to 250 points per second
      • if the Chase lasted fewer than 60 seconds, the value is set to 125 points per second
      • if the Chase lasted fewer than 45 seconds, the value is set to 60 points per second
      • if the Chase lasted fewer than 30 seconds, the value is set to 25 points per second
      • if the Chase lasted fewer than 15 seconds, the value is set to 1 points per second
      • applies a multiplier of x0.1 if the Killer is closer than 60 metres away
      • applies a multiplier of x0.3 if the Killer is closer than 45 metres away
      • applies a multiplier of x0.6 if the Killer is closer than 20 metres away
      • applies a multiplier of x1.2 if the Killer is closer than 5 metres away

Additionally, the following multipliers may be applied:

  • x2:
    • applied to all points gained during a Chase, if the Chase was won (losing the Killer without getting hit)
  • x0.5:
    • applied to all points gained during a Chase, if the Chase was lost (getting hit or being downed)

Killer Emblems


The Gatekeeper Emblem grades the Player's ability to slow down the Generator Progress of Survivors for as long as possible.

The Gatekeeper Emblem tracks the following interactions:

  • Number of incomplete GeneratorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generators remaining
    • This number is tracked and evaluated each minute for the first nine minutes of the Trial
  • Whether the Trial ended with the Exit GatesIconHelp exitGatesIconHelp exitGatesIconHelp exitGates remaining closed or not
Quality Thresholds
No Emblem achieved Bronze Emblem Silver Emblem Gold Emblem Iridescent Emblem
0 Points 10 Points 15 Points 25 Points 35 Points
0 % ~28.6 % ~42.9 % ~71.4 % 100 %
EmblemIcon gatekeeper none
EmblemIcon gatekeeper bronze
EmblemIcon gatekeeper silver
EmblemIcon gatekeeper gold
EmblemIcon gatekeeper iridescent
Scoring Points

The Player's goal is to gain as many points towards this Emblem as possible during a Trial.
The starting value for this Emblem is 0 points, which is equivalent to No Emblem obtained:

  • 10 points:
    • added if the Trial ends with both Exit Gates remaining closed
  • up to 45 points:
    • added once per minute for each Generator that remains unrepaired; stops tracking after 9 minutes have elapsed
      • if no Generators remain during the check, the value is set to 0 points
      • if 1 Generators remain during the check, the value is set to 1 point
      • if 2 Generators remain during the check, the value is set to 2 points
      • if 3 Generators remain during the check, the value is set to 3 points
      • if 4 Generators remain during the check, the value is set to 4 points
      • if 5 Generators remain during the check, the value is set to 5 points


The Devout Emblem grades the Player's ability to sacrifice and kill Survivors.

The Devout Emblem tracks the following interactions:

  • Death by sacrifice
  • Death by bleeding out
  • Death by the Killer's own hand
  • Death by Reverse Bear Traps
  • Death by disconnect
  • Hooking all Survivors at least once
  • Hooking Survivors collectively for at least 9 times
Quality Thresholds
No Emblem achieved Bronze Emblem Silver Emblem Gold Emblem Iridescent Emblem
0 Points 1 Points 4 Points 8 Points 10 Points
0 % 10 % 40 % 80 % 100 %
EmblemIcon devout none
EmblemIcon devout bronze
EmblemIcon devout silver
EmblemIcon devout gold
EmblemIcon devout iridescent
Scoring Points

The Player's goal is to gain as many points towards this Emblem as possible during a Trial.
The starting value for this Emblem is 0 points, which is equivalent to No Emblem obtained:

  • 0 points:
    • added for each Survivor who died by bleeding out
  • 1 point:
    • added for having hooked all Survivors at least 1 time
    • added for having hooked Survivors collectively at least 9 times
  • 2 points:
    • added for each Survivor who died by being sacrificed on a Hook
    • added for each Survivor who died by being killed by the Killer's own hand
    • added for each Survivor who disconnected from the Trial


The Malicious Emblem grades the Player's ability to apply pressure to Survivors and prevent them from helping one another through altruistic actions.

The Malicious Emblem tracks the following interactions:

  • Damaging Survivors
  • Interrupting Survivors mid-interaction
  • Hooking Survivors
  • Survivors managing to heal themselves or be healed by other Survivors
Quality Thresholds
No Emblem achieved Bronze Emblem Silver Emblem Gold Emblem Iridescent Emblem
0 Points 11 Points 22 Points 30 Points 36 Points
0 % ~30.6 % ~61.1 % ~83.3 % 100 %
EmblemIcon malicious none
EmblemIcon malicious bronze
EmblemIcon malicious silver
EmblemIcon malicious gold
EmblemIcon malicious iridescent
Scoring Points

The Player's goal is to gain as many points towards this Emblem as possible during a Trial.
The starting value for this Emblem is 0 points, which is equivalent to No Emblem obtained:

  • -1 point:
    • deducted each time a Survivor is healed from injury
    • deducted each time a Survivor escapes the Killer's grasp
  • 1 point:
    • added each time the Killer hits a Survivor
  • 2 points:
    • added each time a Survivor reaches a new Hook State


The Chaser Emblem grades the Player's ability to find and chase Survivors.

