Dead by Daylight Wiki

As of Patch 8.2.1, there are 264 obtainable Achievements featured on the Steam (PC) version of Dead by DaylightIconHelp DBDlogoIconHelp DBDlogoIconHelp DBDlogo.


Achievements cannot be obtained by playing the Kill Your Friends Mode.

Achievements are called trophies on the PlayStation 4/5 version and may differ in their values and descriptions as they got adjusted from the Steam (PC) version of the Game.

Console Achievements

Occasionally, the Achievements (or Trophies) on console version of the Dead by Daylight differ in their requirements to the Steam version, though usually in numbers only.
In case of such a difference, the value and description of the Console Achievement is written in Purple in the following Lists.

List of Achievements

Ach adeptAce Adept Ace Playing as Ace Visconti, escape a Trial using only his 3 Unique Perks: Open-HandedIconPerks open-HandedIconPerks open-HandedIconPerks open-Handed, Up the AnteIconPerks upTheAnteIconPerks upTheAnteIconPerks upTheAnte, and Ace in the HoleIconPerks aceInTheHoleIconPerks aceInTheHoleIconPerks aceInTheHole.
Ach adeptAda Adept Ada Playing as Ada Wong, escape a Trial using only her 3 Unique Perks: WiretapIconPerks wiretapIconPerks wiretapIconPerks wiretap, Reactive HealingIconPerks reactiveHealingIconPerks reactiveHealingIconPerks reactiveHealing, and Low ProfileIconPerks lowProfileIconPerks lowProfileIconPerks lowProfile.
Ach adeptAdam Adept Adam Playing as Adam Francis, escape a Trial using only his 3 Unique Perks: DiversionIconPerks diversionIconPerks diversionIconPerks diversion, DeliveranceIconPerks deliveranceIconPerks deliveranceIconPerks deliverance, and AutodidactIconPerks autodidactIconPerks autodidactIconPerks autodidact.
Ach adeptAlan Adept Alan Playing as Alan Wake, escape a Trial using only his 3 Unique Perks: Champion of LightIconPerks championOfLightIconPerks championOfLightIconPerks championOfLight, Boon: IlluminationIconPerks boonIlluminationIconPerks boonIlluminationIconPerks boonIllumination, and DeadlineIconPerks deadlineIconPerks deadlineIconPerks deadline.
Ach adeptAsh Adept Ash Playing as Ash Williams, escape a Trial using only his 3 Unique Perks: Flip-FlopIconPerks flip-FlopIconPerks flip-FlopIconPerks flip-Flop, Buckle UpIconPerks buckleUpIconPerks buckleUpIconPerks buckleUp, and Mettle of ManIconPerks mettleOfManIconPerks mettleOfManIconPerks mettleOfMan.
Ach adeptBill Adept Bill Playing as Bill Overbeck, escape a Trial using only his 3 Unique Perks: Left BehindIconPerks leftBehindIconPerks leftBehindIconPerks leftBehind, Borrowed TimeIconPerks borrowedTimeIconPerks borrowedTimeIconPerks borrowedTime, and UnbreakableIconPerks unbreakableIconPerks unbreakableIconPerks unbreakable.
Ach adeptCage Adept Cage Playing as Nicolas Cage, escape a Trial using only his 3 Unique Perks: DramaturgyIconPerks dramaturgyIconPerks dramaturgyIconPerks dramaturgy, Scene PartnerIconPerks scenePartnerIconPerks scenePartnerIconPerks scenePartner, and Plot TwistIconPerks plotTwistIconPerks plotTwistIconPerks plotTwist.
Ach adeptCheryl Adept Cheryl Playing as Cheryl Mason, escape a Trial using only her 3 Unique Perks: Soul GuardIconPerks soulGuardIconPerks soulGuardIconPerks soulGuard, Blood PactIconPerks bloodPactIconPerks bloodPactIconPerks bloodPact, and Repressed AllianceIconPerks repressedAllianceIconPerks repressedAllianceIconPerks repressedAlliance.
Ach adeptClaudette Adept Claudette Playing as Claudette Morel, escape a Trial using only her 3 Unique Perks: EmpathyIconPerks empathyIconPerks empathyIconPerks empathy, Botany KnowledgeIconPerks botanyKnowledgeIconPerks botanyKnowledgeIconPerks botanyKnowledge, and Self-CareIconPerks self-CareIconPerks self-CareIconPerks self-Care.
Ach adeptDavid Adept David Playing as David King, escape a Trial using only his 3 Unique Perks: We're Gonna Live ForeverIconPerks wereGonnaLiveForeverIconPerks wereGonnaLiveForeverIconPerks wereGonnaLiveForever, Dead HardIconPerks deadHardIconPerks deadHardIconPerks deadHard, and No MitherIconPerks noMitherIconPerks noMitherIconPerks noMither.
Ach adeptDwight Adept Dwight Playing as Dwight Fairfield, escape a Trial using only his 3 Unique Perks: BondIconPerks bondIconPerks bondIconPerks bond, Prove ThyselfIconPerks proveThyselfIconPerks proveThyselfIconPerks proveThyself, and LeaderIconPerks leaderIconPerks leaderIconPerks leader.
Ach adeptÉlodie Adept Élodie Playing as Élodie Rakoto, escape a Trial using only her 3 Unique Perks: AppraisalIconPerks appraisalIconPerks appraisalIconPerks appraisal, DeceptionIconPerks deceptionIconPerks deceptionIconPerks deception, and Power StruggleIconPerks powerStruggleIconPerks powerStruggleIconPerks powerStruggle.
Ach adeptFelix Adept Felix Playing as Felix Richter, escape a Trial using only his 3 Unique Perks: VisionaryIconPerks visionaryIconPerks visionaryIconPerks visionary, Desperate MeasuresIconPerks desperateMeasuresIconPerks desperateMeasuresIconPerks desperateMeasures, and Built to LastIconPerks builtToLastIconPerks builtToLastIconPerks builtToLast.
Ach adeptGabriel Adept Gabriel Playing as Gabriel Soma, escape a Trial using only his 3 Unique Perks: TroubleshooterIconPerks troubleshooterIconPerks troubleshooterIconPerks troubleshooter, Made for ThisIconPerks madeForThisIconPerks madeForThisIconPerks madeForThis, and ScavengerIconPerks scavengerIconPerks scavengerIconPerks scavenger.
Ach adeptHaddie Adept Haddie Playing as Haddie Kaur, escape a Trial using only her 3 Unique Perks: Inner FocusIconPerks innerFocusIconPerks innerFocusIconPerks innerFocus, Residual ManifestIconPerks residualManifestIconPerks residualManifestIconPerks residualManifest, and OverzealousIconPerks overzealousIconPerks overzealousIconPerks overzealous.
Ach adeptJake Adept Jake Playing as Jake Park, escape a Trial using only his 3 Unique Perks: Iron WillIconPerks ironWillIconPerks ironWillIconPerks ironWill, Calm SpiritIconPerks calmSpiritIconPerks calmSpiritIconPerks calmSpirit, and SaboteurIconPerks saboteurIconPerks saboteurIconPerks saboteur.
Ach adeptJane Adept Jane Playing as Jane Romero, escape a Trial using only her 3 Unique Perks: SolidarityIconPerks solidarityIconPerks solidarityIconPerks solidarity, PoisedIconPerks poisedIconPerks poisedIconPerks poised, and Head OnIconPerks headOnIconPerks headOnIconPerks headOn.
Ach adeptJeff Adept Jeff Playing as Jeff Johansen, escape a Trial using only his 3 Unique Perks: BreakdownIconPerks breakdownIconPerks breakdownIconPerks breakdown, AftercareIconPerks aftercareIconPerks aftercareIconPerks aftercare, and DistortionIconPerks distortionIconPerks distortionIconPerks distortion.
Ach adeptJill Adept Jill Playing as Jill Valentine, escape a Trial using only her 3 Unique Perks: CounterforceIconPerks counterforceIconPerks counterforceIconPerks counterforce, ResurgenceIconPerks resurgenceIconPerks resurgenceIconPerks resurgence, and Blast MineIconPerks blastMineIconPerks blastMineIconPerks blastMine.
Ach adeptJonah Adept Jonah Playing as Jonah Vasquez, escape a Trial using only his 3 Unique Perks: OvercomeIconPerks overcomeIconPerks overcomeIconPerks overcome, Corrective ActionIconPerks correctiveActionIconPerks correctiveActionIconPerks correctiveAction, and Boon: ExponentialIconPerks boonExponentialIconPerks boonExponentialIconPerks boonExponential.
