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O Mundo Espiritual é um dos 5 sub-territórios conhecidos do Território da Entidade onde o Dead by Daylight IconHelp DBDlogo acontece.

Visão Geral

O Mundo Espiritual é usado pelo Espectro IconHelpLoading wraith e pela Enfermeira IconHelpLoading nurse.

The Mundo Espiritual is on a different plane of existence to the Entity's Realm. Its appearance is identical to the Entity's Realm, but those who traverse it see black fog covering their peripheral vision. Notably, beings within the Spirit World cannot interact with beings and objects outside of it. This is evidenced by the fact that The Wraith minimally uncloaks himself when interacting with Objeto.

Survivors have no means to enter it.

O Espectro

The Wraith uses his ancient Wailing Bell Unknown QuestionMark to access and walk the Mundo Espiritual. The Mundo Espiritual enhances his abilities, cloaking him from the Survivors and hiding his Stain and Terror Radius and moderately increasing his Movement Speed.

A Enfermeira

Unlike The Wraith who walks the Mundo Espiritual, The Nurse uses Spencer's Last Breath Unknown QuestionMark to pierce it and quickly move through it. As she doesn't entirely enter it, the Mundo Espiritual doesn't hide her Stain and Terror Radius and it also doesn't cloak her completely, but rather makes her appearance blurry and shimmery while blinking.


Main article: Lightburn

Lightburn is a mechanic unique to both The Wraith and The Nurse. It's exclusively affecting users of the Mundo Espiritual, making them vulnerable to being shined upon with a Flashlight Unknown QuestionMark by the Survivors while using their Powers.


  • The other four sub-realms are known as the Plano Etéreo, which is accessed by The Spirit Unknown QuestionMark, the Dream World, which is accessed by The Nightmare Unknown QuestionMark, the Void and the Campfire.