Cruel Limits is a Unique Perk belonging to The Demogorgon.
Prestige The Demogorgon to Prestige 1, 2, 3 respectively to unlock Tier I, Tier II, Tier III of Cruel Limits for all other Characters.
Your ties to the otherworldly manifest when your prey attempts to get away.
Whenever a Generator is completed, Cruel Limits activates:
- Blocks every Vault location on the Map for all Survivors for the next 20/25/30 seconds.
- The Auras of the blocked Vault locations are highlighted to you in yellow.
Change Log
Patch 4.3.0
- Buff: increased the range in which vault locations are blocked from to .
Patch 5.3.0
- Retired: with the departure of CHAPTER 13: Stranger Things from Dead by Daylight, Cruel Limits was reworked into a General Killer Perk: Claustrophobia.
- Rewrote the Lore text in the beginning of the description to be more generic.
- For Players who had owned CHAPTER 13: Stranger Things before its removal, Claustrophobia would still show the original flavour text in the description and the Character association with The Demogorgon.
Patch 7.1.0
- Buff: removed the range limit completely, now blocks all Vault locations on the Map.
Patch 7.3.3
- Reinstation: reinstated Cruel Limits with the return of CHAPTER 13: Stranger Things.
- Renamed Claustrophobia back to Cruel Limits'.
- Adjusted the Lore text back to that of Cruel Limits.
Patch 7.4.0
- Change: Cruel Limits is now once again a Unique Perk.
- During development Cruel Limits was called "Cruel Confinement".