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Doomed Course
DoomedCourse main header
Release Date 28 November 2024 (Thursday)
Category Chapter DLC
Cost $7.99
1,000 Auric CellsIconCurrency auricCellsIconCurrency auricCellsIconCurrency auricCells
18,000 Iridescent ShardsIconCurrency iridescentShardsIconCurrency iridescentShardsIconCurrency iridescentShards
No linked Store Page

CHAPTER 34: Doomed Course will be the thirty-fourth Chapter DLC for Dead by DaylightIconHelp DBDlogoIconHelp DBDlogoIconHelp DBDlogo and is scheduled to release 28th November 2024.

This DLC will feature the following content:

The Chapter will release without an accompanying new Map.



Killer: The Houndmaster[]

Main article: The Houndmaster

The Houndmaster's Info[]

K38 TheHoundmaster Portrait

The Houndmaster's Power[]

IconPowers K38 dashCommand
IconPowers K38 patrolCommand

"The Houndmaster and her dog operate as one.
Her commands are followed without question or delay."

The Houndmaster sees the AuraIconHelp aurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp auras of The Dog at all times.

Press the Interaction button while standing near The Dog to pet it.

Press the Secondary Power button to switch between the Chase Command and the Search Command.

SPECIAL ABILITY: CHASEIconPowers K38 dashCommand
Press and hold the Power button to initiate the Chase Command, charting the Chase Path in front of you that The Dog will follow:
Press the Attack button to send The Dog out at high speed or release the Power button to cancel the ability.

SPECIAL ABILITY: REDIRECT CHASEIconPowers K38 dashRedirect IconPowers K38 recallDog
Press the Power button after sending out The Dog to temporarily take possession of it:
Press the Attack button to redirect the Chase Path or press the Secondary Power button to cancel the redirect altogether.

When The Dog comes across a Survivor in its path, it pounces and grabs onto them:

  • Causes the Grabbed Survivor to suffer from a -3 % HinderedIconStatusEffects hindered Status Effect and the IncapacitatedIconStatusEffects incapacitated Status Effect.
  • Causes the Grabbed Survivor to slowly be pulled towards The Houndmaster for a maximum of 8 seconds, after which they are released again.
    • This duration is reduced to 2 seconds, if the Grabbed Survivor is protected by the EnduranceIconStatusEffects enduranceSurvivor Status Effect.
  • Causes the Exit GatesIconHelp exitGatesIconHelp exitGatesIconHelp exitGates to be blocked for the Grabbed Survivor.
    • This effect lingers for 5 seconds after being released.
  • The Aura of the Grabbed Survivor is revealed to The Houndmaster in red.

The Grabbed Survivor can fight against the pull by moving in opposite directions and potentially steer The Dog towards nearby PalletsIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDown.

The Grabbed Survivor can free themselves sooner by stunning The Dog or being rescued by another Survivor interacting with it:

  • The Auras of upright Pallets within 16 metres of the Grabbed Survivor are revealed to them in yellow.
  • Dropping a Pallet onto The Dog stuns it for 3 seconds and triggers Killer Instinct for 5 seconds.

If the Grabbed Survivor is released without injury by any means, they continue to suffer from a -10 % Hindered Status Effect for 5 seconds.

SPECIAL ABILITY: SEARCHIconPowers K38 patrolCommand IconPowers K38 dogGuarding
Press and hold the Power button to initiate the Search Command, sending out a beacon in front of you that marks the Target Location of The Dog:
Press the Attack button to send The Dog out along a Search Path towards the Target Location or release the Power button to cancel the ability.

While searching, The Dog has its own Lullaby of 32 metres and uses its Houndsense to locate nearby Survivors:

  • Increases the radius of the Houndsense based on the distance The Dog travels along the Search Path.
  • Causes Survivors entering its radius to become affected by Houndsense and trigger Killer Instinct.
    • This effect lingers for 2 seconds after leaving the radius.
  • Increases the Movement speed of The Houndmaster to 5.2 m/s after travelling along the Search Path for a certain distance.
    • This effect lasts for as long as she remains on or close to the Search Path and ends once The Dog returns to her side.

Survivors affected by Houndsense experience either of the following effects:

  • Healthy Survivors after entering the Injured State:
    • Suffer from the Deep WoundIconStatusEffects deepWound Status Effect upon becoming injured.
  • Injured Survivors after entering the Dying State:
    • Increases the volume of their Grunts of Pain.
    • Increases the duration of their Pools of Blood.

