Um novo ser entrou na arena. Eu a achei quando ela, de alguma maneira, atravessou uma parede. Vestida de bandagens que contam um história não contada de algo horrível. Essa...enfermeira ao que parece, me traz angústia nas minhas noites solitárias, já que minha mente fica em amoque. | ||
~ Benedict Baker |
A Enfermeira | |
Nome | Sally Smithson |
Gênero | Mulher |
Origem | American of English descent |
Território | Hospício de Crotus Prenn |
Poder | Spencer's Last Breath |
Tipo do Ataque do Poder | Ataque Especial
(Blink Attacks) |
Arma | The Bonesaw |
Velocidade de Movimento | 96.25 % | 3.85 m/s |
Velocidade de Movimento Alt. | 333.25 % | 13.33 m/s (Blink) |
Raio de Terror | 32 metros |
Altura | Médio |
DLC | CAPÍTULO 1: The Last Breath Chapter |
Dublador(a) | Anais Renevey (BHVR) |
Breathing | |
Menu Music | |
Terror Radius Music | |
CharID | K04 |
Sally Smithson ou "A Enfermeira" é uma dos 37 Assassinos atualmente disponíveis em Dead by Daylight. Ela foi introduzida como Assassina em CAPÍTULO 1: The Last Breath Chapter, uma DLC de Capítulo em 18 de Agosto de 2016.
A Enfermeira é uma Assassina com teletransporte, capaz de atravessar obstáculos e rapidamente cobrir distâncias com seu Poder.
Suas Vantagens pessoais, Estridor, Tanatofobia e Chamado da Enfermeira, a permitem diminuir as habilidades dos Sobreviventes e rastreá-los enquanto feridos.
Ela é focada em revelar e rastrear, dificultando para Sobreviventes se esconderem.
Dificuldade: Muito Difícil
(Esses Assassinos exigem muita prática e entendimento, jogadores inexperientes provavelmente terão pouco sucesso ao usá-los)
- História adicional pode ser encontrada em Livro 6 - Divergência: The Cleansing of Crotus Prenn.
Sally Smithson chegou à cidade com sonhos de pés de criança e risos em uma casa de madeira construída por seu marido Andrew. Mas a vida não veio com sorrisos, mas com planos de destruição. Andrew trabalhava como lenhador - um trabalho que tem seus perigos. Um dia, o capataz de Andrew teve que dar uma visita a Sally, mudando sua vida para sempre. Ela estava sozinha.
Sem comida na mesa e sem outra opção, Sally teve que encontrar um jeito, mas o único emprego que conseguiu foi no Hospício Crotus Prenn. Ninguém procurava emprego lá, a menos que eles estivessem em extrema necessidade. Assim como Sally. Sem qualquer educação, ela começou na parte inferior, fazendo o duro turno da noite.
Ao longo dos anos, sua mente atingiu seus limites, duas décadas vendo coisas horríveis que violam os olhos. Memórias que são reproduzidas todas as noites. Ser abusado verbal- e fisicamente, por pessoas sem limites. Sally via insanidade do lado de fora, só para pegá-la sozinha.
Finalmente, ela não aguentou mais e os conceitos de purificação surgiram dentro dela. Ela fez o que achou necessário. Quando o pessoal do turno da manhã chegou um dia em setembro - eles encontraram mais de cinquenta pacientes mortos, sem vida, em sua cama ao longo de quatro funcionários, também mortos.
Apenas Sally sobreviveu à noite, mas sua mente se foi, balançando para frente e para trás sem parar. Exatamente o que aconteceu só é sabido por ela, mas parece que alguns dos pacientes foram sufocados como eles tinham marcas em volta do pescoço. Eles a colocaram em uma ambulância, mas a ambulância nunca chegou ao hospital. A ambulância foi encontrada caída em uma floresta próxima, todos os funcionários mortos e Sally não foram encontrados em lugar nenhum.