Ach adeptKate Adept Kate Playing as Kate Denson, escape a Trial using only her 3 Unique Perks: Dance With MeIconPerks danceWithMeIconPerks danceWithMeIconPerks danceWithMe, Windows of OpportunityIconPerks windowsOfOpportunityIconPerks windowsOfOpportunityIconPerks windowsOfOpportunity, and Boil OverIconPerks boilOverIconPerks boilOverIconPerks boilOver.
Ach adeptLara Adept Lara Playing as Lara Croft, escape a Trial using only her 3 Unique Perks: FinesseIconPerks finesseIconPerks finesseIconPerks finesse, HardenedIconPerks hardenedIconPerks hardenedIconPerks hardened, and SpecialistIconPerks specialistIconPerks specialistIconPerks specialist.
Ach adeptLaurie Adept Laurie Playing as Laurie Strode, escape a Trial using only her 3 Unique Perks: Sole SurvivorIconPerks soleSurvivorIconPerks soleSurvivorIconPerks soleSurvivor, Object of ObsessionIconPerks objectOfObsessionIconPerks objectOfObsessionIconPerks objectOfObsession, and Decisive StrikeIconPerks decisiveStrikeIconPerks decisiveStrikeIconPerks decisiveStrike.
Ach adeptLeon Adept Leon Playing as Leon Scott Kennedy, escape a Trial using only his 3 Unique Perks: Bite the BulletIconPerks biteTheBulletIconPerks biteTheBulletIconPerks biteTheBullet, FlashbangIconPerks flashbangIconPerks flashbangIconPerks flashbang, and Rookie SpiritIconPerks rookieSpiritIconPerks rookieSpiritIconPerks rookieSpirit.
Ach adeptMeg Adept Meg Playing as Meg Thomas, escape a Trial using only her 3 Unique Perks: Quick & QuietIconPerks quickAndQuietIconPerks quickAndQuietIconPerks quickAndQuiet, Sprint BurstIconPerks sprintBurstIconPerks sprintBurstIconPerks sprintBurst, and AdrenalineIconPerks adrenalineIconPerks adrenalineIconPerks adrenaline.
Ach adeptMikaela Adept Mikaela Playing as Mikaela Reid, escape a Trial using only her 3 Unique Perks: ClairvoyanceIconPerks clairvoyanceIconPerks clairvoyanceIconPerks clairvoyance, Boon: Circle of HealingIconPerks boonCircleOfHealingIconPerks boonCircleOfHealingIconPerks boonCircleOfHealing, and Boon: Shadow StepIconPerks boonShadowStepIconPerks boonShadowStepIconPerks boonShadowStep.
Ach adeptMin Adept Min Playing as Feng Min, escape a Trial using only her 3 Unique Perks: TechnicianIconPerks technicianIconPerks technicianIconPerks technician, LitheIconPerks litheIconPerks litheIconPerks lithe, and AlertIconPerks alertIconPerks alertIconPerks alert.
Ach adeptNea Adept Nea Playing as Nea Karlsson, escape a Trial using only her 3 Unique Perks: Balanced LandingIconPerks balancedLandingIconPerks balancedLandingIconPerks balancedLanding, Urban EvasionIconPerks urbanEvasionIconPerks urbanEvasionIconPerks urbanEvasion, and StreetwiseIconPerks streetwiseIconPerks streetwiseIconPerks streetwise.
Ach adeptQuentin Adept Quentin Playing as Quentin Smith, escape a Trial using only his 3 Unique Perks: Wake Up!IconPerks wakeUpIconPerks wakeUpIconPerks wakeUp, PharmacyIconPerks pharmacyIconPerks pharmacyIconPerks pharmacy, and VigilIconPerks vigilIconPerks vigilIconPerks vigil.
Ach adeptRebecca Adept Rebecca Playing as Rebecca Chambers, escape a Trial using only her 3 Unique Perks: Better than NewIconPerks betterThanNewIconPerks betterThanNewIconPerks betterThanNew, ReassuranceIconPerks reassuranceIconPerks reassuranceIconPerks reassurance, and HyperfocusIconPerks hyperfocusIconPerks hyperfocusIconPerks hyperfocus.
Ach adeptRenato Adept Renato Playing as Renato Lyra, escape a Trial using only his 3 Unique Perks: Blood RushIconPerks bloodRushIconPerks bloodRushIconPerks bloodRush, Teamwork: Collective StealthIconPerks teamworkCollectiveStealthIconPerks teamworkCollectiveStealthIconPerks teamworkCollectiveStealth, and Background PlayerIconPerks backgroundPlayerIconPerks backgroundPlayerIconPerks backgroundPlayer.
Ach adeptRipley Adept Ripley Playing as Ellen Ripley, escape a Trial using only her 3 Unique Perks: Chemical TrapIconPerks chemicalTrapIconPerks chemicalTrapIconPerks chemicalTrap, Light-FootedIconPerks light-FootedIconPerks light-FootedIconPerks light-Footed, and Lucky StarIconPerks luckyStarIconPerks luckyStarIconPerks luckyStar.
Ach adeptSable Adept Sable Playing as Sable Ward, escape a Trial using only her 3 Unique Perks: Invocation: Weaving SpidersIconPerks invocationWeavingSpidersIconPerks invocationWeavingSpidersIconPerks invocationWeavingSpiders, Strength in ShadowsIconPerks strengthInShadowsIconPerks strengthInShadowsIconPerks strengthInShadows, and WickedIconPerks wickedIconPerks wickedIconPerks wicked.
Ach adeptTapp Adept Tapp Playing as David Tapp, escape a Trial using only his 3 Unique Perks: TenacityIconPerks tenacityIconPerks tenacityIconPerks tenacity, Detective's HunchIconPerks detectivesHunchIconPerks detectivesHunchIconPerks detectivesHunch, and Stake OutIconPerks stakeOutIconPerks stakeOutIconPerks stakeOut.
Ach adeptThalita Adept Thalita Playing as Thalita Lyra, escape a Trial using only her 3 Unique Perks: Friendly CompetitionIconPerks friendlyCompetitionIconPerks friendlyCompetitionIconPerks friendlyCompetition, Teamwork: Power of TwoIconPerks teamworkPowerOfTwoIconPerks teamworkPowerOfTwoIconPerks teamworkPowerOfTwo, and Cut LooseIconPerks cutLooseIconPerks cutLooseIconPerks cutLoose.
Ach adeptTrevor Adept Trevor Playing as Trevor Belmont, escape a Trial using only his 3 Unique Perks: ExultationIconPerks ExultationIconPerks ExultationIconPerks Exultation, Moment of GloryIconPerks MomentOfGloryIconPerks MomentOfGloryIconPerks MomentOfGlory, and Eyes of BelmontIconPerks EyesOfBelmontIconPerks EyesOfBelmontIconPerks EyesOfBelmont.
Ach adeptAestri Adept Troupe Playing as Aestri Yazar & Baermar Uraz, escape a Trial using only their 3 Unique Perks: Mirrored IllusionIconPerks mirroredIllusionIconPerks mirroredIllusionIconPerks mirroredIllusion, Bardic InspirationIconPerks bardicInspirationIconPerks bardicInspirationIconPerks bardicInspiration, and Still SightIconPerks stillSightIconPerks stillSightIconPerks stillSight.
Ach adeptVittorio Adept Vittorio Playing as Vittorio Toscano, escape a Trial using only his 3 Unique Perks: Potential EnergyIconPerks potentialEnergyIconPerks potentialEnergyIconPerks potentialEnergy, FogwiseIconPerks fogwiseIconPerks fogwiseIconPerks fogwise, and Quick GambitIconPerks quickGambitIconPerks quickGambitIconPerks quickGambit.
Ach adeptYoichi Adept Yoichi Playing as Yoichi Asakawa, escape a Trial using only his 3 Unique Perks: Parental GuidanceIconPerks parentalGuidanceIconPerks parentalGuidanceIconPerks parentalGuidance, Empathic ConnectionIconPerks empathicConnectionIconPerks empathicConnectionIconPerks empathicConnection, and Boon: Dark TheoryIconPerks boonDarkTheoryIconPerks boonDarkTheoryIconPerks boonDarkTheory.
Ach adeptYui Adept Yui Playing as Yui Kimura, escape a Trial using only her 3 Unique Perks: Lucky BreakIconPerks luckyBreakIconPerks luckyBreakIconPerks luckyBreak, Any Means NecessaryIconPerks anyMeansNecessaryIconPerks anyMeansNecessaryIconPerks anyMeansNecessary, and BreakoutIconPerks breakoutIconPerks breakoutIconPerks breakout.
Ach adeptYun-Jin Adept Yun-Jin Playing as Yun-Jin Lee, escape a Trial using only her 3 Unique Perks: Fast TrackIconPerks fastTrackIconPerks fastTrackIconPerks fastTrack, Smash HitIconPerks smashHitIconPerks smashHitIconPerks smashHit, and Self-PreservationIconPerks self-PreservationIconPerks self-PreservationIconPerks self-Preservation.
Ach adeptZarina Adept Zarina Playing as Zarina Kassir, escape a Trial using only her 3 Unique Perks: Off the RecordIconPerks offTheRecordIconPerks offTheRecordIconPerks offTheRecord, Red HerringIconPerks redHerringIconPerks redHerringIconPerks redHerring, and For the PeopleIconPerks forThePeopleIconPerks forThePeopleIconPerks forThePeople.

