Dead by Daylight Wiki

The Ghost Face
K16 TheGhostFace Portrait
Name Danny Johnson
Gender Man
Origin American
Power Night Shroud
Power Attack Type Basic Attack
Weapon Tactical Knife
Movement SpeedIconHelp movementSpeedIconHelp movementSpeedIconHelp movementSpeed 115 % | 4.6 m/s
Alternate Movement speed 95 % | 3.8 m/s


Terror RadiusIconHelp terrorRadiusIconHelp terrorRadiusIconHelp terrorRadius 32 metres
Height IconHelp heightIconHelp heightIconHelp height Average
DLC CHAPTER 12: Ghost Face®
Voice Actor Filip Ivanovic (Art Director)
Cost 250 Auric CellsIconCurrency auricCellsIconCurrency auricCellsIconCurrency auricCells
Menu Music
Terror Radius Music

Danny Johnson or "The Ghost Face" is one of 37 KillersIconHelpLoading killerIconHelpLoading killerIconHelpLoading killer currently featured in Dead by DaylightIconHelp DBDlogoIconHelp DBDlogoIconHelp DBDlogo.

He was introduced as the Killer of CHAPTER 12: Ghost Face®, a Chapter DLC released on 18 June 2019.


New Store Ghostface
Quotes left A stealth-focused Killer capable of approaching unseen, The Ghost Face is adept at stalking his prey. Keep tabs on each individual Survivor, patiently marking them for death – provided you can remain hidden. Lie in wait until the perfect time to strike, and down Survivors before they know what hit them. Quotes right

The Ghost Face is a creepy Killer, able to stalk his victims and sneak up silently using his Power, Night Shroud. Affected Survivors will find themselves vulnerable and oblivious to his presence and must use all of their perception and awareness to protect themselves from his approach.

His personal Perks, I'm All EarsIconPerks imAllEarsIconPerks imAllEarsIconPerks imAllEars, Thrilling TremorsIconPerks thrillingTremorsIconPerks thrillingTremorsIconPerks thrillingTremors, and Furtive ChaseIconPerks furtiveChaseIconPerks furtiveChaseIconPerks furtiveChase, give him the ability to locate Survivors, defend Generators, and make his Chases unpredictable.

Difficulty Rating: Hard
(These Killers use mechanics that are specific to them and require more practice to be effective)


GF Lore1
Additional Lore can be found in Tome 13 - Malevolence: Beneath the Mask.

Danny Johnson, known as Jed Olsen by some, grabbed the newspaper from the kitchen counter: it was a week old, but his face was on the front page, grainy and sunken. It was one of those muggy afternoons in Florida when heat and humidity permeated everything in the kitchen, making him sweat while standing still. He slouched in a damp chair to read. This article had better be good—his work in Roseville had been outstanding. GHOST FACE DISAPPEARS June 18, 1993

At first glance, Jed Olsen was a modest and enthusiastic freelancer with experience in a variety of small newspapers. The staff at the Roseville Gazette appreciated how easy-going and honest he seemed, and so he was treated as a stranger for no more than five minutes into his interview:

"Jed quickly spotted the editor-in-chief in the room, gave him a wide smile and a firm handshake, and talked about good old American values. And that was it, he was in." —Ex-Contributor at the Roseville Gazette

Olsen never justified his erratic career path, which zigzagged between several small towns from Utah to Pennsylvania. There was no verification of his previous jobs. He had a decent portfolio plus a good attitude, and they needed a contributor right away.


Olsen had been working at the newspaper for five months when the Roseville Murders began: victims from young to old, stabbed to death in their homes. From the reports, the victims seemed chosen at random, yet the killer knew his way around in the houses. The multiple stab wounds indicated a personal motive. No traces of DNA were found. The local police were confounded: the murders were carried with fury akin to a crime of passion yet coldly premeditated.

The murderer also liked to stalk his targets. Two victims had reported being followed on their way home by a dark figure, a few days prior their death. The killer would follow them from Walleyes, a small bar in Northern Roseville, and snap pictures of them at home, while looking for a way in. He could watch the same victim for weeks, meticulously registering their habits and routines. When he felt the urge to kill, he'd visit the most vulnerable victim on his list, and break inside the house quietly.

The whole staff worked on the Roseville Murders story. Olsen was often sent to interview the family of victims and relay official statements from the police. Unknown to everyone at the time, his involvement added to the final body count.

GF Lore2


Panic swelled in Roseville when Olsen produced footage of a hooded figure breaking into a house at night. The masked face, a white blur in the dark, stared at the camera for a second, before disappearing inside. “The Ghost Face Caught on Tape” was the resulting article, written by Olsen. He seemed proud of his work at the time, enjoying how the whole town feared his ghost stories.

Weeks later, Olsen left a note on his work desk and disappeared:

"I hope you liked my stories--I enjoyed bringing them to life. Don't worry, I'm not done." –Jed Olsen

The Roseville law enforcement still refuses to comment as Jed Olsen remains at large.

Danny smiled, ripping out the article from the newspaper. When the investigation had been pointing to him, he’d packed his bags and left Roseville swiftly.

He got up, the clammy seat pulling his skin. An oppressive humidity engulfed him as he entered the bedroom. Condensation dribbled on a small misted-up window as bits of cracked wallpaper hung limply. Its floral pattern was covered with gruesome photos and newspaper headlines. Danny pinned the week-old article on top of a picture of lacerated scalps. A faint pang of hunger hit him, and he wondered when he had eaten last. Was it this morning, while washing his knife and clothes? Or was it last night, after following that girl down the street? He couldn't remember clearly.

Taking a step back, he admired his work on the wall. His mind drifted, remembering all the articles he’d written, the stories he’d planned, and the scenes he’d brought to life.

A shiver ran through him. A chilling breeze transformed the bedroom's humidity into an opaque, freezing Fog. A woman shrieked. Dead leaves crunched under his feet. He smiled in anticipation.


