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local str = require("Module:Strings") local p = {} local function iconLink(icon, link, text) return require("Module:Utils").IconLink(icon, link, text) end local function quote(text, author) return i(clr(9, '"' .. text .. ((author and '" — ' .. author) or '"'))) end ------------ -- PRICES -- ------------ -- Stored in Module:Various -------------- -- RARITIES -- -------------- -- Stored in Module:Various --------------------- -- ITEM CATEGORIES -- --------------------- p.categories = { --pairs() for getting [0] as well, otherwise [0] will be skipped in ipairs() [0] = "Inutilizzato", [1] = "Chiavi", [2] = "Petardi", [3] = "Torce Elettriche", [4] = "Limitato", [5] = "Mappe", [6] = "Kit Medici", [7] = "Cassette degli Attrezzi" } ----------- -- UNITS -- ----------- p.units = { {id = 1, value = "secondi"}, {id = 2, value = "secondo/i"}, -- currently only used on BATTERIES INCLUDED (7.7.0) {id = 3, value = "metri"}, {id = 4, value = "%"}, -- percent symbol: % {id = 5, value = "Token"}, {id = 6, value = "Token"}, -- currently only used on CORRECTIVE ACTION (7.7.0) {id = 7, value = cstr.empty}, -- used when values are not followed by a unit (i.e. plain numbers or modifier words) {id = 8, value = "volte"}, -- currently only used on SPIRIT FURY and HEX: TWO CAN PLAY (7.7.0) {id = 9, value = "Cariche"} -- currently only used on INVOCATION: WEAVING SPIDERS (7.7.0) } p.unitMapper = { {id = {1, 2}, generic = "secondi"}, {id = {4}, generic = "percento"} } p.classes = { -- also contains Killers, since their Skills are classed through that in 2v8 [0] = "Condivise", [1] = "Evasione", [2] = "Guida", [3] = "Medico", [4] = "Perlustrazione", [5] = "Cacciatore", [6] = "Spettro", [7] = "Mandriano", [8] = "Infermiera", [9] = "Cacciatrice", } p.skills = { {id = 1, name = "Abilità Sbloccabile Condivisa", techName = "Shared Unlockable Skill", slot = 4, charType = 'S', tags = {"Skill_SurvivorShared", "Endurance", "Haste", "Healing", "Recovering", "SelfHealing", "SelfRecovery"}, threshold = "25 %", duration = {"20 seconds", "10 seconds"}, haste = "+10 %"}, {id = 2, name = "Abilità Aura Evasione", techName = "Escapist Aura Skill", slot = 2, charType = 'S', tags = {"Skill_Escapist", "Auras", "BreakableWalls", "Pallets", "Windows"}, range = "32 metres"}, {id = 3, name = "Abilità Innata Evasione", techName = "Escapist Innate Skill", slot = 3, charType = 'S', tags = {"Skill_Escapist", "Haste", "Injured State"}, haste = "+3 %"}, {id = 4, name = "Abilità di Squadra Evasione", techName = "Escapist Team Skill", slot = 1, charType = 'S', tags = {"Skill_Escapist", "Haste"}, range = "12 metres", haste = "+150 %", duration = "3 seconds", cd = "20 seconds"}, {id = 5, name = "Abilità Aura Guida", techName = "Guide Aura Skill", slot = 2, charType = 'S', tags = {"Skill_Guide", "Auras", "Generators"}, range = "16 metres"}, {id = 6, name = "Abilità Innata Guida", techName = "Guide Innate Skill", slot = 3, charType = 'S', tags = {"Skill_Guide", "Generators", "Lockers", "SkillChecks"}, range = "8 metres", bonus = "+3 %", noise = "-50 %"}, {id = 7, name = "Abilità di Squadra Guida", techName = "Guide Team Skill", slot = 1, charType = 'S', tags = {"Skill_Guide", "Auras", "Generators"}}, {id = 8, name = "Abilità Aura Medico", techName = "Medic Aura Skill", slot = 2, charType = 'S', tags = {"Skill_Medic", "Auras", "InjuredState"}, range = "128 metres"}, {id = 9, name = "Abilità Innata Medico", techName = "Medic Innate Skill", slot = 3, charType = 'S', tags = {"Skill_Medic", "ActionSpeed", "Healing"}, bonus = "+35 %"}, {id = 10, name = "Abilità di Squadra Medico", techName = "Medic Team Skill", slot = 1, charType = 'S', tags = {"Skill_Medic", "ActionSpeed", "Auras", "Healing"}, range = "3 metres", bonus = "+25 %"}, {id = 11, name = "Abilità Aura Perlustrazione", techName = "Scout Aura Skill", slot = 2, charType = 'S', tags = {"Skill_Scout", "Auras", "BreakableWalls", "Generators", "Pallets"}}, {id = 12, name = "Abilità Innata Perlustrazione", techName = "Scout Innate Skill", slot = 3, charType = 'S', tags = {"Skill_Scout", "Crouching", "GruntsOfPain", "MovementSpeed", "Stealth"}, bonus = "+100 %"}, {id = 13, name = "Abilità di Squadra Perlustrazione", techName = "Scout Team Skill", slot = 1, charType = 'S', tags = {"Skill_Scout", "Auras", "KillerAura", "LineOfSight"}, range = "64 metres"}, {id = 14, name = "Abilità del Killer Condivisa 1", techName = "Shared Killer Skill 1", slot = 3, charType = 'K', tags = {"Skill_KillerShared", "Revealed"}, duration = "5 seconds", range = "16 metres"}, {id = 15, name = "Abilità del Killer Condivisa 2.1", techName = "Shared Killer Skill 2.1", slot = 4, charType = 'K', tags = {"Skill_KillerShared", "Generators", "Regression", "RegressionSpeed", "Revealed"}, range = "20 metres", duration = "5 seconds"}, {id = 16, name = "Abilità del Killer Condivisa 2.2", techName = "Shared Killer Skill 2.2", slot = 4, charType = 'K', tags = {"Skill_KillerShared", "Generators", "Regression", "RegressionSpeed", "Revealed"}, bonus = "+200 %"}, {id = 17, name = "Abilità di Squadra Cacciatore", techName = "Trapper Team Skill", slot = 1, character = 1, charType = 'K', tags = {"Skill_K01", "Haste"}, haste = "+150 %"}, {id = 18, name = "Abilità Innata Cacciatore", techName = "Trapper Innate Skill", slot = 2, character = 1, charType = 'K', tags = {"Skill_K01", "ActionSpeed", "ActionTime", "ExtendedAbility", "PowerCapacity"}}, {id = 19, name = "Abilità di Squadra Spettro", techName = "Wraith Team Skill", slot = 1, character = 2, charType = 'K', tags = {"Skill_K02", "Undetectable"}}, {id = 20, name = "Abilità Innata Spettro", techName = "Wraith Innate Skill", slot = 2, character = 2, charType = 'K', tags = {"Skill_K02", "ActionSpeed", "MovementSpeed"}}, {id = 21, name = "Abilità di Squadra Mandriano", techName = "Hillbilly Team Skill", slot = 1, character = 3, charType = 'K', tags = {"Skill_K03", "Exposed"}}, {id = 22, name = "Abilità Innata Mandriano", techName = "Hillbilly Innate Skill", slot = 2, character = 3, charType = 'K', tags = {"Skill_K03", "DamageReduction", "PowerCooldown", "TurnRate"}}, {id = 23, name = "Abilità di Squadra Infermiera", techName = "Nurse Team Skill", slot = 1, character = 4, charType = 'K', tags = {"Skill_K04", "Tokens"}}, {id = 24, name = "Abilità Innata Infermiera", techName = "Nurse Innate Skill", slot = 2, character = 4, charType = 'K', tags = {"Skill_K04", "AttackRange", "LoudNoiseNotifications", "MovementSpeed", "PowerCooldown", "PowerWindow", "Scream"}}, {id = 25, name = "Abilità di Squadra Cacciatrice", techName = "Huntress Team Skill", slot = 1, character = 8, charType = 'K', tags = {"Skill_K08", "Revealed"}}, {id = 26, name = "Abilità Innata Cacciatrice", techName = "Huntress Innate Skill", slot = 2, character = 8, charType = 'K', tags = {"Skill_K08", "ActionTime", "Lockers", "MovementSpeed", "PowerCapacity", "ThrowCooldown"}}, } p.items = { --Keys { id = 1, name = "Chiave Rotta", techName = "Broken Key", rarity = 3, category = 1, tags = {"Auras"} }, { id = 2, name = "Chiave Sbiadita", techName = "Dull Key", rarity = 4, category = 1, tags = {"Auras", "Hatch"} }, { id = 3, name = "Chiave Universale", techName = "Skeleton Key", rarity = 5, category = 1, tags = {"Auras", "Hatch"} }, -- Firecrackers -- { id = 4, name = "Petardo Cinese", techName = "Chinese Firecracker", rarity = 8, category = 2, tags = {"Deafened", "KillerBlind", "KillerStun", "lunarEvent", "SurvivorBlind"} }, { id = 5, name = "Iniziatore della Festa per il Terzo Anno", techName = "Third Year Party Starter", rarity = 8, category = 2, deprecated = true, tags = {"Deafened", "KillerBlind", "KillerStun", "SurvivorBlind"} }, { id = 6, name = "Anima della Festa Invernale", techName = "Winter Party Starter", rarity = 8, category = 2, tags = {"Deafened", "KillerBlind", "KillerStun", "SurvivorBlind", "winterEvent"} }, -- Flashlights -- { id = 7, name = "Torcia dell'Anniversario", techName = "Anniversary Flashlight", rarity = 8, category = 3, tags = {"anniversaryEvent", "KillerBlind"} }, { id = 8, name = "Torcia Elettrica", techName = "Flashlight", rarity = 2, category = 3, tags = {"KillerBlind"} }, { id = 9, name = "Torcia della Festa in Maschera", techName = "Masquerade Flashlight", rarity = 8, category = 3, tags = {"anniversaryEvent", "KillerBlind"} }, { id = 10, name = "Torcia Elettrica Sportiva", techName = "Sport Flashlight", rarity = 3, category = 3, tags = {"KillerBlind"} }, { id = 11, name = "Torcia Elettrica Utilitaria", techName = "Utility Flashlight", rarity = 4, category = 3, tags = {"KillerBlind"} }, { id = 12, name = "Fuoco Fatuo", techName = "Will O' Wisp", rarity = 8, category = 3, tags = {"halloweenEvent", "KillerBlind"} }, -- Limited -- { id = 13, name = "Spray Medico", techName = "First Aid Spray", rarity = 11, category = 4, tags = {"PowerCounter", "SupplyCases"} }, { id = 14, name = "Granata Stordente", techName = "Flash Grenade", rarity = 12, category = 4, tags = {"Craftable", "Deafened", "KillerBlind", "KillerStun", "LoudNoiseNotifications", "SurvivorBlind"} }, --rarity 12? "Craft-able & Limited" { id = 15, name = "Configurazione del Lamento", techName = "Lament Configuration", rarity = 11, category = 4, tags = {"Auras", "ChainHunt", "KillerInstinct", "PowerCounter", "Oblivious"} }, { id = 16, name = "Specchietto Tascabile", techName = "Pocket Mirror", rarity = 11, category = 4, tags = {"Bloodpoints", "Glyphs"} }, { id = 17, name = "Vaccino", techName = "Vaccine", rarity = 11, category = 4, tags = {"PowerCounter", "SupplyCases"} }, { id = 18, name = "Videocassetta VHS", techName = "VHS Tape", rarity = 11, category = 4, patch = "7.5.0", tags = {"Auras", "Condemned", "PowerCounter", "TVs"} }, { id = 19, name = "EMP", techName = "EMP", rarity = 11, category = 4, patch = "7.0.1", tags = {"Auras", "Hindered", "MovementSpeed", "PowerCounter", "SupplyCases"} }, { id = 20, name = "Torretta Lanciafiamme", techName = "Remote Flame Turret", rarity = 11, category = 4, patch = "7.2.0", tags = {"Auras", "CrawlerMode", "Exhausted", "Hindered", "Incapacitated", "PowerCounter"} }, { id = 21, name = "Chiave Elettronica", techName = "Keycard", rarity = 11, category = 4, patch = "7.2.0", tags = {"EasterEgg"} }, -- Maps -- { id = 22, name = "Mappa", techName = "Map", rarity = 3, category = 5, tags = {"Auras", "Chests", "Generators", "Totems", "Tracking"} }, { id = 23, name = "Mappa Arcobaleno", techName = "Rainbow Map", rarity = 5, category = 5, tags = {"Auras", "Chests", "Generators", "Hatch", "Hooks", "Totems", "Tracking"} }, -- Med-Kits -- { id = 24, name = "Kit Medico dell'Anniversario", techName = "Anniversary Med-Kit", rarity = 8, category = 6, patch = "6.7.0", tags = {"anniversaryEvent", "HealingProficiency", "SelfHeal"} }, { id = 25, name = "Cestino del Pranzo della Vigilia di Ognissanti", techName = "All Hallows' Eve Lunchbox", rarity = 8, category = 6, patch = "6.7.0", tags = {"halloweenEvent", "HealingProficiency", "SelfHeal"} }, { id = 26, name = "Kit di Pronto Soccorso da Campeggio", techName = "Camping Aid Kit", rarity = 1, category = 6, patch = "6.7.0", tags = {"HealingProficiency", "SelfHeal"} }, { id = 27, name = "Kit Medico per le Emergenze", techName = "Emergency Med-Kit", rarity = 3, category = 6, patch = "6.7.0", tags = {"HealingProficiency", "SelfHeal"} }, { id = 28, name = "Kit di Pronto Soccorso", techName = "First Aid Kit", rarity = 2, category = 6, patch = "6.7.0", tags = {"HealingProficiency", "SelfHeal"} }, { id = 29, name = "Kit Medico della Festa in Maschera", techName = "Masquerade Med-Kit", rarity = 8, category = 6, patch = "6.7.0", tags = {"anniversaryEvent", "HealingProficiency", "SelfHeal"} }, { id = 30, name = "Kit Medico da Ranger", techName = "Ranger Med-Kit", rarity = 4, category = 6, patch = "6.7.0", tags = {"HealingProficiency", "SelfHeal"} }, -- Toolboxes -- { id = 31, name = "Cassetta degli Attrezzi dell'Anniversario", techName = "Anniversary Toolbox", rarity = 8, category = 7, patch = "8.0.0", tags = { "anniversaryEvent", "Generators", "SkillCheckProbability", "RepairingProficiency", "SabotageProficiency" } }, { id = 32, name = "Cassetta degli Attrezzi di Alex", techName = "Alex's Toolbox", rarity = 4, category = 7, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {"Generators", "RepairingProficiency", "SabotageProficiency", "SkillCheckProbability"} }, { id = 33, name = "Cassetta degli Attrezzi Spaziosa", techName = "Commodious Toolbox", rarity = 3, category = 7, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {"Generators", "RepairingProficiency", "SkillCheckProbability", "SabotageProficiency"} }, { id = 34, name = "Cassetta degli Attrezzi delle Festività", techName = "Festive Toolbox", rarity = 8, category = 7, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {"Generators", "lunarEvent", "RepairingProficiency", "SkillCheckProbability", "SabotageProficiency"} }, { id = 35, name = "Cassetta degli Attrezzi da Ingegnere", techName = "Engineer's Toolbox", rarity = 4, category = 7, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {"Generators", "RepairingProficiency", "SabotageProficiency", "SkillCheckProbability"} }, { id = 36, name = "Cassetta degli Attrezzi della Festa in Maschera", techName = "Masquerade Toolbox", rarity = 8, category = 7, patch = "8.0.0", tags = { "anniversaryEvent", "Generators", "RepairingProficiency", "SkillCheckProbability", "SabotageProficiency" } }, { id = 37, name = "Cassetta degli Attrezzi da Meccanico", techName = "Mechanic's Toolbox", rarity = 3, category = 7, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {"Generators", "RepairingProficiency", "SabotageProficiency", "SkillCheckProbability"} }, { id = 38, name = "Cassetta degli Attrezzi", techName = "Toolbox", rarity = 2, category = 7, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {"Generators", "RepairingProficiency", "SabotageProficiency", "SkillCheckProbability"} }, { id = 39, name = "Attrezzi Usurati", techName = "Worn-Out Tools", rarity = 1, category = 7, tags = {"Generators", "RepairingProficiency", "SkillCheckDifficulty", "SkillCheckProbability"} }, -- Unused Items -- { id = 40, name = "Trapple", rarity = 0, category = 0, unused = true, tags = {} }, -- New Items since creation of Datatable -- { id = 41, name = "Mappa Percezione di Sangue", techName = "Bloodsense Map", rarity = 8, category = 5, tags = { "Auras", "ExtendedAbility", "Chests", "Generators", "Hatch", "Hooks", "PoolsOfBlood", "Totems", "Tracking" } }, { id = 42, name = "Occhio di Vecna", techName = "Eye of Vecna", rarity = 11, category = 4, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {"Auras", "AutoDamage", "Haste", "Invisibility", "Killer Instinct", "Lockers"}, haste = "+25 %" }, { id = 43, name = "Mano di Vecna", techName = "Hand of Vecna", rarity = 11, category = 4, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {"AutoDamage", "Killer Instinct", "Lockers", "Teleportation"} } } p.offerings = { { id = 1, name = "Cianografia Dettagliata", techName = "Annotated Blueprint", rarity = 1, tags = {"Hatch", "MapModifier"} }, { id = 2, name = "Corona del Corvo Ardente", techName = "Ardent Raven Wreath", rarity = 3, charType = "K", tags = {"Bloodpoints", "Deviousness"} }, { id = 3, name = "Corona dell'Averla Ardente", techName = "Ardent Shrike Wreath", rarity = 3, charType = "K", tags = {"Bloodpoints", "Sacrifice"} }, { id = 4, name = "Corona del Gufo Maculato Ardente", techName = "Ardent Spotted Owl Wreath", rarity = 3, charType = "K", tags = {"Bloodpoints", "Hunter"} }, { id = 5, name = "Corona dei Traupidi Ardenti", techName = "Ardent Tanager Wreath", rarity = 3, charType = "K", tags = {"Bloodpoints", "Brutality"} }, { id = 6, name = "Chiave di Azarov", techName = "Azarov's Key", rarity = 3, tags = {"AutohavenWreckers", "Realm"} }, { id = 7, name = "Invito al BBQ", techName = "BBQ Invitation", rarity = 8, tags = {"Bloodpoints", "Event", "summerEvent"} }, { id = 8, name = "Statuetta di Sale Nero", techName = "Black Salt Statuette", rarity = 3, charType = "S", tags = {"AllSurvivors", "AllSurvivorsLuck", "Chance"} }, { id = 9, name = "Scheggia Nera", techName = "Black Splinter", rarity = 5, charType = "K", tags = {"Splinter"}, retired = true }, { id = 10, name = "Difesa Nera", techName = "Black Ward", rarity = 4, charType = "K", tags = {"Ward"} }, { id = 11, name = "Cianografia Insanguinata", techName = "Bloodied Blueprint", rarity = 1, tags = {"Auras", "Basement", "MapModifier"} }, { id = 12, name = "Festoni del Party Insanguinato", techName = "Bloody Party Streamers", rarity = 3, tags = {"Bloodpoints", "AllPlayers"} }, { id = 13, name = "Busta da Lettera Richiusa", techName = "Bound Envelope", rarity = 3, charType = "S", tags = {"AllCategories", "AllSurvivors", "Bloodpoints"} }, { id = 14, name = "Sacchetto di Alloro di Palude", techName = "Bog Laurel Sachet", rarity = 1, charType = "S", tags = {"Bloodpoints", "Objectives", "Personal"} }, { id = 15, name = "Scheggia d'Osso", techName = "Bone Splinter", rarity = 5, charType = "K", tags = {"Splinter"}, retired = true }, { id = 16, name = "Piastrina per Bestiame n. 28", techName = "Cattle Tag 28", rarity = 1, tags = {"ColdwindFarm", "Realm"}, retired = true }, { id = 17, name = "Piastrina per Bestiame di Coldwind n. 81", techName = "Cattle Tag 81", rarity = 2, tags = {"ColdwindFarm", "Realm"}, retired = true }, { id = 18, name = "Sacchetto di Gesso", techName = "Chalk Pouch", rarity = 1, charType = "S", tags = {"Chance", "Personal", "PersonalLuck"} }, { id = 19, name = "Fotografia Matrimonio Bruciacchiata", techName = "Charred Wedding Photograph", rarity = 3, tags = {"CrotusPrennAsylum", "Realm"} }, { id = 20, name = "Libro per Bambini", techName = "Children's Book", rarity = 2, tags = {"Realm", "RedForest"}, retired = true }, { id = 21, name = "Reagente Trasparente", techName = "Clear Reagent", rarity = 1, tags = {"Fog", "MapModifier"} }, { id = 22, name = "Sacchetto di Gesso Color Crema", techName = "Cream Chalk Pouch", rarity = 2, charType = "S", tags = {"Chance", "Personal", "PersonalLuck"} }, { id = 23, name = "Bouquet della Luna Crescente", techName = "Crescent Moon Bouquet", rarity = 2, tags = {"Moonlight", "MapModifier"}, retired = true }, { id = 24, name = "Sacchetto di Foglie Fresche di Amaranto", techName = "Crispleaf Amaranth Sachet", rarity = 1, charType = "S", tags = {"Bloodpoints", "Personal", "Survival"} }, { id = 25, name = "Occhio di Corvo", techName = "Crow's Eye", rarity = 3, tags = {"ForsakenBoneyard", "Realm"} }, { id = 26, name = "Seme Maledetto", techName = "Cursed Seed", rarity = 8, tags = {"Bloodpoints", "Event", "halloweenEvent"}, notAvailable = true }, { id = 27, name = "Moneta Tagliata", techName = "Cut Coin", rarity = 4, charType = "K", tags = {"Chest", "MapModifier"} }, { id = 28, name = "Memento Mori di Legno di Cipresso", techName = "Cypress Memento Mori", rarity = 2, charType = "K", tags = {"Mori"}, secret = true }, { id = 29, name = "Foto Rovinata", techName = "Damaged Photo", rarity = 3, tags = {"Ormond", "Realm"} }, { id = 30, name = "Assicella Pericolante", techName = "Decrepit Clapboard", rarity = 2, tags = {"Haddonfield", "Realm"}, retired = true }, { id = 31, name = "Corona del Corvo Devoto", techName = "Devout Raven Wreath", rarity = 2, charType = "K", tags = {"Bloodpoints", "Deviousness"} }, { id = 32, name = "Corona dell'Averla Devota", techName = "Devout Shrike Wreath", rarity = 2, charType = "K", tags = {"Bloodpoints", "Sacrifice"} }, { id = 33, name = "Corona del Gufo Maculato Devoto", techName = "Devout Spotted Owl Wreath", rarity = 2, charType = "K", tags = {"Bloodpoints", "Hunter"} }, { id = 34, name = "Corona dei Traupidi Devoti", techName = "Devout Tanager Wreath", rarity = 2, charType = "K", tags = {"Bloodpoints", "Brutality"} }, { id = 35, name = "Bottiglia Rotta", techName = "Shattered Bottle", rarity = 3, tags = {"GraveOfGlenvale", "Realm"} }, { id = 36, name = "Memento Mori in Ebano", techName = "Ebony Memento Mori", rarity = 5, charType = "K", tags = {"Mori"}, secret = true }, { id = 37, name = "Certificato d'Urgenza", techName = "Emergency Certificate", rarity = 1, tags = {"LérysMemorialInstitute", "Realm"}, retired = true }, { id = 38, name = "Torta Fuga!", techName = "Escape! Cake", rarity = 2, charType = "S", tags = {"AllCategories", "Bloodpoints", "Personal"} }, { id = 39, name = "Reagente Debole", techName = "Faint Reagent", rarity = 1, tags = {"Fog", "MapModifier"} }, { id = 40, name = "Alloro di Palude Profumato", techName = "Fragrant Bog Laurel", rarity = 3, charType = "S", tags = {"Bloodpoints", "Objectives", "Personal"} }, { id = 41, name = "Foglie Fresche di Amaranto Profumate", techName = "Fragrant Crispleaf Amaranth", rarity = 3, charType = "S", tags = {"Bloodpoints", "Personal", "Survival"} }, { id = 42, name = "Boccioli di Primula Profumati", techName = "Fragrant Primrose Blossom", rarity = 3, charType = "S", tags = {"Bloodpoints", "Personal", "Altruism"} }, { id = 43, name = "Garofano dei Poeti Profumato", techName = "Fragrant Sweet William", rarity = 3, charType = "S", tags = {"Bloodpoints", "Personal", "Boldness"} }, { id = 44, name = "Alloro di Palude Fresco", techName = "Fresh Bog Laurel", rarity = 2, charType = "S", tags = {"Bloodpoints", "Objectives", "Personal"} }, { id = 45, name = "Foglie Fresche di Amaranto", techName = "Fresh Crispleaf Amaranth", rarity = 2, charType = "S", tags = {"Bloodpoints", "Personal", "Survival"} }, { id = 46, name = "Boccioli di Primula Freschi", techName = "Fresh Primrose Blossom", rarity = 2, charType = "S", tags = {"Bloodpoints", "Personal", "Altruism"} }, { id = 47, name = "Garofano dei Poeti Fresco", techName = "Fresh Sweet William", rarity = 2, charType = "S", tags = {"Bloodpoints", "Personal", "Boldness"} }, { id = 48, name = "Flan del Terrore", techName = "Frightful Flan", rarity = 8, tags = {"AllPlayers", "AllCategories", "anniversaryEvent", "Bloodpoints", "Event", "EventCake"}, deprecated = true }, { id = 49, name = "Bouquet della Luna Piena", techName = "Full Moon Bouquet", rarity = 4, tags = {"Moonlight", "MapModifier"}, retired = true }, { id = 50, name = "Cordame Fumante", techName = "Fuming Cordage", rarity = 1, tags = {"BackwaterSwamp", "Realm"}, retired = true }, { id = 51, name = "Cartello di Benvenuto Fumante", techName = "Fuming Welcome Sign", rarity = 2, tags = {"BackwaterSwamp", "Realm"}, retired = true }, { id = 52, name = "Gateau Agghiacciante", techName = "Ghastly Gateau", rarity = 8, tags = {"AllPlayers", "AllCategories", "anniversaryEvent", "Bloodpoints", "Event", "EventCake"}, deprecated = true }, { id = 53, name = "Scheggia di Vetro", techName = "Glass Splinter", rarity = 5, charType = "K", tags = {"Splinter"}, retired = true }, { id = 54, name = "Libro di Ricette della Nonna", techName = "Grandma's Cookbook", rarity = 3, tags = {"BackwaterSwamp", "Realm"} }, { id = 55, name = "Gateau Inquietante", techName = "Gruesome Gateau", rarity = 8, tags = {"AllPlayers", "AllCategories", "anniversaryEvent", "Bloodpoints", "Event", "EventCake"}, deprecated = true }, { id = 56, name = "Volantino del Festival della Raccolta", techName = "Harvest Festival Leaflet", rarity = 1, tags = {"Haddonfield", "Realm"}, retired = true }, { id = 57, name = "Carta d'Identità del Laboratorio Nazionale di Hawkins", techName = "Hawkins National Laboratory ID", rarity = 3, tags = {"HawkinsNationalLaboratory", "Realm"} }, { id = 58, name = "Reagente Offuscante", techName = "Hazy Reagent", rarity = 2, tags = {"Fog", "MapModifier"} }, { id = 59, name = "Ciondolo Portafoto a Cuore", techName = "Heart Locket", rarity = 3, tags = {"ColdwindFarm", "Realm"} }, { id = 60, name = "Guscio Vuoto", techName = "Hollow Shell", rarity = 2, charType = "K", tags = {"AllCategories", "Bloodpoints"} }, { id = 61, name = "Argilla Icorosa", techName = "Ichorous Loam", rarity = 3, tags = {"WitheredIsle", "Realm"} }, { id = 62, name = "Sacchetto di Gesso Color Avorio", techName = "Ivory Chalk Pouch", rarity = 3, charType = "S", tags = {"Chance", "Personal", "PersonalLuck"} }, { id = 63, name = "Memento Mori di Avorio", techName = "Ivory Memento Mori", rarity = 3, charType = "K", tags = {"Mori"}, secret = true }, { id = 64, name = "Frammento dell'Enigmista", techName = "Jigsaw Piece", rarity = 3, tags = {"GideonMeatPlant", "Realm"} }, { id = 65, name = "Targhetta Infermità Mentale", techName = "Lunacy Ticket", rarity = 1, tags = {"CrotusPrennAsylum", "Realm"}, retired = true }, { id = 66, name = "Pagina di Libro Mastro di MacMillan", techName = "MacMillan Ledger Page", rarity = 1, tags = {"TheMacMillanEstate", "Realm"}, retired = true }, { id = 67, name = "Osso della Falange di MacMillan", techName = "MacMillan's Phalanx Bone", rarity = 3, tags = {"TheMacMillanEstate", "Realm"} }, { id = 68, name = "Lettera di Mary", techName = "Mary's Letter", rarity = 3, tags = {"SilentHill", "Realm"} }, { id = 69, name = "Legno di Quercia Ammuffito", techName = "Mouldy Oak", rarity = 2, charType = "K", tags = {"Hook", "MapModifier"} }, { id = 70, name = "Scheggia Infangata", techName = "Muddy Splinter", rarity = 5, charType = "K", tags = {"Splinter"}, retired = true }, { id = 71, name = "Reagente Intorbidente", techName = "Murky Reagent", rarity = 4, tags = {"Fog", "MapModifier"} }, { id = 72, name = "Bouquet della Luna Nuova", techName = "New Moon Bouquet", rarity = 5, tags = {"Moonlight", "MapModifier"}, retired = true }, { id = 73, name = "Targhetta Infermità Mentale di P. Elliott", techName = "P. Elliott Lunacy Ticket", rarity = 2, tags = {"CrotusPrennAsylum", "Realm"}, retired = true }, { id = 74, name = "Roccia Dipinta", techName = "Painted River Rock", rarity = 1, tags = {"Realm", "RedForest"}, retired = true }, { id = 75, name = "Legno di Quercia Pietrificato", techName = "Petrified Oak", rarity = 4, charType = "S", tags = {"Hook", "MapModifier"} }, { id = 76, name = "Sacchetto di Boccioli di Primula", techName = "Primrose Blossom Sachet", rarity = 1, charType = "S", tags = {"Bloodpoints", "Personal", "Altruism"} }, { id = 77, name = "Valutazione Psichiatrica", techName = "Psychiatric Assessment Report", rarity = 2, tags = {"LérysMemorialInstitute", "Realm"}, retired = true }, { id = 78, name = "Petali di Pustole", techName = "Pustula Petals", rarity = 8, tags = {"Bloodpoints", "Event", "halloweenEvent"}, notAvailable = true }, { id = 79, name = "Legno di Quercia Putrido", techName = "Putrid Oak", rarity = 4, charType = "K", tags = {"Hook", "MapModifier"} }, { id = 80, name = "Bouquet del Quarto di Luna", techName = "Quarter Moon Bouquet", rarity = 2, tags = {"Moonlight", "MapModifier"}, retired = true }, { id = 81, name = "Corona del Corvo", techName = "Raven Wreath", rarity = 1, charType = "K", tags = {"Bloodpoints", "Deviousness"} }, { id = 82, name = "Busta Rossa", techName = "Red Envelope", rarity = 8, tags = {"Bloodpoints", "Event", "lunarEvent"} }, { id = 83, name = "Legno di Quercia Marcio", techName = "Rotten Oak", rarity = 3, charType = "K", tags = {"Hook", "MapModifier"} }, { id = 84, name = "Distintivo RPD", techName = "RPD Badge", rarity = 3, tags = {"RaccoonCity", "Realm"} }, { id = 85, name = "Torta Sacrificale", techName = "Sacrificial Cake", rarity = 8, tags = {"anniversaryEvent", "AllPlayers", "AllCategories", "Bloodpoints", "Event", "EventCake"}, deprecated = true }, { id = 86, name = "Custodia Sacrificale", techName = "Sacrificial Ward", rarity = 3, tags = {"Ward"} }, { id = 87, name = "Sacchetto di Sale", techName = "Salt Pouch", rarity = 2, charType = "S", tags = {"AllPlayers", "AllSurvivorsLuck", "Chance"} }, { id = 88, name = "Moneta Graffiata", techName = "Scratched Coin", rarity = 2, charType = "K", tags = {"Chest", "MapModifier"} }, { id = 89, name = "Busta Sigillata", techName = "Sealed Envelope", rarity = 2, charType = "S", tags = {"Bloodpoints", "AllCategories", "Personal"} }, { id = 90, name = "Occhiali Incrinati", techName = "Shattered Glasses", rarity = 3, tags = {"LérysMemorialInstitute", "Realm"} }, { id = 91, name = "Moneta Luccicante", techName = "Shiny Coin", rarity = 4, charType = "S", tags = {"Chest", "MapModifier"} }, { id = 92, name = "Scheggia Shock", techName = "Shock Splinter", rarity = 5, charType = "K", tags = {"Splinter"}, retired = true }, { id = 93, name = "Targa Distrutta", techName = "Shredded Plate", rarity = 1, tags = {"AutohavenWreckers", "Realm"}, retired = true }, { id = 94, name = "Corona dell'Averla", techName = "Shrike Wreath", rarity = 1, charType = "K", tags = {"Bloodpoints", "Sacrifice"} }, { id = 95, name = "Sudario dei Legami", techName = "Shroud of Binding", rarity = 4, charType = "S", tags = {"Shroud"}, secret = true }, { id = 96, name = "Sudario della Separazione", techName = "Shroud of Separation", rarity = 2, charType = "K", tags = {"Shroud"}, secret = true }, { id = 97, name = "Sudario dell'Unione", techName = "Shroud of Union", rarity = 2, charType = "S", tags = {"Shroud"}, secret = true }, { id = 98, name = "Pagina di Libro Mastro Firmata", techName = "Signed Ledger Page", rarity = 2, tags = {"TheMacMillanEstate", "Realm"}, retired = true }, { id = 99, name = "Scheggia Fumante", techName = "Smoking Splinter", rarity = 5, charType = "K", tags = {"Splinter"}, retired = true }, { id = 100, name = "Corona del Gufo Maculato", techName = "Spotted Owl Wreath", rarity = 1, charType = "K", tags = {"Bloodpoints", "Hunter"} }, { id = 101, name = "Chiave di Proprietà Immobiliare di Strode", techName = "Strode Realty Key", rarity = 3, tags = {"Haddonfield", "Realm"} }, { id = 102, name = "Budino del Sopravvissuto", techName = "Survivor Pudding", rarity = 2, charType = "K", tags = {"AllCategories", "Bloodpoints"} }, { id = 103, name = "Sacchetto di Garofano dei Poeti", techName = "Sweet William Sachet", rarity = 1, charType = "S", tags = {"Bloodpoints", "Personal", "Boldness"} }, { id = 104, name = "Corona dei Traupidi", techName = "Tanager Wreath", rarity = 1, charType = "K", tags = {"Bloodpoints", "Brutality"} }, { id = 105, name = " Moneta Ossidata", techName = "Tarnished Coin", rarity = 2, charType = "S", tags = {"Chest", "MapModifier"} }, { id = 106, name = "L'Ultima Maschera", techName = "The Last Mask", rarity = 3, tags = {"Realm", "RedForest"} }, { id = 107, name = "Il Pifferaio Magico", techName = "The Pied Piper", rarity = 3, tags = {"Springwood", "Realm"} }, { id = 108, name = "Cianografia Rovinata", techName = "Torn Blueprint", rarity = 1, tags = {"Auras", "Basement", "MapModifier"} }, { id = 109, name = "Cianografia di Vigo", techName = "Vigo's Blueprint", rarity = 1, tags = {"Hatch", "MapModifier", "MapModifier"} }, { id = 110, name = "Vasetto di Labbra Sotto Sale di Vigo", techName = "Vigo's Jar of Salty Lips", rarity = 4, charType = "S", tags = {"AllSurvivors", "AllSurvivorsLuck", "Chance"} }, { id = 111, name = "Sudario di Vigo", techName = "Vigo's Shroud", rarity = 2, charType = "S", tags = {"Shroud"}, secret = true }, { id = 112, name = "Targa della Virginia", techName = "Virginia Plate", rarity = 2, tags = {"AutohavenWreckers", "Realm"}, retired = true }, { id = 113, name = "Difesa Bianca", techName = "White Ward", rarity = 4, charType = "S", tags = {"Ward"} }, { id = 114, name = "Stemma dei Yamaoka", techName = "Yamaoka Family Crest", rarity = 3, tags = {"YamaokaEstate", "Realm"} }, -- Mobile -- { id = 115, name = "Black Tea", rarity = 1, charType = "S", mobile = true, tags = {"Tea", "XP", "Personal"} }, { id = 116, name = "Blank Postcard", rarity = 2, charType = "S", mobile = true, tags = {"Postcard", "XP", "AllPlayers"} }, { id = 117, name = "Bloodstone Chalice", rarity = 4, charType = "K", mobile = true, tags = {"Chalice", "XP", "Personal"} }, { id = 118, name = "Bone Doll", rarity = 4, charType = "K", mobile = true, tags = {"Doll", "XP", "AllPlayers"} }, {id = 119, name = "Burdock Tea", rarity = 3, charType = "S", mobile = true, tags = {"Tea", "XP", "Personal"}}, { id = 120, name = "Ceramic Chalice", rarity = 2, charType = "K", mobile = true, tags = {"Chalice", "XP", "Personal"} }, {id = 121, name = "Clay Doll", rarity = 2, charType = "K", mobile = true, tags = {"Doll", "XP", "AllPlayers"}}, {id = 122, name = "Copper Chalice", rarity = 3, charType = "K", mobile = true, tags = {"Chalice", "XP", "Personal"}}, { id = 123, name = "Crumpled Postcard", rarity = 3, charType = "S", mobile = true, tags = {"Postcard", "XP", "AllPlayers"} }, {id = 124, name = "Flesh Doll", rarity = 5, charType = "K", mobile = true, tags = {"Doll", "XP", "AllPlayers"}}, {id = 125, name = "Lotus Leaf Tea", rarity = 4, charType = "S", mobile = true, tags = {"Tea", "XP", "Personal"}}, { id = 126, name = "Lovers' Postcard", rarity = 5, charType = "S", mobile = true, tags = {"Postcard", "XP", "AllPlayers"} }, {id = 127, name = "Milk Tea", rarity = 2, charType = "S", mobile = true, tags = {"Tea", "XP", "Personal"}}, { id = 128, name = "Stamped Postcard", rarity = 4, charType = "S", mobile = true, tags = {"Postcard", "XP", "AllPlayers"} }, {id = 129, name = "Thorn Doll", rarity = 3, charType = "K", mobile = true, tags = {"Doll", "XP", "AllPlayers"}}, {id = 130, name = "Wooden Chalice", rarity = 1, charType = "K", mobile = true, tags = {"Chalice", "XP", "Personal"}}, -- Offerings (past Mobile section) -- {id = 131, name = "Arcane Dousing Rod", rarity = 8, tags = {"Bloodpoints", "Event", "halloweenEvent"}}, {id = 132, name = "Beef Tallow Mixture", rarity = 3, tags = {"TheDecimatedBorgo", "Realm"}}, { id = 133, name = "Terrormisu", rarity = 8, tags = {"anniversaryEvent", "AllPlayers", "AllCategories", "Bloodpoints", "Event", "EventCake"}, deprecated = true }, {id = 134, name = "Alien Flora", rarity = 3, tags = {"DvarkaDeepwood", "Realm"}}, {id = 135, name = "Airlock Doors", rarity = 3, tags = {"DvarkaDeepwood", "Realm"}}, { id = 136, name = "Bloodshot Eye", rarity = 8, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Auras", "BloodZones", "EffectDuration", "Event", "FragileBloodBasins", "springEvent"}, notAvailable = true }, { id = 137, name = "Screech Cobbler", rarity = 8, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {"anniversaryEvent", "AllPlayers", "AllCategories", "Bloodpoints", "Event", "EventCake"} } } p.offeringsCount = #p.offerings p.addons = { --{id = ###, name = 'addon_name', rarity = 1-5, charType = 'S/K', character = id_killer, tags = {}} --Here's how the IDs work: we start off with unused Add-ons not tied to any Power/Item. Then Item Add-ons based on their respective item's order in the above list. After that Killer Add-ons in their release order. Every category should be sorted alphabetically. -- Unused Add-ons without an associated Item -- { id = 1, name = "Gum", rarity = 0, itemsCategory = 0, unused = true, tags = {} }, { id = 2, name = "Inhaler", rarity = 0, itemsCategory = 0, unused = true, tags = {} }, -- Unused Firecracker Add-ons -- { id = 3, name = "Black Powder", rarity = 3, itemsCategory = 2, unusedVisible = true, tags = {"Detonation", "EffectRadius"} }, { id = 4, name = "Buck Shot", rarity = 1, itemsCategory = 2, unusedVisible = true, tags = {"Deafened", "EffectDuration", "KillerBlind"} }, { id = 5, name = "Flash Powder", rarity = 1, itemsCategory = 2, unusedVisible = true, tags = {"EffectDuration", "KillerBlind"} }, { id = 6, name = "Gun Powder", rarity = 2, itemsCategory = 2, unusedVisible = true, tags = {"EffectDuration", "KillerBlind"} }, {id = 7, name = "Large Pack", rarity = 5, itemsCategory = 2, unusedVisible = true, tags = {"Tokens"}}, { id = 8, name = "Long Fuse", rarity = 2, itemsCategory = 2, unusedVisible = true, tags = {"Detonation", "EffectDelay"} }, { id = 9, name = "Magnesium Powder", rarity = 2, itemsCategory = 2, unusedVisible = true, tags = {"Detonation", "EffectRadius"} }, { id = 10, name = "Medium Fuse", rarity = 1, itemsCategory = 2, unusedVisible = true, tags = {"Detonation", "EffectDelay"} }, -- Key -- { id = 11, name = "Ambra Sanguigna", techName = "Blood Amber", rarity = 4, itemsCategory = 1, tags = {"Auras"} }, { id = 12, name = "Medaglione Eroso", techName = "Eroded Token", rarity = 2, itemsCategory = 1, tags = {"Auras"} }, { id = 13, name = "Medaglione d'Oro", techName = "Gold Token", rarity = 3, itemsCategory = 1, tags = {"Auras"} }, { id = 14, name = "Vetro Opale", techName = "Milky Glass", rarity = 4, itemsCategory = 1, tags = {"Hatch"} }, { id = 15, name = "Rosario", techName = "Prayer Beads", rarity = 2, itemsCategory = 1, tags = {} }, { id = 16, name = "Corda da Preghiera", techName = "Prayer Rope", rarity = 1, itemsCategory = 1, tags = {} }, { id = 17, name = "Perla Graffiata", techName = "Scratched Pearl", rarity = 2, itemsCategory = 1, tags = {"Auras"} }, { id = 18, name = "Fede Nuziale Particolare", techName = "Unique Wedding Ring", rarity = 4, itemsCategory = 1, tags = {"Auras", "Obsession"} }, { id = 19, name = "Anello di Fissaggio", techName = "Weaved Ring", rarity = 4, itemsCategory = 1, tags = {} }, -- Flashlight -- { id = 20, name = "Batteria", techName = "Battery", rarity = 1, itemsCategory = 3, tags = {"Charges"} }, { id = 21, name = "Lampadina Rotta", techName = "Broken Bulb", rarity = 8, itemsCategory = 3, halloweenEvent = true, notAvailable = true, tags = {"Beam"} }, { id = 22, name = "Lenti Focali", techName = "Focus Lens", rarity = 2, itemsCategory = 3, tags = {"Beam", "KillerBlind"} }, { id = 23, name = "Batteria Alta Potenza", techName = "Heavy Duty Battery", rarity = 2, itemsCategory = 3, tags = {"Charges"} }, { id = 24, name = "Lenti di Zaffiro Esclusive", techName = "High-End Sapphire Lens", rarity = 4, itemsCategory = 3, tags = {"Beam", "KillerBlind"} }, { id = 25, name = "Lampada Alogena ad Alta Intensità", techName = "Intense Halogen", rarity = 3, itemsCategory = 3, tags = {"Beam", "KillerBlind"} }, { id = 26, name = "Impugnatura di Pelle", techName = "Leather Grip", rarity = 1, itemsCategory = 3, tags = {"Accuracy"} }, { id = 27, name = "Batteria a Lunga Durata", techName = "Long Life Battery", rarity = 3, itemsCategory = 3, tags = {"Charges"} }, { id = 28, name = "Filamento a Basso Amperaggio", techName = "Low Amp Filament", rarity = 2, itemsCategory = 3, tags = {"Charges", "Efficiency"} }, { id = 29, name = "Lampada Bizzarra", techName = "Odd Bulb", rarity = 5, itemsCategory = 3, tags = {"Beam", "Efficiency", "KillerBlind"} }, { id = 30, name = "Lampadina Potente", techName = "Power Bulb", rarity = 1, itemsCategory = 3, tags = {"Beam", "KillerBlind"} }, { id = 31, name = "Impugnatura di Gomma", techName = "Rubber Grip", rarity = 2, itemsCategory = 3, tags = {"Accuracy"} }, { id = 32, name = "Lente a Riflessione Interna Totale", techName = "TIR Optic", rarity = 2, itemsCategory = 3, tags = {"Brightness", "KillerBlind"} }, { id = 33, name = "Lente Grandangolare", techName = "Wide Lens", rarity = 1, itemsCategory = 3, tags = {"Beam"} }, -- Map -- { id = 34, name = "Corda di Seta Nera", techName = "Black Silk Cord", rarity = 3, itemsCategory = 5, tags = {"Auras", "Hatch", "Tracking"} }, { id = 35, name = "Lente di Visby di Cristallo", techName = "Crystal Bead", rarity = 4, itemsCategory = 5, tags = {"Auras"} }, { id = 36, name = "Lente di Visby di Vetro", techName = "Glass Bead", rarity = 2, itemsCategory = 5, tags = {"Tracking"} }, { id = 37, name = "Frammento di Mappa", techName = "Map Addendum", rarity = 1, itemsCategory = 5, tags = {"Charges"} }, { id = 38, name = "Timbro Singolare", techName = "Odd Stamp", rarity = 3, itemsCategory = 5, tags = {"EffectRange"} }, { id = 39, name = "Spago Rosso", techName = "Red Twine", rarity = 2, itemsCategory = 5, tags = {"Auras", "KillerBelongings", "Tracking"} }, { id = 40, name = "Gel Ritardante", techName = "Retardant Jelly", rarity = 2, itemsCategory = 5, tags = {"DepletionRate", "Efficiency"} }, { id = 41, name = "Timbro Inusuale", techName = "Unusual Stamp", rarity = 2, itemsCategory = 5, tags = {"EffectRange"} }, { id = 42, name = "Cavo Elettrico Giallo", techName = "Yellow Wire", rarity = 2, itemsCategory = 5, tags = {"Auras", "ExitGates", "Tracking"} }, -- Med-Kit -- { id = 43, name = "Medicazioni Addominali", techName = "Abdominal Dressing", rarity = 4, itemsCategory = 6, tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Healing", "HealingProficiency"} }, { id = 44, name = "Siringa Antiemorragica", techName = "Anti-Haemorrhagic Syringe", rarity = 5, itemsCategory = 6, tags = {"ActionSpeed", "AutoHeal", "Healing"} }, { id = 45, name = "Fasciature", techName = "Bandages", rarity = 1, itemsCategory = 6, tags = {"Charges"} }, { id = 46, name = "Cerotto a Farfalla", techName = "Butterfly Tape", rarity = 1, itemsCategory = 6, tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Healing", "HealingProficiency"} }, { id = 47, name = "Rotolo di Garza", techName = "Gauze Roll", rarity = 3, itemsCategory = 6, tags = {"Charges"} }, { id = 48, name = "Medicazioni in Gel", techName = "Gel Dressings", rarity = 5, itemsCategory = 6, tags = {"Charges"} }, { id = 49, name = "Forbici Mediche", techName = "Medical Scissors", rarity = 2, itemsCategory = 6, tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Healing", "HealingProficiency"} }, { id = 50, name = "Ago e Filo", techName = "Needle & Thread", rarity = 2, itemsCategory = 6, tags = {"Healing", "HealingProficiency", "SkillCheckProbability", "SkillChecks"} }, { id = 51, name = "Siero Raffinato", techName = "Refined Serum", rarity = 8, itemsCategory = 6, notAvailable = true, tags = {"Haste", "Healing", "MovementSpeed"} }, { id = 52, name = "Guanti di Gomma", techName = "Rubber Gloves", rarity = 1, itemsCategory = 6, tags = {"Healing", "SkillChecks"} }, { id = 53, name = "Benda Autoaderente", techName = "Self Adherent Wrap", rarity = 2, itemsCategory = 6, tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Charges", "Healing", "HealingProficiency"} }, { id = 54, name = "Spugna", techName = "Sponge", rarity = 2, itemsCategory = 6, tags = {"Healing", "SkillChecks"} }, { id = 55, name = "Agente Emostatico", techName = "Styptic Agent", rarity = 4, itemsCategory = 6, tags = {"ConspicuousActions", "Endurance", "Healing"} }, { id = 56, name = "Sutura Chirurgica", techName = "Surgical Suture", rarity = 3, itemsCategory = 6, tags = {"Healing", "HealingProficiency", "SkillCheckProbability", "SkillChecks"} }, -- Toolbox -- { id = 57, name = "Pezzo Nuovo", techName = "Brand New Part", rarity = 5, itemsCategory = 7, tags = {"Charges", "Generators", "Repairing", "SkillChecks"} }, { id = 58, name = "Strofinaccio Pulito", techName = "Clean Rag", rarity = 1, itemsCategory = 7, tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Repairing", "RepairingProficiency"} }, { id = 59, name = "Filo da Taglio", techName = "Cutting Wire", rarity = 2, itemsCategory = 7, tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Sabotage", "SabotageProficiency"} }, { id = 60, name = "Morsa", techName = "Grip Wrench", rarity = 3, itemsCategory = 7, tags = {"ActionTime", "Sabotage"} }, { id = 61, name = "Sega per Metalli", techName = "Hacksaw", rarity = 3, itemsCategory = 7, tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Sabotage", "SabotageProficiency"} }, { id = 62, name = "Istruzioni", techName = "Instructions", rarity = 1, itemsCategory = 7, tags = {"Repairing", "SkillChecks"} }, { id = 63, name = "Guanti di Protezione", techName = "Protective Gloves", rarity = 2, itemsCategory = 7, tags = {"LoudNoiseNotifications", "Sabotage"} }, { id = 64, name = "Scarti", techName = "Scraps", rarity = 1, itemsCategory = 7, tags = {"Charges"} }, { id = 65, name = "Giunti Oscillanti", techName = "Socket Swivels", rarity = 2, itemsCategory = 7, tags = {"ActionSpeed", "RepairingProficiency"} }, { id = 66, name = "Morsetto a Molla", techName = "Spring Clamp", rarity = 2, itemsCategory = 7, tags = {"ActionNoise", "Generators", "Repairing"} }, { id = 67, name = "Bobina di Cavo Elettrico", techName = "Wire Spool", rarity = 2, itemsCategory = 7, tags = {"Charges"} }, -- KILLER ADD-ONS -- -- The Trapper -- {id = 68, name = "Kit di 4 Molle Elicoidali", techName = "4-Coil Spring Kit", rarity = 2, killer = 1, tags = {"ActionTime"}}, {id = 69, name = "Olio di Orso", techName = "Bear Oil", rarity = 1, killer = 1, tags = {"ActionNoise"}}, {id = 70, name = "Molla Insanguinata", techName = "Bloody Coil", rarity = 5, killer = 1, tags = {"AutoDamage"}}, {id = 71, name = "Fondi di Caffè", techName = "Coffee Grounds", rarity = 2, killer = 1, tags = {"Haste"}}, {id = 72, name = "Sistemi di Fissaggio", techName = "Fastening Tools", rarity = 3, killer = 1, tags = {"ActionTime"}}, {id = 73, name = "Pietra Levigante", techName = "Honing Stone", rarity = 4, killer = 1, tags = {"AutoDamage"}}, {id = 74, name = "Pietra Iridescente", techName = "Iridescent Stone", rarity = 5, killer = 1, tags = {"AutoSetting"}}, {id = 75, name = "Ganasce Allungate", techName = "Lengthened Jaws", rarity = 2, killer = 1, tags = {"DeepWound"}}, {id = 76, name = "Logwood Dye", rarity = 2, killer = 1, decom = true, tags = {"Colour"}}, {id = 77, name = "Fasciatura Improvvisata", techName = "Makeshift Wrap", rarity = 1, killer = 1, tags = {"ActionTime"}}, {id = 78, name = "Molla Oleosa", techName = "Oily Coil", rarity = 4, killer = 1, tags = {"Auras"}}, {id = 79, name = "Ganasce Imbottite", techName = "Padded Jaws", rarity = 1, killer = 1, tags = {"Bloodpoints"}}, {id = 80, name = "Ganasce Arrugginite", techName = "Rusted Jaws", rarity = 3, killer = 1, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"Mangled"}}, {id = 81, name = "Molla Secondaria", techName = "Secondary Coil", rarity = 3, killer = 1, tags = {"ActionTime"}}, {id = 82, name = "Ganasce Serrate", techName = "Serrated Jaws", rarity = 2, killer = 1, tags = {"Haemorrhage"}}, {id = 83, name = "Setting Tools", rarity = 3, killer = 1, decom = true, tags = {"ActionSpeed", "ActionTime"}}, {id = 84, name = "Stitched Bag", rarity = 4, killer = 1, decom = true, tags = {"PowerCapacity"}}, {id = 85, name = "Strong Coil Spring", rarity = 1, killer = 1, decom = true, tags = {"ActionTime"}}, {id = 86, name = "Bottiglia di Catrame", techName = "Tar Bottle", rarity = 3, killer = 1, tags = {"Colour"}}, {id = 87, name = "Molla di Tensione", techName = "Tension Spring", rarity = 4, killer = 1, tags = {"AutoResetting"}}, {id = 88, name = "Trap Setters", rarity = 2, killer = 1, decom = true, tags = {"ActionSpeed"}}, {id = 89, name = "Borsa da Cacciatore", techName = "Trapper Bag", rarity = 3, killer = 1, tags = {"PowerCapacity"}}, {id = 90, name = "Guanti da Cacciatore", techName = "Trapper Gloves", rarity = 1, killer = 1, tags = {"ActionSpeed"}}, {id = 91, name = "Sacco da Cacciatore", techName = "Trapper Sack", rarity = 4, killer = 1, tags = {"PowerCapacity"}}, {id = 92, name = "Sacco da Cacciatore (Rimosso)", techName = "Trapper Sack (Decommissioned)", rarity = 1, killer = 1, decom = true, tags = {"PowerCapacity"}}, {id = 93, name = "Blocco di Cera", techName = "Wax Brick", rarity = 2, killer = 1, tags = {"ActionTime"}}, -- The Wraith -- { id = 94, name = '"Onniveggente" - Sangue', techName = '"All Seeing" - Blood', rarity = 4, killer = 2, tags = {"Auras"}}, { id = 95, name = '"All Seeing" - Mud', techName = '"All Seeing" - Mud', rarity = 2, killer = 2, decom = true, tags = {"Auras"} }, { id = 96, name = '"Onniveggente" - Spirito', techName = '"All Seeing" - Spirit', rarity = 5, killer = 2, tags = {"Auras", "ExtendedAbility", "Generators"} }, { id = 97, name = '"All Seeing" - White', techName = '"All Seeing" - White', rarity = 3, killer = 2, decom = true, tags = {"Auras"} }, { id = 98, name = '"Blind Warrior" - Blood', techName = '"Blind Warrior" - Blood', rarity = 4, killer = 2, decom = true, tags = {"Lightburn"} }, { id = 99, name = '"Guerriero Accecato" - Fango', techName = '"Blind Warrior" - Mud', rarity = 2, killer = 2, tags = {"KillerBlind"} }, { id = 100, name = '"Blind Warrior" - Soot', techName = '"Blind Warrior" - Soot', rarity = 1, killer = 2, decom = true, tags = {"Lightburn"} }, { id = 101, name = '"Blind Warrior" - Spirit', techName = '"Blind Warrior" - Spirit', rarity = 5, killer = 2, decom = true, tags = {"Lightburn"} }, { id = 102, name = '"Guerriero Accecato" - Bianco', techName = '"Blind Warrior" - White', rarity = 3, killer = 2, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"Mangled", "Haemorrhage"} }, { id = 103, name = '"Battito di Ciglia" - Fango', techName = '"Blink" - Mud', rarity = 2, killer = 2, tags = {"ActionSpeed"} }, { id = 104, name = '"Battito di Ciglia" - Bianco', techName = '"Blink" - White', rarity = 3, killer = 2, tags = {"ActionSpeed"} }, { id = 105, name = "Batacchio d'Osso", techName = "Bone Clapper", rarity = 2, killer = 2, tags = {"ActionNoise"} }, { id = 106, name = "Batacchio con Intreccio", techName = "Coxcombed Clapper", rarity = 5, killer = 2, tags = {"ActionNoise"} }, { id = 107, name = '"Danza delle Ombre" - Sangue', techName = '"Shadow Dance" - Blood', rarity = 4, killer = 2, tags = {"ActionSpeed", "BreakableWalls", "Generators", "Pallets", "Windows"} }, { id = 108, name = '"Shadow Dance" - Soot', techName = '"Shadow Dance" - Soot', rarity = 1, killer = 2, tags = {"ActionSpeed", "BreakableWalls", "Generators", "Pallets", "Windows"}, unused = true }, { id = 109, name = '"Danza delle Ombre" - Bianco', techName = '"Shadow Dance" - White', rarity = 3, killer = 2, tags = {"ActionSpeed", "BreakableWalls", "Generators", "Pallets", "Windows"} }, { id = 110, name = '"Caccia Rapida" - Sangue', techName = '"Swift Hunt" - Blood', rarity = 4, killer = 2, tags = {"ActionSpeed"} }, { id = 111, name = '"Caccia Rapida" - Fango', techName = '"Swift Hunt" - Mud', rarity = 2, killer = 2, tags = {"ActionSpeed"} }, { id = 112, name = '"Swift Hunt" - Soot', techName = '"Swift Hunt" - Soot', rarity = 1, killer = 2, decom = true, tags = {"ActionSpeed"} }, { id = 113, name = '"Caccia Rapida" - Bianco', techName = '"Swift Hunt" - White', rarity = 3, killer = 2, tags = {"ActionSpeed"} }, { id = 114, name = '"La Bestia" - Fuliggine', techName = '"The Beast" - Soot', rarity = 1, killer = 2, tags = {"Bloodpoints", "TerrorRadius"} }, { id = 115, name = '"Il Fantasma" - Fuliggine', techName = '"The Ghost" - Soot', rarity = 1, killer = 2, tags = {"RedStain", "TerrorRadius"} }, { id = 116, name = '"Il Segugio" - Fuliggine', techName = '"The Hound" - Soot', rarity = 1, killer = 2, tags = {"PoolsOfBlood"}}, { id = 117, name = '"Il Serpente" - Fuliggine', techName = '"The Serpent" - Soot', rarity = 1, killer = 2, tags = {"BreakableWalls", "Generators", "Pallets"} }, { id = 118, name = '"Tempesta di Vento" - Sangue', techName = '"Windstorm" - Blood', rarity = 4, killer = 2, tags = {"MovementSpeed"} }, { id = 119, name = '"Tempesta di Vento" - Fango', techName = '"Windstorm" - Mud', rarity = 2, killer = 2, tags = {"MovementSpeed"} }, { id = 120, name = '"Tempesta di Vento" - Bianco', techName = '"Windstorm" - White', rarity = 3, killer = 2, tags = {"MovementSpeed"} }, -- The Hillbilly -- {id = 121, name = "Apex Muffler", rarity = 4, killer = 3, patch = "7.5.0", tags = {"ActionNoise", "TerrorRadius"}}, { id = 122, name = "Begrimed Chains (Chainsaw)", rarity = 3, killer = 3, patch = "7.6.0", displayName = "Begrimed Chains", tags = {"Haemorrhage", "Mangled"} }, { id = 123, name = "The Thompsons' Mix", rarity = 3, killer = 3, patch = "7.5.2", tags = {"PowerCooldown", "Overdrive"} }, {id = 124, name = "Dad's Boots", rarity = 1, killer = 3, patch = "7.5.0", tags = {"TurnRate"}}, {id = 125, name = "Clogged Intake", rarity = 2, killer = 3, patch = "7.5.0", tags = {"Overdrive", "PowerDuration"}}, { id = 126, name = "Iridescent Engravings", rarity = 5, killer = 3, patch = "7.5.0", tags = {"ActionTime", "MovementSpeed"} }, {id = 127, name = "Counterweight", rarity = 1, killer = 3, patch = "7.5.0", tags = {"TurnRate"}}, {id = 128, name = "Filthy Slippers", rarity = 4, killer = 3, patch = "7.5.0", tags = {"Undetectable"}}, { id = 129, name = "Greased Throttle", rarity = 2, killer = 3, patch = "7.5.2", tags = {"PowerCooldown", "Overdrive"} }, {id = 130, name = "Ragged Engine", rarity = 3, killer = 3, patch = "7.5.0", tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Overdrive"}}, { id = 131, name = "LoPro Chains", rarity = 4, killer = 3, patch = "7.5.0", tags = {"DamageReduction", "ExtendedAbility"} }, {id = 132, name = "Low Kickback Chains", rarity = 3, killer = 3, patch = "7.5.0", tags = {"PowerCooldown"}}, { id = 133, name = "Discarded Air Filter", rarity = 3, killer = 3, patch = "7.5.0", tags = {"DecayDelay", "Overdrive"} }, {id = 134, name = "Off-Brand Motor Oil", rarity = 2, killer = 3, patch = "7.5.0", tags = {"Overdrive"}}, { id = 135, name = "High-Speed Idler Screw", rarity = 4, killer = 3, patch = "7.5.0", tags = {"DecayDelay", "Overdrive"} }, {id = 136, name = "Thermal Casing", rarity = 2, killer = 3, patch = "7.5.0", tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Overdrive"}}, {id = 137, name = "Spiked Boots", rarity = 2, killer = 3, patch = "7.5.0", tags = {"TurnRate"}}, {id = 138, name = "Steel Toe Boots", rarity = 1, killer = 3, patch = "7.5.0", tags = {"PowerCooldown"}}, { id = 139, name = "Tuned Carburettor", rarity = 5, killer = 3, patch = "7.5.0", tags = {"ActionTime", "MovementSpeed"} }, -- Special HB/CB Add-ons -- {id = 140, name = "Speed Limiter", rarity = 1, killer = 9, tags = {"Bloodpoints", "DamageReduction", "Deviousness"}}, { id = 141, name = "Cracked Primer Bulb", rarity = 1, killer = 3, patch = "7.5.0", tags = {"DamageReduction", "Overdrive"} }, { id = 142, name = "Thompson's Moonshine", rarity = 4, killer = 3, decom = true, tags = {"PowerCooldown", "TurnRate"} }, -- The Nurse -- { id = 143, name = "Anxious Gasp", rarity = 3, killer = 4, tags = {"Bloodpoints", "LoudNoiseNotifications", "Scream"} }, {id = 144, name = "Ataxic Respiration", rarity = 3, killer = 4, tags = {"PowerCooldown"}}, {id = 145, name = "Bad Man Keepsake", rarity = 2, killer = 4, tags = {"Auras", "Healing"}}, {id = 146, name = '"Bad Man\'s" Last Breath', rarity = 4, killer = 4, tags = {"Undetectable"}}, {id = 147, name = "Campbell's Last Breath", rarity = 4, killer = 4, tags = {"AutoBlink"}}, {id = 148, name = "Catatonic Boy's Treasure", rarity = 2, killer = 4, tags = {"PowerCooldown"}}, {id = 149, name = "Dark Cincture", rarity = 2, killer = 4, tags = {"MovementSpeed"}}, {id = 150, name = "Dull Bracelet", rarity = 2, killer = 4, tags = {"Bloodpoints", "PowerRange"}}, {id = 151, name = "Fragile Wheeze", rarity = 3, killer = 4, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"Mangled"}}, {id = 152, name = "Heavy Panting", rarity = 3, killer = 4, tags = {"AttackRange"}}, {id = 153, name = "Jenner's Last Breath", rarity = 4, killer = 4, tags = {"AutoBlink"}}, {id = 154, name = "Kavanagh's Last Breath", rarity = 4, killer = 4, tags = {"Blindness"}}, {id = 155, name = "Matchbox", rarity = 5, killer = 4, tags = {"MovementSpeed"}}, {id = 156, name = "Metal Spoon", rarity = 1, killer = 4, tags = {"GruntsOfPain"}}, {id = 157, name = "Plaid Flannel", rarity = 1, killer = 4, tags = {"ExtendedAbility", "PowerIndicator"}}, {id = 158, name = "Pocket Watch", rarity = 2, killer = 4, tags = {"PowerWindow"}}, {id = 159, name = "Spasmodic Breath", rarity = 3, killer = 4, tags = {"MovementSpeed", "PowerDeactivation"}}, {id = 160, name = "Torn Bookmark", rarity = 5, killer = 4, tags = {"Tokens"}}, {id = 161, name = "White Nit Comb", rarity = 1, killer = 4, tags = {"AttackRange", "Bloodpoints"}}, {id = 162, name = "Wooden Horse", rarity = 1, killer = 4, tags = {"PowerCooldown"}}, -- The Shape -- {id = 163, name = "Blond Hair", rarity = 1, killer = 5, tags = {"AttackRange"}}, {id = 164, name = "Boyfriend's Memo", rarity = 1, killer = 5, tags = {"PowerDuration", "PowerEfficiency"}}, {id = 165, name = "Dead Rabbit", rarity = 2, killer = 5, tags = {"TerrorRadius"}}, {id = 166, name = "Fragrant Tuft of Hair", rarity = 5, killer = 5, tags = {"PowerDuration", "PowerEfficiency"}}, {id = 167, name = "Glass Fragment", rarity = 2, killer = 5, tags = {"Auras"}}, {id = 168, name = "Hair Bow", rarity = 3, killer = 5, tags = {"PowerDuration", "PowerEfficiency"}}, {id = 169, name = "Hair Brush", rarity = 2, killer = 5, tags = {"PowerDuration", "PowerEfficiency"}}, {id = 170, name = "J. Myers Memorial", rarity = 3, killer = 5, tags = {"PowerEfficiency"}}, {id = 171, name = "Jewellery", rarity = 2, killer = 5, tags = {"MovementSpeed"}}, {id = 172, name = "Jewellery Box", rarity = 3, killer = 5, tags = {"MovementSpeed"}}, {id = 173, name = "Judith's Journal", rarity = 3, killer = 5, tags = {"Obsession", "PowerEfficiency"}}, { id = 174, name = "Judith's Tombstone", rarity = 5, killer = 5, tags = {"MiniMori", "MovementSpeed", "PowerEfficiency"} }, {id = 175, name = "Lock of Hair", rarity = 4, killer = 5, tags = {"PowerDuration", "PowerEfficiency"}}, {id = 176, name = "Memorial Flower", rarity = 1, killer = 5, tags = {"PowerEfficiency"}}, {id = 177, name = "Mirror Shard", rarity = 3, killer = 5, tags = {"Auras"}}, {id = 178, name = "Reflective Fragment", rarity = 2, killer = 5, tags = {"Auras"}}, { id = 179, name = "Scratched Mirror", rarity = 4, killer = 5, tags = {"Auras", "Bloodpoints", "Brutality", "Deviousness"} }, {id = 180, name = "Tacky Earrings", rarity = 1, killer = 5, tags = {"MovementSpeed"}}, {id = 181, name = "Tombstone Piece", rarity = 4, killer = 5, tags = {"MiniMori", "PowerEfficiency", "PowerPenalty"}}, { id = 182, name = "Vanity Mirror", rarity = 4, killer = 5, tags = {"Auras", "Bloodpoints", "Brutality", "Deviousness"} }, -- The Hag -- {id = 183, name = "Bloodied Mud", rarity = 3, killer = 6, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"PowerRange", "Trigger"}}, {id = 184, name = "Bloodied Water", rarity = 2, killer = 6, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"PowerRange", "Trigger"}}, {id = 185, name = "Bog Water", rarity = 1, killer = 6, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"PowerRange", "Trigger"}}, { id = 186, name = "Cracked Turtle Egg", rarity = 3, killer = 6, patch = "7.6.1", tags = {"PowerDuration", "Tripped"} }, {id = 187, name = "Cypress Necklet", rarity = 2, killer = 6, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"ActionSpeed"}}, {id = 188, name = "Dead Fly Mud", rarity = 1, killer = 6, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"PowerRange", "Teleportation"}}, {id = 189, name = "Disfigured Ear", rarity = 4, killer = 6, tags = {"Deafened"}}, { id = 190, name = "Dragonfly Wings", rarity = 2, killer = 6, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"PowerRange", "Teleportation"} }, {id = 191, name = "Dried Cicada", rarity = 3, killer = 6, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"PowerRange", "Teleportation"}}, {id = 192, name = "Grandma's Heart", rarity = 4, killer = 6, tags = {"Illusions", "Stealth", "TerrorRadius"}}, {id = 193, name = "Half Eggshell", rarity = 2, killer = 6, patch = "7.6.1", tags = {"PowerDuration", "Tripped"}}, {id = 194, name = "Mint Rag", rarity = 5, killer = 6, tags = {"ExtendedAbility", "PowerCooldown"}}, {id = 195, name = "Powdered Eggshell", rarity = 1, killer = 6, patch = "7.6.1", tags = {"PowerDuration", "Tripped"}}, {id = 196, name = "Pussy Willow Catkins", rarity = 2, killer = 6, tags = {"Auras"}}, {id = 197, name = "Rope Necklet", rarity = 1, killer = 6, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"ActionSpeed"}}, {id = 198, name = "Rusty Shackles", rarity = 4, killer = 6, tags = {"Deception"}}, { id = 199, name = "Scarred Hand", rarity = 4, killer = 6, tags = {"Bloodpoints", "Collision", "Deviousness", "ExtendedAbility", "PowerDeactivation"} }, {id = 200, name = "Swamp Orchid Necklet", rarity = 3, killer = 6, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"ActionSpeed"}}, { id = 201, name = "Waterlogged Shoe", rarity = 5, killer = 6, tags = {"Hindered", "MovementSpeed", "PowerDeactivation"} }, {id = 202, name = "Willow Wreath", rarity = 3, killer = 6, tags = {"Auras"}}, -- The Doctor -- {id = 203, name = '"Calm" - Class I', rarity = 1, killer = 7, tags = {"Illusions", "TerrorRadius"}}, {id = 204, name = '"Calm" - Class II', rarity = 2, killer = 7, tags = {"Illusions", "TerrorRadius"}}, {id = 205, name = '"Calm" - Carter\'s Notes', rarity = 4, killer = 7, tags = {"Illusions", "TerrorRadius"}}, { id = 206, name = '"Discipline" - Class II', rarity = 2, killer = 7, tags = {"Illusions", "RedStain", "TerrorRadius"} }, { id = 207, name = '"Discipline" - Class III', rarity = 3, killer = 7, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"Illusions", "RedStain", "TerrorRadius"} }, { id = 208, name = '"Discipline" - Carter\'s Notes', rarity = 4, killer = 7, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"Illusions", "RedStain", "TerrorRadius"} }, {id = 209, name = "High Stimulus Electrode", rarity = 3, killer = 7, tags = {"PowerRange"}}, {id = 210, name = "Interview Tape", rarity = 3, killer = 7, tags = {"PowerRange"}}, { id = 211, name = "Iridescent King", rarity = 5, killer = 7, tags = {"EffectDuration", "Illusions", "Pallets", "RedStain", "TerrorRadius"} }, {id = 212, name = "Iridescent Queen", rarity = 5, killer = 7, tags = {"ExtendedAbility"}}, {id = 213, name = "Maple Knight", rarity = 1, killer = 7, tags = {"ExtendedAbility", "PowerIndicator"}}, {id = 214, name = "Mouldy Electrode", rarity = 1, killer = 7, tags = {"PowerRange"}}, {id = 215, name = '"Obedience" - Class III', rarity = 2, killer = 7, tags = {"ActionTime"}, decom = true}, {id = 216, name = '"Order" - Class I', rarity = 1, killer = 7, tags = {"Illusions", "Pallets"}}, {id = 217, name = '"Order" - Class II', rarity = 2, killer = 7, tags = {"Illusions", "Pallets"}}, {id = 218, name = '"Order" - Carter\'s Notes', rarity = 4, killer = 7, tags = {"Illusions", "Pallets"}}, {id = 219, name = "Polished Electrode", rarity = 2, killer = 7, tags = {"PowerRange"}}, {id = 220, name = '"Restraint" - Class II', rarity = 2, killer = 7, tags = {"EffectDuration", "Illusions"}}, {id = 221, name = '"Restraint" - Class III', rarity = 3, killer = 7, tags = {"EffectDuration", "Illusions"}}, {id = 222, name = '"Restraint" - Carter\'s Notes', rarity = 4, killer = 7, tags = {"EffectDuration", "Illusions"}}, {id = 223, name = "Scrapped Tape", rarity = 3, killer = 7, tags = {"PowerRange"}}, -- The Huntress -- {id = 224, name = "Amanita Toxin", rarity = 1, killer = 8, tags = {"Blindness"}}, {id = 225, name = "Bandaged Haft", rarity = 1, killer = 8, tags = {"ThrowCooldown"}}, {id = 226, name = "Begrimed Head", rarity = 4, killer = 8, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"Haemorrhage", "Mangled"}}, {id = 227, name = "Berus Toxin", rarity = 1, killer = 8, tags = {"Exhausted"}, decom = true}, {id = 228, name = "Coarse Stone", rarity = 1, killer = 8, tags = {"GruntsOfPain"}}, {id = 229, name = "Deerskin Gloves", rarity = 3, killer = 8, tags = {"ActionTime"}}, {id = 230, name = "Fine Stone", rarity = 2, killer = 8, tags = {"Haemorrhage"}, decom = true}, {id = 231, name = "Flower Babushka", rarity = 3, killer = 8, tags = {"ActionTime"}}, {id = 232, name = "Glowing Concoction", rarity = 4, killer = 8, tags = {"Auras"}}, {id = 233, name = "Infantry Belt", rarity = 4, killer = 8, patch = "7.6.2", tags = {"Haste"}}, {id = 234, name = "Iridescent Head", rarity = 5, killer = 8, tags = {"AutoDamage", "PowerCapacity"}}, {id = 235, name = "Leather Loop", rarity = 2, killer = 8, patch = "7.6.2", tags = {"Haste"}}, {id = 236, name = "Manna Grass Braid", rarity = 2, killer = 8, tags = {"ActionTime"}}, {id = 237, name = "Oak Haft", rarity = 2, killer = 8, tags = {"ThrowCooldown"}}, { id = 238, name = "Pungent Phial", rarity = 3, killer = 8, tags = {"Auras", "ExtendedAbility", "Lockers"}, decom = true }, {id = 239, name = "Rose Root", rarity = 3, killer = 8, tags = {"ProjectileSpeed"}}, {id = 240, name = "Rusty Head", rarity = 3, killer = 8, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"Mangled"}}, {id = 241, name = "Shiny Pin", rarity = 2, killer = 8, tags = {"MovementSpeed"}}, {id = 242, name = "Soldier's Puttee", rarity = 5, killer = 8, tags = {"MovementSpeed"}}, {id = 243, name = "Venomous Concoction", rarity = 3, killer = 8, tags = {"Exhausted"}}, {id = 244, name = "Yellowed Cloth", rarity = 1, killer = 8, tags = {"ProjectileSpeed"}}, {id = 245, name = "Yew Seed Brew", rarity = 2, killer = 8, tags = {"Hindered"}, decom = true}, {id = 246, name = "Yew Seed Concoction", rarity = 3, killer = 8, tags = {"Hindered"}, decom = true}, {id = 247, name = "Weighted Head", rarity = 2, killer = 8, tags = {"Incapacitated"}}, {id = 248, name = "Wooden Fox", rarity = 4, killer = 8, tags = {"Lockers", "Undetectable"}}, -- The Cannibal -- { id = 249, name = "Award-winning Chilli", rarity = 4, killer = 9, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {"PowerDuration", "PowerWindow"} }, { id = 250, name = "Begrimed Chains (Bubba's Chainsaw)", rarity = 3, killer = 9, displayName = "Begrimed Chains", tags = {"ItemDrop"} }, { id = 251, name = "Carburettor Tuning Guide", rarity = 5, killer = 9, tags = {"MovementSpeed", "PowerDuration", "PowerRecovery", "Tokens"} }, {id = 252, name = "Chainsaw File", rarity = 1, killer = 9, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {"PowerPenalty"}}, {id = 253, name = "Chilli", rarity = 2, killer = 9, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {"PowerDuration", "PowerWindow"}}, {id = 254, name = "Depth Gauge Rake", rarity = 4, killer = 9, tags = {"ActionSpeed", "MovementSpeed", "Tokens"}}, {id = 255, name = "Grisly Chains", rarity = 3, killer = 9, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"Mangled"}}, {id = 256, name = "Homemade Muffler", rarity = 2, killer = 9, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {"PowerPenalty"}}, {id = 257, name = "Iridescent Flesh", rarity = 5, killer = 9, tags = {"PowerPenalty", "PowerRecovery", "Tokens"}}, { id = 258, name = "Knife Scratches", rarity = 2, killer = 9, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {"ActionTime", "MovementSpeed"} }, {id = 259, name = "Light Chassis", rarity = 4, killer = 9, tags = {"Auras"}}, {id = 260, name = "Long Guide Bar", rarity = 2, killer = 9, tags = {"PowerPenalty"}}, {id = 261, name = "Primer Bulb", rarity = 2, killer = 9, tags = {"PowerRecovery", "Tokens"}}, {id = 262, name = "Rusted Chains", rarity = 4, killer = 9, tags = {"Broken"}}, {id = 263, name = "Shop Lubricant", rarity = 3, killer = 9, tags = {"Auras", "TerrorRadius"}}, {id = 264, name = "Spark Plug", rarity = 1, killer = 9, tags = {"PowerRecovery", "Tokens"}}, { id = 265, name = "The Beast's Marks", rarity = 3, killer = 9, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {"ActionTime", "MovementSpeed"} }, {id = 266, name = "The Grease", rarity = 3, killer = 9, tags = {"PowerPenalty"}}, {id = 267, name = "Vegetable Oil", rarity = 1, killer = 9, tags = {"PowerCooldown"}}, -- The Nightmare -- {id = 268, name = "Black Box", rarity = 5, killer = 10, tags = {"ExitBlocker"}}, {id = 269, name = "Blue Dress", rarity = 3, killer = 10, tags = {"Auras", "SkillChecks", "SkillCheckPenalty"}}, { id = 270, name = "Cat Block", rarity = 2, killer = 10, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"ExtendedAbility", "Generators", "KillerInstinct", "Teleportation"} }, {id = 271, name = "Class Photo", rarity = 4, killer = 10, tags = {"Generators", "Husk"}}, {id = 272, name = "Garden Rake", rarity = 1, killer = 10, tags = {"PowerAlternate"}}, {id = 273, name = "Green Dress", rarity = 2, killer = 10, tags = {"Auras", "SkillChecks", "SkillCheckPenalty"}}, { id = 274, name = "Jump Rope (Dream Demon)", rarity = 3, killer = 10, displayName = "Jump Rope", tags = {"GruntsOfPain"} }, { id = 275, name = "Kid's Drawing", rarity = 1, killer = 10, tags = {"Bloodpoints", "Deviousness", "MovementSpeed", "PowerPenalty"} }, {id = 276, name = "Nancy's Masterpiece", rarity = 3, killer = 10, tags = {"PowerCooldown"}}, {id = 277, name = "Nancy's Sketch", rarity = 2, killer = 10, tags = {"PowerCooldown"}}, {id = 278, name = "Outdoor Rope", rarity = 2, killer = 10, tags = {"ActionNoise"}}, {id = 279, name = "Paint Thinner", rarity = 3, killer = 10, tags = {"Auras", "PowerAlternate"}}, {id = 280, name = "Pill Bottle", rarity = 4, killer = 10, tags = {"PowerInvisibility"}}, {id = 281, name = "Prototype Claws", rarity = 2, killer = 10, tags = {"Auras", "PowerAlternate"}}, {id = 282, name = "Red Paint Brush", rarity = 5, killer = 10, tags = {"SkillChecks"}}, {id = 283, name = "Sheep Block", rarity = 1, killer = 10, tags = {"Blindness"}}, {id = 284, name = "Swing Chains", rarity = 4, killer = 10, tags = {"ActionNoise"}}, {id = 285, name = "Unicorn Block", rarity = 3, killer = 10, tags = {"Blindness"}}, {id = 286, name = "Wool Shirt", rarity = 1, killer = 10, tags = {"SkillCheckPenalty"}}, { id = 287, name = '"Z" Block', rarity = 4, killer = 10, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"ExtendedAbility", "Generators", "KillerInstinct", "Teleportation"} }, -- The Pig -- {id = 288, name = "Amanda's Letter", rarity = 5, killer = 11, tags = {"Auras", "PowerCapacity"}}, { id = 289, name = "Amanda's Secret", rarity = 4, killer = 11, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"Auras", "JigsawBox", "LoudNoiseNotifications", "PowerObject"} }, {id = 290, name = "Bag of Gears", rarity = 3, killer = 11, tags = {"ActionSpeed", "JigsawBox"}}, {id = 291, name = "Combat Straps", rarity = 1, killer = 11, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"TransitionSpeed"}}, {id = 292, name = "Crate of Gears", rarity = 4, killer = 11, tags = {"ActionSpeed", "JigsawBox"}}, {id = 293, name = "Face Mask", rarity = 2, killer = 11, tags = {"Blindness"}}, {id = 294, name = "Interlocking Razor", rarity = 1, killer = 11, tags = {"DeepWound", "JigsawBox", "SkillChecks"}}, { id = 295, name = "Jigsaw's Annotated Plan", rarity = 3, killer = 11, tags = {"Generators", "PowerCapacity", "PowerDuration"} }, {id = 296, name = "Jigsaw's Sketch", rarity = 4, killer = 11, tags = {"Auras", "Generators", "PowerCapacity"}}, {id = 297, name = "John's Medical File", rarity = 1, killer = 11, tags = {"MovementSpeed"}}, {id = 298, name = "Last Will", rarity = 2, killer = 11, tags = {"ActionTime", "Dash", "MovementSpeed"}}, { id = 299, name = "Razor Wires", rarity = 2, killer = 11, tags = {"AutoDamage", "JigsawBox", "SkillCheckDifficulty", "SkillChecks"} }, {id = 300, name = "Rules Set No.2", rarity = 3, killer = 11, tags = {"Auras", "JigsawBox"}}, {id = 301, name = "Rusty Attachments", rarity = 3, killer = 11, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"Mangled"}}, {id = 302, name = "Shattered Syringe", rarity = 1, killer = 11, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"Dash", "PowerCooldown"}}, {id = 303, name = "Slow-Release Toxin", rarity = 3, killer = 11, tags = {"Exhausted"}}, {id = 304, name = "Tampered Timer", rarity = 4, killer = 11, tags = {"PowerDuration"}}, {id = 305, name = "Utility Blades", rarity = 2, killer = 11, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"Haemorrhage"}}, {id = 306, name = "Video Tape", rarity = 5, killer = 11, tags = {}}, { id = 307, name = "Workshop Grease", rarity = 2, killer = 11, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Dash", "PowerCooldown"} }, -- All Killers -- {id = 308, name = "Blight Serum", rarity = 8, killer = 0, notAvailable = true, tags = {"MovementSpeed"}}, -- The Clown -- {id = 309, name = "Bottle of Chloroform", rarity = 3, killer = 12, tags = {"Intoxication", "PowerRange"}}, {id = 310, name = "Cheap Gin Bottle", rarity = 4, killer = 12, patch = "7.6.2", tags = {"Haste"}}, {id = 311, name = "Cigar Box", rarity = 4, killer = 12, tags = {"Auras", "Invigoration"}}, {id = 312, name = "Ether 5 Vol%", rarity = 1, killer = 12, decom = true, tags = {"Intoxication", "PowerDuration"}}, {id = 313, name = "Ether 10 Vol%", rarity = 3, killer = 12, decom = true, tags = {"Intoxication", "PowerDuration"}}, {id = 314, name = "Ether 15 Vol%", rarity = 4, killer = 12, tags = {"Intoxication", "PowerDuration"}}, { id = 315, name = "Fingerless Parade Gloves", rarity = 1, killer = 12, tags = {"ProjectileAngle", "ProjectileSpeed"} }, { id = 316, name = "Flask of Bleach", rarity = 3, killer = 12, tags = {"Hindered", "Intoxication", "PowerEfficiency"} }, {id = 317, name = "Garish Make-Up Kit", rarity = 4, killer = 12, tags = {"Invigoration", "PowerDuration"}}, {id = 318, name = "Kerosene Can", rarity = 2, killer = 12, tags = {"Blindness", "Intoxication"}}, {id = 319, name = "Party Bottle", rarity = 1, killer = 12, tags = {"Bloodpoints", "Confetti", "Deviousness"}}, { id = 320, name = "Redhead's Pinkie Finger", rarity = 5, killer = 12, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"Exposed", "Intoxication", "PowerCapacity"} }, {id = 321, name = "Robin Feather", rarity = 1, killer = 12, tags = {"ThrowCooldown"}}, {id = 322, name = "Smelly Inner Soles", rarity = 3, killer = 12, tags = {"MovementSpeed"}}, {id = 323, name = "Solvent Jug", rarity = 2, killer = 12, tags = {"Invigoration", "PowerDuration"}}, {id = 324, name = "Spirit of Hartshorn", rarity = 3, killer = 12, tags = {"Invigoration", "PowerRange"}}, {id = 325, name = "Starling Feather", rarity = 2, killer = 12, tags = {"ThrowCooldown"}}, {id = 326, name = "Sticky Soda Bottle", rarity = 2, killer = 12, patch = "7.6.2", tags = {"Haste"}}, { id = 327, name = "Sulphuric Acid Vial", rarity = 3, killer = 12, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"Intoxication", "Mangled"} }, { id = 328, name = "Tattoo's Middle Finger", rarity = 5, killer = 12, tags = {"Auras", "Intoxication", "Invigoration"} }, {id = 329, name = "Thick Cork Stopper", rarity = 2, killer = 12, tags = {"ActionTime"}}, { id = 330, name = "VHS Porn", rarity = 1, killer = 12, tags = {"Deception", "Intoxication", "Invigoration", "PowerAlternate"} }, -- The Spirit -- {id = 331, name = "Bloody Hair Brooch", rarity = 3, killer = 13, decom = true, tags = {"ActionSpeed"}}, {id = 332, name = "Dirty Uwabaki", rarity = 3, killer = 13, decom = true, tags = {"MovementSpeed", "Phase-Walk"}}, { id = 333, name = "Dried Cherry Blossom", rarity = 4, killer = 13, tags = {"KillerInstinct", "Phase-Walk", "ScratchMarks"} }, { id = 334, name = "Father's Glasses", rarity = 5, killer = 13, decom = true, tags = {"ExtendedAbility", "PoolsOfBlood"} }, {id = 335, name = "Furin", rarity = 4, killer = 13, tags = {"Deception"}}, {id = 336, name = "Gifted Bamboo Comb", rarity = 1, killer = 13, tags = {"ActionSpeed"}}, {id = 337, name = "Juniper Bonsai", rarity = 2, killer = 13, tags = {"Deception", "PowerInvisibility"}}, {id = 338, name = "Kaiun Talisman", rarity = 2, killer = 13, tags = {"Phase-Walk", "PowerDuration"}}, { id = 339, name = "Katana Tsuba", rarity = 3, killer = 13, tags = {"MovementSpeed", "Phase-Walk", "PowerInvisibility"} }, { id = 340, name = "Katsumori Talisman", rarity = 3, killer = 13, decom = true, tags = {"Phase-Walk", "PowerDuration", "PowerRecovery"} }, {id = 341, name = "Kintsugi Teacup", rarity = 5, killer = 13, tags = {"BreakableWalls", "Pallets", "PowerRecovery"}}, {id = 342, name = "Mother's Glasses", rarity = 3, killer = 13, tags = {"Husk", "KillerInstinct"}}, { id = 343, name = "Mother-Daughter Ring", rarity = 5, killer = 13, tags = {"MovementSpeed", "Phase-Walk", "ScratchMarks"} }, {id = 344, name = "Muddy Sports Day Cap", rarity = 2, killer = 13, tags = {"MovementSpeed", "Phase-Walk"}}, {id = 345, name = "Origami Crane", rarity = 1, killer = 13, tags = {"PowerRecovery"}}, { id = 346, name = "Prayer Beads Bracelet", rarity = 4, killer = 13, decom = true, tags = {"Deception", "TerrorRadius"} }, {id = 347, name = "Rin's Broken Watch", rarity = 2, killer = 13, tags = {"PowerRecovery"}}, {id = 348, name = "Rusty Flute", rarity = 3, killer = 13, tags = {"PowerRecovery"}}, {id = 349, name = "Senko Hanabi", rarity = 3, killer = 13, tags = {"Husk", "Phase-Walk", "WindowBlocker"}}, {id = 350, name = "Shiawase Amulet", rarity = 1, killer = 13, tags = {"Phase-Walk", "PowerDuration"}}, {id = 351, name = "Uchiwa", rarity = 3, killer = 13, tags = {"KillerStun", "Pallets", "PowerRecovery"}}, {id = 352, name = "Wakizashi Saya", rarity = 4, killer = 13, tags = {"ExtendedAbility", "Husk", "Phase-Walk"}}, {id = 353, name = "White Hair Ribbon", rarity = 2, killer = 13, tags = {"ActionSpeed"}}, { id = 354, name = "Yakuyoke Amulet", rarity = 4, killer = 13, tags = {"MovementSpeed", "Phase-Walk", "PowerDuration"} }, {id = 355, name = "Zōri", rarity = 1, killer = 13, tags = {"MovementSpeed", "Phase-Walk"}}, -- The Legion -- {id = 356, name = "BFFs", rarity = 4, killer = 14, tags = {"ExitGates", "Haste"}}, {id = 357, name = "Cold Dirt", rarity = 4, killer = 14, decom = true, tags = {"PowerCooldown"}}, { id = 358, name = "Defaced Smiley Pin", rarity = 2, killer = 14, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"DeepWound", "Mangled", "Mending"} }, {id = 359, name = "Etched Ruler", rarity = 2, killer = 14, tags = {"Oblivious"}}, {id = 360, name = "Filthy Blade", rarity = 4, killer = 14, tags = {"ActionTime", "DeepWound", "Mending"}}, { id = 361, name = "Frank's Mix Tape", rarity = 4, killer = 14, tags = {"ActionSpeed", "BreakableWalls", "Generators", "TerrorRadius"} }, {id = 362, name = "Friendship Bracelet", rarity = 1, killer = 14, tags = {"AttackRange"}}, { id = 363, name = "Fuming Mix Tape", rarity = 5, killer = 14, tags = {"ExtendedAbility", "Generators", "TerrorRadius"} }, {id = 364, name = "Iridescent Button", rarity = 5, killer = 14, tags = {"AutoBreak", "Pallets"}}, { id = 365, name = "Joey's Mix Tape", rarity = 3, killer = 14, tags = {"DeepWound", "Haemorrhage", "Mending", "TerrorRadius"} }, {id = 366, name = "Julie's Mix Tape", rarity = 2, killer = 14, tags = {"KillerStun", "PowerRecovery"}}, {id = 367, name = "Mischief List", rarity = 1, killer = 14, tags = {"PowerDuration"}}, {id = 368, name = "Mural Sketch", rarity = 2, killer = 14, tags = {"MovementSpeed"}}, {id = 369, name = "Nasty Blade", rarity = 3, killer = 14, decom = true, tags = {"ActionTime", "Mending"}}, { id = 370, name = "Never-Sleep Pills", rarity = 2, killer = 14, tags = {"Bloodpoints", "MovementSpeed", "PowerDuration"} }, {id = 371, name = "Scratched Ruler", rarity = 1, killer = 14, tags = {"PowerRecovery"}}, {id = 372, name = "Smiley Face Pin", rarity = 1, killer = 14, tags = {"Blindness", "DeepWound", "Mending"}}, {id = 373, name = "Stab Wounds Study", rarity = 4, killer = 14, tags = {"Auras", "DeepWound", "Mending"}}, {id = 374, name = "Stolen Sketch Book", rarity = 3, killer = 14, tags = {"ItemDrop"}}, {id = 375, name = "Stylish Sunglasses", rarity = 3, killer = 14, tags = {"Auras", "DeepWound", "Mending"}}, {id = 376, name = "Susie's Mix Tape", rarity = 3, killer = 14, tags = {"KillerInstinct", "TerrorRadius"}}, {id = 377, name = "The Legion Pin", rarity = 3, killer = 14, tags = {"Broken", "DeepWound", "Mending"}}, -- The Plague -- { id = 378, name = "Ashen Apple", rarity = 3, killer = 15, tags = {"PoolsOfDevotion", "PowerCapacity", "PowerObject"} }, {id = 379, name = "Black Incense", rarity = 5, killer = 15, tags = {"Auras"}}, {id = 380, name = "Blessed Apple", rarity = 2, killer = 15, tags = {"PoolsOfDevotion", "PowerCapacity"}}, {id = 381, name = "Devotee's Amulet", rarity = 4, killer = 15, tags = {"PowerDuration"}}, {id = 382, name = "Emetic Potion", rarity = 2, killer = 15, tags = {"PowerEfficiency"}}, {id = 383, name = "Exorcism Amulet", rarity = 3, killer = 15, tags = {"PowerDuration"}}, {id = 384, name = "Haematite Seal", rarity = 2, killer = 15, tags = {"PowerDuration"}}, {id = 385, name = "Healing Salve", rarity = 1, killer = 15, tags = {"PowerCooldown"}}, { id = 386, name = "Incensed Ointment", rarity = 3, killer = 15, tags = {"LoudNoiseNotifications", "Scream", "TerrorRadius"} }, {id = 387, name = "Infected Emetic", rarity = 3, killer = 15, tags = {"PowerEfficiency"}}, { id = 388, name = "Iridescent Seal", rarity = 5, killer = 15, tags = {"Generator", "PowerDuration", "PowerRecovery"} }, {id = 389, name = "Limestone Seal", rarity = 1, killer = 15, tags = {"PowerDuration"}}, {id = 390, name = "Olibanum Incense", rarity = 1, killer = 15, tags = {"Auras", "PoolsOfDevotion"}}, {id = 391, name = "Potent Tincture", rarity = 2, killer = 15, tags = {"PowerCooldown"}}, { id = 392, name = "Prayer Tablet Fragment", rarity = 1, killer = 15, tags = {"Bloodpoints", "Deviousness", "PowerDuration", "PowerEfficiency", "PowerPenalty"} }, {id = 393, name = "Prophylactic Amulet", rarity = 2, killer = 15, tags = {"PoolsOfDevotion", "PowerObject"}}, {id = 394, name = "Rubbing Oil", rarity = 3, killer = 15, tags = {"ActionSpeed"}}, {id = 395, name = "Severed Toe", rarity = 4, killer = 15, tags = {"PowerEfficiency"}}, {id = 396, name = "Vile Emetic", rarity = 4, killer = 15, tags = {"ProjectileSpeed"}}, { id = 397, name = "Worship Tablet", rarity = 4, killer = 15, tags = {"ActionSpeed", "MovementSpeed", "PoolsOfDevotion"} }, -- Ghost Face -- {id = 398, name = "Cheap Cologne", rarity = 1, killer = 16, tags = {"PowerDuration"}}, {id = 399, name = "Chewed Pen", rarity = 3, killer = 16, tags = {"PowerCounter"}}, {id = 400, name = "Cinch Straps", rarity = 2, killer = 16, tags = {"PowerPenalty"}}, { id = 401, name = "Driver's License", rarity = 4, killer = 16, tags = {"ExtendedAbility", "GenBlocker", "Generators"} }, {id = 402, name = "Drop-Leg Knife Sheath", rarity = 4, killer = 16, tags = {"Haste"}}, {id = 403, name = '"Ghost Face Caught on Tape"', rarity = 5, killer = 16, tags = {"DyingState", "PowerRecovery"}}, {id = 404, name = "Headline Cut-Outs", rarity = 1, killer = 16, tags = {"MovementSpeed"}}, {id = 405, name = "Knife Belt Clip", rarity = 3, killer = 16, tags = {"TerrorRadius"}}, {id = 406, name = "Lasting Perfume", rarity = 3, killer = 16, tags = {"PowerCounter"}}, {id = 407, name = "Leather Knife Sheath", rarity = 3, killer = 16, tags = {"MovementSpeed"}}, {id = 408, name = "Marked Map", rarity = 2, killer = 16, tags = {"KillerInstinct", "PowerCounter"}}, {id = 409, name = "Night Vision Monocular", rarity = 4, killer = 16, tags = {"Exhausted"}}, {id = 410, name = "Olsen's Address Book", rarity = 2, killer = 16, tags = {"Auras", "RushedActions"}}, {id = 411, name = "Olsen's Journal", rarity = 2, killer = 16, tags = {"Oblivious"}}, {id = 412, name = "Olsen's Wallet", rarity = 3, killer = 16, tags = {"BreakableWalls", "Pallets", "PowerRecovery"}}, {id = 413, name = "Outdoor Security Camera", rarity = 5, killer = 16, tags = {"Auras", "DyingState"}}, {id = 414, name = '"Philly"', rarity = 1, killer = 16, tags = {"PowerEfficiency"}}, {id = 415, name = "Telephoto Lens", rarity = 2, killer = 16, tags = {"Oblivious"}}, {id = 416, name = "Victim's Detailed Routine", rarity = 4, killer = 16, tags = {"Exhausted"}}, {id = 417, name = "Walleye's Matchbook", rarity = 1, killer = 16, tags = {"PowerRecovery"}}, -- The Demogorgon -- { id = 418, name = "Barb's Glasses", rarity = 2, killer = 17, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"AttackCooldown", "BreakableWalls", "Pallets"} }, {id = 419, name = "Black Heart", rarity = 1, killer = 17, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"AttackCooldown"}}, {id = 420, name = "Brass Case Lighter", rarity = 3, killer = 17, tags = {"Blindness", "Portals"}}, {id = 421, name = "Deer Lung", rarity = 3, killer = 17, tags = {"MovementSpeed", "PowerObject"}}, {id = 422, name = "Eleven's Soda", rarity = 3, killer = 17, tags = {"Auras", "ExtendedAbility", "Generators"}}, {id = 423, name = "Leprose Lichen", rarity = 5, killer = 17, tags = {"Auras", "ExtendedAbility", "Portals"}}, {id = 424, name = "Lifeguard Whistle", rarity = 4, killer = 17, tags = {"EffectRange", "KillerInstinct", "Portals"}}, {id = 425, name = "Mews' Guts", rarity = 2, killer = 17, tags = {"AttackCooldown", "PowerObject", "Portals"}}, {id = 426, name = "Rat Liver", rarity = 1, killer = 17, tags = {"MovementSpeed"}}, {id = 427, name = "Rat Tail", rarity = 1, killer = 17, tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Portals"}}, { id = 428, name = "Red Moss", rarity = 5, killer = 17, tags = {"ActionNoise", "ActionTime", "EffectDuration", "Undetectable", "Portals"} }, {id = 429, name = "Rotten Green Tripe", rarity = 2, killer = 17, tags = {"MovementSpeed", "Portals"}}, {id = 430, name = "Rotten Pumpkin", rarity = 1, killer = 17, tags = {"Bloodpoints", "Portals", "PowerPenalty"}}, {id = 431, name = "Sticky Lining", rarity = 2, killer = 17, tags = {"EffectRange", "Portals"}}, {id = 432, name = "Thorny Vines", rarity = 3, killer = 17, tags = {"ActionTime", "EffectRange", "Portals"}}, {id = 433, name = "Unknown Egg", rarity = 4, killer = 17, tags = {"PowerRecovery"}}, {id = 434, name = "Upside Down Resin", rarity = 4, killer = 17, tags = {"ActionTime", "Portals"}}, {id = 435, name = "Vermilion Webcap", rarity = 4, killer = 17, tags = {"EffectDuration", "Undetectable", "Portals"}}, {id = 436, name = "Violet Waxcap", rarity = 3, killer = 17, tags = {"EffectDuration", "Undetectable", "Portals"}}, {id = 437, name = "Viscous Webbing", rarity = 2, killer = 17, tags = {"ActionTime", "Portals"}}, -- The Oni -- {id = 438, name = "Akito's Crutch", rarity = 4, killer = 18, tags = {"Dash", "MovementSpeed"}}, {id = 439, name = "Blackened Toenail", rarity = 1, killer = 18, tags = {"Absorption", "BloodOrbs", "MovementSpeed"}}, {id = 440, name = "Bloody Sash", rarity = 2, killer = 18, tags = {"Absorption", "BloodOrbs", "MovementSpeed"}}, {id = 441, name = "Child's Wooden Sword", rarity = 2, killer = 18, tags = {"Auras", "BloodOrbs", "PowerRange"}}, {id = 442, name = "Chipped Saihai", rarity = 2, killer = 18, tags = {"PowerDuration"}}, {id = 443, name = "Cracked Sakazuki", rarity = 1, killer = 18, tags = {"TransitionTime"}}, {id = 444, name = "Ink Lion", rarity = 2, killer = 18, tags = {"TransitionTime", "PowerPenalty"}}, { id = 445, name = "Iridescent Family Crest", rarity = 5, killer = 18, tags = {"ExtendedAbility", "LoudNoiseNotifications", "Scream"} }, {id = 446, name = "Kanai-Anzen Talisman", rarity = 3, killer = 18, tags = {"Dash", "MovementSpeed"}}, {id = 447, name = "Lion Fang", rarity = 4, killer = 18, tags = {"PowerDuration"}}, {id = 448, name = "Paper Lantern", rarity = 1, killer = 18, tags = {"Absorption", "BloodOrbs", "MovementSpeed"}}, {id = 449, name = "Polished Maedate", rarity = 2, killer = 18, tags = {"PassiveCharge"}}, {id = 450, name = "Renjiro's Bloody Glove", rarity = 5, killer = 18, tags = {"Auras", "ExtendedAbility"}}, {id = 451, name = "Rotting Rope", rarity = 1, killer = 18, tags = {"Auras", "BloodOrbs", "PowerRange"}}, {id = 452, name = "Scalped Topknot", rarity = 3, killer = 18, tags = {"ActionTime", "Dash"}}, {id = 453, name = "Shattered Wakizashi", rarity = 3, killer = 18, tags = {"PassiveCharge"}}, { id = 454, name = "Splintered Hull", rarity = 4, killer = 18, tags = {"BloodOrbs", "Crouching", "Lockers", "Pallets", "SkillChecks", "Windows"} }, {id = 455, name = "Tear-Soaked Tenugui", rarity = 4, killer = 18, tags = {"PowerPenalty"}}, { id = 456, name = "Wooden Oni Mask", rarity = 3, killer = 18, tags = {"BloodOrbs", "Crouching", "Lockers", "Pallets", "SkillChecks", "Windows"} }, {id = 457, name = "Yamaoka Sashimono", rarity = 3, killer = 18, tags = {"PowerDuration"}}, -- The Deathslinger -- {id = 458, name = "Barbed Wire", rarity = 4, killer = 19, tags = {"ActionTime", "DeepWound", "Mending"}}, {id = 459, name = "Bayshore's Cigar", rarity = 4, killer = 19, tags = {"KillerStun", "StunDuration"}}, {id = 460, name = "Bayshore's Gold Tooth", rarity = 3, killer = 19, tags = {"MovementSpeed", "Reeling"}}, {id = 461, name = "Chewing Tobacco", rarity = 2, killer = 19, tags = {"KillerStun", "StunDuration"}}, {id = 462, name = "Gold Creek Whiskey", rarity = 4, killer = 19, tags = {"ADS", "TerrorRadius"}}, {id = 463, name = "Hellshire Iron", rarity = 5, killer = 19, tags = {"Undetectable"}}, {id = 464, name = "Honey Locust Thorn", rarity = 3, killer = 19, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"Mangled"}}, {id = 465, name = "Iridescent Coin", rarity = 5, killer = 19, tags = {"Exposed"}}, {id = 466, name = "Jaw Smasher", rarity = 2, killer = 19, tags = {"ADS", "MovementSpeed"}}, {id = 467, name = "Marshal's Badge", rarity = 2, killer = 19, tags = {"ADS", "TerrorRadius"}}, {id = 468, name = "Modified Ammo Belt", rarity = 1, killer = 19, tags = {"ActionTime"}}, {id = 469, name = "Poison Oak Leaves", rarity = 2, killer = 19, tags = {"ActionTime", "DeepWound", "Mending"}}, {id = 470, name = "Prison Chain", rarity = 4, killer = 19, tags = {"ActionTime"}}, {id = 471, name = "Rickety Chain", rarity = 1, killer = 19, tags = {"ActionTime", "Bloodpoints"}}, {id = 472, name = "Rusted Spike", rarity = 2, killer = 19, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"Mangled"}}, {id = 473, name = "Snake Oil", rarity = 1, killer = 19, tags = {"MovementSpeed", "Reeling"}}, {id = 474, name = "Spit Polish Rag", rarity = 1, killer = 19, tags = {"PowerCooldown"}}, {id = 475, name = "Tin Oil Can", rarity = 3, killer = 19, tags = {"PowerCooldown"}}, {id = 476, name = "Wanted Poster", rarity = 3, killer = 19, tags = {"ADS", "MovementSpeed"}}, {id = 477, name = "Warden's Keys", rarity = 3, killer = 19, tags = {"ActionTime"}}, -- The Executioner -- {id = 478, name = "Black Strap", rarity = 1, killer = 20, tags = {"AttackRange"}}, {id = 479, name = "Burning Man Painting", rarity = 3, killer = 20, tags = {"AttackRange"}}, {id = 480, name = "Copper Ring", rarity = 1, killer = 20, tags = {"PowerDuration"}}, {id = 481, name = "Cinderella Music Box", rarity = 2, killer = 20, tags = {"EffectDuration"}}, { id = 482, name = "Crimson Ceremony Book", rarity = 4, killer = 20, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"Haemorrhage", "Mangled"} }, {id = 483, name = "Dead Butterfly", rarity = 1, killer = 20, tags = {"PowerRecovery"}}, {id = 484, name = "Forgotten Videotape", rarity = 2, killer = 20, tags = {"PowerRecovery"}}, {id = 485, name = "Iridescent Seal of Metatron", rarity = 5, killer = 20, tags = {"Auras", "Cages", "Torment"}}, {id = 486, name = "Lead Ring", rarity = 1, killer = 20, tags = {"EffectDuration"}}, {id = 487, name = "Leopard-Print Fabric", rarity = 2, killer = 20, tags = {"KillerInstinct"}}, {id = 488, name = "Lost Memories Book", rarity = 4, killer = 20, tags = {"Oblivious", "Torment"}}, {id = 489, name = "Mannequin Foot", rarity = 3, killer = 20, tags = {"EffectDuration"}}, {id = 490, name = "Misty Day, Remains of Judgement", rarity = 3, killer = 20, tags = {"KillerInstinct"}}, {id = 491, name = "Obsidian Goblet", rarity = 5, killer = 20, tags = {"Undetectable"}}, {id = 492, name = "Rust-Coloured Egg", rarity = 4, killer = 20, tags = {"Blindness", "Torment"}}, {id = 493, name = "Scarlet Egg", rarity = 4, killer = 20, tags = {"KillerInstinct"}}, {id = 494, name = "Spearhead", rarity = 2, killer = 20, tags = {"PowerDuration"}}, {id = 495, name = "Tablet of the Oppressor", rarity = 3, killer = 20, tags = {"PowerDuration"}}, {id = 496, name = "Valtiel Sect Photograph", rarity = 3, killer = 20, tags = {"PowerRecovery"}}, {id = 497, name = "Wax Doll", rarity = 2, killer = 20, tags = {"AttackRange"}}, -- The Blight -- { id = 498, name = "Adrenaline Vial", rarity = 3, killer = 21, patch = "7.5.0", tags = {"CameraAngle", "Dash", "MovementSpeed", "PowerTokens", "TurnRate"} }, {id = 499, name = "Alchemist's Ring", rarity = 4, killer = 21, patch = "7.5.0", tags = {"Dash", "PowerDuration"}}, {id = 500, name = "Blighted Crow", rarity = 3, killer = 21, patch = "7.5.0", tags = {"Dash", "MovementSpeed"}}, {id = 501, name = "Blighted Rat", rarity = 2, killer = 21, patch = "7.5.0", tags = {"Dash", "MovementSpeed"}}, {id = 502, name = "Canker Thorn", rarity = 2, killer = 21, tags = {"Dash", "PowerCooldown"}}, {id = 503, name = "Chipped Monocle", rarity = 1, killer = 21, tags = {"ExtendedAbility", "PowerIndicator", "Slam"}}, {id = 504, name = "Compound Seven", rarity = 1, killer = 21, tags = {"ExtendedAbility", "Slam"}}, { id = 505, name = "Compound Thirty-Three", rarity = 5, killer = 21, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {"Dash", "PowerDuration", "PowerTokens", "TurnRate"} }, {id = 506, name = "Compound Twenty-One", rarity = 3, killer = 21, tags = {"Auras", "Slam"}}, {id = 507, name = "Foxglove", rarity = 1, killer = 21, tags = {"Dash", "PowerCooldown"}}, { id = 508, name = "Iridescent Blight Tag", rarity = 5, killer = 21, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {"CameraAngle", "Dash", "MovementSpeed", "PowerTokens"} }, {id = 509, name = "Placebo Tablet", rarity = 1, killer = 21, tags = {"Bloodpoints", "Dash", "MovementSpeed"}}, {id = 510, name = "Plague Bile", rarity = 2, killer = 21, tags = {"Dash", "TurnRate"}}, {id = 511, name = "Pustula Dust", rarity = 2, killer = 21, tags = {"PowerWindow"}}, {id = 512, name = "Rose Tonic", rarity = 3, killer = 21, tags = {"PowerWindow"}}, {id = 513, name = "Shredded Notes", rarity = 2, killer = 21, patch = "7.7.0", tags = {"Dash", "PowerRecovery"}}, {id = 514, name = "Soul Chemical", rarity = 4, killer = 21, patch = "7.7.0", tags = {"Dash", "MovementSpeed"}}, {id = 515, name = "Summoning Stone", rarity = 4, killer = 21, patch = "7.7.0", tags = {"Dash", "PowerDuration"}}, {id = 516, name = "Umbra Salts", rarity = 3, killer = 21, tags = {"Dash", "TurnRate"}}, {id = 517, name = "Vigo's Journal", rarity = 4, killer = 21, tags = {"Dash", "Undetectable"}}, -- The Twins -- {id = 518, name = "Baby Teeth", rarity = 2, killer = 22, tags = {"Blindness", "Victor"}}, { id = 519, name = "Bloody Black Hood", rarity = 2, killer = 22, tags = {"Charlotte", "DormantState", "TransitionTime"} }, { id = 520, name = "Cat's Eye", rarity = 2, killer = 22, tags = {"ActionNoise", "Lullaby", "Pounce", "Shriek", "Victor"} }, {id = 521, name = "Cat Figurine", rarity = 1, killer = 22, tags = {"ExtendedAbility", "PowerIndicator", "Victor"}}, {id = 522, name = "Ceremonial Candelabrum", rarity = 2, killer = 22, tags = {"ActionTime", "Charlotte", "Victor"}}, { id = 523, name = "Drop of Perfume", rarity = 4, killer = 22, tags = {"Charlotte", "Lullaby", "Oblivious", "Shriek", "Victor"} }, {id = 524, name = "Forest Stew", rarity = 4, killer = 22, tags = {"MovementSpeed", "Victor"}}, { id = 525, name = "Iridescent Pendant", rarity = 5, killer = 22, patch = "7.7.0", tags = {"Charlotte", "Exposed", "Victor"} }, {id = 526, name = "Madeleine's Glove", rarity = 2, killer = 22, tags = {"EffectRange", "Lullaby", "Shriek"}}, {id = 527, name = "Madeleine's Scarf", rarity = 3, killer = 22, tags = {"MovementSpeed", "Victor"}}, {id = 528, name = "Rusted Needle", rarity = 3, killer = 22, patch = "7.7.0", tags = {"Haemorrhage", "Victor"}}, {id = 529, name = "Sewer Sludge", rarity = 3, killer = 22, patch = "7.7.0", tags = {"ActionTime", "Victor"}}, { id = 530, name = "Silencing Cloth", rarity = 5, killer = 22, patch = "7.7.0", tags = {"Charlotte", "DormantState", "Undetectable"} }, {id = 531, name = "Soured Milk", rarity = 1, killer = 22, tags = {"EffectRange", "Lullaby", "Shriek"}}, {id = 532, name = "Spinning Top", rarity = 4, killer = 22, tags = {"ItemDrop", "Pounce", "Victor"}}, {id = 533, name = "Stale Biscuit", rarity = 3, killer = 22, tags = {"Pounce", "PowerCooldown", "Victor"}}, {id = 534, name = "Tiny Fingernail", rarity = 1, killer = 22, patch = "7.7.0", tags = {"ActionTime", "Victor"}}, {id = 535, name = "Toy Sword", rarity = 1, killer = 22, patch = "7.7.0", tags = {"ActionTime", "Pounce", "Victor"}}, {id = 536, name = "Victor's Soldier", rarity = 4, killer = 22, tags = {"Auras", "Charlotte", "Victor"}}, {id = 537, name = "Weighty Rattle", rarity = 3, killer = 22, patch = "7.7.0", tags = {"Broken", "Victor"}}, -- The Trickster -- {id = 538, name = "Bloody Boa", rarity = 3, killer = 23, tags = {"PowerCapacity"}}, {id = 539, name = "Caged Heart Shoes", rarity = 2, killer = 23, tags = {"MovementSpeed"}}, {id = 540, name = "Cut Thru U Single", rarity = 4, killer = 23, tags = {"ExtendedAbility", "PowerEfficiency"}}, {id = 541, name = "Death Throes Compilation", rarity = 5, killer = 23, tags = {"Auras", "MainEvent"}}, {id = 542, name = "Diamond Cufflinks", rarity = 4, killer = 23, tags = {"Auras"}}, {id = 543, name = "Edge of Revival Album", rarity = 4, killer = 23, tags = {"ExtendedAbility", "PowerEfficiency"}}, {id = 544, name = "Fizz-Spin Soda", rarity = 3, killer = 23, tags = {"ComboDuration", "MainEvent"}}, {id = 545, name = "Inferno Wires", rarity = 1, killer = 23, tags = {"MainEvent", "PowerDuration"}}, {id = 546, name = "Iridescent Photocard", rarity = 5, killer = 23, tags = {"Haste"}}, {id = 547, name = "Ji-Woon's Autograph", rarity = 2, killer = 23, tags = {"ComboDuration", "MainEvent"}}, {id = 548, name = "Killing Part Chords", rarity = 1, killer = 23, tags = {"MovementSpeed"}}, {id = 549, name = "Lucky Blade", rarity = 2, killer = 23, tags = {"PowerDuration"}}, {id = 550, name = "Melodious Murder", rarity = 3, killer = 23, tags = {"ActionTime", "Lockers"}}, {id = 551, name = "Memento Blades", rarity = 1, killer = 23, tags = {"ThrowCooldown"}}, {id = 552, name = "On Target Single", rarity = 2, killer = 23, tags = {"DecayDelay"}}, {id = 553, name = "Ripper Brace", rarity = 3, killer = 23, tags = {"DecayDelay"}}, {id = 554, name = "Smash 'n' Run Gloves", rarity = 0, killer = 23, unused = true, tags = {}}, {id = 555, name = "Tequila Moonrock", rarity = 2, killer = 23, tags = {"PowerDuration"}}, {id = 556, name = "Trick Blades", rarity = 4, killer = 23, tags = {"ExtendedAbility"}}, {id = 557, name = "Trick Pouch", rarity = 1, killer = 23, tags = {"PowerCapacity"}}, {id = 558, name = "Waiting For You Watch", rarity = 3, killer = 23, tags = {"PowerDuration"}}, -- Nemesis -- {id = 559, name = "Admin Wristband", rarity = 2, killer = 24, tags = {"DetectionRange", "FOV", "Zombies"}}, {id = 560, name = "Adrenaline Injector", rarity = 2, killer = 24, tags = {"KillerInstinct", "Vaccine"}}, {id = 561, name = "Brian's Intestine", rarity = 1, killer = 24, tags = {"MovementSpeed", "Zombies"}}, {id = 562, name = "Broken Recovery Coin", rarity = 4, killer = 24, tags = {"PowerCounter", "SupplyCases"}}, {id = 563, name = "Damaged Syringe", rarity = 1, killer = 24, tags = {"ActionTime", "PowerCounter", "Vaccine"}}, { id = 564, name = "Depleted Ink Ribbon", rarity = 4, killer = 24, tags = {"ExitGates", "ExtendedAbility", "MovementSpeed", "PowerCooldown", "Zombies"} }, {id = 565, name = "Iridescent Umbrella Badge", rarity = 5, killer = 24, tags = {"Exposed", "Vaccine"}}, {id = 566, name = "Jill's Sandwich", rarity = 4, killer = 24, tags = {"Auras", "PowerCounter", "SupplyCases"}}, {id = 567, name = "Licker Tongue", rarity = 3, killer = 24, tags = {"Hindered"}}, {id = 568, name = "Marvin's Blood", rarity = 2, killer = 24, tags = {"PowerEfficiency"}}, {id = 569, name = "Mikhail's Eye", rarity = 2, killer = 24, tags = {"MovementSpeed", "Zombies"}}, { id = 570, name = "NE-a Parasite", rarity = 4, killer = 24, displayName = "Ne-α Parasite", tags = {"Oblivious", "Vaccine"} }, {id = 571, name = "Plant 43 Vines", rarity = 3, killer = 24, tags = {"PowerCounter", "SupplyCases"}}, {id = 572, name = "Serotonin Injector", rarity = 3, killer = 24, tags = {"Undetectable", "Zombies"}}, {id = 573, name = "Shattered S.T.A.R.S. Badge", rarity = 5, killer = 24, tags = {"MovementSpeed", "Zombies"}}, {id = 574, name = "Shredded Fedora", rarity = 3, killer = 24, unused = true, tags = {}}, {id = 575, name = "S.T.A.R.S. Field Combat Manual", rarity = 1, killer = 24, tags = {"Auras", "Zombies"}}, {id = 576, name = "T-Virus Sample", rarity = 3, killer = 24, tags = {"PowerEfficiency", "Zombies"}}, {id = 577, name = "Tyrant Gore", rarity = 3, killer = 24, tags = {"PowerCooldown", "PowerEfficiency", "Zombies"}}, {id = 578, name = "Visitor Wristband", rarity = 1, killer = 24, tags = {"DetectionRange", "FOV", "Zombies"}}, {id = 579, name = "Zombie Heart", rarity = 2, killer = 24, tags = {"PowerEfficiency", "Zombies"}}, -- The Cenobite -- {id = 580, name = "Bent Nail", rarity = 1, killer = 25, tags = {"Bloodpoints", "PowerObject", "PowerPenalty"}}, {id = 581, name = "Burning Candle", rarity = 1, killer = 25, tags = {"ChainHunt", "PassiveCharge"}}, { id = 582, name = "Chatterer's Tooth", rarity = 4, killer = 25, tags = {"Auras", "ChainHunt", "ExtendedAbility", "LamentConfiguration", "PowerDeactivation", "Undetectable"} }, { id = 583, name = "Engineer's Fang", rarity = 5, killer = 25, tags = {"AutoDamage", "ActionTime", "Gateway", "PowerObject", "PowerPenalty"} }, {id = 584, name = "Flickering Television", rarity = 2, killer = 25, tags = {"Gateway", "PowerRange"}}, {id = 585, name = "Frank's Heart", rarity = 3, killer = 25, tags = {"Gateway", "PowerRange"}}, {id = 586, name = "Greasy Black Lens", rarity = 4, killer = 25, tags = {"Auras"}}, {id = 587, name = "Impaling Wire", rarity = 4, killer = 25, tags = {"PowerObject"}}, { id = 588, name = "Iridescent Lament Configuration", rarity = 5, killer = 25, tags = {"Auras", "ChainHunt", "KillerInstinct", "LamentConfiguration", "Oblivious", "Teleportation"} }, {id = 589, name = "Larry's Blood", rarity = 3, killer = 25, tags = {"PowerRange"}}, { id = 590, name = "Larry's Remains", rarity = 3, killer = 25, tags = {"ActionTime", "LamentConfiguration", "PowerCounter"} }, {id = 591, name = "Leather Strip", rarity = 1, killer = 25, tags = {"PowerCooldown"}}, { id = 592, name = "Liquified Gore", rarity = 2, killer = 25, tags = {"ActionTime", "LamentConfiguration", "PowerCounter"} }, {id = 593, name = "Lively Crickets", rarity = 1, killer = 25, tags = {"TurnRate"}}, {id = 594, name = "Original Pain", rarity = 4, killer = 25, tags = {"DeepWound"}}, {id = 595, name = "Skewered Rat", rarity = 2, killer = 25, tags = {"PowerCooldown"}}, {id = 596, name = "Slice of Frank", rarity = 3, killer = 25, tags = {"Exhausted", "LamentConfiguration"}}, {id = 597, name = "Spoiled Meal", rarity = 2, killer = 25, tags = {"PowerRange"}}, {id = 598, name = "Torture Pillar", rarity = 3, killer = 25, tags = {"ChainHunt", "PassiveCharge"}}, {id = 599, name = "Wriggling Maggots", rarity = 2, killer = 25, tags = {"TurnRate"}}, -- The Artist -- {id = 600, name = "Automatic Drawing", rarity = 2, killer = 26, tags = {"DireCrows", "PowerCooldown"}}, {id = 601, name = "Charcoal Stick", rarity = 3, killer = 26, tags = {"Auras", "DireCrows", "PowerPenalty"}}, {id = 602, name = "Choclo Corn", rarity = 1, killer = 26, tags = {"DireCrows", "PowerDuration"}}, {id = 603, name = "Darkest Ink", rarity = 3, killer = 26, tags = {"Blindness", "DireCrows", "PowerCounter"}}, {id = 604, name = "Festering Carrion", rarity = 2, killer = 26, tags = {"DireCrows", "PowerCooldown"}}, {id = 605, name = "Garden of Rot", rarity = 5, killer = 26, tags = {"DireCrows", "Exposed"}}, {id = 606, name = "Ink Egg", rarity = 4, killer = 26, tags = {"DireCrows", "PowerCapacity", "PowerDuration"}}, { id = 607, name = "Iridescent Feather", rarity = 5, killer = 26, tags = {"DireCrows", "Undetectable", "PowerCapacity"} }, {id = 608, name = "Matias' Baby Shoes", rarity = 4, killer = 26, tags = {"Auras", "DireCrows"}}, {id = 609, name = "O Grief, O Lover", rarity = 3, killer = 26, tags = {"DireCrows", "Exhausted"}}, {id = 610, name = "Oil Paints", rarity = 1, killer = 26, tags = {"DireCrows", "EffectRange", "KillerInstinct"}}, {id = 611, name = "Severed Hands", rarity = 4, killer = 26, tags = {"DireCrows", "ExtendedAbility"}}, {id = 612, name = "Severed Tongue", rarity = 4, killer = 26, tags = {"DireCrows", "MovementSpeed", "PowerPenalty"}}, {id = 613, name = "Silver Bell", rarity = 3, killer = 26, tags = {"DireCrows", "Oblivious"}}, {id = 614, name = "Still Life Crow", rarity = 2, killer = 26, tags = {"DireCrows", "PowerDuration"}}, {id = 615, name = "Thick Tar", rarity = 1, killer = 26, tags = {"ActionTime", "DireCrows"}}, { id = 616, name = "Thorny Nest", rarity = 3, killer = 26, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"DireCrows", "Haemorrhage", "Mangled"} }, {id = 617, name = "Untitled Agony", rarity = 2, killer = 26, tags = {"DireCrows", "Hindered"}}, {id = 618, name = "Velvet Fabric", rarity = 2, killer = 26, tags = {"Auras", "DireCrows", "EffectDuration"}}, {id = 619, name = "Vibrant Obituary", rarity = 1, killer = 26, tags = {"EffectDuration", "KillerInstinct"}}, -- The Onryō -- {id = 620, name = "Bloody Fingernails", rarity = 3, killer = 27, tags = {"MovementSpeed", "Projection"}}, {id = 621, name = "Cabin Sign", rarity = 1, killer = 27, tags = {"PowerCooldown", "Projection", "TVs"}}, {id = 622, name = "Clump of Hair", rarity = 2, killer = 27, tags = {"EffectRange", "PowerInvisibility"}}, {id = 623, name = "Distorted Photo", rarity = 4, killer = 27, tags = {"Auras", "LoudNoiseNotifications", "Scream"}}, { id = 624, name = "Iridescent Videotape", rarity = 5, killer = 27, patch = "7.5.0", tags = {"ExtendedAbility", "PowerCooldown", "PowerPenalty", "Projection", "TVs"} }, { id = 625, name = "Mother's Comb", rarity = 3, killer = 27, tags = {"Auras", "ExtendedAbility", "LoudNoiseNotifications", "TVs"} }, {id = 626, name = "Mother's Mirror", rarity = 1, killer = 27, tags = {"EffectDuration", "PowerInvisibility"}}, {id = 627, name = "Old Newspaper", rarity = 1, killer = 27, tags = {"EffectDuration", "PowerInvisibility"}}, { id = 628, name = "Reiko's Watch", rarity = 2, killer = 27, patch = "7.5.0", tags = {"EffectDuration", "PowerInvisibility"} }, {id = 629, name = "Remote Control", rarity = 5, killer = 27, tags = {"Auras", "Projection", "TVs"}}, {id = 630, name = "Rickety Pinwheel", rarity = 3, killer = 27, tags = {"Oblivious", "TVs"}}, { id = 631, name = "Ring Drawing", rarity = 3, killer = 27, patch = "7.5.0", tags = {"Condemned", "ExtendedAbility", "Hooks", "VHS"} }, {id = 632, name = "Sea-Soaked Cloth", rarity = 2, killer = 27, tags = {"Blindness", "TVs"}}, { id = 633, name = "Tape Editing Deck", rarity = 4, killer = 27, patch = "7.5.0", tags = {"Auras", "ExtendedAbility", "VHS", "TV"} }, {id = 634, name = "Telephone", rarity = 4, killer = 27, tags = {"Hindered"}}, {id = 635, name = "VCR", rarity = 4, killer = 27, tags = {"ExtendedAbility", "Projection", "TVs"}}, { id = 636, name = "Videotape Copy", rarity = 1, killer = 27, patch = "7.5.0", tags = {"Condemned", "EffectRange", "Projection", "TVs"} }, {id = 637, name = "Well Stone", rarity = 2, killer = 27, tags = {"PowerCooldown", "Projection", "TVs"}}, {id = 638, name = "Well Water", rarity = 3, killer = 27, tags = {"EffectDuration", "Undetectable"}}, {id = 639, name = "Yoichi's Fishing Net", rarity = 2, killer = 27, tags = {"Blindness", "Condemned"}}, -- The Dredge -- {id = 640, name = "Air Freshener", rarity = 2, killer = 28, tags = {"PowerTokens"}}, { id = 641, name = "Boat Key", rarity = 4, killer = 28, tags = {"Daytime", "ExitGates", "Lockers", "Locks", "MovementSpeed", "Teleportation"} }, {id = 642, name = "Broken Doll", rarity = 3, killer = 28, tags = {"Nightfall", "PowerDuration"}}, {id = 643, name = "Burnt Letters", rarity = 2, killer = 28, tags = {"PowerEfficiency"}}, { id = 644, name = "Caffeine Tablets", rarity = 1, killer = 28, tags = {"Auras", "Lockers", "Locks", "Teleportation"} }, {id = 645, name = "Destroyed Pillow", rarity = 3, killer = 28, tags = {"PowerCooldown", "Nightfall"}}, {id = 646, name = "Fallen Shingle", rarity = 2, killer = 28, tags = {"PowerEfficiency"}}, { id = 647, name = "Field Recorder", rarity = 4, killer = 28, tags = {"Exhausted", "Generators", "Nightfall", "Remnant"} }, {id = 648, name = "Follower's Cowl", rarity = 1, killer = 28, tags = {"Daytime", "KillerInstinct", "Remnant"}}, {id = 649, name = "Haddie's Calendar", rarity = 2, killer = 28, tags = {"ActionTime", "Lockers", "Locks"}}, { id = 650, name = "Iridescent Wooden Plank", rarity = 5, killer = 28, tags = {"ExtendedAbility", "Exposed", "Nightfall"} }, { id = 651, name = "Lavalier Microphone", rarity = 4, killer = 28, tags = {"Auras", "Deception", "Lockers", "PowerTokens"} }, {id = 652, name = "Malthinker's Skull", rarity = 2, killer = 28, tags = {"PowerEfficiency"}}, {id = 653, name = "Mortar and Pestle", rarity = 1, killer = 28, tags = {"Remnant"}}, {id = 654, name = "Ottomarian Writing", rarity = 3, killer = 28, tags = {"Daytime", "PowerCooldown"}}, { id = 655, name = "Sacrificial Knife", rarity = 5, killer = 28, tags = {"Lockers", "Nightfall", "WindowBlocker", "Windows"} }, { id = 656, name = "Tilling Blade", rarity = 4, killer = 28, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"Blindness", "Haemorrhage", "Mangled", "Nightfall"} }, {id = 657, name = "War Helmet", rarity = 3, killer = 28, tags = {"EffectDuration", "KillerInstinct", "Nightfall"}}, {id = 658, name = "Wooden Plank", rarity = 1, killer = 28, tags = {"PowerEfficiency"}}, {id = 659, name = "Worry Stone", rarity = 3, killer = 28, tags = {"Auras", "Lockers", "Locks"}}, -- The Mastermind -- {id = 660, name = "Bullhorn", rarity = 2, killer = 29, tags = {"FirstAidSpray", "Oblivious"}}, {id = 661, name = "Chalice (Gold)", rarity = 2, killer = 29, tags = {"Bound", "PowerDuration", "PowerRange"}}, {id = 662, name = "Dark Sunglasses", rarity = 4, killer = 29, tags = {"Undetectable"}}, {id = 663, name = "Egg (Gold)", rarity = 3, killer = 29, tags = {"Bound", "PowerWindow"}}, {id = 664, name = "Green Herb", rarity = 4, killer = 29, tags = {"Bound", "PowerEfficiency"}}, {id = 665, name = "Helicopter Stick", rarity = 4, killer = 29, tags = {"Auras", "FirstAidSpray"}}, {id = 666, name = "Iridescent Uroboros Vial", rarity = 5, killer = 29, tags = {"Exposed"}}, { id = 667, name = "Jewel Beetle", rarity = 1, killer = 29, tags = {"Bound", "Bloodpoints", "PowerDuration", "PowerPenalty", "PowerRange"} }, { id = 668, name = "Lab Photo", rarity = 5, killer = 29, tags = {"Bound", "Breakable Walls", "Pallets", "PowerPenalty"} }, {id = 669, name = "Leather Gloves", rarity = 2, killer = 29, tags = {"PowerRecovery"}}, {id = 670, name = "Lion Medallion", rarity = 2, killer = 29, tags = {"Bound", "PowerRange"}}, {id = 671, name = "Loose Crank", rarity = 2, killer = 29, tags = {"Bound", "MovementSpeed", "PowerWindow"}}, {id = 672, name = "Maiden Medallion", rarity = 3, killer = 29, tags = {"Blindness"}}, {id = 673, name = "Portable Safe", rarity = 3, killer = 29, tags = {"Haemorrhage"}}, { id = 674, name = "R.P.D. Shoulder Walkie", rarity = 1, killer = 29, tags = {"Bound", "PowerDuration", "PowerRange"} }, {id = 675, name = "Red Herb", rarity = 3, killer = 29, tags = {"ActionTime", "FirstAidSpray", "PowerCounter"}}, {id = 676, name = "Unicorn Medallion", rarity = 1, killer = 29, tags = {"Bound", "PowerDuration", "PowerRange"}}, {id = 677, name = "Uroboros Tendril", rarity = 1, killer = 29, tags = {"Bound", "MovementSpeed"}}, {id = 678, name = "Uroboros Virus", rarity = 4, killer = 29, tags = {"Auras"}}, {id = 679, name = "Video Conference Device", rarity = 3, killer = 29, tags = {"PowerEfficiency"}}, -- The Knight -- {id = 680, name = "Battle Axe Head", rarity = 2, killer = 30, tags = {"Carnifex", "Cycle"}}, {id = 681, name = "Blacksmith's Hammer", rarity = 4, killer = 30, tags = {"Exhausted", "Hindered", "Hunt"}}, {id = 682, name = "Broken Hilt", rarity = 3, killer = 30, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"Mangled"}}, {id = 683, name = "Call to Arms", rarity = 2, killer = 30, tags = {"MovementSpeed", "PowerRange"}}, {id = 684, name = "Chain Mail Fragment", rarity = 3, killer = 30, tags = {"Haemorrhage"}}, {id = 685, name = "Cold Steel Manacles", rarity = 2, killer = 30, tags = {"Cycle", "Jailer"}}, {id = 686, name = "Dried Horsemeat", rarity = 2, killer = 30, tags = {"Hunt", "PowerDuration"}}, {id = 687, name = "Flint and Steel", rarity = 4, killer = 30, tags = {"Auras", "Carnifex", "Pallets"}}, {id = 688, name = "Grim Iron Mask", rarity = 3, killer = 30, tags = {"Blindness", "Patrol"}}, {id = 689, name = "Gritty Lump", rarity = 1, killer = 30, tags = {"MovementSpeed", "Patrol"}}, { id = 690, name = "Healing Poultice", rarity = 4, killer = 30, tags = {"Assassin", "LoudNoiseNotifications", "Scream"} }, { id = 691, name = "Iridescent Company Banner", rarity = 5, killer = 30, tags = {"ExitBlocker", "Hunt", "Patrol", "WindowBlocker"} }, {id = 692, name = "Ironworker's Tongs", rarity = 3, killer = 30, tags = {"Hunt", "Oblivious"}}, {id = 693, name = "Knight's Contract", rarity = 5, killer = 30, tags = {"Exposed"}}, {id = 694, name = "Lightweight Greaves", rarity = 4, killer = 30, tags = {"Haste", "Jailer", "MovementSpeed"}}, {id = 695, name = "Map of the Realm", rarity = 1, killer = 30, tags = {"DetectionRange", "Patrol"}}, { id = 696, name = "Pillaged Mead", rarity = 1, killer = 30, tags = {"ActionTime", "BreakableWalls", "Generators", "Pallets"} }, {id = 697, name = "Tattered Tabard", rarity = 1, killer = 30, tags = {"Patrol", "PowerDuration"}}, {id = 698, name = "Town Watch's Torch", rarity = 3, killer = 30, tags = {"Hunt", "Undetectable"}}, {id = 699, name = "Treated Blade", rarity = 2, killer = 30, tags = {"Assassin", "Cylce"}}, -- The Skull Merchant -- {id = 700, name = "Adaptive Lighting", rarity = 2, killer = 31, tags = {"Undetectable", "PowerDuration"}}, { id = 701, name = "Adi Valente Issue 1", rarity = 1, killer = 31, tags = {"ClawTraps", "SkillCheckDifficulty", "SkillChecks"} }, {id = 702, name = "Advanced Movement Prediction", rarity = 4, killer = 31, tags = {"Auras", "ClawTraps"}}, {id = 703, name = "Brown Noise Generator", rarity = 3, killer = 31, tags = {"ClawTraps", "Oblivious"}}, { id = 704, name = "Expired Batteries", rarity = 5, killer = 31, tags = {"ClawTraps", "Haste", "PowerPenalty", "Radar"} }, { id = 705, name = "Geographical Readout", rarity = 4, killer = 31, tags = {"ActionSpeed", "BreakableWalls", "Drones", "Generators", "Pallets", "Windows"} }, {id = 706, name = "High-Current Upgrade", rarity = 1, killer = 31, tags = {"EffectDuration", "Radar"}}, {id = 707, name = "High-Power Floodlight", rarity = 1, killer = 31, tags = {"Blindness", "ClawTraps"}}, {id = 708, name = "Infrared Upgrade", rarity = 3, killer = 31, tags = {"Auras", "ClawTraps"}}, { id = 709, name = "Iridescent Unpublished Manuscript", rarity = 5, killer = 31, tags = {"Drones", "Illusions", "PowerCooldown", "TerrorRadius", "Undetectable"} }, {id = 710, name = "Loose Screw", rarity = 3, killer = 31, tags = {"ClawTraps", "Exhausted"}}, {id = 711, name = "Low-Power Mode", rarity = 2, killer = 31, tags = {"Drones", "ScanLines"}}, { id = 712, name = "Powdered Glass", rarity = 3, killer = 31, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"ClawTraps", "Haemorrhage", "Mangled"} }, {id = 713, name = "Prototype Rotor", rarity = 4, killer = 31, tags = {"Drones", "ScanLines"}}, {id = 714, name = "Randomised Strobes", rarity = 4, killer = 31, tags = {"ClawTraps", "Drones", "Hindered"}}, {id = 715, name = "Shotgun Speakers", rarity = 2, killer = 31, tags = {"ActionNoise", "ClawTraps", "SkillChecks"}}, {id = 716, name = "Stereo Remote Mic", rarity = 2, killer = 31, tags = {"Drones", "PowerCooldown"}}, {id = 717, name = "Supercharge", rarity = 2, killer = 31, tags = {"ClawTraps", "EffectDuration"}}, {id = 718, name = "Ultrasonic Speaker", rarity = 1, killer = 31, tags = {"Drones", "PowerPenalty"}}, {id = 719, name = "Vital Targeting Processor", rarity = 3, killer = 31, tags = {"ClawTraps", "Drones", "Hindered"}}, -- The Singularity -- {id = 720, name = "Android Arm", rarity = 2, killer = 32, tags = {"PowerRange"}}, {id = 721, name = "Broken Security Key", rarity = 1, killer = 32, tags = {"Biopods", "PowerCooldown"}}, {id = 722, name = "Cremated Remains", rarity = 2, killer = 32, tags = {"Blindness"}}, {id = 723, name = "Crew Manifest", rarity = 4, killer = 32, tags = {"Auras", "Biopods", "PowerRange"}}, {id = 724, name = "Cryo Gel", rarity = 2, killer = 32, tags = {"PowerEfficiency"}}, { id = 725, name = "Denied Requisition Form", rarity = 5, killer = 32, tags = {"EMPs", "PowerCounter", "PowerEfficiency"} }, {id = 726, name = "Diagnostic Tool (Construction)", rarity = 4, killer = 32, tags = {"Auras"}}, {id = 727, name = "Diagnostic Tool (Repair)", rarity = 2, killer = 32, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"Mangled"}}, {id = 728, name = "Foreign Plant Fibres", rarity = 4, killer = 32, tags = {"MovementSpeed", "Pallets"}}, {id = 729, name = "Heavy Water", rarity = 1, killer = 32, tags = {"Auras", "SupplyCases"}}, {id = 730, name = "Hologram Generator", rarity = 3, killer = 32, tags = {"Biopod", "Oblivious"}}, {id = 731, name = "Hyperawareness Spray", rarity = 3, killer = 32, tags = {"Illusions", "TerrorRadius"}}, {id = 732, name = "Iridescent Crystal Shard", rarity = 5, killer = 32, tags = {"Auras", "Biopods"}}, {id = 733, name = "Kid's Ball Glove", rarity = 1, killer = 32, tags = {"PowerDuration"}}, {id = 734, name = "Live Wires", rarity = 3, killer = 32, tags = {"Scream"}}, {id = 735, name = "Nanomachine Gel", rarity = 3, killer = 32, tags = {"Broken"}}, {id = 736, name = "Nutritional Slurry", rarity = 1, killer = 32, tags = {"BioPods", "PowerObject"}}, {id = 737, name = "Soma Family Photo", rarity = 4, killer = 32, tags = {"Haste", "PowerDuration", "PowerPenalty"}}, {id = 738, name = "Spent Oxygen Tank", rarity = 3, killer = 32, tags = {"Exhausted"}}, {id = 739, name = "Ultrasonic Sensor", rarity = 2, killer = 32, tags = {"ActionNoise", "ExtendedAbility"}}, -- The Xenomorph -- { id = 740, name = "Acidic Blood", rarity = 5, killer = 33, tags = {"AutoDamage", "CrawlerMode", "DeepWound", "KillerStun", "Tunnels"} }, {id = 741, name = "Ash's Innards", rarity = 2, killer = 33, tags = {"PowerCounter", "Turrets"}}, {id = 742, name = "Brett's Cap", rarity = 2, killer = 33, tags = {"Blindness", "PowerCounter", "Turrets"}}, { id = 743, name = "Cat Carrier", rarity = 4, killer = 33, tags = {"CrawlerMode", "PowerCounter", "Turrets", "Undetectable"} }, {id = 744, name = "Cereal Rations", rarity = 1, killer = 33, tags = {"Auras", "Tunnels", "Turrets"}}, {id = 745, name = "Crew Headset", rarity = 2, killer = 33, tags = {"DetectionRange", "Tunnels"}}, {id = 746, name = "Drinking Bird", rarity = 1, killer = 33, tags = {"KillerInstinct", "Tunnels"}}, {id = 747, name = "Emergency Helmet", rarity = 3, killer = 33, tags = {"StaggerResistance", "Turrets"}}, {id = 748, name = "Harpoon Gun", rarity = 4, killer = 33, tags = {"LoudNoiseNotifications", "Scream", "Tunnels"}}, { id = 749, name = "Improvised Cattle Prod", rarity = 5, killer = 33, tags = {"Auras", "ControlStations", "Generators"} }, {id = 750, name = "Kane's Helmet", rarity = 3, killer = 33, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"AlternateAttack", "Mangled"}}, {id = 751, name = "Lambert's Star Map", rarity = 2, killer = 33, tags = {"EffectRange", "PowerCounter", " Turrets"}}, {id = 752, name = "Light Wand", rarity = 2, killer = 33, tags = {"PowerCounter", "Tunnels"}}, {id = 753, name = "Moulted Skin", rarity = 3, killer = 33, tags = {"Exhausted", "Hindered", "Turrets"}}, {id = 754, name = "Multipurpose Hatchet", rarity = 3, killer = 33, tags = {"AlternateAttack", "Haemorrhage"}}, {id = 755, name = "Ovomorph", rarity = 1, killer = 33, tags = {"CrawlerMode", "PowerRecovery", "Tunnels"}}, {id = 756, name = "Parker's Headband", rarity = 3, killer = 33, tags = {"Haste", "Tunnels"}}, {id = 757, name = "Ripley's Watch", rarity = 1, killer = 33, tags = {"CrawlerMode", "PowerCounter", "Turrets"}}, {id = 758, name = "Self-Destruct Bolt", rarity = 4, killer = 33, tags = {"ActionSpeed", "CrawlerMode", "Vaulting"}}, {id = 759, name = "Semiotic Keyboard", rarity = 4, killer = 33, tags = {"Auras", "Generators", "Turrets"}}, -- The Good Guy -- {id = 760, name = "Automatic Screwdriver", rarity = 2, killer = 34, tags = {"PowerCooldown"}}, {id = 761, name = "Doll Eyes", rarity = 1, killer = 34, tags = {"Auras", "Pallets", "Windows"}}, {id = 762, name = "Electric Carving Knife", rarity = 2, killer = 34, tags = {"PowerCooldown"}}, {id = 763, name = "Good Guy Box", rarity = 1, killer = 34, tags = {"PowerCooldown"}}, {id = 764, name = "Hair Spray & Candle", rarity = 2, killer = 34, tags = {"PowerPenalty"}}, {id = 765, name = "Hard Hat", rarity = 5, killer = 34, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {"Pallets"}}, {id = 766, name = "Iridescent Amulet", rarity = 5, killer = 34, tags = {"PowerDuration"}}, { id = 767, name = "Jump Rope (Playtime's Over)", rarity = 2, killer = 34, displayName = "Jump Rope", tags = {"PowerDuration"} }, {id = 768, name = "Mirror Shards", rarity = 4, killer = 34, tags = {"ExtendedAbility"}}, {id = 769, name = "Pile of Nails", rarity = 4, killer = 34, tags = {"Undetectable"}}, {id = 770, name = "Plastic Bag", rarity = 4, killer = 34, tags = {"Exhausted"}}, {id = 771, name = "Portable TV", rarity = 3, killer = 34, tags = {"ExitGates", "PowerDuration"}}, {id = 772, name = "Power Drill", rarity = 2, killer = 34, tags = {"PowerCooldown"}}, {id = 773, name = "Rat Poison", rarity = 3, killer = 34, tags = {"Auras"}}, {id = 774, name = "Running Shoes", rarity = 3, killer = 34, tags = {"Haste"}}, {id = 775, name = "Silk Pillow", rarity = 3, killer = 34, tags = {"ActionTime", "TerrorRadius"}}, {id = 776, name = "Straight Razor", rarity = 4, killer = 34, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"Haemorrhage", "Mangled"}}, {id = 777, name = "Strobing Light", rarity = 1, killer = 34, tags = {"TerrorRadius"}}, {id = 778, name = "Tiny Scalpel", rarity = 1, killer = 34, tags = {"PoolsOfBlood"}}, {id = 779, name = "Yardstick", rarity = 3, killer = 34, tags = {"Auras"}}, -- The