Ach adeptArtist Adept Artist Playing as The Artist, achieve a Merciless Victory using only her 3 Unique Perks: Grim EmbraceIconPerks grimEmbraceIconPerks grimEmbraceIconPerks grimEmbrace, Scourge Hook: Pain ResonanceIconPerks scourgeHookPainResonanceIconPerks scourgeHookPainResonanceIconPerks scourgeHookPainResonance, and Hex: PentimentoIconPerks hexPentimentoIconPerks hexPentimentoIconPerks hexPentimento.
Ach adeptBlight Adept Blight Playing as The Blight, achieve a Merciless Victory using only his 3 Unique Perks: Dragon's GripIconPerks dragonsGripIconPerks dragonsGripIconPerks dragonsGrip, Hex: Blood FavourIconPerks hexBloodFavourIconPerks hexBloodFavourIconPerks hexBloodFavour, and Hex: UndyingIconPerks hexUndyingIconPerks hexUndyingIconPerks hexUndying.
Ach adeptCannibal Adept Cannibal Playing as The Cannibal, achieve a Merciless Victory using only his 3 Unique Perks: Knock OutIconPerks knockOutIconPerks knockOutIconPerks knockOut, Barbecue & ChilliIconPerks barbecueAndChilliIconPerks barbecueAndChilliIconPerks barbecueAndChilli, and Franklin's DemiseIconPerks franklinsDemiseIconPerks franklinsDemiseIconPerks franklinsDemise.
Ach adeptCenobite Adept Cenobite Playing as The Cenobite, achieve a Merciless Victory using only his 3 Unique Perks: DeadlockIconPerks deadlockIconPerks deadlockIconPerks deadlock, Hex: PlaythingIconPerks hexPlaythingIconPerks hexPlaythingIconPerks hexPlaything, and Scourge Hook: Gift of PainIconPerks scourgeHookGiftOfPainIconPerks scourgeHookGiftOfPainIconPerks scourgeHookGiftOfPain.
Ach adeptClown Adept Clown Playing as The Clown, achieve a Merciless Victory using only his 3 Unique Perks: BamboozleIconPerks bamboozleIconPerks bamboozleIconPerks bamboozle, CoulrophobiaIconPerks coulrophobiaIconPerks coulrophobiaIconPerks coulrophobia, and Pop Goes the WeaselIconPerks popGoesTheWeaselIconPerks popGoesTheWeaselIconPerks popGoesTheWeasel.
Ach adeptDarkLord Adept Dark Lord Playing as The Dark Lord, achieve a Merciless Victory using only his 3 Unique Perks: Hex: Wretched FateIconPerks HexWretchedFateIconPerks HexWretchedFateIconPerks HexWretchedFate, Human GreedIconPerks HumanGreedIconPerks HumanGreedIconPerks HumanGreed, and DominanceIconPerks DominanceIconPerks DominanceIconPerks Dominance.
Ach adeptDeathslinger Adept Deathslinger Playing as The Deathslinger, achieve a Merciless Victory using only his 3 Unique Perks: GearheadIconPerks gearheadIconPerks gearheadIconPerks gearhead, Dead Man's SwitchIconPerks deadMansSwitchIconPerks deadMansSwitchIconPerks deadMansSwitch, and Hex: RetributionIconPerks hexRetributionIconPerks hexRetributionIconPerks hexRetribution.
Ach adeptDoctor Adept Doctor Playing as The Doctor, achieve a Merciless Victory using only his 3 Unique Perks: Overwhelming PresenceIconPerks overwhelmingPresenceIconPerks overwhelmingPresenceIconPerks overwhelmingPresence, Monitor & AbuseIconPerks monitorAndAbuseIconPerks monitorAndAbuseIconPerks monitorAndAbuse, and OverchargeIconPerks overchargeIconPerks overchargeIconPerks overcharge.
Ach adeptDredge Adept Dredge Playing as The Dredge, achieve a Merciless Victory using only its 3 Unique Perks: DissolutionIconPerks dissolutionIconPerks dissolutionIconPerks dissolution, Darkness RevealedIconPerks darknessRevealedIconPerks darknessRevealedIconPerks darknessRevealed, and Septic TouchIconPerks septicTouchIconPerks septicTouchIconPerks septicTouch.
Ach adeptExecutioner Adept Executioner Playing as The Executioner, achieve a Merciless Victory using only his 3 Unique Perks: Forced PenanceIconPerks forcedPenanceIconPerks forcedPenanceIconPerks forcedPenance, Trail of TormentIconPerks trailOfTormentIconPerks trailOfTormentIconPerks trailOfTorment, and DeathboundIconPerks deathboundIconPerks deathboundIconPerks deathbound.
Ach adeptGhostFace Adept Ghost Face Playing as The Ghost Face, achieve a Merciless Victory using only his 3 Unique Perks: I'm All EarsIconPerks imAllEarsIconPerks imAllEarsIconPerks imAllEars, Thrilling TremorsIconPerks thrillingTremorsIconPerks thrillingTremorsIconPerks thrillingTremors, and Furtive ChaseIconPerks furtiveChaseIconPerks furtiveChaseIconPerks furtiveChase.
Ach adeptGoodGuy Adept Good Guy Playing as The Good Guy, achieve a Merciless Victory using only his 3 Unique Perks: Hex: Two Can PlayIconPerks hexTwoCanPlayIconPerks hexTwoCanPlayIconPerks hexTwoCanPlay, Friends 'til the EndIconPerks friendsTilTheEndIconPerks friendsTilTheEndIconPerks friendsTilTheEnd, and Batteries IncludedIconPerks batteriesIncludedIconPerks batteriesIncludedIconPerks batteriesIncluded.
Ach adeptHag Adept Hag Playing as The Hag, achieve a Merciless Victory using only her 3 Unique Perks: Hex: The Third SealIconPerks hexTheThirdSealIconPerks hexTheThirdSealIconPerks hexTheThirdSeal, Hex: RuinIconPerks hexRuinIconPerks hexRuinIconPerks hexRuin, and Hex: Devour HopeIconPerks hexDevourHopeIconPerks hexDevourHopeIconPerks hexDevourHope.
Ach adeptHillbilly Adept Hillbilly Playing as The Hillbilly, achieve a Merciless Victory using only his 3 Unique Perks: EnduringIconPerks enduringIconPerks enduringIconPerks enduring, LightbornIconPerks lightbornIconPerks lightbornIconPerks lightborn, and TinkererIconPerks tinkererIconPerks tinkererIconPerks tinkerer.
Ach adeptHuntress Adept Huntress Playing as The Huntress, achieve a Merciless Victory using only her 3 Unique Perks: Beast of PreyIconPerks beastOfPreyIconPerks beastOfPreyIconPerks beastOfPrey, Territorial ImperativeIconPerks territorialImperativeIconPerks territorialImperativeIconPerks territorialImperative, and Hex: Huntress LullabyIconPerks hexHuntressLullabyIconPerks hexHuntressLullabyIconPerks hexHuntressLullaby.
Ach adeptKnight Adept Knight Playing as The Knight, achieve a Merciless Victory using only his 3 Unique Perks: Nowhere to HideIconPerks nowhereToHideIconPerks nowhereToHideIconPerks nowhereToHide, Hex: Face the DarknessIconPerks hexFaceTheDarknessIconPerks hexFaceTheDarknessIconPerks hexFaceTheDarkness, and HubrisIconPerks hubrisIconPerks hubrisIconPerks hubris.
Ach adeptLegion Adept Legion Playing as The Legion, achieve a Merciless Victory using only their 3 Unique Perks: DiscordanceIconPerks discordanceIconPerks discordanceIconPerks discordance, Mad GritIconPerks madGritIconPerks madGritIconPerks madGrit, and Iron MaidenIconPerks ironMaidenIconPerks ironMaidenIconPerks ironMaiden.
Ach adeptLich Adept Lich Playing as The Lich, achieve a Merciless Victory using only his 3 Unique Perks: Weave AttunementIconPerks weaveAttunementIconPerks weaveAttunementIconPerks weaveAttunement, Languid TouchIconPerks languidTouchIconPerks languidTouchIconPerks languidTouch, and Dark ArroganceIconPerks darkArroganceIconPerks darkArroganceIconPerks darkArrogance.