Unique Perks

The Ghost Face comes with 3 PerksIconHelp perksIconHelp perksIconHelp perks that are unique to him:

IconPerks furtiveChase
Furtive Chase You lurk in the shadows, eliminating your victims one by one.

Each time you hook your ObsessionIconHelp obsessionIconHelp obsessionIconHelp obsession, you benefit from the following effects for 14/16/18 seconds:

Whenever the Obsession is rescued from a Hook, their rescuer will become the new Obsession.

You can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.

"You have no idea what I have planned for you. It'll be in the news for weeks. I'll make sure of that." — The Ghost Face

IconPerks imAllEars
I'm All Ears Unlocks potential in your Aura-reading ability, sharpening your keen senses in the dark Realm of The EntityIconHelp entityIconHelp entityIconHelp entity.

Any Survivor performing a Rushed Vault within 48 metres of your location triggers I'm All Ears:

  • The AuraIconHelp aurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp auras of that Survivor is revealed to you for 6 seconds.
I'm All Ears has a cool-down of 60/45/30 seconds.

"There is no need to worry. I've been preparing my whole life for this." — The Ghost Face

IconPerks thrillingTremors
Thrilling Tremors Your dark designs and shrewd composure rouse The EntityIconHelp entityIconHelp entityIconHelp entity.

After picking up a SurvivorIconHelpLoading survivorIconHelpLoading survivorIconHelpLoading survivor, all GeneratorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generators not currently being repaired by Survivors are blocked by The Entity for the next 16 seconds.

  • The AurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp auras of blocked Generators are highlighted to you in white.

Thrilling Tremors has a cool-down of 100/80/60 seconds.
"The night assists me and it's endless here." — The Ghost Face


Prestiging The Ghost Face will automatically add Tier I of his Unique Perks to the inventories of all other Killers and unlock the ability for their higher-tiered versions to spawn in their BloodwebIconHelp bloodwebIconHelp bloodwebIconHelp bloodweb.

Prestige The Ghost Face twice more to automatically add Tier II and Tier III respectively into the other Killers' inventories.

Weapon: Tactical Knife

OK W01

The Tactical Knife is the Primary Weapon of The Ghost Face.
See how the streetlights glint on the razor-sharp edge?
Anyone should feel honoured to feel it sliding through their ribcage.

Power: Night Shroud

IconPowers nightShroud
IconPowers nightShroud activated

"The Ghost Face used to study his victims for weeks, meticulously registering their habits.
When the urge to kill swelled, he'd know exactly how and where to strike."

Press the Power button to enter Stealth Mode:

  • Grants a permanent UndetectableIconStatusEffects undetectableIconStatusEffects undetectableIconStatusEffects undetectable Status Effect.
  • Unlocks the ability to Stalk Survivors.

Performing a Basic Attack automatically ends Stealth Mode and depletes the Power Gauge.

Night Shroud has a cool-down of 24 seconds.

Press the Secondary Power button to Crouch:

  • Reduces his Movement speed to 3.8 m/s.
  • Causes him to be harder to be spotted and revealed by Survivors.

Press the Secondary Power button again to stand back upright.

Press the Power button when in Stealth Mode to stalk Survivors within 40 metres, filling their Stalk Meter at +20 pts/s.


IconHUD ghostFaceLean

Standing behind cover when in Stealth Mode shows the Lean and Stalk prompt.
Stalking Survivors while leaning doubles the rate to +40 pts/s.


IconHUD markedState

Once the Stalk Meter is full at 100 Points, the affected Survivors are Marked and suffer from the following effects for 60 seconds:

  • ExposedIconStatusEffects exposedIconStatusEffects exposedIconStatusEffects exposed Status Effect.
  • Suppresses their ability to reveal The Ghost Face.

Survivors can attempt to reveal The Ghost Face when he is in Stealth Mode, forcing him out of it and disabling his ability to continue stalking them.

Survivors must see at least 30 % of his model in the central part of their screen while he is within 32 metres in order to start revealing him over the course of 1.5 seconds:

  • Triggers markers on the HUD of The Ghost Face, betraying the direction from which he is being revealed from.
  • Triggers Killer Instinct for 2 seconds after a successful reveal.

"Don't mind me. That's it, keep going. Perfect. That's the image I'll keep of you." — The Ghost Face

Power Trivia

Movement Speeds:

Main Article
  • Active Stalking while crouched: 0.76 m/s
  • Active Stalking while standing: 0.92 m/s
    • The Ghost Face enters this mode as soon as a Survivor enters his Field of View and is within Stalking range while Stalking.
  • Passive Stalking while crouched: 1.9 m/s
  • Passive Stalking while standing: 2.3 m/s
    • The Ghost Face is in this mode whenever he is Stalking without seeing any Survivor in his Field of View or who is within Stalking range.
  • Crouching: 3.8 m/s

Reveal Mechanic:

  • Reveal range: 32 metres
  • Reveal time: 1.5 seconds
  • Reveal Progression/Regression rate: ±1 c/s
  • Horizontal Ratio of Visibility Zone: 60 %
  • Vertical Ratio of Visibility Zone: 90 %
    • The Visibility Zone refers to a screen area that is designated as the zone in which The Ghost Face is considered visible to the Survivor, which is a prerequisite to be able to reveal him.
  • Minimum In-Zone percentage: 0.05 %
    • This refers to how much of the screen must be occupied by The Ghost Face for him to be considered seen, when his centre point is INSIDE the visibility zone.
      In practice, this means that The Ghost Face is essentially always seen when he is centred on the Survivor's screen and will become revealed.
  • Minimum Outside-Zone percentage: 10 %
    • This refers to how much of the screen must be occupied by The Ghost Face for him to be considered seen, when his centre point is OUTSIDE the visibility zone.
      In practice, this means that even if The Ghost Face is not centred on the Survivor's screen, he can still be revealed if he occupies a considerable part of their Field of View (i.e. when he is very close).
  • Minimum Pixel Visibility: 30 %
    • This refers to how many pixels of The Ghost Face's character model must be visible to the Survivor to be considered seen.