Vantagens Únicas
A Enfermeira vem com 3 Vantagens, que são únicas a ela:
Chamado da Enfermeira | Unable to retrieve the Vantagem description or unable to display it. You can add it at Datatable/Loadout. Otherwise Please contact Jouki | |
Estridor | Unable to retrieve the Vantagem description or unable to display it. You can add it at Datatable/Loadout. Otherwise Please contact Jouki | |
Tanatofobia | Unable to retrieve the Vantagem description or unable to display it. You can add it at Datatable/Loadout. Otherwise Please contact Jouki |
Prestiging A Enfermeira will automatically add Tier I of her Unique Perks to the inventories of all other Killers and unlock the ability for their higher-tiered versions to spawn in their Bloodweb.
Prestige A Enfermeira twice more to automatically add Tier II and Tier III respectively into the other Killers' inventories.
Arma: Serra de Ossos
Serra de Ossos É a Arma Primária de A Enfermeira.
Uma ferramenta metálica enferrujada usada para dilacerar carne e osso.
Poder: Último Suspiro de Spencer
Unable to retrieve the Poder description or unable to display it. You can add it at Datatable/Loadout. Otherwise Please contact Jouki
Curiosidades do Poder
Movement Speeds:
- Main Article
- Fatigue: 0.96 m/s
- Charging during Chain Blink Window: 1.16 m/s
- Walking during Chain Blink Window: 1.54 m/s
- Charging Blink: 2.89 m/s
- Walking: 3.85 m/s
- Blink Lunge: 6.16 m/s
- Blink: 13.33 m/s
- This assumes a default Blink of 20 metres in 1.5 seconds, as this speed value is derived from those parameters.
- Maximum Blink range: 20 metres
- Minimum Blink range: 1.5 metres
- Maximum Blink duration: 1.5 seconds
- Minimum Blink duration: 0.25 seconds
- Fastest Blink speed: 13.33 m/s
- This is calculated based on maximum range using the maximum duration.
- Slowest Blink speed: 6 m/s
- This is calculated based on minimum range using the minimum duration.
- Maximum Blink charges: 2 Charges
- Blink Recharge time: 3 seconds per Charge
- Blink Charge time: 2 seconds
- The Charge duration determines the maximum available Blink distance and duration: the longer one charges, the farther she can Blink, up to her maximum distance and the longer that Blink will take to complete.
- The Nurse can choose not to make use of the maximum distance available to her based on her Charge time, by aiming her camera to a location that is closer than her maximum available range.
However, doing this will still use the Blink duration determined by the maximum available range.
- Chain Blink Window duration: 1.5 seconds
- Base Fatigue duration: 2 seconds
- Chain-Blink penalty: +0.5 seconds each
- 1 Blink: 2 seconds
- 2 Blinks: 2.5 seconds
- 3 Blinks: 3 seconds
- Blink Attack penalty: +1 second
- This cool-down is added only to the other Fatigue cool-downs, if The Nurse has executed an Attack before going into Fatigue.
- The Nurse cannot be stunned during her Fatigue, Fatigue takes precedence and overrides other stuns.
Lightburn (obsolete):
- This mechanic was removed in Patch 6.7.0.
- Shining a Flashlight on The Nurse's body at any time would block her from charging a Blink.
- Shining a Flashlight on The Nurse's body while she was already charging a Blink would instead stun her and force her into Fatigue.
- Lightburn induced by Flash Grenades or Firecrackers was applied instantly upon explosion.