Ach adeptMastermind Adept Mastermind Playing as The Mastermind, achieve a Merciless Victory using only his 3 Unique Perks: Superior AnatomyIconPerks superiorAnatomyIconPerks superiorAnatomyIconPerks superiorAnatomy, Awakened AwarenessIconPerks awakenedAwarenessIconPerks awakenedAwarenessIconPerks awakenedAwareness, and TerminusIconPerks terminusIconPerks terminusIconPerks terminus.
Ach adeptNemesis Adept Nemesis Playing as The Nemesis, achieve a Merciless Victory using only his 3 Unique Perks: Lethal PursuerIconPerks lethalPursuerIconPerks lethalPursuerIconPerks lethalPursuer, HysteriaIconPerks hysteriaIconPerks hysteriaIconPerks hysteria, and EruptionIconPerks eruptionIconPerks eruptionIconPerks eruption.
Ach adeptNightmare Adept Nightmare Playing as The Nightmare, achieve a Merciless Victory using only his 3 Unique Perks: Fire UpIconPerks fireUpIconPerks fireUpIconPerks fireUp, Remember MeIconPerks rememberMeIconPerks rememberMeIconPerks rememberMe, and Blood WardenIconPerks bloodWardenIconPerks bloodWardenIconPerks bloodWarden.
Ach adeptNurse Adept Nurse Playing as The Nurse, achieve a Merciless Victory using only her 3 Unique Perks: StridorIconPerks stridorIconPerks stridorIconPerks stridor, ThanatophobiaIconPerks thanatophobiaIconPerks thanatophobiaIconPerks thanatophobia, and A Nurse's CallingIconPerks aNursesCallingIconPerks aNursesCallingIconPerks aNursesCalling.
Ach adeptOni Adept Oni Playing as The Oni, achieve a Merciless Victory using only his 3 Unique Perks: Zanshin TacticsIconPerks zanshinTacticsIconPerks zanshinTacticsIconPerks zanshinTactics, Blood EchoIconPerks bloodEchoIconPerks bloodEchoIconPerks bloodEcho, and NemesisIconPerks nemesisIconPerks nemesisIconPerks nemesis.
Ach adeptOnryō Adept Onryō Playing as The Onryō, achieve a Merciless Victory using only their 3 Unique Perks: Scourge Hook: Floods of RageIconPerks scourgeHookFloodsOfRageIconPerks scourgeHookFloodsOfRageIconPerks scourgeHookFloodsOfRage, Call of BrineIconPerks callOfBrineIconPerks callOfBrineIconPerks callOfBrine, and Merciless StormIconPerks mercilessStormIconPerks mercilessStormIconPerks mercilessStorm.
Ach adeptPig Adept Pig Playing as The Pig, achieve a Merciless Victory using only her 3 Unique Perks: Scourge Hook: Hangman's TrickIconPerks scourgeHookHangmansTrickIconPerks scourgeHookHangmansTrickIconPerks scourgeHookHangmansTrick, SurveillanceIconPerks surveillanceIconPerks surveillanceIconPerks surveillance, and Make Your ChoiceIconPerks makeYourChoiceIconPerks makeYourChoiceIconPerks makeYourChoice.
Ach adeptPlague Adept Plague Playing as The Plague, achieve a Merciless Victory using only her 3 Unique Perks: Corrupt InterventionIconPerks corruptInterventionIconPerks corruptInterventionIconPerks corruptIntervention, Infectious FrightIconPerks infectiousFrightIconPerks infectiousFrightIconPerks infectiousFright, and Dark DevotionIconPerks darkDevotionIconPerks darkDevotionIconPerks darkDevotion.
Ach adeptShape Adept Shape Playing as The Shape, achieve a Merciless Victory using only his 3 Unique Perks: Save the Best for LastIconPerks saveTheBestForLastIconPerks saveTheBestForLastIconPerks saveTheBestForLast, Play with Your FoodIconPerks playWithYourFoodIconPerks playWithYourFoodIconPerks playWithYourFood, and Dying LightIconPerks dyingLightIconPerks dyingLightIconPerks dyingLight.
Ach adeptSingularity Adept Singularity Playing as The Singularity, achieve a Merciless Victory using only their 3 Unique Perks: Genetic LimitsIconPerks geneticLimitsIconPerks geneticLimitsIconPerks geneticLimits, Forced HesitationIconPerks forcedHesitationIconPerks forcedHesitationIconPerks forcedHesitation, and Machine LearningIconPerks machineLearningIconPerks machineLearningIconPerks machineLearning.
Ach adeptSkullMerchant Adept Skull Merchant Playing as The Skull Merchant, achieve a Merciless Victory using only her 3 Unique Perks: THWACK!IconPerks thwackIconPerks thwackIconPerks thwack, LeverageIconPerks leverageIconPerks leverageIconPerks leverage, and Game AfootIconPerks gameAfootIconPerks gameAfootIconPerks gameAfoot.
Ach adeptSpirit Adept Spirit Playing as The Spirit, achieve a Merciless Victory using only her 3 Unique Perks: Spirit FuryIconPerks spiritFuryIconPerks spiritFuryIconPerks spiritFury, Hex: Haunted GroundIconPerks hexHauntedGroundIconPerks hexHauntedGroundIconPerks hexHauntedGround, and RancorIconPerks rancorIconPerks rancorIconPerks rancor.
Ach adeptTrapper Adept Trapper Playing as The Trapper, achieve a Merciless Victory using only his 3 Unique Perks: Unnerving PresenceIconPerks unnervingPresenceIconPerks unnervingPresenceIconPerks unnervingPresence, Brutal StrengthIconPerks brutalStrengthIconPerks brutalStrengthIconPerks brutalStrength, and AgitationIconPerks agitationIconPerks agitationIconPerks agitation.
Ach adeptTrickster Adept Trickster Playing as The Trickster, achieve a Merciless Victory using only his 3 Unique Perks: StarstruckIconPerks starstruckIconPerks starstruckIconPerks starstruck, Hex: Crowd ControlIconPerks hexCrowdControlIconPerks hexCrowdControlIconPerks hexCrowdControl, and No Way OutIconPerks noWayOutIconPerks noWayOutIconPerks noWayOut.
Ach adeptTwins Adept Twins Playing as The Twins, achieve a Merciless Victory using only their 3 Unique Perks: HoarderIconPerks hoarderIconPerks hoarderIconPerks hoarder, OppressionIconPerks oppressionIconPerks oppressionIconPerks oppression, and Coup de GrâceIconPerks coupDeGrâceIconPerks coupDeGrâceIconPerks coupDeGrâce.
Ach adeptUnknown Adept Unknown Playing as The Unknown, achieve a Merciless Victory using only their 3 Unique Perks: UnboundIconPerks unboundIconPerks unboundIconPerks unbound, UnforeseenIconPerks unforeseenIconPerks unforeseenIconPerks unforeseen, and UndoneIconPerks undoneIconPerks undoneIconPerks undone.
Ach adeptWraith Adept Wraith Playing as The Wraith, achieve a Merciless Victory using only his 3 Unique Perks: PredatorIconPerks predatorIconPerks predatorIconPerks predator, BloodhoundIconPerks bloodhoundIconPerks bloodhoundIconPerks bloodhound, and ShadowbornIconPerks shadowbornIconPerks shadowbornIconPerks shadowborn.
Ach adeptXenomorph Adept Xenomorph Playing as The Xenomorph, achieve a Merciless Victory using only its 3 Unique Perks: Rapid BrutalityIconPerks rapidBrutalityIconPerks rapidBrutalityIconPerks rapidBrutality, Alien InstinctIconPerks alienInstinctIconPerks alienInstinctIconPerks alienInstinct, and Ultimate WeaponIconPerks ultimateWeaponIconPerks ultimateWeaponIconPerks ultimateWeapon.