Night Shroud:

  • Maximum Stalk range: 40 metres
  • Not-Leaning Stalk rate: 20 Stalk points per second
  • Leaning Stalk rate: 40 Stalk points per second
    • Leaning applies a multiplier of x2
    • Unlike The ShapeIconHelpLoading shapeIconHelpLoading shapeIconHelpLoading shape, The Ghost Face experiences no Efficiency Penalty, which allows him to stalk Survivors at the same rate regardless of the distance to them.
  • Marked threshold: 100 Stalk points
    • There is a delay of 2 seconds after marking a Survivor before the Stalk Points start to deplete.
    • There is a delay of 1.5 seconds before Night Shroud starts recharging.
  • The Ghost Face's Terror Radius fades in and out at a rate of 10 m/s when activating Night Shroud or when being revealed.

Add-ons for Night Shroud

Icon Name Description
IconAddon philly
"Philly" A stolen camera from a victim of Olsen in Philadelphia, where he worked before.
The film inside captured his last night in the city.
  • Reduces the Time to mark Survivors by -20 %.

"Gotta love Philly: keeps giving and giving and I do not wanna forget any of it." — The Ghost Face

IconAddon cheapCologne
Cheap Cologne Dollar store cologne with a pungent scent of rubbing alcohol.
Worn by The Ghost Face to make his presence known.
Reserved for impromptu visits.
  • Increases the duration of Marked by +10 seconds.

IconAddon headlineCut-Outs
Headline Cut-Outs Cut-outs of articles covering unsolved murder cases from Utah to Pennsylvania.
While The Ghost Face just authored some of the headlines, he committed all of the murders.
Compiling your success makes you proud and boosts your confidence.
  • Increases your Movement speed while Stalking by +40 %.

IconAddon walleyesMatchbook
Walleye's Matchbook A sheet of matches from Walleye's, a small bar in Northern Roseville.
A victim's phone number is scribbled in blue.
One of the incriminating pieces of evidence found.
  • Reduces the Recovery time of Night Shroud by -6 seconds.

IconAddon cinchStraps
Cinch Straps Black straps that keep everything in place while on the prowl.
  • Causes Night Shroud to remain active on missed Basic Attacks.

IconAddon markedMap
Marked Map The annotated map of Northern Roseville, Florida.
Each 'X' represents a victim of The Ghost Face.
Mapping out your targets allows you to roam the streets undetected.

IconAddon olsensAddressBook
Olsen's Address Book Filled in blunt, blue crabbed writing.
All the Roseville murder victims are listed there, along with their phone number and address.
  • The AurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp auras of Marked Survivors performing rushed actions are revealed to you for 5 seconds.

IconAddon olsensJournal
Olsen's Journal A spiral notebook filled with stained, handwritten entries.
The journal details different equipment used to stalk victims.
Going through your past methods triggers thrilling memories.
  • Marked Survivors suffer from the ObliviousIconStatusEffects obliviousIconStatusEffects obliviousIconStatusEffects oblivious Status Effect.

IconAddon telephotoLens
Telephoto Lens A manual focus lens to remain undetected while taking pictures from afar.
  • Survivors suffer from the ObliviousIconStatusEffects obliviousIconStatusEffects obliviousIconStatusEffects oblivious Status Effect for 60 seconds after revealing you.

IconAddon chewedPen
Chewed Pen A blue pen with a chewed cap that holds traces of Danny's DNA.
Incriminating evidence that was never found.
  • Increases the Reveal time for Survivors in the Dying StateIconHelp dyingIconHelp dyingIconHelp dying to 3 seconds.

IconAddon knifeBeltClip
Knife Belt Clip A perfect belt clip to scout carry your blade discreetly.
No one knows what you are planning to do tonight.

IconAddon lastingPerfume
Lasting Perfume An overpowering musky fragrance worn by The Ghost Face to announce his presence.
Reserved for the victims he planned to write about.
  • Increases the Reveal time for Survivors on a HookIconHelpLoading hookIconHelpLoading hookIconHelpLoading hook to 3 seconds.

IconAddon leatherKnifeSheath
Leather Knife Sheath A quiet and flexible sheath to carry your blade.
Movement is easier when things are fastened into place.
  • Increases your Movement Speed by +10 % when Crouched.

IconAddon olsensWallet
Olsen's Wallet Olsen's wallet holds thirty dollars in cash, a video club membership card, and a folded picture of Olsen's first Roseville victim.
Carrying incriminating evidence boosts your excitement and resolve.

IconAddon driversLicense
Driver's License A driver's license revealing Olsen's true identity: Danny Johnson.
  • Causes GeneratorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generators to explode and lose -20 % of its maximum possible Progression, when marking a Survivor repairing it, and blocks it for 15 seconds.
    • This penalty is only once if multiple repairing Survivors are marked.

"They all want to know who Ghost Face is. But what they should ask is: who is next?" — The Ghost Face

IconAddon drop-LegKnifeSheath
Drop-Leg Knife Sheath A sheath allowing for a full motion range: ideal to inflict quick and powerful wounds while moving freely.
Stolen from a patrol officer the night Danny left Philadelphia.
  • Grants a +10 % HasteIconStatusEffects hasteIconStatusEffects hasteIconStatusEffects haste Status Effect for 5 seconds after marking a Survivors.

"Gotta get ready like a scout — without the stupid patches. What I get is much better." — The Ghost Face

IconAddon nightVisionMonocular
Night Vision Monocular Night vision lens enabling sharp photos even when shrouded in darkness.
Ideal for discreet, impromptu visits late at night.
  • Survivors suffer from the ExhaustedIconStatusEffects exhaustedIconStatusEffects exhaustedIconStatusEffects exhausted Status Effect for 10 seconds after revealing you.

