Dead by Daylight Wiki

Babysitter is a Unique PerkIconHelp perksIconHelp perksIconHelp perks belonging to Steve HarringtonSurvivorSteveSurvivorSteveSurvivorSteve.
Prestige Steve Harrington to Prestige 1, 2, 3 respectively to unlock Tier I, Tier II, Tier III of Babysitter for all other Characters.

IconPerks babysitter
IconHelp bloodpoints
IconHelp bloodpoints
IconHelp bloodpoints
While you have a reputation for being self-centred, you risk it all to help those in need.

Whenever you unhook a Survivor, the AuraIconHelp aurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp auras of the Killer is revealed to you for 8 seconds, while the unhooked Survivor benefits from the following effects for 20/25/30 seconds instead:

"I promised to keep you shitheads safe, and that's exactly what I plan on doing." — Steve Harrington


IconPerks babysitter
While you have a reputation for being self-centred, you risk it all to help those in need.

Whenever you unhook a Survivor, the Aura of the Killer is revealed to you for 8 seconds, while the unhooked Survivor benefits from the following effects for 20/25/30 seconds instead:

  • Suppresses the creation of their Scratch Marks and Pools of Blood.
  • Increases the strength of their Haste Status Effect by +10 %.

IconPerks babysitter
While you have a reputation for being self-centred, you risk it all to help those in need.

Whenever you unhook a Survivor, the Aura of the Killer is revealed to you for 8 seconds, while the unhooked Survivor benefits from the following effects for 4/6/8 seconds instead:

  • Suppresses the creation of their Scratch Marks and Pools of Blood.
  • Increases the strength of their Haste Status Effect by +7 %.

IconPerks guardian
You risk it all to help those in need

Whenever you unhook a Survivor, the Aura of the Killer is revealed to you for 8 seconds, while the unhooked Survivor benefits from the following effects for 4/6/8 seconds instead:

  • Suppresses the creation of their Scratch Marks and Pools of Blood.
  • Increases the strength of their Haste Status Effect by +7 %.

IconPerks babysitter
While you have a reputation for being self-centred, you risk it all to help those in need.

Whenever you unhook a Survivor, you and the Killer see each other's Auras for 4 seconds, while the unhooked Survivor benefits from the following effects for 4/6/8 seconds instead:

  • Suppresses the creation of their Scratch Marks and Pools of Blood.

Change Log

Patch 5.3.0

IconPerks guardian
  • Retired: with the departure of CHAPTER 13: Stranger Things from Dead by Daylight, Babysitter was reworked into a General Survivor Perk: GuardianIconPerks guardianIconPerks guardianIconPerks guardian.
    • Rewrote the Lore text in the beginning of the description to be more generic.
    • This change also replaced the original icon, which showed Steve, with a new one that showed a generic woman shielding a generic man.
      • For Players who had owned CHAPTER 13: Stranger Things before its removal, Guardian would still show the original icon with Steve, the flavour text in the description, and the Character association with Steve.
  • Buff: added an additional effect that boosts the unhooked Survivor's Haste Status Effect.
  • Buff: now only reveals the Killer's Aura to the Perk user.
  • Buff: doubled the Aura-reveal duration from 4 seconds to 8 seconds.

Patch 7.3.3

  • Reinstation: reinstated Babysitter with the return of CHAPTER 13: Stranger Things.
    • Renamed Guardian back to Babysitter and replaced the altered icon with its original one.
    • Adjusted the Lore text back to that of Babysitter.

Patch 7.4.0

  • Change: Babysitter is now once again a Unique Perk.

Patch 8.1.0

  • Buff: increased the duration of the bonus effects from 4/6/8 seconds to 20/25/30 seconds.
  • Buff: increased the Haste bonus from +7 % to +10 %.


Unhooking a Survivor to activate Babysitter.