Ach agonisingEscape Agonising Escape THIS ACHIEVEMENT IS HIDDEN

Crawl your way out of the Trial through one of the Exit GatesIconHelp exitGatesIconHelp exitGatesIconHelp exitGates or the HatchIconHelp hatchIconHelp hatchIconHelp hatch.

Ach backdoorEscape Backdoor Escape THIS ACHIEVEMENT IS HIDDEN

Escape from a Trial through the HatchIconHelp hatchIconHelp hatchIconHelp hatch.

Ach bloodInYourMouth Blood in Your Mouth THIS ACHIEVEMENT IS HIDDEN

Kill Survivors by your own hands a total of 25 times.

Ach bloodOnYourFace Blood on Your Face THIS ACHIEVEMENT IS HIDDEN

Kill all four Survivors by your own hands in a single Trial.

Ach bloodOnYourHands Blood on Your Hands THIS ACHIEVEMENT IS HIDDEN

Kill your first Survivor by your own hands.

Ach tanukiInTheFog Tanuki in the Fog THIS ACHIEVEMENT IS HIDDEN

Discover a hidden Guardian at the Yamaoka Estate.

Ach theKeyToEscape The Key to Escape THIS ACHIEVEMENT IS HIDDEN

Escape through the HatchIconHelp hatchIconHelp hatchIconHelp hatch after opening it with a KeyIconItems keyIconItems keyIconItems key.

Ach ancestorsRite Ancestor's Rite Playing as Survivor, escape a Trial after completing the GeneratorIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generators inside the Manor of Family Residence.
Ach campbellsChapelLegacy Campbell's Chapel Legacy Playing as Survivor, escape a Trial after completing the GeneratorIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generators inside the Chapel of Father Campbell's Chapel.
Ach cherishYourLife Cherish Your Life Playing as Survivor, escape a Trial after completing the GeneratorIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generators inside the Bathroom of The Game.
Ach classyAct Classy Act Playing as Survivor, escape a Trial after completing the GeneratorIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generators inside the Music Room or Chemistry Laboratory of Midwich Elementary School.
Ach cottageOwner Cottage Owner Playing as Survivor, escape a Trial after completing the GeneratorIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generators inside the Cottage of Mother's Dwelling.
Ach dungeonCrawler Dungeon Crawler Playing as Survivor, escape a Trial after completing the GeneratorIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generators inside the Torture Room of Forgotten Ruins.
Ach extraterrestrial Extraterrestrial Playing as Survivor, escape a Trial after completing the GeneratorIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generators inside the Base Station of Toba Landing.
Ach flightToFreedom Flight to Freedom Playing as Survivor, escape a Trial after completing the GeneratorIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generators inside the Eyrie of Eyrie of Crows.
Ach grimPilgrimage Grim Pilgrimage Playing as Survivor, escape a Trial after completing the GeneratorIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generators inside the Shrine of Sanctum of Wrath.
Ach hackTheMainframe Hack the Mainframe Playing as Survivor, escape a Trial after completing the GeneratorIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generators inside the Command Centre of Shelter Woods.
Ach houseOfPain House of Pain Playing as Survivor, escape a Trial after completing the GeneratorIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generators inside the Myers' House of Lampkin Lane.
Ach muthurDearest MU/TH/UR Dearest Playing as Survivor, escape a Trial after completing the GeneratorIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generators inside the Mess Hall of Nostromo Wreckage.
Ach movieBuff Movie Buff Playing as Survivor, escape a Trial after completing the GeneratorIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generators inside the Movie Theatre of Greenville Square.
Ach oldWestOasis Old West Oasis Playing as Survivor, escape a Trial after completing the GeneratorIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generators inside the Saloon of Dead Dawg Saloon.
Ach operationSurvival Operation: Survival Playing as Survivor, escape a Trial after completing the GeneratorIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generators inside the Operating Theatre of Treatment Theatre.
Ach outrunTheOverlap Outrun the Overlap Playing as Survivor, escape a Trial after completing the GeneratorIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generators inside the Main House of Garden of Joy.
Ach raccoonCityRecruit Raccoon City Recruit Playing as Survivor, escape a Trial after completing the GeneratorIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generators inside the Main Hall of Raccoon City Police Station East Wing.
Ach rebuildingTheBorgo Rebuilding the Borgo Playing as Survivor, escape a Trial after completing the GeneratorIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generators inside the Gathering Hall of The Shattered Square.
Ach shockTherapy Shock Therapy Playing as Survivor, escape a Trial after completing the GeneratorIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generators inside the Shock Therapy Centre, Second Floor of Disturbed Ward.
Ach shrineApparatus Shrine Apparatus Playing as Survivor, escape a Trial after completing the GeneratorIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generators inside the Temple Catacombs of The Temple of Purgation.
Ach unforgettableGetaway Unforgettable Getaway Playing as Survivor, escape a Trial after completing the GeneratorIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generators inside the Chalet of Mount Ormond Resort.