Unknown -- { id = 780, name = "Blurry Photo", rarity = 1, killer = 35, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"MovementSpeed", "PowerCooldown"} }, {id = 781, name = "B-Movie Poster", rarity = 3, killer = 35, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"Broken"}}, { id = 782, name = "Captured by the Dark", rarity = 5, killer = 35, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"Illusions", "PowerObject", "PowerCooldown"} }, { id = 783, name = "Device of Undisclosed Origin", rarity = 2, killer = 35, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"Illusions", "Oblivious"} }, {id = 784, name = "Discarded Milk Carton", rarity = 4, killer = 35, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"ExtendedAbility"}}, {id = 785, name = "Footprint Cast", rarity = 3, killer = 35, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"Illusions", "PowerCooldown"}}, { id = 786, name = "Front-Page Article", rarity = 3, killer = 35, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"BreakableWalls", "Pallets", "PowerCooldown"} }, {id = 787, name = "Homemade Mask", rarity = 4, killer = 35, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"Blindness", "Illusions"}}, {id = 788, name = "Hypnotist's Watch", rarity = 3, killer = 35, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"Exhausted"}}, { id = 789, name = "Iridescent OSS Report", rarity = 5, killer = 35, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"PowerCooldown", "TerrorRadius"} }, {id = 790, name = "Last Known Recording", rarity = 2, killer = 35, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"Auras", "Illusions"}}, {id = 791, name = "Notebook of Theories", rarity = 2, killer = 35, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"Hindered"}}, { id = 792, name = "Obscure Game Cartridge", rarity = 4, killer = 35, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"BreakableWalls", "Pallets"} }, {id = 793, name = "Punctured Eyeball", rarity = 1, killer = 35, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"DeepWound", "Illusions"}}, { id = 794, name = "Rabbit's Foot", rarity = 1, killer = 35, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"ExtendedAblity", "Haemorrhage"} }, {id = 795, name = "Serum Vial", rarity = 4, killer = 35, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"Exhausted", "Illusions"}}, {id = 796, name = "Sketch Attempt", rarity = 1, killer = 35, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"Oblivious"}}, { id = 797, name = "Slashed Backpack", rarity = 2, killer = 35, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"Illusions", "PowerCooldown"} }, {id = 798, name = "Vanishing Box", rarity = 3, killer = 35, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"Generators"}}, {id = 799, name = "Victim's Map", rarity = 2, killer = 35, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"KillerInstinct"}}, -- The Lich -- {id = 800, name = "Bag of Holding", rarity = 4, killer = 36, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {"Oblivious"}}, {id = 801, name = "Boots of Speed", rarity = 3, killer = 36, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {"MovementSpeed"}}, {id = 802, name = "Cloak of Elvenkind", rarity = 3, killer = 36, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {"TerrorRadius"}}, {id = 803, name = "Cloak of Invisibility", rarity = 4, killer = 36, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {"Stealthy"}}, {id = 804, name = "Crystal Ball", rarity = 1, killer = 36, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {"KillerInstinct"}}, {id = 805, name = "Dragontooth Dagger", rarity = 4, killer = 36, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {}}, {id = 806, name = "Glass Eye", rarity = 2, killer = 36, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {}}, {id = 807, name = "Iridescent Book of Vile Darkness", rarity = 5, killer = 36, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {}}, {id = 808, name = "Lantern of Revealing", rarity = 2, killer = 36, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {"Auras"}}, {id = 809, name = "Ornate Horn", rarity = 3, killer = 36, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {"PowerCapacity"}}, {id = 810, name = "Pearl of Power", rarity = 3, killer = 36, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {"PowerCooldown"}}, {id = 811, name = "Potion of Speed", rarity = 2, killer = 36, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {"PowerCooldown"}}, {id = 812, name = "Raven's Feather", rarity = 1, killer = 36, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {"PowerDuration"}}, {id = 813, name = "Ring of Spell Storing", rarity = 2, killer = 36, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {"PowerCooldown"}}, {id = 814, name = "Ring of Telekinesis", rarity = 2, killer = 36, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {"PowerDuration"}}, {id = 815, name = "Robe of Eyes", rarity = 4, killer = 36, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {"Auras", "PowerObject"}}, {id = 816, name = "Staff of Withering", rarity = 3, killer = 36, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {}}, {id = 817, name = "Tattered Headband", rarity = 1, killer = 36, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {"PowerRange"}}, {id = 818, name = "Trickster's Glove", rarity = 1, killer = 36, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {"PowerDuration"}}, {id = 819, name = "Vorpal Sword", rarity = 5, killer = 36, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {}} } p.perks = { { id = 62, name = "Vocazione di un'Infermiera", techName = "A Nurse's Calling", units = {3}, values = {20, 24, 28}, character = 4, charType = "K", level = 40, prestige = 3, tags = {"Auras", "Healing"} }, { id = 66, name = "Asso nella Manica", techName = "Ace in the Hole", units = {4}, values = {10, 25, 50}, character = 7, charType = "S", level = 40, prestige = 3, tags = {"Add-ons", "Chests", "Items"} }, { id = 42, name = "Adrenalina", techName = "Adrenaline", units = {1}, values = {60, 50, 40}, character = 2, charType = "S", level = 40, prestige = 3, patch = "7.7.0", tags = {"Exhausted", "Haste", "Healing"} }, { id = 118, name = "Convalescenza", techName = "Aftercare", units = {7}, values = {1, 2, 3}, character = 15, charType = "S", level = 35, prestige = 2, tags = {"Auras"} }, { id = 51, name = "Agitazione", techName = "Agitation", units = {4}, values = {6, 12, 18}, character = 1, charType = "K", level = 40, prestige = 3, tags = {"Carrying", "MovementSpeed", "TerrorRadius"} }, { id = 76, name = "Allerta", techName = "Alert", units = {1}, values = {3, 4, 5}, character = 9, charType = "S", level = 40, prestige = 3, tags = {"Auras", "BreakableWalls", "Pallets"} }, { id = 254, name = "Istinto Alieno", techName = "Alien Instinct", units = {1}, values = {16, 18, 20}, character = 33, charType = "K", level = 35, prestige = 2, patch = "7.2.0", tags = {"Auras", "Hooks", "Oblivious"} }, { id = 145, name = "A Ogni Costo", techName = "Any Means Necessary", units = {1}, values = {6, 5, 4}, character = 20, charType = "S", level = 35, prestige = 2, patch = "6.6.0", tags = {"Pallets"} }, { id = 168, name = "Stima", techName = "Appraisal", units = {4}, values = {40, 60, 80}, character = 24, charType = "S", level = 30, prestige = 1, tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Chests", "Items"} }, { id = 1, name = "Artefact Hunter", techName = "Artefact Hunter", charType = "S", unused = true }, { id = 113, name = "Autoapprendimento", techName = "Autodidact", units = {5}, values = {3, 4, 5}, character = 14, charType = "S", level = 40, prestige = 3, tags = {"Healing", "SkillChecks"} }, { id = 221, name = "Percezione Risvegliata", techName = "Awakened Awareness", units = {3}, values = {16, 18, 20}, character = 29, charType = "K", level = 35, prestige = 2, patch = "6.2.0", tags = {"Auras", "Carrying"} }, { id = 138, name = "Babysitter", techName = "Babysitter", units = {1}, values = {4, 6, 8}, character = 19, charType = "S", level = 30, prestige = 1, tags = {"Auras", "Haste", "ScratchMarks", "Stealth", "PoolsOfBlood"} }, { id = 243, name = "Comparsa", techName = "Background Player", units = {1}, values = {30, 25, 20}, character = 36, charType = "S", level = 40, prestige = 3, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {"Exhausted", "Hooks"} }, { id = 102, name = "Inganno", techName = "Bamboozle", units = {1, 4}, values = {8, 12, 16, 5, 10, 15}, character = 12, charType = "K", level = 30, prestige = 1, tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Blocking", "Vaulting", "VaultLocations"} }, { id = 45, name = "Atterraggio Bilanciato", techName = "Balanced Landing", units = {1}, values = {60, 50, 40}, character = 5, charType = "S", level = 30, prestige = 1, tags = {"ActionNoise", "Exhausted", "Haste"} }, { id = 88, name = "Barbecue & Chili", techName = "Barbecue & Chilli", units = {3}, values = {60, 50, 40}, character = 9, charType = "K", level = 35, prestige = 2, patch = "7.1.0", tags = {"Auras", "Hooks"} }, { id = 275, name = "Ispirazione Bardica", techName = "Bardic Inspiration", units = {1}, values = {110, 100, 90}, character = 42, charType = "S", level = 35, prestige = 2, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {"BonusProgression", "Screams", "SkillChecks"} }, { id = 261, name = "Pile Incluse", techName = "Batteries Included", units = {2}, values = {1, 3, 5}, character = 34, charType = "K", level = 40, prestige = 3, patch = "7.4.2", tags = {"Generators", "Haste"} }, { id = 85, name = "Animale da Preda", techName = "Beast of Prey", units = {4}, values = {30, 40, 50}, character = 8, charType = "K", level = 30, prestige = 1, tags = {"Bloodlust", "BonusBloodpoints", "Deception", "Stealth", "Undetectable"} }, { id = 226, name = "Rigenerazione Totale", techName = "Better than New", units = {4}, values = {12, 14, 16}, character = 33, charType = "S", level = 30, prestige = 1, patch = "6.2.0", tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Blessing", "Cleansing", "Chests", "Healing", "HealingProficiency", "Totems"} }, { id = 135, name = "L'Unione fa la Forza", techName = "Better Together", units = {1}, values = {8, 9, 10}, character = 18, charType = "S", level = 30, prestige = 1, tags = {"Auras", "Generators"} }, { id = 183, name = "Stringi i Denti", techName = "Bite the Bullet", units = {4}, values = {3, 2, 1}, character = 27, charType = "S", level = 30, prestige = 1, tags = {"Healing", "SkillChecks", "LoudNoiseNotifications"} }, { id = 7, name = "Sussurro Amaro", techName = "Bitter Murmur", units = {1}, values = {5, 7, 10}, charType = "K", tags = {"Auras", "Generators"} }, { id = 182, name = "Mina Esplosiva", techName = "Blast Mine", units = {1}, values = {100, 110, 120}, character = 26, charType = "S", level = 40, prestige = 3, patch = "7.1.0", tags = {"Auras", "Generators", "KillerBlind", "Trap"} }, { id = 142, name = "Eco Sanguigna", techName = "Blood Echo", units = {1}, values = {80, 70, 60}, character = 18, charType = "K", level = 35, prestige = 2, tags = {"Exhausted", "Haemorrhage"} }, { id = 157, name = "Patto di Sangue", techName = "Blood Pact", units = {4}, values = {5, 6, 7}, character = 22, charType = "S", level = 35, prestige = 2, tags = {"Auras", "Haste", "Obsession"} }, { id = 241, name = "Avventatezza", techName = "Blood Rush", units = {1}, values = {28, 24, 20}, character = 36, charType = "S", level = 30, prestige = 1, patch = "6.6.0", tags = {"Broken", "Exhausted", "Healing", "Hooks"} }, { id = 92, name = "Custode Sanguinario", techName = "Blood Warden", units = {1}, values = {30, 40, 60}, character = 10, charType = "K", level = 40, prestige = 3, tags = {"Auras", "Blocking", "ExitGates", "Hooks"} }, { id = 54, name = "Segugio", techName = "Bloodhound", units = {1}, values = {2, 3, 4}, character = 2, charType = "K", level = 35, prestige = 2, tags = {"PoolsOfBlood"} }, { id = 107, name = "Perdi le Staffe", techName = "Boil Over", units = {4}, values = {60, 70, 80}, character = 13, charType = "S", level = 40, prestige = 3, tags = {"Auras", "Hooks", "Wiggle"} }, { id = 190, name = "Manna: Cerchio della Cura", techName = "Boon: Circle of Healing", units = {4}, values = {50, 75, 100}, character = 28, charType = "S", level = 35, prestige = 2, patch = "6.7.0", tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Boon", "Healing", "HealingProficiency", "Totems"} }, { id = 212, name = "Manna: Teoria Oscura", techName = "Boon: Dark Theory", units = {1}, values = {2, 3, 4}, character = 30, charType = "S", level = 40, prestige = 3, tags = {"Boon", "Haste", "Totems"} }, { id = 206, name = "Manna: Esponenziale", techName = "Boon: Exponential", units = {4}, values = {90, 95, 100}, character = 29, charType = "S", level = 40, prestige = 3, tags = {"Boon", "RecoverySpeed", "Recovering", "Totems"} }, { id = 263, name = "Manna: Illuminazione", techName = "Boon: Illumination", units = {4}, values = {6, 8, 10}, character = 40, charType = "S", level = 35, prestige = 2, patch = "7.5.0", tags = {"Auras", "Blessing", "Boon", "Chests", "Cleansing", "Generators", "Totems"} }, { id = 191, name = "Manna: Passo nell'Ombra", techName = "Boon: Shadow Step", units = {1}, values = {2, 3, 4}, character = 28, charType = "S", level = 40, prestige = 3, tags = {"Auras", "ScratchMarks", "Totems", "Boon"} }, { id = 33, name = "Legame", techName = "Bond", units = {3}, values = {20, 28, 36}, character = 1, charType = "S", level = 30, prestige = 1, tags = {"Auras"} }, { id = 73, name = "Tempo Prezioso", techName = "Borrowed Time", units = {1}, values = {6, 8, 10}, character = 8, charType = "S", level = 35, prestige = 2, patch = "6.1.0", tags = {"Endurance", "Haste"} }, { id = 36, name = "Conoscenze Botaniche", techName = "Botany Knowledge", units = {4}, values = {30, 40, 50}, character = 3, charType = "S", level = 35, prestige = 2, patch = "6.1.0", tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Healing", "HealingProficiency"} }, { id = 117, name = "Collasso", techName = "Breakdown", units = {1}, values = {4, 5, 6}, character = 15, charType = "S", level = 30, prestige = 1, tags = {"Auras", "Hooks"} }, { id = 146, name = "Evasione", techName = "Breakout", units = {4}, values = {5, 6, 7}, character = 20, charType = "S", level = 40, prestige = 3, patch = "7.1.0", tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Haste", "Wiggle"} }, { id = 52, name = "Forza Brutale", techName = "Brutal Strength", units = {4}, values = {10, 15, 20}, character = 1, charType = "K", level = 35, prestige = 2, tags = {"ActionSpeed", "BreakableWalls", "Generators", "Pallets"} }, { id = 127, name = "Allaccia le Cinture", techName = "Buckle Up", units = {1}, values = {3, 4, 5}, character = 17, charType = "S", patch = "8.0.0", level = 35, prestige = 2, tags = {"Auras", "ConspicuousActions", "Exhausted", "Haste", "Recovering"} }, { id = 164, name = "Costruito per Durare", techName = "Built to Last", units = {1}, values = {14, 13, 12}, character = 23, charType = "S", level = 40, prestige = 3, tags = {"Items", "Lockers"} }, { id = 208, name = "Richiamo Salmastro", techName = "Call of Brine", units = {4}, values = {115, 120, 125}, character = 27, charType = "K", level = 35, prestige = 2, patch = "6.7.0", tags = {"Generators", "Regression", "SkillChecks"} }, { id = 40, name = "Spirito Calmo", techName = "Calm Spirit", units = {4}, values = {40, 35, 30}, character = 4, charType = "S", level = 35, prestige = 2, patch = "6.1.0", tags = {"ActionNoise", "ActionSpeed", "Stealth"} }, { id = 139, name = "Cameratismo", techName = "Camaraderie", units = {1}, values = {26, 30, 34}, character = 19, charType = "S", level = 35, prestige = 2, tags = {"EntityProgression", "Hooks", "Struggling"} }, { id = 262, name = "Campione di Luce", techName = "Champion of Light", units = {1}, values = {80, 70, 60}, character = 40, charType = "S", level = 30, prestige = 1, patch = "7.5.2", tags = {"Flashlights", "Haste", "Hindered", "KillerBlind"} }, { id = 256, name = "Trappola Chimica", techName = "Chemical Trap", units = {4, 1}, values = {70, 60, 50, 100, 110, 120}, character = 39, charType = "S", level = 30, prestige = 1, patch = "7.2.0", tags = {"Auras", "Generators", "Pallets"} }, { id = 205, name = "Azione Correttiva", techName = "Corrective Action", units = {6}, values = {1, 2, 3}, character = 29, charType = "S", level = 35, prestige = 2, tags = {"SkillChecks", "Generators"} }, { id = 120, name = "Intervento Corrotto", techName = "Corrupt Intervention", units = {1}, values = {80, 100, 120}, character = 15, charType = "K", level = 30, prestige = 1, patch = "6.1.0", tags = {"Blocking", "Generators"} }, { id = 103, name = "Coulrofobia", techName = "Coulrophobia", units = {4}, values = {30, 40, 50}, character = 12, charType = "K", level = 35, prestige = 2, patch = "6.1.0", tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Healing", "HealingProficiency", "RotationSpeed", "SkillChecks", "TerrorRadius"} }, { id = 180, name = "Controforza", techName = "Counterforce", units = {1}, values = {2, 3, 4}, character = 26, charType = "S", level = 30, prestige = 1, tags = {"Totems"} }, { id = 167, name = "Colpo di Grazia", techName = "Coup de Grâce", units = {4}, values = {70, 75, 80}, character = 22, charType = "K", level = 40, prestige = 3, patch = "7.1.0", tags = {"Generators", "Lunge", "Tokens"}, diacritics = true }, { id = 189, name = "Chiaroveggenza", techName = "Clairvoyance", units = {1}, values = {8, 9, 10}, character = 28, charType = "S", level = 30, prestige = 1, patch = "7.1.0", tags = {"Auras", "Totems", "Hatch", "Generators", "Hooks", "Chests"} }, { id = 194, name = "Claustrofobia", techName = "Claustrophobia", units = {1}, values = {20, 25, 30}, charType = "K", tags = {}, unused = true, retired = true }, { id = 134, name = "Cattività", techName = "Cruel Limits", units = {1}, values = {20, 25, 30}, character = 17, charType = "K", level = 40, prestige = 3, tags = {"Auras", "Blocking", "Generators", "VaultLocations"} }, { id = 240, name = "Benservito", techName = "Cut Loose", units = {1}, values = {4, 5, 6}, character = 35, charType = "S", level = 40, prestige = 3, patch = "6.6.0", tags = {"LoudNoiseNotifications", "Stealth", "Vaulting"} }, { id = 105, name = "Balla con Me", techName = "Dance With Me", units = {1}, values = {60, 50, 40}, character = 13, charType = "S", level = 30, prestige = 1, tags = {"Lockers", "Pallets", "ScratchMarks", "Stealth", "Vaulting"} }, { id = 273, name = "Arroganza Oscura", techName = "Dark Arrogance", units = {4}, values = {15, 20, 25}, character = 36, charType = "K", level = 40, prestige = 3, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {"ActionSpeed", "EffectDuration", "KillerBlind", "KillerStun", "Pallets", "Vaulting", "Windows"} }, { id = 122, name = "Devozione Oscura", techName = "Dark Devotion", units = {1}, values = {20, 25, 30}, character = 15, charType = "K", level = 40, prestige = 3, patch = "6.1.0", tags = {"Deception", "Obsession", "Stealth", "TerrorRadius", "Undetectable"} }, { id = 19, name = "Sensazione Tenebrosa", techName = "Dark Sense", units = {1}, values = {5, 7, 10}, charType = "S", patch = "6.1.0", tags = {"Auras", "Generators"} }, { id = 214, name = "Oscurità Rivelata", techName = "Darkness Revealed", units = {1}, values = {3, 4, 5}, character = 28, charType = "K", level = 35, prestige = 2, tags = {"Lockers", "Auras"} }, { id = 82, name = "Morto Stecchito", techName = "Dead Hard", units = {1}, values = {60, 50, 40}, character = 10, charType = "S", level = 35, prestige = 2, patch = "6.7.0", tags = {"DeepWound", "Endurance", "Exhausted"} }, { id = 148, name = "Dispositivo dell'Uomo Morto", techName = "Dead Man's Switch", units = {1}, values = {20, 25, 30}, character = 19, charType = "K", patch = "6.1.2 / 6.1.3", level = 35, prestige = 2, tags = {"Auras", "Blocking", "Generators", "Hooks"} }, { id = 264, name = "Deadline", techName = "Deadline", units = {4}, values = {6, 8, 10}, character = 40, charType = "S", level = 40, prestige = 3, patch = "7.5.0", tags = {"InjuredState", "Healing", "SkillCheckProbability", "SkillChecks", "Repairing"} }, { id = 186, name = "Impasse", techName = "Deadlock", units = {1}, values = {15, 20, 25}, character = 25, charType = "K", level = 30, prestige = 1, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {"Auras", "Blocking", "Generators"} }, { id = 155, name = "Morte Certa", techName = "Deathbound", units = {3}, values = {16, 12, 8}, character = 20, charType = "K", level = 40, prestige = 3, tags = {"AuraFlareUp", "Healing", "LoudNoiseNotifications", "Oblivious"} }, { id = 169, name = "Raggiro", techName = "Deception", units = {1}, values = {60, 50, 40}, character = 24, charType = "S", level = 35, prestige = 2, tags = {"Deception", "PoolsOfBlood", "Lockers", "LoudNoiseNotifications", "ScratchMarks", "Stealth"} }, { id = 48, name = "Colpo Decisivo", techName = "Decisive Strike", units = {1}, values = {40, 50, 60}, character = 6, charType = "S", level = 40, prestige = 3, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {"Obsession", "SkillChecks", "Stun"} }, { id = 8, name = "Cacciatore di Cervi", techName = "Deerstalker", units = {3}, values = {20, 28, 36}, charType = "K", tags = {"Auras"} }, { id = 20, name = "Déjà Vu", techName = "Déjà Vu", units = {4}, values = {4, 5, 6}, charType = "S", patch = "7.0.0", tags = {"Auras", "ActionSpeed", "Generators", "Maps"}, diacritics = true }, { id = 112, name = "Liberazione", techName = "Deliverance", units = {1}, values = {100, 80, 60}, character = 14, charType = "S", level = 35, prestige = 2, tags = {"Broken", "Chance", "EscapeAttempt", "Hooks"} }, { id = 163, name = "Estremi Rimedi", techName = "Desperate Measures", units = {4, 4}, values = {10, 12, 14, 40, 48, 56}, character = 23, charType = "S", level = 35, prestige = 2, tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Healing", "HealingProficiency"} }, { id = 100, name = "Intuizione del Detective", techName = "Detective's Hunch", units = {3}, values = {32, 48, 64}, character = 12, charType = "S", level = 35, prestige = 2, tags = {"Auras", "Chests", "Generators", "Maps", "Totems"} }, { id = 114, name = "Discordia", techName = "Discordance", units = {3}, values = {64, 96, 128}, character = 14, charType = "K", level = 30, prestige = 1, tags = {"Auras", "Generators", "LoudNoiseNotifications"} }, { id = 213, name = "Dissoluzione", techName = "Dissolution", units = {1}, values = {12, 16, 20}, character = 28, charType = "K", level = 30, prestige = 1, tags = {"Pallets", "TerrorRadius", "Vaulting"} }, { id = 119, name = "Stravolgimento", techName = "Distortion", units = {1}, values = {6, 8, 10}, character = 15, charType = "S", level = 40, prestige = 3, patch = "6.1.0", tags = {"Auras", "ScratchMarks", "Stealth", "TerrorRadius", "Tokens"} }, { id = 9, name = "Inquietante", techName = "Distressing", units = {4}, values = {22, 24, 26}, charType = "K", tags = {"BonusBloodpoints", "Deviousness", "TerrorRadius"} }, { id = 111, name = "Diversivo", techName = "Diversion", units = {1}, values = {40, 35, 30}, character = 14, charType = "S", level = 30, prestige = 1, tags = {"Deception", "LoudNoiseNotifications", "ScratchMarks", "TerrorRadius"} }, { id = 282, name = "Dominio", techName = "Dominance", units = {1}, values = {4, 6, 8}, character = 37, charType = 'K', level = 40, prestige = 3, patch = "8.2.0", tags = {"Auras", "Chests", "ChestBlocker", "Totems", "TotemBlocker"} }, { id = 159, name = "Morsa del Drago", techName = "Dragon's Grip", units = {1}, values = {120, 100, 80}, character = 21, charType = "K", level = 30, prestige = 1, tags = {"AuraFlareUp", "Exposed", "Generators", "LoudNoiseNotifications"} }, { id = 250, name = "Drammaturgia", techName = "Dramaturgy", units = {1}, values = {60, 50, 40}, character = 38, charType = "S", level = 30, prestige = 1, patch = "7.1.0", tags = {"Add-ons", "Exhausted", "Exposed", "Haste", "Items"} }, { id = 63, name = "Luce Morente", techName = "Dying Light", units = {4, 4}, values = {2, 2.5, 3, 22, 27.5, 33}, character = 5, charType = "K", level = 40, prestige = 3, tags = { "ActionSpeed", "HealingProficiency", "Obsession", "RepairingProficiency", "SabotageProficiency", "Tokens" } }, { id = 211, name = "Connessione Empatica", techName = "Empathic Connection", units = {3}, values = {32, 64, 96}, character = 30, charType = "S", level = 35, prestige = 2, tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Auras", "Healing", "HealingProficiency", "InjuredState"} }, { id = 37, name = "Empatia", techName = "Empathy", units = {3}, values = {64, 96, 128}, character = 3, charType = "S", level = 30, prestige = 1, tags = {"Auras"} }, { id = 57, name = "Resistente", techName = "Enduring", units = {4}, values = {40, 45, 50}, character = 3, charType = "K", level = 30, prestige = 1, tags = {"Stun", "Pallets", "StunRecovery"} }, { id = 179, name = "Eruzione", techName = "Eruption", units = {1}, values = {8, 10, 12}, character = 24, charType = "K", level = 40, prestige = 3, patch = "6.6.0", tags = {"Auras", "Generators"} }, { id = 283, name = "Occhi di Belmont", techName = "Eyes of Belmont", units = {1}, values = {1, 2, 3}, character = 44, charType = 'S', level = 40, prestige = 3, patch = "8.2.0", tags = {"Auras", "Generators"} }, { id = 284, name = "Esultanza", techName = "Exultation", units = {1}, values = {40, 35, 30}, character = 44, charType = 'S', level = 30, prestige = 1, patch = "8.2.0", tags = {"Charges", "KillerStun", "Pallets", "RarityUpgrade"} }, { id = 174, name = "Impazienza", techName = "Fast Track", units = {5, 6}, values = {1, 2, 3, 9, 18, 27}, character = 25, charType = "S", level = 30, prestige = 1, tags = {"Generators", "SkillChecks", "Tokens"} }, { id = 193, name = "Terrore Ambulante", techName = "Fearmonger", units = {1}, values = {3, 4, 5}, charType = "K", tags = {}, unused = true, retired = true }, { id = 277, name = "Finesse", techName = "Finesse", units = {1}, values = {40, 35, 30}, character = 43, charType = 'S', level = 30, prestige = 1, patch = "8.1.0", tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Vaulting"} }, { id = 90, name = "Fuoco e Fiamme", techName = "Fire Up", units = {4, 4}, values = {3, 3.5, 4, 15, 17.5, 20}, character = 10, charType = "K", level = 30, prestige = 1, tags = {"ActionSpeed", "BreakableWalls", "Generators", "Pallets", "Vaulting"} }, { id = 136, name = "Fissata", techName = "Fixated", units = {4}, values = {10, 15, 20}, character = 18, charType = "S", level = 35, prestige = 2, tags = {"MovementSpeed", "ScratchMarks"} }, { id = 184, name = "Granata Stordente", techName = "Flashbang", units = {4}, values = {70, 60, 50}, character = 27, charType = "S", level = 35, prestige = 2, tags = {"Lockers", "Generators"} }, { id = 126, name = "Ritorno", techName = "Flip-Flop", units = {4}, values = {40, 45, 50}, character = 17, charType = "S", level = 30, prestige = 1, tags = {"Conversion", "Recovering", "Wiggle"} }, { id = 233, name = "Strade Nebbiose", techName = "Fogwise", units = {1}, values = {4, 5, 6}, character = 34, charType = "S", patch = "6.4.0", level = 35, prestige = 2, tags = {"Auras", "Generators", "SkillChecks"} }, { id = 152, name = "Per il Popolo", techName = "For the People", units = {1}, values = {80, 70, 60}, character = 21, charType = "S", level = 40, prestige = 3, tags = {"Broken", "DeepWound", "Healing", "Obsession"} }, { id = 245, name = "Esitazione Imposta", techName = "Forced Hesitation", units = {1}, values = {40, 35, 30}, character = 32, charType = "K", level = 35, prestige = 2, patch = "7.0.0", tags = {"Hindered"} }, { id = 153, name = "Penitenza Imposta", techName = "Forced Penance", units = {1}, values = {60, 70, 80}, character = 20, charType = "K", level = 30, prestige = 1, tags = {"Broken", "ProtectionHits"} }, { id = 89, name = "Caduta di Franklin", techName = "Franklin's Demise", units = {1}, values = {150, 120, 90}, character = 9, charType = "K", level = 40, prestige = 3, tags = {"Auras", "Items"} }, { id = 238, name = "Concorrenza Amichevole", techName = "Friendly Competition", units = {1}, values = {45, 60, 75}, character = 35, charType = "S", level = 30, prestige = 1, patch = "6.6.0", tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Generators", "RepairingProficiency"} }, { id = 260, name = "Amici per Sempre", techName = "Friends 'til the End", units = {1}, values = {6, 8, 10}, character = 34, charType = "K", level = 35, prestige = 2, tags = {"Auras", "Exposed", "Hooks", "LoudNoiseNotifications", "Obsession"} }, { id = 131, name = "Inseguimento Furtivo", techName = "Furtive Chase", units = {1}, values = {14, 16, 18}, character = 16, charType = "K", level = 40, prestige = 3, patch = "7.3.0", tags = {"Haste", "Hooks", "Obsession", "Undetectable"} }, { id = 237, name = "Ora Viene il Bello", techName = "Game Afoot", units = {1}, values = {8, 9, 10}, character = 31, charType = "K", patch = "6.6.0", level = 40, prestige = 3, tags = {"BreakableWalls", "Generators", "Haste", "Obsession", "Pallets"} }, { id = 147, name = "Meccanico", techName = "Gearhead", units = {1}, values = {6, 7, 8}, character = 19, charType = "K", level = 30, prestige = 1, patch = "6.7.0", tags = {"Auras", "Generators", "SkillChecks"} }, { id = 244, name = "Limiti Genetici", techName = "Genetic Limits", units = {1}, values = {24, 28, 32}, character = 32, charType = "K", level = 30, prestige = 1, patch = "7.0.0", tags = {"Exhausted", "Healing"} }, { id = 201, name = "Abbraccio Lugubre", techName = "Grim Embrace", units = {1}, values = {6, 8, 10}, character = 26, charType = "K", level = 30, prestige = 1, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {"Auras", "Generators", "GenBlocker", "Hooks", "Obsession", "Tokens"} }, { id = 198, name = "Guardiano", techName = "Guardian", units = {1}, values = {4, 6, 8}, charType = "S", tags = {}, unused = true, retired = true }, { id = 278, name = "Temprata", techName = "Hardened", units = {1}, values = {3, 4, 5}, character = 43, charType = 'S', level = 35, prestige = 2, patch = "8.1.0", tags = {"Auras", "Chests", "Screams", "Totems"} }, { id = 125, name = "Frontale", techName = "Head On", units = {1}, values = {60, 50, 40}, character = 16, charType = "S", level = 40, prestige = 3, tags = {"Exhausted", "Lockers", "Stun"} }, { id = 160, name = "Maledizione: Favore di Sangue", techName = "Hex: Blood Favour", units = {3}, values = {24, 28, 32}, character = 21, charType = "K", level = 35, prestige = 2, tags = {"Blocking", "Hex", "Pallets", "Totems"} }, { id = 172, name = "Maledizione: Controllo delle Folle", techName = "Hex: Crowd Control", units = {1}, values = {40, 50, 60}, character = 23, charType = "K", level = 35, prestige = 2, patch = "7.1.0", tags = {"Blocking", "Hex", "Totems", "Vaulting", "VaultLocations"} }, { id = 70, name = "Maledizione: Divora Speranza", techName = "Hex: Devour Hope", units = {4}, values = {3, 4, 5}, character = 6, charType = "K", level = 40, prestige = 3, tags = {"Exposed", "Killing", "Haste", "Hex", "Hooks", "Tokens", "Totems"} }, { id = 230, name = "Maledizione: Affronta l'Oscurità", techName = "Hex: Face the Darkness", units = {1}, values = {35, 30, 25}, character = 30, charType = "K", patch = "6.4.0", level = 35, prestige = 2, tags = {"Auras", "Hex", "LoudNoiseNotifications", "TerrorRadius"} }, { id = 109, name = "Maledizione: Terra Maledetta", techName = "Hex: Haunted Ground", units = {1}, values = {40, 50, 60}, character = 13, charType = "K", level = 35, prestige = 2, tags = {"Exposed", "Hex", "Totems"} }, { id = 86, name = "Maledizione: La ninna nanna della Cacciatrice", techName = "Hex: Huntress Lullaby", units = {4}, values = {2, 4, 6}, character = 8, charType = "K", level = 40, prestige = 3, tags = {"ActionNoise", "Hex", "Hooks", "RegressionPenalty", "SkillChecks", "Tokens", "Totems"} }, { id = 10, name = "Maledizione: Nessuno Sfugge alla Morte", techName = "Hex: No One Escapes Death", units = {4}, values = {2, 3, 4}, charType = "K", patch = "6.1.0", tags = {"ExitGates", "Exposed", "Hex", "Totems"} }, { id = 203, name = "Maledizione: Pentimento", techName = "Hex: Pentimento", units = {4}, values = {20, 25, 30}, character = 26, charType = "K", level = 40, prestige = 3, tags = { "Hex", "Totems", "Auras", "ActionSpeed", "Healing", "HealingProficiency", "Recovery", "RepairingProficiency", "ExitGates" } }, { id = 187, name = "Maledizione: Giocattolo", techName = "Hex: Plaything", units = {3}, values = {24, 20, 16}, character = 25, charType = "K", level = 35, prestige = 2, tags = {"Auras", "Hex", "Oblivious", "Totems"} }, { id = 149, name = "Maledizione: Castigo", techName = "Hex: Retribution", units = {1}, values = {35, 40, 45}, character = 19, charType = "K", level = 40, prestige = 3, tags = {"Auras", "Hex", "Oblivious", "Totems"} }, { id = 69, name = "Maledizione: Rovina", techName = "Hex: Ruin", units = {4}, values = {50, 75, 100}, character = 6, charType = "K", level = 35, prestige = 2, patch = "7.5.0", tags = {"Generators", "Hex", "Regression", "Totems"} }, { id = 71, name = "Maledizione: Il Terzo Sigillo", techName = "Hex: The Third Seal", units = {7}, values = {2, 3, 4}, character = 6, charType = "K", level = 30, prestige = 1, tags = {"Blindness", "Hex", "Totems"} }, { id = 11, name = "Maledizione: Il Brivido della Caccia", techName = "Hex: Thrill of the Hunt", units = {4, 4}, values = {8, 9, 10, 40, 45, 50}, charType = "K", level = 40, prestige = 3, tags = {"ActionSpeed", "BonusBloodpoints", "Hex", "Tokens", "Totems"} }, { id = 259, name = "Maledizione: Gioco per Due", techName = "Hex: Two Can Play", units = {8}, values = {4, 3, 2}, character = 34, charType = "K", level = 30, prestige = 1, tags = {"Hex", "KillerBlind", "KillerStun", "SurvivorBlind", "Totems"} }, { id = 161, name = "Maledizione: Immortale", techName = "Hex: Undying", units = {3}, values = {2, 3, 4}, character = 21, charType = "K", level = 40, prestige = 3, tags = {"Auras", "Hex", "Totems"} }, { id = 280, name = "Maledizione: Destino Avverso", techName = "Hex: Wretched Fate", units = {4}, values = {27, 30, 33}, character = 37, charType = 'K', level = 30, prestige = 1, patch = "8.2.0", tags = {"Auras", "Generators", "Hex", "Obsession", "Totems"} }, { id = 165, name = "Incettatore", techName = "Hoarder", units = {3}, values = {32, 48, 64}, character = 22, charType = "K", level = 30, prestige = 1, tags = {"Chests", "Items", "LoudNoiseNotifications"} }, { id = 21, name = "Speranza", techName = "Hope", units = {4}, values = {5, 6, 7}, charType = "S", patch = "6.1.0", tags = {"Haste"} }, { id = 231, name = "Boria", techName = "Hubris", units = {1}, values = {10, 15, 20}, character = 30, charType = "K", patch = "6.4.0", level = 40, prestige = 3, tags = {"Exposed", "Stun"} }, { id = 281, name = "Avidità Umana", techName = "Human Greed", units = {1}, values = {80, 70, 60}, character = 37, charType = 'K', level = 35, prestige = 2, patch = "8.2.0", tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Auras", "Chests"} }, { id = 228, name = "Iperconcentrazione", techName = "Hyperfocus", units = {4}, values = {10, 20, 30}, character = 33, charType = "S", level = 40, prestige = 3, patch = "6.2.0", tags = { "BonusProgression", "RotationSpeed", "SkillCheckDifficulty", "SkillCheckProbability", "SkillChecks", "TriggerOdds" } }, { id = 178, name = "Isteria", techName = "Hysteria", units = {1}, values = {20, 25, 30}, character = 24, charType = "K", level = 35, prestige = 2, tags = {"Oblivious"} }, { id = 129, name = "Sono Tutt'Orecchi", techName = "I'm All Ears", units = {1}, values = {60, 50, 40}, character = 16, charType = "K", level = 30, prestige = 1, tags = {"Auras", "Vaulting"} }, { id = 2, name = "In the Dark", techName = "In the Dark", charType = "K", unused = true }, { id = 121, name = "Terrore Contagioso", techName = "Infectious Fright", units = {1}, values = {4, 5, 6}, character = 15, charType = "K", level = 35, prestige = 2, tags = {"AuraFlareUp", "TerrorRadius", "LoudNoiseNotifications"} }, { id = 217, name = "Concentrazione Interiore", techName = "Inner Focus", units = {1}, values = {3, 4, 5}, character = 31, charType = "S", level = 30, prestige = 1, tags = {"ScratchMarks", "Auras"} }, { id = 197, name = "Risanamento Interiore", techName = "Inner Healing", units = {1}, values = {10, 9, 8}, charType = "S", tags = {}, unused = true, retired = true }, { id = 137, name = "Forza Interiore", techName = "Inner Strength", units = {1}, values = {10, 9, 8}, character = 18, charType = "S", level = 40, prestige = 3, tags = {"Broken", "DeepWound", "Healing", "Lockers", "Totems"} }, { id = 12, name = "Insidioso", techName = "Insidious", units = {1}, values = {4, 3, 2}, charType = "K", tags = {"Deception", "Stealth", "Undetectable"} }, { id = 268, name = "Invocazione: Ragni Tessitori", techName = "Invocation: Weaving Spiders", units = {9}, values = {8, 9, 10}, character = 41, charType = "S", level = 30, prestige = 1, patch = "8.0.0", tags = { "ActionSpeed", "Auras", "Basement", "Broken", "InjuredState", "Invocation", "Generators", "ProgressionBonus" } }, { id = 13, name = "Morsa di Ferro", techName = "Iron Grasp", units = {4}, values = {4, 8, 12}, charType = "K", tags = {"ActionTime", "Carrying", "Wiggle"} }, { id = 116, name = "Vergine di Ferro", techName = "Iron Maiden", units = {4}, values = {30, 40, 50}, character = 14, charType = "K", level = 40, prestige = 3, tags = {"ActionSpeed", "AuraFlareUp", "Exposed", "Lockers", "LoudNoiseNotifications"} }, { id = 41, name = "Volontà di Ferro", techName = "Iron Will", units = {4}, values = {25, 50, 75}, character = 4, charType = "S", level = 30, prestige = 1, patch = "6.1.0", tags = {"Exhausted", "GruntsOfPain", "Stealth"} }, { id = 192, name = "Scossa", techName = "Jolt", units = {4}, values = {6, 7, 8}, charType = "K", tags = {}, unused = true, retired = true }, { id = 87, name = "KO", techName = "Knock Out", units = {3}, values = {32, 24, 16}, character = 9, charType = "K", level = 30, prestige = 1, patch = "6.1.0", tags = {"Auras", "Blindness", "Deafened", "MovementSpeed", "RecoverySpeed"} }, { id = 22, name = "Parentela", techName = "Kindred", units = {3}, values = {8, 12, 16}, charType = "S", tags = {"Auras", "Hooks"} }, { id = 199, name = "Affinità", techName = "Kinship", units = {1}, values = {26, 30, 34}, charType = "S", tags = {}, unused = true, retired = true }, { id = 272, name = "Tocco Languido", techName = "Languid Touch", units = {1}, values = {6, 8, 10}, character = 36, charType = "K", level = 35, prestige = 2, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {"Crows", "Exhausted"} }, { id = 3, name = "Last Standing", techName = "Last Standing", units = {4, 4}, values = {7.5, 15, 25, 22.5, 45, 75}, charType = "S", unused = true, tags = {"ActionSpeed"} }, { id = 34, name = "Leader", techName = "Leader", units = {4}, values = {15, 20, 25}, character = 1, charType = "S", level = 40, prestige = 3, tags = {"ActionSpeed", "ExitGates", "HealingProficiency", "SabotageProficiency"} }, { id = 72, name = "Ultima Speranza", techName = "Left Behind", units = {3}, values = {24, 28, 32}, character = 8, charType = "S", level = 30, prestige = 1, tags = {"Auras", "Hatch"}, multiName = true }, { id = 177, name = "Inseguitore Letale", techName = "Lethal Pursuer", units = {1}, values = {7, 8, 9}, character = 24, charType = "K", level = 30, prestige = 1, patch = "6.1.0", tags = {"Auras"} }, { id = 236, name = "Carismatica", techName = "Leverage", units = {4, 4}, values = {3, 4, 5, 30, 40, 50}, character = 31, charType = "K", patch = "6.6.0", level = 35, prestige = 2, tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Healing", "HealingProficiency", "Hooks"} }, { id = 58, name = "Nato dalla Luce", techName = "Lightborn", units = {1}, values = {6, 8, 10}, character = 3, charType = "K", level = 35, prestige = 2, tags = {"Auras", "BlindingResistance"} }, { id = 257, name = "Passo Felpato", techName = "Light-Footed", units = {1}, values = {28, 24, 20}, character = 39, charType = "S", level = 35, prestige = 2, patch = "7.2.0", tags = {"Stealth"} }, { id = 23, name = "Peso Piuma", techName = "Lightweight", units = {1}, values = {3, 4, 5}, charType = "S", patch = "6.1.0", tags = {"ScratchMarks", "Stealth"} }, { id = 77, name = "Agilità", techName = "Lithe", units = {1}, values = {60, 50, 40}, character = 9, charType = "S", level = 35, prestige = 2, tags = {"Exhausted", "Haste", "Pallets", "Vaulting"} }, { id = 225, name = "Profilo Basso", techName = "Low Profile", units = {1}, values = {70, 80, 90}, character = 32, charType = "S", level = 40, prestige = 3, patch = "6.2.0", tags = {"PoolsOfBlood", "ScratchMarks"} }, { id = 144, name = "Colpo di Fortuna", techName = "Lucky Break", units = {1}, values = {40, 50, 60}, character = 20, charType = "S", level = 30, prestige = 1, patch = "6.1.0", tags = {"PoolsOfBlood", "ScratchMarks", "Stealth"} }, { id = 258, name = "Buona Stella", techName = "Lucky Star", units = {1}, values = {40, 35, 30}, character = 39, charType = "S", level = 40, prestige = 3, patch = "7.2.0", tags = {"Auras", "Generators", "GruntsOfPain", "Lockers", "PoolsOfBlood", "Stealth"} }, { id = 246, name = "Machine Learning", techName = "Machine Learning", units = {1}, values = {20, 25, 30}, character = 32, charType = "K", level = 40, prestige = 3, patch = "7.0.0", tags = {"Auras", "Generators", "Haste", "Undetectable"} }, { id = 115, name = "Tenacia Furiosa", techName = "Mad Grit", units = {1}, values = {2, 3, 4}, character = 14, charType = "K", level = 35, prestige = 2, tags = {"ActionPause", "AttackCooldown", "Carrying", "Wiggle"} }, { id = 248, name = "Nato per Questo", techName = "Made for This", units = {4, 1}, values = {1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 10}, character = 37, charType = "S", level = 35, prestige = 2, patch = "7.4.0", tags = {"ConspicuousActions", "DeepWound", "Endurance", "Exhausted", "Haste", "Healing"} }, { id = 98, name = "Fa' la tua Scelta", techName = "Make Your Choice", units = {1}, values = {40, 50, 60}, character = 11, charType = "K", level = 40, prestige = 3, tags = {"Exposed", "Hooks", "LoudNoiseNotifications"} }, { id = 209, name = "Tempesta Impietosa", techName = "Merciless Storm", units = {1}, values = {16, 18, 20}, character = 27, charType = "K", level = 40, prestige = 3, tags = {"Generator", "SkillChecks"} }, { id = 128, name = "Il Coraggio dell'Uomo", techName = "Mettle of Man", units = {3}, values = {12, 14, 16}, character = 17, charType = "S", patch = "6.1.2 / 6.1.3", level = 40, prestige = 3, tags = {"Auras", "Obsession", "ProtectionHits"} }, { id = 133, name = "Rompicapo", techName = "Mindbreaker", units = {1}, values = {3, 4, 5}, character = 17, charType = "K", level = 35, prestige = 2, tags = {"Blindness", "Exhausted", "Generators"} }, { id = 274, name = "Illusione Specchiata", techName = "Mirrored Illusion", units = {1}, values = {100, 110, 120}, character = 42, charType = "S", level = 30, prestige = 1, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {"Chests", "ExitGates", "Generators", "Totems"} }, { id = 285, name = "Momento di Gloria", techName = "Moment of Glory", units = {1}, values = {80, 70, 60}, character = 44, charType = 'S', level = 35, prestige = 2, patch = "8.2.0", tags = {"AutoHeal", "Broken", "Chests", "Healing"} }, { id = 80, name = "Sorveglianza e Sevizia", techName = "Monitor & Abuse", units = {3, 3}, values = {6, 7, 8, 12, 14, 16}, character = 7, charType = "K", level = 35, prestige = 2, patch = "7.5.0", tags = {"TerrorRadius"} }, { id = 143, name = "Nemesi", techName = "Nemesis", units = {1}, values = {40, 50, 60}, character = 18, charType = "K", level = 40, prestige = 3, tags = {"Auras", "Blinding", "Lockers", "Oblivious", "Obsession", "Pallets", "Stun"}, multiName = true }, { id = 83, name = "Nessuna Bega", techName = "No Mither", units = {4, 4}, values = {25, 50, 75, 15, 20, 25}, character = 10, charType = "S", level = 40, prestige = 3, tags = {"Broken", "GruntsOfPain", "PoolsOfBlood", "Recovering", "Stealth"} }, { id = 24, name = "Non si Abbandona Nessuno", techName = "No One Left Behind", units = {4, 4}, values = {30, 40, 50, 50, 75, 100}, charType = "S", patch = "6.1.0", tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Altruism", "Auras", "BonusBloodpoints", "ExitGates", "HealingProficiency"} }, { id = 173, name = "Nessuna Via d'Uscita", techName = "No Way Out", units = {1, 1}, values = {6, 9, 12, 36, 48, 60}, character = 23, charType = "K", level = 40, prestige = 3, tags = {"Blocking", "ExitGates", "LoudNoiseNotifications", "Tokens"} }, { id = 229, name = "Impossibile Nascondersi", techName = "Nowhere to Hide", units = {1}, values = {3, 4, 5}, character = 30, charType = "K", patch = "6.4.0", level = 30, prestige = 1, tags = {"Auras", "Generators"} }, { id = 49, name = "Oggetto dell'Ossessione", techName = "Object of Obsession", units = {4}, values = {2, 4, 6}, character = 6, charType = "S", level = 35, prestige = 2, tags = {"Auras", "HealingProficiency", "Obsession", "RepairingProficiency", "SabotageProficiency"} }, { id = 150, name = "In Via Ufficiosa", techName = "Off the Record", units = {1}, values = {60, 70, 80}, character = 21, charType = "S", level = 30, prestige = 1, patch = "6.1.0", tags = {"Auras", "ConspicuousActions", "DeepWound", "Endurance", "GruntsOfPain", "Hooks"} }, { id = 67, name = "Carte Scoperte", techName = "Open-Handed", units = {3}, values = {8, 12, 16}, character = 7, charType = "S", level = 30, prestige = 1, tags = {"Auras", "Vision"} }, { id = 166, name = "Oppressione", techName = "Oppression", units = {1}, values = {120, 100, 80}, character = 22, charType = "K", level = 35, prestige = 2, tags = {"Generators", "Regression", "SkillChecks"} }, { id = 204, name = "Risoluzione", techName = "Overcome", units = {1}, values = {60, 50, 40}, character = 29, charType = "S", level = 30, prestige = 1, tags = {"MovementSpeed", "Exhausted"} }, { id = 4, name = "Overconfidence", techName = "Overconfidence", charType = "S", unused = true }, { id = 79, name = "Sovraccarico", techName = "Overcharge", units = {4}, values = {2, 3, 4}, character = 7, charType = "K", level = 40, prestige = 3, patch = "6.7.0", tags = {"Generators", "Regression", "RegressionPenalty", "SkillChecks"} }, { id = 78, name = "Presenza Sovrastante", techName = "Overwhelming Presence", units = {4}, values = {80, 90, 100}, character = 7, charType = "K", level = 30, prestige = 1, tags = {"Efficiency", "TerrorRadius"} }, { id = 219, name = "Zelo Eccessivo", techName = "Overzealous", units = {4, 4}, values = {8, 9, 10, 16, 18, 20}, character = 31, charType = "S", level = 40, prestige = 3, patch = "6.7.0", tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Generators", "RepairingProficiency", "Totems"} }, { id = 210, name = "Guida Paterna", techName = "Parental Guidance", units = {1}, values = {5, 6, 7}, character = 30, charType = "S", level = 30, prestige = 1, tags = {"ScratchMarks", "PoolsOfBlood", "GruntsOfPain"} }, { id = 94, name = "Farmacia", techName = "Pharmacy", units = {4}, values = {40, 60, 80}, character = 11, charType = "S", level = 35, prestige = 2, patch = "6.1.0", tags = {"ActionNoise", "ActionSpeed", "Chests", "Items"} }, { id = 64, name = "Gioca con il tuo Cibo", techName = "Play with Your Food", units = {4, 4}, values = {3, 4, 5, 9, 12, 15}, character = 5, charType = "K", level = 35, prestige = 2, tags = {"Chase", "MovementSpeed", "Obsession", "Tokens"} }, { id = 252, name = "Colpo di Scena", techName = "Plot Twist", units = {1}, values = {2, 3, 4}, character = 38, charType = "S", level = 40, prestige = 3, patch = "7.1.0", tags = {"DyingState", "GruntsOfPain", "Haste", "Healing", "PoolsOfBlood", "SelfRecovery"} }, { id = 25, name = "Istinto del Predatore", techName = "Plunderer's Instinct", units = {3, 7}, values = {16, 24, 32, "slightly", "moderately", "considerably"}, charType = "S", tags = {"Auras", "Chests", "Items"} }, { id = 124, name = "Compostezza", techName = "Poised", units = {1}, values = {6, 8, 10}, character = 16, charType = "S", level = 35, prestige = 2, tags = {"Generators", "ScratchMarks", "Stealth"} }, { id = 104, name = "Anghingò", techName = "Pop Goes the Weasel", units = {1}, values = {35, 40, 45}, character = 12, charType = "K", level = 40, prestige = 3, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {"Generators", "Hooks", "RegressionPenalty"} }, { id = 232, name = "Energia Potenziale", techName = "Potential Energy", units = {1}, values = {12, 10, 8}, character = 34, charType = "S", patch = "6.4.0", level = 