Dead by Daylight Wiki
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Silent Hill
SilentHill main header
Release Date 16 June 2020 (Tuesday)
Category Chapter DLC
Cost $7.99
1,000 Auric CellsIconCurrency auricCellsIconCurrency auricCellsIconCurrency auricCells
Killer Theme
Survivor Theme
Store Page

CHAPTER 16: Silent Hill is the sixteenth Chapter DLC for Dead by DaylightIconHelp DBDlogoIconHelp DBDlogoIconHelp DBDlogo, released on 16 June 2020.

This DLC features the following content:

  • 1 Killer:
  • 1 Survivor:
  • 2 exclusive Charms:
    • Seal of Metatron - Uncommon Universal Charm
    • Vic Viper - Very Rare Universal Charm (Unlockable)


Silent Hill is a new Chapter for Dead by Daylight. It includes a Killer, The Executioner; a Survivor, Cheryl Mason; and a map. Purchasing the DLC will unlock its new Killer, new Survivor, and an exclusive universal Charm: the Seal of Metatron.

The Silent Hill Chapter includes a new map, Midwich Elementary School: the childhood trauma that once took place in its halls has since manifested itself into a twisted, nightmarish design.

The new Killer is The Executioner: take control of Pyramid Head and wield his great knife to unleash his twisted brand of punishment on all who cross him.

The new Survivor is Cheryl Mason, a courageous, outspoken woman who survived the hellish Otherworld of Silent Hill, and exacted revenge on the Order that killed her father. With experience beyond her years, she's prepared to once again stand against any evil that confronts her.

Killer: The Executioner

Main Article: Pyramid Head

The Executioner's Info

WK charSelect portrait

The Executioner

A sadistic and merciless executioner, Pyramid Head is fixated on dispensing punishment through pain. Encumbered by the steel frame upon his head and with a hulking great blade in tow, he stalked the hellish corridors of Silent Hill, committed to a duty that no one truly understood. Where he trod, even monsters fled for the shadows, and those who crossed his path fell victim to unrestrained acts of aggression. When his duty was complete and his presence no longer needed, he prepared for the long rest—and yet, his skills were required elsewhere. The fog that streamed over him was somehow different than that he was accustomed to in Silent Hill, as if each wisp contained the nerves of a creature, writhing, seeking him out. There was an unspoken agreement in that moment. The billowing cloud was an invitation to duty and sadism, and Pyramid Head, taking a step into the fog, accepted his obligation once more.

The Executioner's Power

IconPowers ritesOfJudgement

"Open the Gates of Suffering and be judged! The Great Knife splits the ground, giving rise to an infernal construct and spreading agony to all who approach."

Press and hold the Power button while moving to carve a Torment Trail into the ground for up to 5 seconds:

  • The Power Gauge pauses when standing still while carving.

Survivor walking or running over the Torment Trail suffer from the following effects:

Survivors can avoid these afflictions by crouching over the Torment Trail and completely remove Torment by being rescued or rescuing another Survivor from a Cage of AtonementIconHelp cagesOfAtonementIconHelp cagesOfAtonementIconHelp cagesOfAtonement.

The Executioner can choose to send downed Tormented Survivors to a Cage of Atonement, instead of hooking them.

Press the Secondary Power button while standing over a downed Tormented Survivor to send them to a Cage of Atonement.

Press the Attack button during Rites of Judgement to unleash a wave of force in the form of an Attack Trail, damaging any Survivors in its path.

Press the Secondary Power button while standing over a downed Tormented Survivor that has reached the second Hook Stage to execute them on the spot, performing a Mini-Mori.

The Executioner's Perks

IconPerks deathbound
This description is based on the changes announced for or featured in the upcoming Patch 8.3.0
Those whose lives are intertwined in darkness are destined to suffer together.

Whenever a Survivor finishes healing another Survivor for the equivalent of 1 Health StateIconStatusEffects healingIconStatusEffects healingIconStatusEffects healing, Deathbound activates:

  • Causes the Healer to scream and reveal their location.
  • Causes the Healer to suffer from the ObliviousIconStatusEffects obliviousIconStatusEffects obliviousIconStatusEffects oblivious Status Effect whenever they are farther than 16/12/8 metres from the Healee until the former is hooked.
IconPerks forcedPenance
Forced Penance Those who stand in the way of duty will suffer harsh judgement.

Survivors who take a Protection Hit suffer from the BrokenIconStatusEffects brokenIconStatusEffects brokenIconStatusEffects broken Status Effect for the next 60/70/80 seconds.