IconAddon victimsDetailedRoutine
Victim's Detailed Routine A ripped page outlining the weekly routine of Olsen's first victim in Roseville.
Compiling your victim's habits allows you to anticipate their movements.
  • Survivors suffer from the ExhaustedIconStatusEffects exhaustedIconStatusEffects exhaustedIconStatusEffects exhausted Status Effect for 5 seconds after marking them.

"I have been watching you for a while. I wanted this to be special; the kind of headlines that people do not forget." — The Ghost Face

IconAddon caughtOnTape
"Ghost Face Caught on Tape" A tape obtained by Olsen to write an article that terrorised Roseville.
  • Instantly recharges Night Shroud after putting a Survivor into the Dying StateIconHelp dyingIconHelp dyingIconHelp dying with a Basic Attack.

"In this footage, a dark figure is seen entering a house late at night in Northern Roseville, Florida.
The police were called the next morning to report a murder in the area.
Lock your doors: a Killer is in our midst, roaming freely, like a ghost in the night." — The Roseville Gazette

IconAddon outdoorSecurityCamera
Outdoor Security Camera A small surveillance camera that filmed The Ghost Face breaking into a house on Belleview Road in Northern Roseville.
The camera was positioned at the perfect angle to catch a glimpse of The Ghost Face without providing any real clue to the police.
  • The AurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp auras of all Survivors are revealed to you for 7 seconds after putting a Marked Survivor into the Dying StateIconHelp dyingIconHelp dyingIconHelp dying.

"An image is worth a thousand words." — The Ghost Face


Main article: Achievements

There are 2 Achievements related to The Ghost Face:

Icon Name Description
Ach adeptGhostFace Adept Ghost Face Playing as The Ghost Face, achieve a Merciless Victory using only his 3 Unique Perks: I'm All Ears, Thrilling Tremors, and Furtive Chase
Ach totallyVulnerable Totally Vulnerable Playing as The Ghost FaceIconHelpLoading ghostIconHelpLoading ghostIconHelpLoading ghost, down Marked Survivors a total of 50 times.

Cosmetic Options

Players can choose from a variety of Cosmetic options to customise The Ghost Face:

Base Cosmetics


Icon Name Body Rarity Description
OK Mask01 Ghost Face CategoryIcon masks Common Just a simple plastic mask. Anyone could be behind it, using its anonymity to kill for their own reasons.
OK Body01 Dreadful Shroud CategoryIcon body Common For the killer that needs concealment, but craves attention. Black fabrics help give cover, white glossy textures provide fashionable accents.
OK W01 Tactical Knife CategoryIcon weapons Common See how the streetlights glint on the razor-sharp edge? Anyone should feel honored to feel it sliding through their ribcage.


Icon Name Body Rarity Description Additional Notes
OK Mask01 P01 Bloody Ghost Face CategoryIcon masks Rare Just a simple plastic mask, though its expression seems different when blood-spattered. Prestige Level 6 Reward
OK Body01 P01 Sodden Shroud CategoryIcon body Rare The long jacket helps to keep the rest of the clothes dry as blood splashes with each stab of the knife. Prestige Level 5 Reward
OK W01 P01 Wet Tactical Knife CategoryIcon weapons Rare Even with the blade drenched in blood, the guard keeps the handle dry. Prestige Level 4 Reward
Perk Charms
Prestige Level 7 Reward Prestige Level 8 Reward Prestige Level 9 Reward
K16 PCharm001 K16 PCharm002 K16 PCharm003
A keepsake gained upon mastery of a particular skill.



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Icon Name Body Rarity Description DLC
OK Body01 01 Monochrome Shroud CategoryIcon body Common Black for the night, white for the traditional shroud of death. CHAPTER 12: Ghost Face®
OK W01 01 Silvery Steel Tactical Knife CategoryIcon weapons Common The coloured handle may not affect the blade, but it certainly looks sharper. CHAPTER 12: Ghost Face®

IconHelp archivesGeneral Rift

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Collection Name
Release Date
OK outfit 011
CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Ghost Face Brush Hunter
26 October 2023 (Thursday)
Not content to merely stalk those in their homes, he sometimes took to the wilderness to track and kill his victims.
1200IconHelp auricCells
⇓ Expand ⇓
OK Mask011
Rift Tier
CategoryIcon masks
Metal Ghost Face
A villainous glint of steel was the only sign his prey received that they were about to die.
400IconHelp auricCells
OK Body011
Rift Tier
CategoryIcon body
Backwood Shroud
Among the rotting brush, he was nearly invisible in this jumpsuit.
400IconHelp auricCells
OK W011
Rift Tier
CategoryIcon weapons
Survivalist’s Blade
Ironically, when he carried this knife, there would be no “surviving.”
400IconHelp auricCells
Collection Name
Release Date
OK outfit 011 01
CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Ghost Face Brush Hunter (Deep Rift)
12 June 2018 (Tuesday)
Not content to merely stalk those in their homes, he took to the trials to track and kill his victims.
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⇓ Expand ⇓
OK Mask011 01
Rift Tier
CategoryIcon masks
Metal Ghost Face (Deep Rift)
A otherworldly blue glint was the only sign his prey received that they were about to die.
400IconHelp auricCells
OK Body011 01
Rift Tier
CategoryIcon body
Backwood Shroud (Deep Rift)
Among the swirling fog, he was nearly invisible in this jumpsuit.
400IconHelp auricCells
OK W011 01
Rift Tier
CategoryIcon weapons
Survivalist’s Blade (Deep Rift)
Ironically, when he had this knife in the trials, survival was not in the cards for his prey.
400IconHelp auricCells
OK Mask01 02
Rift Tier
A mask perfect for stalking during the end of the world.
250IconHelp auricCells
OK Mask013
Rift Tier
CategoryIcon masks
Scarecrow Ghost Face
Crows are not the primary target of this mask’s scares.
400IconHelp auricCells
OK Mask012
Rift Tier
Putting the laughter back in slaughter.
400IconHelp auricCells
OK Mask01 03
Rift Tier
CategoryIcon masks
Bleeding Ghost Face
Gore streams endlessly down this ghastly yawning visage.
550IconHelp auricCells

