Dead by Daylight Wiki
Dead by Daylight Wiki

Begrimed Head is a Very Rare Add-onIconHelp addonsIconHelp addonsIconHelp addons for Hunting HatchetsIconPowers huntingHatchetsIconPowers huntingHatchetsIconPowers huntingHatchets.

Icon Description Cost
IconAddon begrimedHead
This Hatchet head is stained with a foul substance that afflicts anyone who it touches with debilities.
  • Survivors hit by Hatchets suffer from the HaemorrhageIconStatusEffects bleedingIconStatusEffects bleedingIconStatusEffects bleeding and MangledIconStatusEffects mangledIconStatusEffects mangledIconStatusEffects mangled Status Effects for 80 seconds.


IconHelp bloodpoints


Icon Description
FulliconAddon begrimedHead This Hatchet head is stained with a foul substance that afflicts anyone who it touches with debilities.
  • Survivors hit by Hatchets suffer from a -5 % Repair Speed penalty and the Mangled Status Effect until fully healed.

Icon Description
FulliconAddon begrimedHead This Hatchet head is stained with a foul substance that afflicts anyone who it touches with debilities.
  • Survivors hit by Hatchets suffer from the Haemorrhage and Mangled Status Effects until fully healed.

Icon Description
FulliconAddon begrimedHead This Hatchet head is stained with a foul substance that afflicts anyone who it touches with debilities.
  • Survivors hit by Hatchets suffer from the Haemorrhage and Mangled Status Effects for 80 seconds.

Change Log[]

Patch 4.5.0[]

  • Buff: added the Haemorrhage Status Effect.
  • Nerf: no longer inflicts a Repair Speed penalty.

Patch 7.6.0[]

  • Nerf: Mangled no longer applies until the Survivor is healed, but is now timer-based.
    • This change was motivated by a general change in design-philosophy for the Mangled Status Effect.