Ach aBiteForTheEntity A Bite for The Entity Sacrifice a total of 100 Survivors.
Ach aFastDeath A Fast Death Damage a Survivor afflicted by the HasteIconStatusEffects hasteIconStatusEffects hasteIconStatusEffects haste Status Effect a total of 8 times.
Ach aFeastForTheEntity A Feast for The Entity Sacrifice a total of 1,000 / 500 (For consoles) Survivors.
Ach aptKiller Apt Killer Start a Trial with a full Load-OutIconHelp loadoutIconHelp loadoutIconHelp loadout as a Killer.
Ach battleCaster Battle Caster Playing as The LichIconHelpLoading lichIconHelpLoading lichIconHelpLoading lich, successfully hit Survivors within 15 seconds of casting a Spell a total of 25 times.
Ach biologicalWeaponry Biological Weaponry Playing as The NemesisIconHelpLoading nemesisIconHelpLoading nemesisIconHelpLoading nemesis, down Survivors suffering from full Contamination with a Tentacle Strike Attack a total of 65 times.
Ach bloodbath Bloodbath Playing as The OniIconHelpLoading oniIconHelpLoading oniIconHelpLoading oni, down Survivors during Blood Fury a total of 75 times.
Ach boundAndDowned Bound and Downed Playing as The DeathslingerIconHelpLoading deathslingerIconHelpLoading deathslingerIconHelpLoading deathslinger, down Survivors speared by The Redeemer a total of 30 times.
Ach brokenBodies Broken Bodies Hook a Survivor while everyone is injured a total of 10 times.
Ach bumpInTheNight Bump in the Night Playing as The DredgeIconHelpLoading dredgeIconHelpLoading dredgeIconHelpLoading dredge, down Survivors during Nightfall a total of 50 times.
Ach butcherin Butcherin' Playing as The CannibalIconHelpLoading cannibalIconHelpLoading cannibalIconHelpLoading cannibal, chainsaw a total of 100 Survivors.
Ach cawsOfDeath Caws of Death Playing as The ArtistIconHelpLoading artistIconHelpLoading artistIconHelpLoading artist, down a total of 50 Survivors with Dire Crows.
Ach chorusOfChaos Chorus of Chaos Cause a total of 30 different Survivors to scream.
Ach cleansedInAgony Cleansed in Agony Playing as The ExecutionerIconHelpLoading walesIconHelpLoading walesIconHelpLoading wales, ensnare a total of 30 Survivors in Cages of AtonementIconHelp cagesOfAtonementIconHelp cagesOfAtonementIconHelp cagesOfAtonement.
Ach collisionCourse Collision Course Playing as The MastermindIconHelpLoading mastermindIconHelpLoading mastermindIconHelpLoading mastermind, slam one Survivor into another Survivor a total of 10 times.
Ach completeTheEvolution Complete the Evolution Playing as The SingularityIconHelpLoading singularityIconHelpLoading singularityIconHelpLoading singularity, damage a total of 3 Survivors suffering from the HinderedIconStatusEffects hinderedIconStatusEffects hinderedIconStatusEffects hindered Status Effect.
Ach conniption Conniption Playing as The SpiritIconHelpLoading spiritIconHelpLoading spiritIconHelpLoading spirit, down a total of 30 Survivors shortly after ending Yamaoka's Haunting.
Ach crippleThemAll Cripple Them All Playing as The TrapperIconHelpLoading trapperIconHelpLoading trapperIconHelpLoading trapper, grab Survivors directly out of the Bear TrapIconPowers trapIconPowers trapIconPowers trap a total of 100 times / 10 times (For consoles) .
Ach crueltyLovesCompany Cruelty Loves Company Playing as The KnightIconHelpLoading knightIconHelpLoading knightIconHelpLoading knight, damage a total of 50 Survivors while they are being pursued by a Guard.
Ach deathOfIgnorance Death of Ignorance Down Survivors suffering from the ObliviousIconStatusEffects obliviousIconStatusEffects obliviousIconStatusEffects oblivious Status Effect a total of 15 times.
Ach denied Denied! Close the HatchIconHelp hatchIconHelp hatchIconHelp hatch a total of 30 times.
Ach derangedPursuit Deranged Pursuit Playing as The LegionIconHelpLoading legionIconHelpLoading legionIconHelpLoading legion, down a total of 25 different Survivors suffering from the Deep WoundIconStatusEffects deepWoundIconStatusEffects deepWoundIconStatusEffects deepWound Status Effect.
Ach devotedGatekeeping Devoted Gatekeeping Sacrifice all Survivors before the last GeneratorIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generators was repaired a total of 25 times.
Ach disarmAndDismember Disarm and Dismember Hit Survivors carrying a Limited Item a total of 50 times.
Ach dreamDemon Dream Demon Playing as The NightmareIconHelpLoading nightmareIconHelpLoading nightmareIconHelpLoading nightmare, pull Survivors into the Dream World a total of 200 times.
Ach endOfDays End of Days Hook Survivors a total of 15 times during the Endgame CollapseIconHelp endGameIconHelp endGameIconHelp endGame.
Ach evenPunishment Even Punishment Playing as The HagIconHelpLoading hagIconHelpLoading hagIconHelpLoading hag, hit all Survivors at least once after teleporting to Phantasm Traps in a single Trial.
Ach evilIncarnate Evil Incarnate Playing as The ShapeIconHelpLoading shapeIconHelpLoading shapeIconHelpLoading shape, kill all Survivors by your own hands with Evil Within IIIIconPowers stalker3IconPowers stalker3IconPowers stalker3 in a single Trial.
Ach expertKiller Expert Killer Reach a Grade of Silver I playing as Killer.
Ach firstToThePunch First to the Punch Down Survivors a total of 30 times within 8 metres of an upright PalletIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDown.
Ach fromTheDeep From the Deep Find and grab Survivors hiding inside a LockerIconHelp lockersIconHelp lockersIconHelp lockers a total of 25 times.
Ach fromTheVoidSheKills From the Void She Kills Playing as The NurseIconHelpLoading nurseIconHelpLoading nurseIconHelpLoading nurse, equip the Torn BookmarkIconAddon tornBookmarkIconAddon tornBookmarkIconAddon tornBookmarkAdd-onIconHelp addonsIconHelp addonsIconHelp addons and chain together 3 Blinks to grab and interrupt a Survivor interacting with a Prop.
Ach gameOver Game Over Kill Survivors by any means a total of 30 times following the completion of the last Generator.
Ach ghostInTheMachine Ghost in the Machine Damage Generators a total of 50 times while UndetectableIconStatusEffects undetectableIconStatusEffects undetectableIconStatusEffects undetectable.
Ach heavyBurden Heavy Burden Hit different Survivors a total of 25 times while carrying another Survivor.
Ach highSpeedPursuit High Speed Pursuit As a Killer, vault WindowsIconHelp windowIconHelp windowIconHelp window a total of 50 times while chasing Survivors.
Ach holidayGet-Together Holiday Get-Together Hook Survivors at least 3 times inside the BasementIconHelp basementIconHelp basementIconHelp basement in a single Trial.
Ach iSeeYou I See You Down Survivors suffering from the ExposedIconStatusEffects exposedIconStatusEffects exposedIconStatusEffects exposed Status Effect a total of 30 times.
Ach iWantToPlayAGame I Want to Play a Game Playing as The PigIconHelpLoading pigIconHelpLoading pigIconHelpLoading pig, place Reverse Bear Traps a total of 125 times onto downed Survivors.