IconHelp store In-Game Store

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Collection Name
Release Date
OK outfit CV01
CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Frozen Ghost Face
18 June 2019 (Tuesday)
Temperature changes are common in hauntings. Even when the ghosts are less than supernatural?
200IconHelp auricCells
⇓ Expand ⇓
OK Body01 CV01
CategoryIcon body
Icy Shroud
Colored accents somehow make the black parts of this coat seem even darker.
100IconHelp auricCells
OK W01 CV01
CategoryIcon weapons
Cold Steel Tactical Knife
The colored handle may not affect the blade, but it certainly looks sharper.
100IconHelp auricCells
Collection Name
Release Date
OK outfit CV02
CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Red Hot Ghost Face
18 June 2019 (Tuesday)
Temperature changes are common in hauntings. Even when the ghosts are less than supernatural?
200IconHelp auricCells
⇓ Expand ⇓
OK Body01 CV02
CategoryIcon body
Scorching Shroud
Colored accents somehow make the black parts of this coat seem even darker.
100IconHelp auricCells
OK W01 CV02
CategoryIcon weapons
Molten Steel Tactical Knife
The colored handle may not affect the blade, but it certainly looks sharper.
100IconHelp auricCells
Collection Name
Release Date
OK outfit 010
CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Icebound Phantom
30 November 2021 (Tuesday)
During the Darkening, glacial winds blew from the Lost Realms, spreading an everlasting frost of penetrating ice clusters.
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⇓ Expand ⇓
OK Mask010
CategoryIcon masks
Arctic Ghost Face
The face of death, pierced by clusters of razor-sharp ice.
400IconHelp auricCells
OK Body010
CategoryIcon body
Glacial Shroud
Dark shroud of death ripped apart by a multitude of ice shards.
400IconHelp auricCells
OK W010
CategoryIcon weapons
Crisp Tactical Knife
A tactical knife entrapped in a thick, pointy spike of ice.
400IconHelp auricCells
Collection Name
Release Date
OK outfit 007
CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Classic Ghost Face
13 November 2019 (Wednesday)
He grabbed this garb impulsively, to spice things up. He had no idea how iconic this look would become for his victims.
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⇓ Expand ⇓
OK Mask007
CategoryIcon masks
Classic Ghost Face
Face of terror that reflects the fear of victims back at them.
400IconHelp auricCells
OK Body007
CategoryIcon body
Classic Ghost Face Shroud
A long, tattered cloak to stalk victims in the middle of the night, unseen by all.
400IconHelp auricCells
OK W007
CategoryIcon weapons
First Blade
A fixed-blade knife used on the first victim that began a legend.
400IconHelp auricCells
Collection Name
Release Date
OK outfit 02
CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Raining Blood
18 June 2019 (Tuesday)
The knife finds its mark. With a gasp from the victim, it sinks home, is withdrawn and the blood gushes forth.
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⇓ Expand ⇓
OK Mask02
CategoryIcon masks
Devil Face
Painted crimson and adorned with horns, the mask glows with a new malevolence.
400IconHelp auricCells
OK Body02
CategoryIcon body
City Slicker
An urban take on Ghost Face's shroud, utilizing a tattered rain cape. Sheds blood so well, every Ghost Face should have used it.
400IconHelp auricCells
OK W02
CategoryIcon weapons
Damascus Steel Clip Point Blade
A knife as beautiful and deadly as its use.
400IconHelp auricCells
Collection Name
Release Date
OK outfit 014
CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Masquerade Ghost Face
22 June 2023 (Thursday)
He was surprised by the festivities but didn’t say no to the attention.
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⇓ Expand ⇓
OK Mask014
CategoryIcon masks
Ghost Face’s Mask
A mask he found himself wearing at the masquerade ball.
400IconHelp auricCells
OK Body014
He was dressed in a refined Rococo jacket which made him feel powerful.
400IconHelp auricCells
OK W014
A golden blade made the murder even more precious.
400IconHelp auricCells
Collection Name
Release Date
OK outfit 011
CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Ghost Face Brush Hunter
26 October 2023 (Thursday)
Not content to merely stalk those in their homes, he sometimes took to the wilderness to track and kill his victims.
1200IconHelp auricCells
⇓ Expand ⇓
OK Mask011
Rift Tier
CategoryIcon masks
Metal Ghost Face
A villainous glint of steel was the only sign his prey received that they were about to die.
400IconHelp auricCells
OK Body011
Rift Tier
CategoryIcon body
Backwood Shroud
Among the rotting brush, he was nearly invisible in this jumpsuit.
400IconHelp auricCells
OK W011
Rift Tier
CategoryIcon weapons
Survivalist’s Blade
Ironically, when he carried this knife, there would be no “surviving.”
400IconHelp auricCells
Collection Name
Release Date
OK outfit 006
CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Slash Enthusiast
07 August 2019 (Wednesday)
A man with murder on his mind must prepare for blood on his jacket.
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⇓ Expand ⇓
OK Mask006
CategoryIcon masks
Silver Ghost Face
A mask that masterfully captures the pain and anguish on a victim’s face and reflects it coldly, heartlessly back at them.
400IconHelp auricCells
OK Body006
CategoryIcon body
Unknown Assailant
Full body jacket that repels liquids and can easily be scrubbed of evidence. Best suited for rainy days and bloody nights.
400IconHelp auricCells
OK W006
CategoryIcon weapons
Bone Handle Clip Point
The femoral bone of an unsolved murder victim serves as the custom hilt on this hunting blade.
400IconHelp auricCells
Collection Name
Release Date
OK outfit 008
CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Viper Ghost
25 March 2020 (Wednesday)
As fear spread in Roseville, university students launched a masked party to lighten the mood.
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⇓ Expand ⇓
OK Mask008
CategoryIcon masks
Viper Ghost Mask
Unknown to them, he attended the event wearing a customized mask.
400IconHelp auricCells
OK Body008
CategoryIcon body
Demonic Robe
His robe enabled him to sneak into the party, unsuspectedly.
400IconHelp auricCells
OK W008
CategoryIcon weapons
Onyx Knife
He plunged the sharp blade into a frat boy's eye socket. Blood gushed as he snapped a selfie. This one would make the headlines.
400IconHelp auricCells
Collection Name
Release Date
OK outfit 009
IconHelp cosmetic sets
CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Scorched Ghost Face
20 October 2020 (Tuesday)
A specimen who reacted strangely to the latest compounds, resulting in unexpected mutations that cannot yet be explained.
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⇓ Expand ⇓
OK Mask009
CategoryIcon masks
Scorched Ghost Face
Where the mask ends and the human begins is difficult to determine, the two having melded together.
OK Body009
CategoryIcon body
Demon Night
Flaps of skin resembling bat wings hang from his arms. He seems immune to any pain caused by the gaping hole in his belly that reveals a cluster of organs.
OK W009
CategoryIcon weapons
Gut Tooth
A barbed and uneven blade that causes horrific wounds and inflicts a cruel amount of pain.
OK Mask015
CategoryIcon masks
Ghost Face Gold Cat Mask
He went on the prowl, looking to play with his next kill.
400IconHelp auricCells