Complementos para Último Suspiro de Spencer
Ícone | Nome | Descrição |
Cavalo de Madeira | Unable to retrieve the Complemento description or unable to display it. You can add it at Datatable/Loadout. Otherwise Please contact Jouki | |
Colher de Metal | Unable to retrieve the Complemento description or unable to display it. You can add it at Datatable/Loadout. Otherwise Please contact Jouki | |
Flanela Xadrez | Unable to retrieve the Complemento description or unable to display it. You can add it at Datatable/Loadout. Otherwise Please contact Jouki | |
Pente Fino Branco | Unable to retrieve the Complemento description or unable to display it. You can add it at Datatable/Loadout. Otherwise Please contact Jouki | |
Bracelete sem Brilho | Unable to retrieve the Complemento description or unable to display it. You can add it at Datatable/Loadout. Otherwise Please contact Jouki | |
Cinto Escuro | Unable to retrieve the Complemento description or unable to display it. You can add it at Datatable/Loadout. Otherwise Please contact Jouki | |
Lembrança do Homem Mau | Unable to retrieve the Complemento description or unable to display it. You can add it at Datatable/Loadout. Otherwise Please contact Jouki | |
Relógio de Bolso | Unable to retrieve the Complemento description or unable to display it. You can add it at Datatable/Loadout. Otherwise Please contact Jouki | |
Tesouro do Garoto Catatônico | Unable to retrieve the Complemento description or unable to display it. You can add it at Datatable/Loadout. Otherwise Please contact Jouki | |
Arfada Frágil | Unable to retrieve the Complemento description or unable to display it. You can add it at Datatable/Loadout. Otherwise Please contact Jouki | |
Respiração Atáxica | Unable to retrieve the Complemento description or unable to display it. You can add it at Datatable/Loadout. Otherwise Please contact Jouki | |
Respiração Espasmódica | Unable to retrieve the Complemento description or unable to display it. You can add it at Datatable/Loadout. Otherwise Please contact Jouki | |
Respiração Ofegante | Unable to retrieve the Complemento description or unable to display it. You can add it at Datatable/Loadout. Otherwise Please contact Jouki | |
Suspiro Ansioso | Unable to retrieve the Complemento description or unable to display it. You can add it at Datatable/Loadout. Otherwise Please contact Jouki | |
Último Sopro de Campbell | Unable to retrieve the Complemento description or unable to display it. You can add it at Datatable/Loadout. Otherwise Please contact Jouki | |
Último Suspiro de Jenner | Unable to retrieve the Complemento description or unable to display it. You can add it at Datatable/Loadout. Otherwise Please contact Jouki | |
Último Suspiro de Kavanagh | Unable to retrieve the Complemento description or unable to display it. You can add it at Datatable/Loadout. Otherwise Please contact Jouki | |
Último Suspiro do "Homem Mau" | Unable to retrieve the Complemento description or unable to display it. You can add it at Datatable/Loadout. Otherwise Please contact Jouki | |
Caixa de Fósforos | Unable to retrieve the Complemento description or unable to display it. You can add it at Datatable/Loadout. Otherwise Please contact Jouki | |
Marcador de Página Rasgado | Unable to retrieve the Complemento description or unable to display it. You can add it at Datatable/Loadout. Otherwise Please contact Jouki |
Existem 3 Conquistas relacionadas de A Enfermeira:
Icon | Name | Description |
Enfermeira Adept | Obtenha uma Vitória Impiedosa como Enfermeira, apenas usando suas 3 Vantagens Únicas: Estridor, Tanatofobia e Chamado da Enfermeira | |
From the Void She Kills | Jogando como A Nurse, equip the Torn BookmarkAdd-on and chain together 3 Blinks to grab and interrupt a Survivor interacting with a Prop. | |
In the Void She Walks | Jogando como A Nurse, successfully land 500 / 100 (Para consoles) Blink Attacks. |
Opções Cosméticas
Players can choose from a variety of Cosmetic options to customise A Enfermeira:
Base Cosmetics
Predefinição:'''da '''Enfermeira Default Cosmetics
Predefinição:'''da '''Enfermeira Prestige Cosmetics
Perk Charms
Recompensa de Nível de Prestígio 7 | Recompensa de Nível de Prestígio 8 | Recompensa de Nível de Prestígio 9 |
Uma lembrança recebida ao dominar uma habilidade específica. |
Predefinição:'''da '''Enfermeira DLC Cosmetics
Predefinição:'''da '''Enfermeira Special Cosmetics
Predefinição:'''da '''Enfermeira Event Cosmetics
Predefinição:'''da '''Enfermeira Exclusive Cosmetics
In-Game Store
Nome da Coleção
Data de Lançamento
Miss Smithson
Tragic Love Opera
09 de Agosto de 2019 (Sexta-feira)
After the loss of her husband, she worked twelve-hour shifts at an asylum to pay the bills. In the halls at night, she’d hum a sad tune to numb her pain.