Ach inTheVoidSheWalks In the Void She Walks Playing as The NurseIconHelpLoading nurseIconHelpLoading nurseIconHelpLoading nurse, successfully land 500 / 100 (For consoles) Blink Attacks.
Ach jokesOnYou Joke's on You Playing as The Good GuyIconHelpLoading goodGuyIconHelpLoading goodGuyIconHelpLoading goodGuy, successfully hit Survivors within 3 seconds of performing a Scamper a total of 10 times.
Ach jumpScares Jump Scares Playing as The WraithIconHelpLoading wraithIconHelpLoading wraithIconHelpLoading wraith, successfully land 100 / 50 (For consoles) Surprise Attacks.
Ach legendaryKiller Legendary Killer Reach a Grade of Iridescent I playing as Killer.
Ach madHouse Mad House Playing as The DoctorIconHelpLoading doctorIconHelpLoading doctorIconHelpLoading doctor, shock all four Survivors into MadnessIconStatusEffects madnessIconStatusEffects madnessIconStatusEffects madness Tier III 1 time in a single Trial.
Ach masterKiller Master Killer Reach a Grade of Gold I playing as Killer.
Ach multi-Tasker Multi-tasker While carrying a Survivor, down another Survivor a total of 30 times.
Ach oneThousandCuts One Thousand Cuts Deal maximum Laceration damage to Survivors a total of 50 times.
Ach outrage Outrage Successfully hit Survivors, who dropped a PalletIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDown during a Chase, a total of 100 times.
Ach outtaNowhere Outta Nowhere Successfully hit Survivors while benefitting from the UndetectableIconStatusEffects undetectableIconStatusEffects undetectableIconStatusEffects undetectable Status Effect a total of 40 times.
Ach partyCrasher Party Crasher Damage GeneratorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generators a total of 100 times, while at least one Survivor is hooked.
Ach perfectKilling Perfect Killing Playing as Killer, finish a Trial with at least 5,000 Bloodpoints in each of the four Scoring Categories.
Ach pre-EmptiveStrike Pre-emptive Strike Hook a Survivor before first the GeneratorIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generators is repaired.
Ach preyUpon Prey Upon Playing as The UnknownIconHelpLoading unknownIconHelpLoading unknownIconHelpLoading unknown, down Survivors with UVX a total of 20 times.
Ach prowler Prowler Detect Survivors with Killer Instinct a total of 100 times.
Ach punchDrunk Punch Drunk Inflict Survivors with the ObliviousIconStatusEffects obliviousIconStatusEffects obliviousIconStatusEffects oblivious Status Effect a total of 30 times.
Ach quickDraw Quick Draw Grab Survivors a total of 10 times while they are interacting with a Totem.
Ach rightfulOwner Rightful Owner Playing as The LichIconHelpLoading lichIconHelpLoading lichIconHelpLoading lich, retrieve either the Eye of VecnaIconItems LimitedVecnaEyeIconItems LimitedVecnaEyeIconItems LimitedVecnaEye or the Hand of VecnaIconItems LimitedVecnaHandIconItems LimitedVecnaHandIconItems LimitedVecnaHand from a downed Survivor on Death Hook and end the Trial with all Survivors either killed or sacrificed.
Ach serialKiller Serial Killer Sacrifice the ObsessionIconHelp obsessionIconHelp obsessionIconHelp obsession a total of 30 times.
Ach shockingTreatment Shocking Treatment Playing as The DoctorIconHelpLoading doctorIconHelpLoading doctorIconHelpLoading doctor, hit Survivors with a Shock Therapy Attack a total of 500 times.
Ach silentApproach Silent Approach Grab Survivors a total of 25 times while they are repairing a Generator.
Ach skilledHuntress Skilled Huntress Playing as The HuntressIconHelpLoading huntressIconHelpLoading huntressIconHelpLoading huntress, down Survivors with Hunting Hatchets from at least 24 metres away a total of 20 times / 100 times (For consoles) .
Ach slipIntoTheStream Slip into the Stream Playing as The SingularityIconHelpLoading singularityIconHelpLoading singularityIconHelpLoading singularity, hit Survivors a total of 30 times shortly after teleporting to them.
Ach smoked Smoked Playing as The ClownIconHelpLoading clownIconHelpLoading clownIconHelpLoading clown, down intoxicated Survivors a total of 100 times.
Ach speedKills Speed Kills Playing as The BlightIconHelpLoading blightIconHelpLoading blightIconHelpLoading blight, hit Survivors with a Lethal Rush Attack a total of 30 times.
Ach swirlingDeath Swirling Death Playing as The HuntressIconHelpLoading huntressIconHelpLoading huntressIconHelpLoading huntress, throw a total of 1,000 Hunting Hatchets.
Ach symphonyOfFire Symphony of Fire Playing as The Dark LordKillerDraculaKillerDraculaKillerDracula, damage Survivors using the Hellfire Spell a total of 20 times.
Ach tagTeam Tag Team Playing as The TwinsIconHelpLoading twinsIconHelpLoading twinsIconHelpLoading twins, down Survivors with Victor latched onto them a total of 10 times.
Ach tasteTheDarkness Taste the Darkness Interrupt and grab Survivors mid-vault a total of 10 times.
Ach tearTheirSoulApart Tear Their Soul Apart Playing as The CenobiteIconHelpLoading cenobiteIconHelpLoading cenobiteIconHelpLoading cenobite, bind Survivors using with your Possessed Chain a total of 50 times.
Ach terminalIllness Terminal Illness Playing as The PlagueIconHelpLoading plagueIconHelpLoading plagueIconHelpLoading plague, down Survivors inflicted with maximum Sickness a total of 50 times.
Ach terrorOfLv-426 Terror of LV-426 Playing as The XenomorphIconHelpLoading xenomorphIconHelpLoading xenomorphIconHelpLoading xenomorph, hit Survivors with a Tail Strike Attack a total of 30 times.
Ach texasBbq Texas BBQ Hook Survivors in the BasementIconHelp basementIconHelp basementIconHelp basement a total of 25 times.
Ach theGrandSacrifice The Grand Sacrifice Sacrifice all four Survivors in a single Trial.
Ach theGrind The Grind Playing as The HillbillyIconHelpLoading hillbillyIconHelpLoading hillbillyIconHelpLoading hillbilly, hit Survivors with a Chainsaw Sprint a total of 100 times / 50 times (For consoles) .
Ach theManBehindTheBush The Man Behind the Bush Playing as The ShapeIconHelpLoading shapeIconHelpLoading shapeIconHelpLoading shape, tier up Evil Within a total of 300 times / 100 times (For consoles) by stalking Survivors.
Ach thrillOfTheChase Thrill of the Chase Playing as The Skull MerchantIconHelpLoading skullMerchantIconHelpLoading skullMerchantIconHelpLoading skullMerchant, down Claw-Trapped Survivors a total of 10 times.
Ach toolsOfTheTrade Tools of the Trade Achieve a Merciless Victory while only having 3 Generic Perks equipped a total of 5 times.
Ach totallyVulnerable Totally Vulnerable Playing as The Ghost FaceIconHelpLoading ghostIconHelpLoading ghostIconHelpLoading ghost, down Marked Survivors a total of 50 times.
Ach triggered Triggered Playing as The HagIconHelpLoading hagIconHelpLoading hagIconHelpLoading hag, cause Survivors to trip your Phantasm Traps a total of 300 times / 100 times (For consoles) .
Ach viralVideo Viral Video Inflict Survivors with Condemned a total of 30 times.
Ach whatLurksBeneath What Lurks Beneath Injure Survivors while inside the BasementIconHelp basementIconHelp basementIconHelp basement a total of 25 times.