IconPerks trailOfTorment
Trail of Torment You guide your victims along a path of pain and punishment.

Performing the Damage Generator action on a GeneratorIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generators activates Trail of Torment:

  • Grants the UndetectableIconStatusEffects undetectableIconStatusEffects undetectableIconStatusEffects undetectable Status Effect until the Generator stops regressing.
  • The AuraIconHelp aurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp auras of the damaged Generator is revealed to all Survivors in yellow.

Trail of Torment has a cool-down of 60/45/30 seconds.

Survivor: Cheryl Mason

Main Article: Cheryl Mason

Cheryl's Info

WS charSelect portrait

The Young Veteran of Terror

Caring and impulsive, Cheryl Mason, previously known as Heather, attempted to rebuild her life after the tragic death of her adoptive father, Harry Mason. While she had freed herself from the religious cult that pursued her since birth, she was shackled by the guilt of her father's death. A darkness punished her every night under the guise of abominable nightmares.

To ease her conscience, she volunteered at a crisis intervention center for troubled youth. Three months later, she aced training and could answer the crisis line without supervision. Yet little could have prepared her for the first call. All she heard was static. The air thickened as black fumes rose from the ground and suddenly she heard the voice of a woman—someone she thought she'd never hear from again. Why do you cling to this corrupt world? You know that only God can save us. It couldn't be her—Claudia was dead. Suddenly, the world spun and she dropped on her knees, nauseous. Hot bile traveled up her throat and she retched warm blood on the floor. Then the spinning stopped as swiftly as it began. Cheryl looked up and saw she was somewhere else. A cold, hopeless place.

Cheryl's Perks

IconPerks bloodPact
Blood Pact It is as if a latent part of yourself has awakened.
You feel like you can reach out beyond yourself for assistance.

When either you or the ObsessionIconHelp obsessionIconHelp obsessionIconHelp obsession become injured by any means, Blood Pact activates:

  • Your AurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp auras are constantly revealed to one another.
  • Completing a Healing Action on the Obsession or having them complete one on yourself, grants both of you a 5/6/7 % HasteIconStatusEffects hasteIconStatusEffects hasteIconStatusEffects haste Status Effect.
    • This effect lasts for as long as you both remain within 16 metres of one another.
Blood Pact is temporarily disabled if you yourself are the Obsession.

Reduces your chance of becoming the initial Obsession by reducing the default value by -100 %.
The Killer can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.

IconPerks repressedAlliance
Repressed Alliance You are accustomed to being hunted by malicious forces, and you have begun using it to your advantage.

After repairing GeneratorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generators for a total of 55/50/45 seconds, Repressed Alliance activates:

  • Press the Active Ability button to call upon The EntityIconHelp entityIconHelp entityIconHelp entity to block the Generator you are currently repairing for 30 seconds, after which Repressed Alliance deactivates.
  • The AuraIconHelp aurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp auras of the blocked Generator is revealed to all Survivors in white.

Repressed Alliance can only be triggered when no other Survivors are repairing your Generator.

IconPerks soulGuard
Soul Guard You have been through immense hardship and you're stronger for it.

After being healed from or having recovered from the Dying StateIconHelp dyingIconHelp dyingIconHelp dying, you benefit from the following effect:

While suffering from the CursedIconStatusEffects cursedIconStatusEffects cursedIconStatusEffects cursed Status Effect, you benefit from the following effects:
  • Grants the ability to fully recover yourself from the Dying State.
Soul Guard has a cool-down of 30 seconds.

DLC Charms

Icon Name Rarity Description Collection Usability
WA 001 Seal of Metatron Uncommon A symbolic amulet emanating a dark and ominous force. Immemorial Talisman Universal Charm
WA 002 Vic Viper Very Rare A tribute to the white-and-blue star fighter tasked with saving the galaxy from an evil Bacterian Empire. Gradius Memento Universal Charm

Easter Egg

Vic Viper Charm

Owners of the DLC can enter the infamous Konami Code at the Main Menu screen, after which a 16-bit version of the Dead by Daylight Theme will play and a special Charm is unlocked.
The Charm, called "Vic Viper" is a memorandum to the spacecraft of the same name one controls in the 1985 Arcade Game Gradius, developed and published by Konami.

The code:

  • W, W, S, S, A, D, A, D, RMB, LMB, ENTER (PC)
  • Up, Up, Dn, Dn, L, R, L, R, B, A, START (Console)


  • This Chapter's music was created in a joint collaboration between Dead by Daylight's music composer Michel April and Silent Hill's music composer Akira Yamaoka.



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