⇓ Expandir ⇓
- Main article: Downloadable Content
A Enfermeira is part of 3 DLCs:
- CAPÍTULO 1: The Last Breath Chapter (comes pre-installed)
- The Bloodstained Sack
- Charity Case
- Main Article: Lightburn
Up to Patch 6.7.0, 'The Nurse was affected by a unique mechanic when Survivors would use light-emitting Items against her when or before charging a Blink:
SPECIAL VULNERABILITY: LIGHTBURN Ficheiro:IconAddon spiritBlindWarrior.png
Interacting with the Spirit World causes The Nurse to suffer from Lightburn, which leaves her vulnerable to bright lights while using her Power:
- Shining Flashlights directly at The Nurse prevents her from charging a Blink for as long as the light is shining at her.
- Shining Flashlights directly at The Nurse, or detonating Firecrackers or Flash Grenades near her, while she is in the process of charging a Blink will stun her, forcing her into Fatigue.
Change Log
Patch 1.1.2
- Nerf: added Lightburn vulnerability.
- Nerf: reduced the default charges of Spencer's Last Breath from 3 Blinks to 2 Blinks.
- Nerf: reduced The Nurse's default Movement speed from 4.0 m/s or 100 % to 3.85 m/s or 96.25 %.
Patch 1.3.0
- QoL: increased The Nurse's Carrying Movement speed from 3.504 m/s or 87.6 % to 3.68 m/s or 92 %, to match that of the other Killers.
Patch 1.9.0
- QoL: standardised The Nurse's post-Blink Lunge to the default variation shared by all Killers now.
- This now allows for full rotation mid-Lunge compared to the former Lunge which was restricted to a straight path and could not avoid potential obstacles by curving around them.
- QoL: a Blink's duration is now determined by how long a Blink was charged for. Charging duration still determines the maximum available Blink distance, but The Nurse is no longer committed to that distance and can shorten her travel path by aiming her camera to a desired spot closer to her.
- QoL: The Nurse can now blink upwards and downwards, including through floors and ceilings.
Patch 3.3.1
- Nerf: reworked Spencer's Last Breath to be based on Charges, requiring The Nurse to wait for her Blink Charges to reload instead of having the maximum amount available immediately post-Fatigue.
- Nerf: reworked several Blink Charge Add-ons, reducing the maximum number of available Blinks (with Add-ons) from 5 to 3.
Patch 5.5.0
- QoL: rewrote the majority of the code governing The Nurse, especially net-working, to fix a plethora of issues that plagued her over the years.
Patch 6.5.0
- Nerf: any attack following a Blink and before The Nurse succumbs to Fatigue is now considered a Special Attack and no longer activates any effects associated with Basic Attacks.
- QoL: added a new sound cue that plays when The Nurse has fully regenerated all her Blink charges.
- Change: received a second Add-on Pass, which brings her strongest and her weakest Add-ons in line with the rest.
- Change: The Nurse now features a unique Menu Music, Terror Radius and Chase Music.
Patch 6.7.0
- Buff: removed the Lightburn mechanic.
- The Nurse was the first female Killer.
- The Nurse was the first Killer to be introduced as a DLC.
- In The Entity's Realm, she shares her home turf with The Clown in the Crotus Prenn Asylum.
- The Nurse's teleportation Power holds references to several other Games with the ability under the same name of "Blinking".
- The Nurse is the first Killer who uses telekinesis to perform interactions, such as breaking Pallets and Walls, damage Generators and hook Survivors.
- The Nurse could be inspired by the Nurses featured in the Silent Hill franchise.
- The Nurse has the lowest base speed, and is even slower than a Survivor's running speed.
- Prior to Patch 1.9.0, The Nurse had the shortest Lunge range compared to the other Killers.
Now she has the same range as a Killer moving at the default speed. - The Nurse was the first notably shorter Killer introduced into the Game in comparison to the original Killer trio.
- The Nurse is the first Killer who floats.
She does not have an audible footstep, but her dress makes a faint rustling noise while moving. - The Nurse leaves a trail of glowing dots and black smoke after her.
- In the earlier days of Dead by Daylight, The Nurse was one of the very few Killers whose breathing was not distorted in some way.