Main article: Downloadable Content

The Ghost Face is part of 1 DLC:

Change Log

Patch 3.0.1

  • Buff: increased the base Killer Instinct duration from 1.5 seconds to 2 seconds.
  • Nerf: increased the Detection Area in the centre of a Survivor's screen, who is attempting to reveal The Ghost Face by +4 % for either side (combined 8 %).
  • QoL: removed the Proximity Sound emitted during Night Shroud, leaving only the rustling clothes as a warning sign to Survivors.

Patch 3.3.1

  • Buff: updated The Ghost Face's Power with the Undetectable Status Effect.

Patch 4.7.0

  • QoL: increased the contrast of the Stalking Meter on the HUD.

Patch 5.3.0

  • Buff: reduced the default Night Shroud Recovery time from 30 seconds to 24 seconds.

Patch 5.7.0

  • Rework: reworked The Ghost Face to give him more of an edge against Survivors.
    • Buff: Marked Survivors can no longer reveal The Ghost Face.
    • Buff: increased the duration of Marked from 45 seconds to 60 seconds.
    • QoL: reviewed the technical implementation of the Stalk and Reveal mechanics.
      • Reveal progression now regresses over time if a Survivor loses line-of-sight (used to be lost completely immediately).
      • added differentiation to the zone in which the target must be to be revealed or be stalked to account for differences in 1st and 3rd person cameras.
      • made it possible to reveal The Ghost Face / stalk Survivors when he / they are not in the centre of the screen, but still take up a large amount of it (i.e. when very close).
  • Change: The Ghost Face now features a unique Terror RadiusIconHelp terrorRadiusIconHelp terrorRadiusIconHelp terrorRadius and Chase Music.
  • Change: tweaked some values related to the Stalking ability due to a technical rework of the mechanic.

Patch 5.7.1

  • Change: reduced the volume levels of the Terror Radius / Chase Music while working on an entirely new theme due to recurrent complaints about the current one's loudness.

Patch 5.7.2

  • Change: The Ghost Face now features another unique Terror RadiusIconHelp terrorRadiusIconHelp terrorRadiusIconHelp terrorRadius and Chase Music due to complaints about the previous theme.

Patch 6.1.0

  • Change: The Ghost Face now features yet another change to his Terror RadiusIconHelp terrorRadiusIconHelp terrorRadiusIconHelp terrorRadius and Chase Music. This time, the nearby and chase themes have been slowed down to match the pace of the second phase of the chase theme.

Patch 7.0.0

  • Buff: increased Crouched Movement speed from 3.6 m/s to 3.8 m/s.
    • It should be noted that this change also affects all other instances of The Ghost Face moving while Crouched.
  • Buff: decreased Night Shroud recharge time from 24 seconds to 20 seconds.
  • Buff: increased Killer Instinct reveal time from 2 seconds to 4 seconds.


  • The Ghost Face was leaked in the 2.7.0 Mid-Chapter Update.
    Instead of releasing the Patch, the Developers accidentally released an internal Developer Build, which already contained the upcoming Chapter.
    • As soon as they realised this had happened, they forced all Players out of the regular Game and those on the Dev Build were forced to instead download the actual Mid-Chapter build.
    • However, multiple screen-shots had already been taken and released, as well as video content of Streamers who had played on the Dev Build.
  • Dead by Daylight's The Ghost Face is not one of the many killers who take on the alias from the Scream films, but rather an original character based on the mask the franchise used.
    • This is possible due to the fact that the copyrights for the mask and the films are entirely separate due to the films having used a general purpose mask for their killers.
    • Nevertheless, the way The Ghost Face wipes the blood off his weapon is quite similar to the way the original Ghostface does in the Scream franchise.
    • However, compared to the original Ghost Face from Scream, who is known to be very impulsive and gets caught easily in the end, The Ghost Face from Dead by Daylight is a far more sinister and cunningly experienced killer because he understands the risks of committing murder, only giving in to his bloodthirst when he knows he can get away with it.
  • The Ghost Face was the first Chapter Killer to come without an accompanying Survivor or Map.
  • The Ghost Face was the first licensed Killer to have access to a selection of Customisation options in the StoreIconHelp storeIconHelp storeIconHelp store.
  • The Ghost Face was the seventh Killer added to Dead by Daylight wearing a mask.
  • Instead of climbing over vaults, The Ghost Face hoists himself through them.
  • The Ghost Face was the first Killer to have a unique running animation when in a Chase.
  • When The Ghost Face was leaked when a Developer Build was accidentally pushed to the PTB, he had a different Memento MoriIconHelp mementoMoriIconHelp mementoMoriIconHelp mementoMori animation, using a mobile phone to snap a picture instead of a digital camera.
    • In that build, he was also named The Ghost, instead of the current The Ghost Face.
  • The Ghost Face was the second Killer to be able to crouch.
    • Despite this, The Ghost Face is the only Killer to date to be able to crouch as freely as Survivors and as an innate ability with no connection to his Power.
  • The Ghost Face is the Character with the most in-game quotes by himself, with eight in total.
  • The Ghost Face currently has the most revised Chase theme in the game, with a total of technically six different revisions of the chase theme since the 5.7.0 PTB.
    • This beats out The DemogorgonIconHelpLoading demogorgonIconHelpLoading demogorgonIconHelpLoading demogorgon, who had three total revisions.