Ach aptSurvivor Apt Survivor Start a Trial with a full Load-OutIconHelp loadoutIconHelp loadoutIconHelp loadout as a Survivor.
Ach blessYou Bless You Bless a Hex TotemIconHelpLoading totemIconHelpLoading totemIconHelpLoading totem a total of 20 times.
Ach bodyguard Bodyguard Take a Protection Hit while the Killer is carrying a Survivor a total of 30 times.
Ach closeShave Close Shave Dodge Basic Attacks or Projectiles from Killers a total of 100 times.
Ach cuttingOut Cutting Out Wiggle free from the Killer's Grasp a total of 10 times.
Ach deepCleansing Deep Cleansing Cleanse Hex TotemsIconHelpLoading totemIconHelpLoading totemIconHelpLoading totem a total of 100 / 10 (For consoles) times.
Ach desperateEscape Desperate Escape Perform a Rushed Vault within 3 seconds of getting hit a total of 15 times.
Ach dismantle Dismantle Sabotage different HooksIconHelpLoading hookIconHelpLoading hookIconHelpLoading hook a total of 50 times.
Ach engineer Engineer Repair a total of 50 different GeneratorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generators that have been damaged by the Killer.
Ach escapeArtist Escape Artist Successfully free yourself from the Hook and escape from the Trial through the Exit GatesIconHelp exitGatesIconHelp exitGatesIconHelp exitGates.
Ach escapingTheNightmare Escaping the Nightmare Open an Exit GateIconHelp exitGatesIconHelp exitGatesIconHelp exitGates a total of 25 times.
Ach everyLastDrop Every Last Drop Deplete ItemsIconHelp itemsIconHelp itemsIconHelp items a total of 30 times.
Ach expertGeneralist Expert Generalist Escape the Trial a total of 8 times while having repaired the equivalent of 1 GeneratorIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generators with only 3 General Survivor Perks equipped.
Ach expertSurvivor Expert Survivor Reach a Grade of Silver I playing as Survivor.
Ach fearlessHealer Fearless Healer Heal yourself for a total of 25 AchievementsIconHelp achievementsIconHelp achievementsIconHelp achievements while inside the BasementIconHelp basementIconHelp basementIconHelp basement.
Ach fleetOfFoot Fleet of Foot Help other Survivors by boosting their Movement speed a total of 50 times.
Ach hand-EyeCoordination Hand-Eye Coordination Find and use either the Eye of VecnaIconItems LimitedVecnaEyeIconItems LimitedVecnaEyeIconItems LimitedVecnaEye or the Hand of VecnaIconItems LimitedVecnaHandIconItems LimitedVecnaHandIconItems LimitedVecnaHand and escape the Trial afterwards.
Ach handyman Handyman Finish repairing GeneratorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generators a total of 100 times.
Ach healthyObsession Healthy Obsession Heal the ObsessionIconHelp obsessionIconHelp obsessionIconHelp obsession for the equivalent of 10 Health StatesIconStatusEffects healingIconStatusEffects healingIconStatusEffects healing.
Ach heroOfWallachia Hero of Wallachia Stun the Killer with a PalletIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDown, while holding an ItemIconHelp itemsIconHelp itemsIconHelp items of either Common, Uncommon, or Rare Rarity, a total of 10 times.
Ach hidingSeeker Hiding Seeker Lose the Killer in a Chase by jumping into a LockerIconHelp lockersIconHelp lockersIconHelp lockers a total of 25 times.
Ach honourTheBloodline Honour the Bloodline In a single Trial, reveal the Aura of the Killer for a total of 60 seconds.
Ach humanitarian Humanitarian Using your Perks, grant positive Status EffectsIconHelp statusEffectsIconHelp statusEffectsIconHelp statusEffects to other Survivors a total of 50 times.
Ach iveGotYourBack I've Got Your Back Safely unhook Survivors a total of 50 times.
Ach insultAndInjury Insult and Injury Lose the Killer in a Chase by stunning them with a PalletIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDown a total of 50 times.
Ach itemOfObsession Item of Obsession As the ObsessionIconHelp obsessionIconHelp obsessionIconHelp obsession, escape the Trial through the Exit GatesIconHelp exitGatesIconHelp exitGatesIconHelp exitGates as the last Survivor without having lost a single drop of blood.
Ach kittedOut Kitted Out Playing as Survivor, carry and use a Limited Item for the first time in a Trial across a total of 35 different Trials.
Ach leapfrog Leapfrog While being chased by the Killer, vault PalletsIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDown or WindowsIconHelp windowIconHelp windowIconHelp window a total of 200 times .
Ach leftForDead Left for Dead As the Last Survivor Standing, manage to repair any remaining GeneratorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generators and escape the Trial through one of the Exit GatesIconHelp exitGatesIconHelp exitGatesIconHelp exitGates.
Ach legendarySurvivor Legendary Survivor Reach a Grade of Iridescent I playing as Survivor.
Ach liftingTheFog Lifting The Fog Reveal the AuraIconHelp aurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp auras of the Killer a total of 50 times.
Ach looter Looter Unlock ChestsIconHelp chestsIconHelp chestsIconHelp chests a total of 100 times.
Ach madeItOutAlive Made It Out Alive! Escape from Trials a total of 100 times / 50 times (For consoles) .
Ach makeSomeNoise Make Some Noise Scream a total of 50 times.
Ach masterSurvivor Master Survivor Reach a Grade of Gold I playing as Survivor.
Ach medic Medic Heal other Survivors for a total of 100 Health StatesIconStatusEffects healingIconStatusEffects healingIconStatusEffects healing.
Ach milkNCookies Milk 'n' Cookies Unlock and retrieve an Item from the ChestIconHelp chestsIconHelp chestsIconHelp chests located inside the BasementIconHelp basementIconHelp basementIconHelp basement a total of 30 times.
Ach near-DeathExperience Near-Death Experience Escape from Trials a total of 25 times while only having entered the Dying StateIconHelp dyingIconHelp dyingIconHelp dying a maximum of 1 time.
Ach nervesOfSteel Nerves of Steel Succeed at Skill ChecksIconHelp skillChecksIconHelp skillChecksIconHelp skillChecks a total of 500 times.
Ach noOneLeftBehind No One Left Behind Rescue another Survivor from the Hook after the Exit Gates have been powered.
Ach notToday Not Today Unhook yourself a total of 50 times.
Ach oneMoreStep One More Step Take a hit while you are protected by the EnduranceIconStatusEffects enduranceSurvivorIconStatusEffects enduranceSurvivorIconStatusEffects enduranceSurvivor Status Effect a total of 10 times.
Ach outrunEvil Outrun Evil Crawl your way out through the HatchIconHelp hatchIconHelp hatchIconHelp hatch.
Ach perfectEscape Perfect Escape Playing as Survivor, finish a Trial with at least 5,000 Bloodpoints in each of the four Scoring Categories.
Ach powerMoves Power Moves Escape from a Trial after having repaired the equivalent of 1 Generator, but without any Perks equipped, a total of 8 times.
Ach rescueMission Rescue Mission Rescue Survivors from the Killer's Grasp by stunning them with a PalletIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDown a total of 5 times.
Ach resourceful Resourceful Swap your currently held ItemIconHelp itemsIconHelp itemsIconHelp items for a new one from a ChestIconHelp chestsIconHelp chestsIconHelp chests a total of 10 times.
  • Only counts once per Chest.

Ach resurgence Resurgence Heal other Survivors for the equivalent of 10 Health StatesIconStatusEffects healingIconStatusEffects healingIconStatusEffects healing, while every Survivor is either injured, dying, or hooked.
Ach riskItAll Risk It All Playing as Survivor, escape a Trial while carrying either an Ultra Rare ItemIconHelp itemsIconHelp itemsIconHelp items, or an Item with an Ultra Rare Add-onIconHelp addonsIconHelp addonsIconHelp addons equipped that you brought into the Trial, without it being protected by a White WardIconFavors whiteWardIconFavors whiteWardIconFavors whiteWard.
Ach secondAct Second Act Recover yourself from the Dying StateIconHelp dyingIconHelp dyingIconHelp dying a total of 20 times.
Ach selflessSurvival Selfless Survival Heal other Survivors from dying to injured a total of 30 times.
Ach shineOn Shine On Blind the Killer using a FlashlightIconItems flashlightIconItems flashlightIconItems flashlight a total of 30 times.
Ach skilledGeneralist Skilled Generalist Escape from a Trial after having repaired the equivalent of 1 Generator, with only 3 Generic Perks equipped, a total of 8 times.
Ach sorted Sorted Escape a Trial while having spent more than 50 % of it injured.