Dead by Daylight Wiki

Discordance is a Unique PerkIconHelp perksIconHelp perksIconHelp perks belonging to The LegionUnknown QuestionMarkUnknown QuestionMarkUnknown QuestionMark.
Prestige The Legion to Prestige 1, 2, 3 respectively to unlock Tier I, Tier II, Tier III of Discordance for all other Characters.

IconPerks discordance
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Any GeneratorIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generators within a range of 64/96/128 metres that is being repaired by 2 or more Survivors is marked by a yellow AuraIconHelp aurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp auras.
  • When the Generator is first highlighted, Discordance triggers a Loud Noise Notification on the Generator.
  • After the Generator is no longer within range or is being repaired by just 1 Survivor, the highlighted Aura will linger for another 4 seconds.

"Smartasses get killed. We always see to that." — The Legion


Icon Tier I Tier II Tier III Description
IconPerks discordance 8 seconds 10 seconds 12 seconds Any time two or more Survivors are working on the same Generator, that Generator's Aura is highlighted in yellow for 8/10/12 seconds.

Icon Tier I Tier II Tier III Description
IconPerks discordance 32 metres 64 metres 96 metres Any Generator within a range of 32/64/96 metres that is being repaired by 2 or more Survivors is marked by a yellow Aura.

When the Generator is first highlighted, Discordance triggers a Loud Noise notification on the Generator.

After the Generator is no longer within range or is being repaired by just 1 Survivor, the highlighted Aura remains for another 8 seconds.

Icon Tier I Tier II Tier III Description
IconPerks discordance 64 metres 96 metres 128 metres Any Generator within a range of 64/96/128 metres that is being repaired by 2 or more Survivors is marked by a yellow Aura.

When the Generator is first highlighted, Discordance triggers a Loud Noise notification on the Generator.

After the Generator is no longer within range or is being repaired by just 1 Survivor, the highlighted Aura remains for another 4 seconds.

Change Log

Patch 4.3.0

  • Rework: now triggers a Loud Noise notification on any Generator within a set range that is being repaired by two or more Survivors and highlights its Aura in yellow.
  • Buff: the Aura-highlight stays for as long as the activation condition is being met and lingers for 8 seconds after leaving the range or if just one Survivor remains repairing.

Patch 4.3.2

  • Buff: considerably increased the activation ranges to 64/96/128 metres.
  • Buff: reduced the lingering time for the Aura-highlight to 4 seconds.


  • Discordance's first iteration had the unintentional side-effect of its Tier I version being more effective than Tier III due to the shorter Aura-highlight duration allowing for more frequent information updates.
    • This led to some Players circumnavigating the Perk's higher Tiers in the Bloodweb on purpose.
  • When utilising Discordance as The NemesisIconHelpLoading nemesisIconHelpLoading nemesisIconHelpLoading nemesis, Zombies roaming the Trial Grounds will immediately pursue the Generator upon activation, regardless of the Zombies' distance from the Generator.