The Houndmaster's Perks[]

IconPerks allShakingThunder
All-Shaking Thunder Enemies on land and sea learned to tremble before your might.

After falling from a height, All-Shaking Thunder activates for 8/12/16 seconds:

All-Shaking Thunder has a cool-down of 5 seconds.

"Go on. Run. Tell your friends I'm coming for them." — Portia Maye

IconPerks noQuarter
No Quarter Every skirmish ended with a relentless volley of cannon fire, leaving no doubt who was superior.

Whenever a Survivor healing themselves by any means reaches 75 % Healing Progress, No Quarter triggers its effect:

  • The Survivor is faced with a continuous stream of Skill ChecksIconHelp skillChecksIconHelp skillChecksIconHelp skillChecks until the Self-Heal is completed.
  • If they fail a Skill Check or interrupt the action by any means, they suffer from the BrokenIconStatusEffects broken Status Effect for 20/25/30 seconds.

"Fire another broadside! Don't stop until the sea takes them!" — Portia Maye

IconPerks scourgeHookJaggedCompass
Scourge Hook: Jagged Compass Sometimes the compass points north. Other times it points somewhere else entirely.

At the start of the Trial, 4 random Hooks are changed into Scourge Hooks:

  • The AurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp auras of Scourge Hooks are revealed to you in white.

Whenever a Survivor is unhooked from a normal Hook, the following effect applies:

  • The HookIconHelpLoading hookIconHelpLoading hookIconHelpLoading hook is converted into a Scourge Hook.
Whenever you hook a Survivor onto a Scourge Hook, the following effect applies:
  • The AuraIconHelp aurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp auras of the GeneratorIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generators with the most progression is highlighted in yellow for 6/8/10 seconds.

"Drop anchor! I will chart us a new course." — Portia Maye

Survivor: Taurie Cain[]

Main article: Taurie Cain

Taurie's Info[]

S45 TaurieCain Portrait

Taurie's Perks[]

IconPerks cleanBreak
Clean Break At the end of the day, everyone has to look out for themselves.

After completing a Healing action on another Survivor, Clean Break activates.
Press the Active Ability button while being healed by another Survivor to trigger the following effects:

  • Suffer from the BrokenIconStatusEffects broken Status Effect.
  • You are automatically healed 1 Health State after 80/70/60 seconds.
    • This effect is cancelled prematurely if you enter the Dying State.
Clean Break does not activate if you already suffer from the Broken Status Effect.
Clean Break deactivates after healing you.

"I'll be fine! Don't stick your neck out for me." — Taurie Cain

IconPerks invocationTreacherousCrows
Invocation: Treacherous Crows One with arcane knowledge has no reason to fear those watchful birds.

When in the BasementIconHelp basementIconHelp basementIconHelp basement near the circle, press the Active Ability button to begin the Invocation, which takes 60 seconds to complete.
During an Invocation, your AuraIconHelp aurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp auras is revealed to all other Survivors and they can join in, accelerating the process by +100 %, if they too have an Invocation Perk equipped, or by +50 %, if they have not.

Once the Invocation is completed, the following effects apply:

  • Whenever the Killer scares a CrowIconHelp crowsIconHelp crowsIconHelp crows while a Survivor is inside their Terror RadiusIconHelp terrorRadiusIconHelp terrorRadiusIconHelp terrorRadius, their AuraIconHelp aurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp auras is revealed to all Survivors for 1/1.5/2 seconds.
  • You automatically enter the Injured StateIconHelp injuredIconHelp injuredIconHelp injured from any previous Health State, and suffer from the BrokenIconStatusEffects brokenIconStatusEffects brokenIconStatusEffects broken Status Effect for the remainder of the Trial.
Completing an Invocation disables all Invocation Perks for the remainder of the Trial for all Survivors.

"Remember your training. They taught you all about the crows." — Taurie Cain

IconPerks shoulderTheBurden
Shoulder the Burden Born to be a disciple. Ready to submit to a greater cause. This is your calling.

Once per Trial, and while you are not on Death Hook, press the Active Ability button while standing in front of a Hooked Survivor to unhook them and trigger the following effects:

  • Trade 1 Hook State with the other Survivor to their benefit.
  • Causes you to scream.
  • Causes you to suffer from the ExposedIconStatusEffects exposed Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds.

"It's not your time yet. Now go on!" — Taurie Cain


  • CHAPTER 34 was teased with the reveal of the Year 9 Roadmap in the Eighth Year Anniversary Stream on 14 May 2024.


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