  • The Ghost Face's real name, as well as Roseville, the town of his first killings, are potentially inspired by "Danny Rolling", a serial killer who murdered five students within four days in "Gainesville".
    • He was Wes Craven's inspiration when creating the character Ghostface for the Scream movies.
    • Further strengthening this likely source of inspiration is the fact that the Viper Ghost Outfit description states that The Ghost Face had attended a masked party thrown by Roseville University students.
  • The Ghost Face's flying straps attached to his outfit represent his connection to The EntityIconHelp entityIconHelp entityIconHelp entity, according to the Developers.
  • In one of the Developer's streams, The Ghost Face was described as "a bit narcissistic".

Voice Actor


See Ghost Face's Gallery

In-game assets

Old assets

Concept arts

THE KILLERS IconHelpLoading killer
K01 TheTrapper Portrait
TrapperIconHelpLoading trapperIconHelpLoading trapperIconHelpLoading trapper
K02 TheWraith Portrait
WraithIconHelpLoading wraithIconHelpLoading wraithIconHelpLoading wraith
K03 TheHillbilly Portrait
HillbillyIconHelpLoading hillbillyIconHelpLoading hillbillyIconHelpLoading hillbilly
K04 TheNurse Portrait
NurseIconHelpLoading nurseIconHelpLoading nurseIconHelpLoading nurse
K05 TheShape Portrait
ShapeIconHelpLoading shapeIconHelpLoading shapeIconHelpLoading shape
K06 TheHag Portrait
HagIconHelpLoading hagIconHelpLoading hagIconHelpLoading hag
K07 TheDoctor Portrait
DoctorIconHelpLoading doctorIconHelpLoading doctorIconHelpLoading doctor
K08 TheHuntress Portrait
HuntressIconHelpLoading huntressIconHelpLoading huntressIconHelpLoading huntress
K09 TheCannibal Portrait
CannibalIconHelpLoading cannibalIconHelpLoading cannibalIconHelpLoading cannibal
K10 TheNightmare Portrait
NightmareIconHelpLoading nightmareIconHelpLoading nightmareIconHelpLoading nightmare
K11 ThePig Portrait
PigIconHelpLoading pigIconHelpLoading pigIconHelpLoading pig
K12 TheClown Portrait
ClownIconHelpLoading clownIconHelpLoading clownIconHelpLoading clown
K13 TheSpirit Portrait
SpiritIconHelpLoading spiritIconHelpLoading spiritIconHelpLoading spirit
K14 TheLegion Portrait
LegionIconHelpLoading legionIconHelpLoading legionIconHelpLoading legion
K15 ThePlague Portrait
PlagueIconHelpLoading plagueIconHelpLoading plagueIconHelpLoading plague
K16 TheGhostFace Portrait
Ghost FaceIconHelpLoading ghostIconHelpLoading ghostIconHelpLoading ghost
K17 TheDemogorgon Portrait
DemogorgonIconHelpLoading demogorgonIconHelpLoading demogorgonIconHelpLoading demogorgon
K18 TheOni Portrait
OniIconHelpLoading oniIconHelpLoading oniIconHelpLoading oni
CHAPTERS 15 — 20
K19 TheDeathslinger Portrait
DeathslingerIconHelpLoading deathslingerIconHelpLoading deathslingerIconHelpLoading deathslinger
K20 TheExecutioner Portrait
ExecutionerIconHelpLoading walesIconHelpLoading walesIconHelpLoading wales
K21 TheBlight Portrait
BlightIconHelpLoading blightIconHelpLoading blightIconHelpLoading blight
K22 TheTwins Portrait
TwinsIconHelpLoading twinsIconHelpLoading twinsIconHelpLoading twins
K23 TheTrickster Portrait
TricksterIconHelpLoading tricksterIconHelpLoading tricksterIconHelpLoading trickster
K24 TheNemesis Portrait
NemesisIconHelpLoading nemesisIconHelpLoading nemesisIconHelpLoading nemesis
CHAPTERS 21 — 26
K25 TheCenobite Portrait
CenobiteIconHelpLoading cenobiteIconHelpLoading cenobiteIconHelpLoading cenobite
K26 TheArtist Portrait
ArtistIconHelpLoading artistIconHelpLoading artistIconHelpLoading artist
K27 TheOnryo Portrait
OnryōIconHelpLoading onryoIconHelpLoading onryoIconHelpLoading onryo
K28 TheDredge Portrait
DredgeIconHelpLoading dredgeIconHelpLoading dredgeIconHelpLoading dredge
K29 TheMastermind Portrait
MastermindIconHelpLoading mastermindIconHelpLoading mastermindIconHelpLoading mastermind
K30 TheKnight Portrait
KnightIconHelpLoading knightIconHelpLoading knightIconHelpLoading knight
CHAPTERS 27 — 32
K31 TheSkullMerchant Portrait
Skull MerchantIconHelpLoading skullMerchantIconHelpLoading skullMerchantIconHelpLoading skullMerchant
K32 TheSingularity Portrait