The Chaser Emblem tracks the following interactions:

  • Damaging Survivors
  • Interrupting Survivors mid-interaction
  • Hooking Survivors
  • Survivors managing to heal themselves or be healed by other Survivors
Quality Thresholds
No Emblem achieved Bronze Emblem Silver Emblem Gold Emblem Iridescent Emblem
0 Points 650 Points 1,230 Points 1,800 Points 2,550 Points
0 % ~25.5 % ~48.2 % ~70.6 % 100 %
EmblemIcon chaser none
EmblemIcon chaser bronze
EmblemIcon chaser silver
EmblemIcon chaser gold
EmblemIcon chaser iridescent
  • When losing a Survivor during a Chase, there is a buffer of 5 seconds before the Game considers the Chase ended
Scoring Points

The Player's goal is to gain as many points towards this Emblem as possible during a Trial.
The starting value for this Emblem is 0 points, which is equivalent to No Emblem obtained:

  • -7.5 points per second:
    • deducted for being in extreme proximity to a hooked Survivor (within 8 metres); only applied after 10 seconds
  • -3 points per second:
    • deducted for being in moderate proximity to a hooked Survivor (within 16 metres); only applied after 10 seconds
  • 0 points:
    • added for ending a Chase after losing the chased Survivor
  • 5 points:
    • added for finding a Survivor and initiating a Chase
  • 55 points:
    • added for damaging the chased Survivor during a Chase
  • up to 90 points per second:
    • added for chasing a Survivor; depends on the duration of the Chase; is only awarded AFTER the Chase ends
      • if the Chase lasted up to 15 seconds, the value is set to 90 points per second
      • if the Chase lasted up to 30 seconds, the value is set to 60 points per second
      • if the Chase lasted up to 45 seconds, the value is set to 50 points per second
      • if the Chase lasted up to 60 seconds, the value is set to 40 points per second
      • if the Chase lasted more than 60 seconds, the value is set to 30 points per second


Main article: Grades

The Quality of an Emblem determines the amount of Emblem Points the Game awards towards the Player's Pips used for the Grades:

Quality Emblem Points
None (no Emblem received) 0
Bronze +1
Silver +2
Gold +3
Iridescent +4

Pipping Conditions

The Pips, determined by the number of obtained Emblem Points, progress a Player's Grade.
The higher their current Grade, the more Emblem Points or Emblems of better Qualities must be obtained to grade up.

Grades Killer Emblem Points Survivor Emblem Points Pip Change
Ash IV-I 0-8 0
9-13 +1 (Pip)
14-16 +2 (Double Pip)
Bronze IV
0-9 0
10-13 +1 (Pip)
14-16 +2 (Double Pip)
Bronze III-I 0-9 0
10-13 +1 (Pip)
14-16 +2 (Double Pip)
Silver IV-I 0-10 0-9 0
11-14 10-13 +1 (Pip)
15-16 14-16 +2 (Double Pip)
Gold IV-I 0-11 0-10 0
12-14 11-13 +1 (Pip)
15-16 14-16 +2 (Double Pip)
Iridescent IV-II 0-12 0-11 0
13-15 12-14 +1 (Pip)
16 15-16 +2 (Double Pip)
Iridescent I 0-16 0

Change Log

Patch 2.0.0

  • Adjusted several thresholds to obtain certain Emblem Qualities.

Patch 2.3.0

  • Hooking each Survivor at least once during the Trial now guarantees a Bronze Devout Emblem.
  • Remaining within 16 metres of a hooked Survivor for a prolonged period of time now degrades the Chaser Emblem's Quality over time.

Patch 3.0.0

  • Added events for Lightbringer Emblem scoring:
    • 20 points for cleansing a Dull Totem.
    • 5 points if a Dull Totem is cleansed while you are in a Chase.
    • 10 points if a Hex Totem is cleansed while you are in a Chase.
    • 1/3 points for each percent of a Generator repaired while you are in a Chase.
  • Added event for Benevolent Emblem scoring: 10 points for sabotaging a Hook within 10 metres of a Killer carrying a Survivor, if the carried Survivor then wiggles free.
  • Added event for Evader Emblem scoring: 50 points for stunning the Killer with a Pallet.

Patch 7.7.0

  • Removed the ability to de-pip.


  • Based on their filenames, the Iridescent Quality was originally called "Platinum".
  • Players aiming for Iridescent Unbroken should beware of using the Perk Plot TwistIconPerks plotTwistIconPerks plotTwistIconPerks plotTwist.
    • Despite it letting you enter the Dying State voluntarily, the Emblem System does consider it a down, meaning that using the Perk will automatically cap that Emblem at Gold Unbroken.