She makes a rather human-like wheeze, which sounds stressed, as if her throat was closed up. - The Nurse noticeably inhales upon starting to charge her Blink and gives a soft sigh once it is fully charged.
- The Nurse is one of few Killers to break Pallets and damage Generators with their hand.
- The Nurse is one of few Killers to have a unique Hatch-closing animation.
- The Nurse is one of just two Killers who used to suffer from the unique Game Mechanic Lightburn due to her power interacting with the Spirit World.
- The Nurse screams and sighs with every Blink. According to the Developers, blinking is a painful procedure, so she screams from pain and sighs from relief.
- According to the Developers, The Nurse, at the point of having strangled the Asylum patient, was "bat-shit crazy" and thus more susceptible to The Entity's corruption.
- Unlike most other tall Killers, The Nurse does not step, but rather floats through Windows to get to the other side.
- The Nurse has textured underwear and a modelled lower body under her dress, unlike the other killers.
For more go to the '''da '''Enfermeira Gallery
In-game assets
Official art
Introducing The Nurse to Dead by Daylight
Old assets
Concept arts
THE KILLERS | ||||||||||||
Caçador |
Espectro |
Caipira |
Enfermeira |
Vulto |
Bruxa | ||||||
CHAPTERS 4 — 8 | Médico | Caçadora | Canibal | Pesadelo | Porca | Palhaço | ||||||
CHAPTERS 9 — 14 | Espírito | Legião | Praga | Ghost Face | Demogorgon | Oni | ||||||
CHAPTERS 15 — 20 | Mercenário | Carrasco | Flagelo | Gêmeos | Trapaça | Nemesis | ||||||
CHAPTERS 21 — 26 | Erro Lua em Módulo:Various na linha 688: attempt to index local 'character' (a nil value). | Cenobite | Erro Lua em Módulo:Various na linha 688: attempt to index local 'character' (a nil value). | Artist | Onryō | Erro Lua em Módulo:Various na linha 688: attempt to index local 'character' (a nil value). | Dredge | Erro Lua em Módulo:Various na linha 688: attempt to index local 'character' (a nil value). | Mastermind | Erro Lua em Módulo:Various na linha 688: attempt to index local 'character' (a nil value). | Knight | |
CHAPTERS 27 — 32 | Erro Lua em Módulo:Various na linha 688: attempt to index local 'character' (a nil value). | Skull Merchant | Erro Lua em Módulo:Various na linha 688: attempt to index local 'character' (a nil value). | Singularity | Erro Lua em Módulo:Various na linha 688: attempt to index local 'character' (a nil value). | Xenomorph | Erro Lua em Módulo:Various na linha 688: attempt to index local 'character' (a nil value). | Good Guy | Erro Lua em Módulo:Various na linha 688: attempt to index local 'character' (a nil value). | Unknown | Lich | |
THE SURVIVORS | ||||||||||||
Dwight Fairfield | Meg Thomas | Claudette Morel | Jake Park | Nea Karlsson | Laurie Strode | ||||||
CHAPTERS 3 — 7 | Ace Visconti | Bill Overbeck | Feng Min | David King | Quentin Smith | David Tapp | ||||||
CHAPTERS 8 — 13 | Kate Denson | Adam Francis | Jeff Johansen | Jane Romero | Ash Williams | Nancy Wheeler | ||||||
CHAPTERS 13 — 18 | Steve Harrington | Yui Kimura | Zarina Kassir | Cheryl Mason | Felix Richter | Élodie Rakoto | ||||||
CHAPTERS 19 — 23 | Yun-Jin Lee | Jill Valentine | Leon Scott Kennedy | Mikaela Reid | Jonah Vasquez | Yoichi Asakawa | ||||||
CHAPTERS 24 — 27 | Haddie Kaur | Ada Wong | Rebecca Chambers | Vittorio Toscano | Thalita Lyra | Renato Lyra | ||||||
CHAPTERS 28 — 32 | Gabriel Soma | Nicolas Cage | Ellen Ripley | Alan Wake | Sable Ward | Erro Lua em Módulo:Various na linha 688: attempt to index local 'character' (a nil value). | Troupe |
pt: Sally Smithson