SingularityIconHelpLoading singularityIconHelpLoading singularityIconHelpLoading singularity
K33 TheXenomorph Portrait
XenomorphIconHelpLoading xenomorphIconHelpLoading xenomorphIconHelpLoading xenomorph
K34 TheGoodGuy Portrait
Good GuyIconHelpLoading goodGuyIconHelpLoading goodGuyIconHelpLoading goodGuy
K35 TheUnknown Portrait
UnknownIconHelpLoading unknownIconHelpLoading unknownIconHelpLoading unknown
K36 TheLich Portrait
LichIconHelpLoading lichIconHelpLoading lichIconHelpLoading lich
K37 TheDarkLord Portrait
Dark LordKillerDraculaKillerDraculaKillerDracula
THE SURVIVORS IconHelpLoading survivor
S01 DwightFairfield Portrait
Dwight FairfieldSurvivorDwightSurvivorDwightSurvivorDwight
S02 MegThomas Portrait
Meg ThomasSurvivorMegSurvivorMegSurvivorMeg
S03 ClaudetteMorel Portrait
Claudette MorelSurvivorClaudetteSurvivorClaudetteSurvivorClaudette
S04 JakePark Portrait
Jake ParkSurvivorJakeSurvivorJakeSurvivorJake
S05 NeaKarlsson Portrait
Nea KarlssonSurvivorNeaSurvivorNeaSurvivorNea
S06 LaurieStrode Portrait
Laurie StrodeSurvivorLaurieSurvivorLaurieSurvivorLaurie
S07 AceVisconti Portrait
Ace ViscontiSurvivorAceSurvivorAceSurvivorAce
S08 BillOverbeck Portrait
Bill OverbeckSurvivorBillSurvivorBillSurvivorBill
S09 FengMin Portrait
Feng MinSurvivorFengSurvivorFengSurvivorFeng
S10 DavidKing Portrait
David KingSurvivorDavidSurvivorDavidSurvivorDavid
S11 QuentinSmith Portrait
Quentin SmithSurvivorQuentinSurvivorQuentinSurvivorQuentin
S12 DavidTapp Portrait
David TappSurvivorTappSurvivorTappSurvivorTapp
S13 KateDenson Portrait
Kate DensonSurvivorKateSurvivorKateSurvivorKate
S14 AdamFrancis Portrait
Adam FrancisSurvivorAdamSurvivorAdamSurvivorAdam
S15 JeffJohansen Portrait
Jeff JohansenSurvivorJeffSurvivorJeffSurvivorJeff
S16 JaneRomero Portrait
Jane RomeroSurvivorJaneSurvivorJaneSurvivorJane
S17 AshWilliams Portrait
Ash WilliamsSurvivorAshSurvivorAshSurvivorAsh
S18 NancyWheeler Portrait
Nancy WheelerSurvivorNancySurvivorNancySurvivorNancy
CHAPTERS 13 — 18
S19 SteveHarrington Portrait
Steve HarringtonSurvivorSteveSurvivorSteveSurvivorSteve
S20 YuiKimura Portrait
Yui KimuraSurvivorYuiSurvivorYuiSurvivorYui
S21 ZarinaKassir Portrait
Zarina KassirSurvivorZarinaSurvivorZarinaSurvivorZarina
S22 CherylMason Portrait
Cheryl MasonSurvivorCherylSurvivorCherylSurvivorCheryl
S23 FelixRichter Portrait
Felix RichterSurvivorFelixSurvivorFelixSurvivorFelix
S24 ElodieRakoto Portrait
Élodie RakotoSurvivorElodieSurvivorElodieSurvivorElodie
CHAPTERS 19 — 23
S25 Yun-JinLee Portrait
Yun-Jin LeeSurvivorYun-JinSurvivorYun-JinSurvivorYun-Jin
S26 JillValentine Portrait
Jill ValentineSurvivorJillSurvivorJillSurvivorJill
S27 LeonScottKennedy Portrait
Leon Scott KennedySurvivorLeonSurvivorLeonSurvivorLeon
S28 MikaelaReid Portrait
Mikaela ReidSurvivorMikaelaSurvivorMikaelaSurvivorMikaela
S29 JonahVasquez Portrait
Jonah VasquezSurvivorJonahSurvivorJonahSurvivorJonah
S30 YoichiAsakawa Portrait
Yoichi AsakawaSurvivorYoichiSurvivorYoichiSurvivorYoichi
CHAPTERS 24 — 27
S31 HaddieKaur Portrait
Haddie KaurSurvivorHaddieSurvivorHaddieSurvivorHaddie
S32 AdaWong Portrait
Ada WongSurvivorAdaSurvivorAdaSurvivorAda
S33 RebeccaChambers Portrait
Rebecca ChambersSurvivorRebeccaSurvivorRebeccaSurvivorRebecca
S34 VittorioToscano Portrait
Vittorio ToscanoSurvivorVittorioSurvivorVittorioSurvivorVittorio
S35 ThalitaLyra Portrait
Thalita LyraSurvivorThalitaSurvivorThalitaSurvivorThalita
S36 RenatoLyra Portrait
Renato LyraSurvivorRenatoSurvivorRenatoSurvivorRenato
CHAPTERS 28 — 32
S37 GabrielSoma Portrait
Gabriel SomaSurvivorGabrielSurvivorGabrielSurvivorGabriel
S38 NicolasCage Portrait
Nicolas CageSurvivorNicolasSurvivorNicolasSurvivorNicolas
S39 EllenRipley Portrait
Ellen RipleySurvivorEllenSurvivorEllenSurvivorEllen
S40 AlanWake Portrait
Alan WakeSurvivorAlanSurvivorAlanSurvivorAlan
S41 SableWard Portrait
Sable WardSurvivorSableSurvivorSableSurvivorSable
S42 TheTroupe Portrait
CHAPTERS 32.5 — 33
S43 LaraCroft Portrait
Lara CroftSurvivorLaraSurvivorLaraSurvivorLara
S44 TrevorBelmont Portrait
Trevor BelmontSurvivorTrevorSurvivorTrevorSurvivorTrevor