Dead by Daylight Wiki

Cypress Memento Mori is an Uncommon OfferingIconHelp offeringsIconHelp offeringsIconHelp offerings belonging to KillersIconHelpLoading killerIconHelpLoading killerIconHelpLoading killer. It has been retired.

Icon Description Cost
IconFavors cypressMementoMori
THIS OFFERING IS SECRET (This Offering is secret and will not reveal its identity to the other Players during the burning sequence before loading into the Trial.)

THIS OFFERING WAS RETIRED (This Unlockable can no longer be obtained and stockpiles can no longer be used.
It will not return to the Game.

Calls upon The Entity for the following effect:

  • Grants the ability to kill the Last Survivor Standing once they are in the Dying State.

"You worked well, the last one is yours."


IconHelp bloodpoints

Change Log

Patch 8.3.0

  • Retired: This Offering has been retired and can no longer be used.


  • Players with unused stockpiles of this Offering will receive a one-time compensation of 1,000,000 BloodpointsIconCurrency bloodpointsIconCurrency bloodpointsIconCurrency bloodpoints when logging into the Game at any point between 8 and 17 October 2024.