30, prestige = 1, tags = {"Generators", "ProgressionBonus", "SkillChecks", "Tokens"} }, { id = 170, name = "Lotta di Potere", techName = "Power Struggle", units = {4}, values = {25, 20, 15}, character = 24, charType = "S", level = 40, prestige = 3, tags = {"Pallets", "Stun", "Wiggle"} }, { id = 55, name = "Predatore", techName = "Predator", units = {7}, values = {"slightly", "moderately", "considerably"}, character = 2, charType = "K", level = 30, prestige = 1, tags = {"ScratchMarks"} }, { id = 26, name = "Premonizione", techName = "Premonition", units = {1}, values = {60, 45, 30}, charType = "S", tags = {"Warning"} }, { id = 35, name = "Mettiti alla Prova", techName = "Prove Thyself", units = {4, 4}, values = {6, 8, 10, 18, 24, 30}, character = 1, charType = "S", level = 35, prestige = 2, patch = "7.1.0", tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Generators", "RepairingProficiency"} }, { id = 234, name = "Lampo di Genio", techName = "Quick Gambit", units = {4}, values = {6, 7, 8}, character = 34, charType = "S", patch = "7.5.0", level = 40, prestige = 3, tags = {"Auras", "ActionSpeed", "Chase", "Generators"} }, { id = 43, name = "Veloce e Silenzioso", techName = "Quick & Quiet", units = {1}, values = {30, 25, 20}, character = 2, charType = "S", level = 30, prestige = 1, tags = {"Lockers", "LoudNoiseNotifications", "Pallets", "RepairingProficiency", "Stealth", "Vaulting"} }, { id = 110, name = "Rancore", techName = "Rancor", units = {1}, values = {5, 4, 3}, character = 13, charType = "K", level = 40, prestige = 3, tags = {"Auras", "AuraFlareUp", "Exposed", "Generators", "Killing", "Obsession", "LoudNoiseNotifications"} }, { id = 253, name = "Brutalità Rapida", techName = "Rapid Brutality", units = {1}, values = {8, 9, 10}, character = 33, charType = "K", level = 30, prestige = 1, patch = "7.2.0", tags = {"Bloodlust", "Haste"} }, { id = 224, name = "Cura Reattiva", techName = "Reactive Healing", units = {4}, values = {40, 45, 50}, character = 32, charType = "S", level = 35, prestige = 2, patch = "6.2.0", tags = {"BonusProgression", "Healing"} }, { id = 227, name = "Rassicurazione", techName = "Reassurance", units = {1}, values = {20, 25, 30}, character = 33, charType = "S", level = 35, prestige = 2, patch = "6.2.0", tags = {"ActionPause", "EntityProgression", "Hooks"} }, { id = 151, name = "Depistaggio", techName = "Red Herring", units = {1}, values = {60, 50, 40}, character = 21, charType = "S", level = 35, prestige = 2, tags = {"Auras", "Deception", "Generators", "Lockers", "LoudNoiseNotifications"} }, { id = 91, name = "Ricordati di Me", techName = "Remember Me", units = {1, 5}, values = {12, 18, 24, 2, 3, 4}, character = 10, charType = "K", level = 35, prestige = 2, patch = "7.1.0", tags = {"ActionSpeed", "ExitGates", "Obsession"} }, { id = 200, name = "Rinnovamento", techName = "Renewal", units = {1}, values = {28, 24, 20}, charType = "S", tags = {}, unused = true, retired = true }, { id = 158, name = "Alleanza Repressa", techName = "Repressed Alliance", units = {1}, values = {55, 50, 45}, character = 22, charType = "S", level = 40, prestige = 3, tags = {"Auras", "Blocking", "Generators"} }, { id = 218, name = "Manifesto Residuo", techName = "Residual Manifest", units = {1}, values = {20, 25, 30}, character = 31, charType = "S", level = 35, prestige = 2, tags = {"Blindness", "Chests", "Items", "KillerBlind"} }, { id = 27, name = "Determinazione", techName = "Resilience", units = {4}, values = {3, 6, 9}, charType = "S", tags = { "ActionSpeed", "ExitGates", "HealingProficiency", "RepairingProficiency", "SabotageProficiency", "Vaulting" } }, { id = 181, name = "Reviviscenza", techName = "Resurgence", units = {4}, values = {40, 45, 50}, character = 26, charType = "S", level = 35, prestige = 2, tags = {"BonusProgression", "Healing", "Hooks"} }, { id = 185, name = "Recluta", techName = "Rookie Spirit", units = {7}, values = {5, 4, 3}, character = 27, charType = "S", level = 40, prestige = 3, tags = {"Auras", "Generators", "SkillChecks"} }, { id = 65, name = "Conserva il Meglio per la Fine", techName = "Save the Best for Last", units = {5, 4}, values = {6, 7, 8, 24, 28, 32}, character = 5, charType = "K", level = 30, prestige = 1, patch = "7.5.0", tags = {"AttackCooldown", "Obsession", "Tokens"} }, { id = 39, name = "Sabotatore", techName = "Saboteur", units = {1}, values = {70, 65, 60}, character = 4, charType = "S", level = 40, prestige = 3, patch = "7.1.0", tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Auras", "Hooks", "Sabotage", "ScourgeHookAuras"} }, { id = 249, name = "Rovistatore", techName = "Scavenger", units = {1}, values = {40, 35, 30}, character = 37, charType = "S", level = 40, prestige = 3, patch = "7.0.0", tags = {"Chests", "Items", "SkillChecks", "Tokens"} }, { id = 251, name = "Partner di Scena", techName = "Scene Partner", units = {1}, values = {3, 4, 5}, character = 38, charType = "S", level = 35, prestige = 2, patch = "7.1.0", tags = {"Auras", "TerrorRadius"} }, { id = 207, name = "Flagello Appuntito: Ira Implacabile", techName = "Scourge Hook: Floods of Rage", units = {1}, values = {5, 6, 7}, character = 27, charType = "K", level = 30, prestige = 1, tags = {"ScourgeHooks", "Hooks", "Auras"} }, { id = 188, name = "Flagello Appuntito: Dono del Dolore", techName = "Scourge Hook: Gift of Pain", units = {4}, values = {10, 13, 16}, character = 25, charType = "K", level = 40, prestige = 3, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Auras", "Haemorrhage", "HealingProficiency", "Hooks", "Mangled", "ScourgeHooks"} }, { id = 96, name = "Flagello Appuntito: Gioco dell'Impiccato", techName = "Scourge Hook: Hangman's Trick", units = {3}, values = {8, 10, 12}, character = 11, charType = "K", level = 30, prestige = 1, patch = "7.1.0", tags = {"Auras", "Hooks", "LoudNoiseNotifications", "Sabotage", "ScourgeHooks", "LoudNoiseNotifications"} }, { id = 14, name = "Flagello Appuntito: Reliquiario Mostruoso", techName = "Scourge Hook: Monstrous Shrine", units = {4}, values = {10, 15, 20}, charType = "K", patch = "6.1.0", tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Basement", "EntityProgression", "Hooks", "ScourgeHooks"} }, { id = 202, name = "Flagello Appuntito: Eco di Dolore", techName = "Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance", units = {4}, values = {10, 15, 20}, character = 26, charType = "K", level = 35, prestige = 2, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {"ScourgeHooks", "Hooks", "Auras", "Generators", "RegressionPenalty", "Regression"} }, { id = 140, name = "Nuova Energia", techName = "Second Wind", units = {1}, values = {28, 24, 20}, character = 19, charType = "S", level = 40, prestige = 3, tags = {"Broken", "Healing", "Hooks"} }, { id = 196, name = "Consapevolezza", techName = "Self-Aware", units = {4}, values = {10, 15, 20}, charType = "S", tags = {}, unused = true, retired = true }, { id = 38, name = "Cura di Sé", techName = "Self-Care", units = {4}, values = {25, 30, 35}, character = 3, charType = "S", level = 40, prestige = 3, patch = "6.1.0", tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Efficiency", "Healing", "HealingProficiency"} }, { id = 176, name = "Autoprotezione", techName = "Self-Preservation", units = {1}, values = {6, 8, 10}, character = 25, charType = "S", level = 40, prestige = 3, tags = {"PoolsOfBlood", "ScratchMarks", "Stealth"} }, { id = 215, name = "Tocco Settico", techName = "Septic Touch", units = {1}, values = {6, 8, 10}, character = 28, charType = "K", level = 40, prestige = 3, tags = {"Healing", "TerrorRadius", "Blindness", "Exhausted"} }, { id = 56, name = "Nato dalle Tenebre", techName = "Shadowborn", units = {4}, values = {6, 8, 10}, character = 2, charType = "K", level = 40, prestige = 3, patch = "7.5.0", tags = {"Haste", "KillerBlind"} }, { id = 216, name = "Speranza Affranta", techName = "Shattered Hope", units = {1}, values = {6, 7, 8}, charType = "K", tags = {"Auras", "BoonDestroyer", "Totems"} }, { id = 195, name = "Percezione Circostanziale", techName = "Situational Awareness", units = {1}, values = {8, 9, 10}, charType = "S", tags = {}, unused = true, retired = true }, { id = 28, name = "Carne Sfuggente", techName = "Slippery Meat", units = {4}, values = {2, 3, 4}, charType = "S", tags = {"Chance", "EscapeAttempts", "Hooks"} }, { id = 15, name = "Macellaio Approssimativo", techName = "Sloppy Butcher", units = {1, 4}, values = {70, 80, 90, 50, 75, 100}, charType = "K", patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"Haemorrhage", "Mangled", "PoolsOfBlood"} }, { id = 29, name = "Piccole Prede", techName = "Small Game", units = {3, 1}, values = {8, 10, 12, 14, 12, 10}, charType = "S", tags = {"KillerTraps", "Totems", "Warning"} }, { id = 175, name = "Hit di Successo", techName = "Smash Hit", units = {1}, values = {30, 25, 20}, character = 25, charType = "S", level = 35, prestige = 2, patch = "7.1.0", tags = {"Exhausted", "Haste", "Pallets", "Stun"} }, { id = 50, name = "Unico Sopravvissuto", techName = "Sole Survivor", units = {3, 3}, values = {20, 22, 24, 60, 66, 72}, character = 6, charType = "S", level = 30, prestige = 1, patch = "6.1.0", tags = { "Auras", "ActionSpeed", "Generators", "ExitGates", "Hatch", "Obsession", "RepairingProficiency", "Stealth" } }, { id = 123, name = "Solidarietà", techName = "Solidarity", units = {4}, values = {40, 45, 50}, character = 16, charType = "S", level = 30, prestige = 1, tags = {"Conversion", "Healing"} }, { id = 156, name = "Guardia Spirituale", techName = "Soul Guard", units = {1}, values = {4, 6, 8}, character = 22, charType = "S", level = 30, prestige = 1, tags = {"ConspicuousActions", "Cursed", "DeepWound", "Endurance", "SelfRecovery"} }, { id = 279, name = "Specialista", techName = "Specialist", units = {9, 9}, values = {2, 3, 4, 12, 18, 24}, character = 43, charType = 'S', level = 40, prestige = 3, patch = "8.1.0", tags = {"Chests", "Generators", "ProgressionBonus", "SkillChecks", "Tokens"} }, { id = 16, name = "Spie dalle Ombre", techName = "Spies from the Shadows", units = {3}, values = {20, 28, 36}, charType = "K", level = 35, tags = {"LoudNoiseNotifications"} }, { id = 30, name = "Brivido di Paura", techName = "Spine Chill", units = {4}, values = {2, 4, 6}, charType = "S", patch = "7.1.0", tags = { "ActionSpeed", "ExitGates", "HealingProficiency", "RepairingProficiency", "SabotageProficiency", "SkillCheckDifficulty", "Warning" } }, { id = 108, name = "Furia dello Spirito", techName = "Spirit Fury", units = {8}, values = {4, 3, 2}, character = 13, charType = "K", level = 30, prestige = 1, tags = {"Pallets"} }, { id = 44, name = "Scatto Improvviso", techName = "Sprint Burst", units = {1}, values = {60, 50, 40}, character = 2, charType = "S", level = 35, prestige = 2, tags = {"Exhausted", "Haste"} }, { id = 101, name = "Sotto Controllo", techName = "Stake Out", units = {5}, values = {2, 3, 4}, character = 12, charType = "S", level = 40, prestige = 3, tags = {"SkillChecks", "TerrorRadius", "Tokens"} }, { id = 171, name = "Fame di Fama", techName = "Starstruck", units = {1}, values = {26, 28, 30}, character = 23, charType = "K", level = 30, prestige = 1, tags = {"TerrorRadius", "Exposed"} }, { id = 276, name = "Sguardo Fisso", techName = "Still Sight", units = {1}, values = {6, 5, 4}, character = 42, charType = "S", level = 40, prestige = 3, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {"Auras", "Chests", "Generators"} }, { id = 47, name = "Saper Stare al Mondo", techName = "Streetwise", units = {4}, values = {15, 20, 25}, patch = "3.0.0", character = 5, charType = "S", level = 40, prestige = 3, tags = {"Efficiency"} }, { id = 269, name = "Forza nelle Ombre", techName = "Strength in Shadows", units = {1}, values = {6, 8, 10}, character = 41, charType = "S", level = 35, prestige = 2, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Auras", "Basement", "Efficiency", "Healing", "HealingProficiency"} }, { id = 60, name = "Stridore", techName = "Stridor", units = {4, 4}, values = {25, 50, 50, 0, 0, 25}, character = 4, charType = "K", level = 30, prestige = 1, tags = {"GruntsOfPain"} }, { id = 220, name = "Anatomia Superiore", techName = "Superior Anatomy", units = {4}, values = {30, 35, 40}, character = 29, charType = "K", level = 30, prestige = 1, patch = "6.2.0", tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Pallets", "Vaulting", "VaultLocations"} }, { id = 132, name = "Scarica", techName = "Surge", units = {4}, values = {6, 7, 8}, character = 17, charType = "K", level = 30, prestige = 1, tags = {"Generators", "Regression", "RegressionPenalty"} }, { id = 97, name = "Sorveglianza", techName = "Surveillance", units = {1}, values = {8, 12, 16}, character = 11, charType = "K", level = 35, prestige = 2, tags = {"Auras", "Generators"} }, { id = 242, name = "Lavoro di Squadra: Furtività Collettiva", techName = "Teamwork: Collective Stealth", units = {1}, values = {180, 160, 140}, character = 36, charType = "S", level = 35, prestige = 2, patch = "6.6.0", tags = {"Healing", "ScratchMarks", "Stealth", "Teamwork"} }, { id = 239, name = "Lavoro di Squadra: In Due è Meglio", techName = "Teamwork: Power of Two", units = {1}, values = {180, 160, 140}, character = 35, charType = "S", level = 35, prestige = 2, patch = "6.6.0", tags = {"Haste", "Healing", "Teamwork"} }, { id = 75, name = "Tecnico", techName = "Technician", units = {4}, values = {5, 4, 3}, character = 9, charType = "S", level = 30, prestige = 1, tags = {"ActionNoise", "Generators", "RegressionPenalty", "SkillChecks", "LoudNoiseNotifications"} }, { id = 99, name = "Tenacia", techName = "Tenacity", units = {4}, values = {30, 40, 50}, character = 12, charType = "S", level = 30, prestige = 1, patch = "6.1.0", tags = {"GruntsOfPain", "MovementSpeed", "Recovering"} }, { id = 222, name = "Capolinea", techName = "Terminus", units = {1}, values = {20, 25, 30}, character = 29, charType = "K", level = 40, prestige = 3, patch = "6.2.0", tags = {"Broken", "ExitGates"} }, { id = 84, name = "Dominio Territoriale", techName = "Territorial Imperative", units = {1}, values = {4, 5, 6}, character = 8, charType = "K", level = 35, prestige = 2, patch = "7.1.0", tags = {"Auras", "Basement"} }, { id = 61, name = "Tanatofobia", techName = "Thanatophobia", units = {4, 4}, values = {1, 1.5, 2, 4, 6, 8}, character = 4, charType = "K", patch = "6.1.2 / 6.1.3", level = 35, prestige = 2, tags = {"ActionSpeed", "RepairingProficiency", "SabotageProficiency", "Totems"} }, { id = 31, name = "Dimmi che non sta accadendo per davvero", techName = "This Is Not Happening", units = {4}, values = {10, 20, 30}, charType = "S", tags = {"SkillCheckDifficulty", "SkillChecks"} }, { id = 130, name = "Tremori Frementi", techName = "Thrilling Tremors", units = {1}, values = {100, 80, 60}, character = 16, charType = "K", level = 35, prestige = 2, tags = {"Auras", "Blocking", "Generators"} }, { id = 235, name = "THWACK!", techName = "THWACK!", units = {3}, values = {28, 30, 32}, character = 31, charType = "K", patch = "6.6.0", level = 30, prestige = 1, tags = {"Auras", "BreakableWalls", "Hooks", "Pallets"} }, { id = 59, name = "Mastro Ferraio", techName = "Tinkerer", units = {1}, values = {12, 14, 16}, character = 3, charType = "K", level = 40, prestige = 3, patch = "6.1.0", tags = {"Deception", "Generators", "LoudNoiseNotifications", "Stealth", "Undetectable"} }, { id = 5, name = "Tough Runner", techName = "Tough Runner", charType = "S", unused = true }, { id = 154, name = "Scia del Tormento", techName = "Trail of Torment", units = {1}, values = {80, 70, 60}, character = 20, charType = "K", level = 35, prestige = 2, patch = "7.1.0", tags = {"Auras", "Deception", "Generators", "Stealth", "Undetectable"} }, { id = 247, name = "Risolutore", techName = "Troubleshooter", units = {1, 1}, values = {4, 5, 6, 6, 8, 10}, character = 37, charType = "S", level = 30, prestige = 1, patch = "7.0.0", tags = {"Auras", "Chase", "Generators", "Pallets"} }, { id = 265, name = "Liberato", techName = "Unbound", units = {1}, values = {24, 27, 30}, character = 35, charType = "K", level = 30, prestige = 1, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"Haste", "InjuredState", "Vaulting", "Windows"} }, { id = 6, name = "Underperform", techName = "Underperform", charType = "K", unused = true }, { id = 267, name = "Declino", techName = "Undone", units = {5}, values = {18, 24, 30}, character = 35, charType = "K", level = 40, prestige = 3, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"Generators", "GenBlocker", "Regression", "SkillChecks", "Tokens"} }, { id = 266, name = "Inaspettato", techName = "Unforeseen", units = {1}, values = {22, 26, 30}, character = 35, charType = "K", level = 35, prestige = 2, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"Generators", "TerrorRadius", "Undetectable"} }, { id = 255, name = "Arma Suprema", techName = "Ultimate Weapon", units = {1}, values = {80, 70, 60}, character = 33, charType = "K", level = 40, prestige = 3, patch = "7.7.1", tags = {"Blindness", "Lockers", "LoudNoiseNotifications"} }, { id = 53, name = "Presenza Inquietante", techName = "Unnerving Presence", units = {4}, values = {40, 50, 60}, character = 1, charType = "K", level = 30, prestige = 1, tags = {"SkillCheckDifficulty", "SkillCheckProbability", "SkillChecks", "TerrorRadius", "TriggerOdds"} }, { id = 74, name = "Volontà d'Acciaio", techName = "Unbreakable", units = {4}, values = {25, 30, 35}, character = 8, charType = "S", level = 40, prestige = 3, tags = {"Recovering", "RecoverySpeed", "SelfRecovery"} }, { id = 17, name = "Inarrestabile", techName = "Unrelenting", units = {4}, values = {20, 25, 30}, charType = "K", tags = {"AttackCooldown"} }, { id = 68, name = "Alza la Posta", techName = "Up the Ante", units = {4, 4}, values = {1, 2, 3, 3, 6, 9}, character = 7, charType = "S", level = 35, prestige = 2, tags = {"Chance", "EscapeAttempts"} }, { id = 46, name = "Evasione Urbana", techName = "Urban Evasion", units = {4}, values = {90, 95, 100}, character = 5, charType = "S", level = 35, prestige = 2, tags = {"MovementSpeed"} }, { id = 95, name = "Veglia", techName = "Vigil", units = {4}, values = {20, 25, 30}, character = 11, charType = "S", level = 40, prestige = 3, tags = { "Blindness", "Broken", "Exposed", "Exhausted", "Haemorrhage", "Hindered", "Mangled", "Oblivious", "RecoverySpeed" } }, { id = 162, name = "Visionario", techName = "Visionary", units = {1}, values = {20, 18, 16}, character = 23, charType = "S", level = 30, prestige = 1, tags = {"Auras", "Generators"} }, { id = 93, name = "Sveglia!", techName = "Wake Up!", units = {4}, values = {15, 20, 25}, character = 11, charType = "S", level = 30, prestige = 1, tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Auras", "ExitGates"} }, { id = 32, name = "Ce La Faremo", techName = "We'll Make It", units = {1}, values = {30, 60, 90}, charType = "S", tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Healing", "HealingProficiency"} }, { id = 81, name = "Vivremo per Sempre", techName = "We're Gonna Live Forever", units = {1}, values = {6, 8, 10}, character = 10, charType = "S", level = 30, prestige = 1, patch = "6.1.0", tags = { "ActionSpeed", "ConspicuousActions", "DeepWound", "Endurance", "Healing", "HealingProficiency", "ProtectionHits" } }, { id = 271, name = "Sintonia di Trama", techName = "Weave Attunement", units = {1}, values = {20, 25, 30}, character = 36, charType = "K", level = 30, prestige = 1, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {"Auras", "Items", "Oblivious"} }, { id = 18, name = "Sussurri", techName = "Whispers", units = {3}, values = {48, 40, 32}, charType = "K", tags = {"Warning"} }, { id = 270, name = "Malvagità", techName = "Wicked", units = {1}, values = {16, 18, 20}, character = 41, charType = "S", level = 40, prestige = 3, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"Auras", "Basement", "Chance", "EscapeAttempt", "Hooks"} }, { id = 106, name = "Momenti Propizi", techName = "Windows of Opportunity", units = {3}, values = {24, 28, 32}, character = 13, charType = "S", level = 35, prestige = 2, tags = {"Auras", "BreakableWalls", "Pallets", "VaultLocations"} }, { id = 223, name = "Microspia", techName = "Wiretap", units = {1}, values = {100, 110, 120}, character = 32, charType = "S", level = 30, prestige = 1, patch = "7.1.0", tags = {"Auras", "Generators", "Trap"} }, { id = 141, name = "Tattica Zanshin", techName = "Zanshin Tactics", units = {3}, values = {24, 28, 32}, character = 18, charType = "K", level = 30, prestige = 1, tags = {"Auras", "BreakableWalls", "Pallets", "VaultLocations"} } } p.perkCount = #p.perks p.powers = { { id = 1, name = "Trappola per Orsi", techName = "Bear Trap", killer = 1, patch = "7.3.1", tags = {"Auras", "AutoDamage", "Haste"}, haste = "+7.5 %" }, { id = 2, name = "Campana del Pianto", techName = "Wailing Bell", killer = 2, patch = "6.7.0", tags = {"SpiritWorld", "Invisibility", "Undetectable"} }, { id = 3, name = "Motosega", techName = "Chainsaw", killer = 3, patch = "7.5.2", tags = {"DoubleDamage", "Overdrive"} }, { id = 4, name = "Ultimo Respiro di Spencer", techName = "Spencer's Last Breath", killer = 4, patch = "6.7.0", tags = {"Fatigue", "SpiritWorld", "Teleportation", "Tokens"} }, { id = 5, name = "Malvagità Innata", techName = "Evil Within", killer = 5, patch = "4.1.2", tags = { "ActionSpeed", "AttackRange", "Exposed", "MovementSpeed", "Stalking", "TerrorRadius", "Undetectable", "Vaulting" } }, { id = 6, name = "Catalizzatore Annerito", techName = "Blackened Catalyst", killer = 6, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"FakeTerrorRadius", "PhantasmTraps", "TerrorRadius", "Teleportation"} }, { id = 7, name = "Scintilla di Carter", techName = "Carter's Spark", killer = 7, patch = "7.6.0", tags = { "Auras", "FakeTerrorRadius", "Hallucinations", "InteractionBlocker", "ItemBlocker", "Lockers", "LoudNoiseNotifications", "Madness", "Oblivious", "Screams", "SkillChecks", "TerrorRadius" } }, { id = 8, name = "Accetta da Caccia", techName = "Hunting Hatchets", killer = 8, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"Auras", "Lockers", "Lullaby"} }, { id = 9, name = "Motosega di Bubba", techName = "Bubba's Chainsaw", killer = 9, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {"DoubleDamage", "Tantrum"} }, { id = 10, name = "Demone dei Sogni", techName = "Dream Demon", killer = 10, patch = "4.7.0", tags = { "AlarmClocks", "DreamWorld", "Hindered", "Husk", "Invisibility", "Lullaby", "Oblivious", "SkillChecks", "SleepPenalty", "Teleportation", "TerrorRadius" }, hindered = "-15 %" }, { id = 11, name = "Battesimo dell'Enigmista", techName = "Jigsaw's Baptism", killer = 11, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"Crouching", "Dash", "DeathTimer", "Generators", "JigsawBoxes", "ReverseBearTraps", "Undetectable"} }, { id = 12, name = "Il Tonico Nutraceutico", techName = "The Afterpiece Tonic", killer = 12, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"Antidote", "Haste", "Hindered", "Intoxication", "Invigoration", "Tonic"}, haste = "+10 %", hindered = "-15 %" }, { id = 13, name = "Tormento di Yamaoka", techName = "Yamaoka's Haunting", killer = 13, patch = "6.7.0", tags = {"EtherealPlane", "Husk", "MovementSpeed", "Invisibility", "ScratchMarks", "TerrorRadius"} }, { id = 14, name = "Frenesia Brutale", techName = "Feral Frenzy", killer = 14, patch = "6.4.0", tags = { "DeepWound", "DoubleDamage", "Fatigue", "KillerInstinct", "Pallets", "PoolsOfBlood", "ScratchMarks", "TerrorRadius", "Vaulting", "Windows" } }, { id = 15, name = "Purificazione Abietta", techName = "Vile Purge", killer = 15, patch = "5.3.0", tags = {"Broken", "PoolsOfDevotion", "Projectiles"} }, { id = 16, name = "Sudario Notturno", techName = "Night Shroud", killer = 16, patch = "7.0.0", tags = {"Crouching", "Exposed", "KillerInstinct", "Stalking", "Undetectable"} }, { id = 17, name = "Degli Abissi", techName = "Of the Abyss", killer = 17, patch = "7.6.0", tags = {"BreakableWalls", "KillerInstinct", "Pallets", "Portals", "Oblivious", "Shred", "Undetectable"} }, { id = 18, name = "Ira Yamaoka", techName = "Yamaoka's Wrath", killer = 18, patch = "3.5.0", tags = {"AttackRange", "Dash", "DoubleDamage"} }, { id = 19, name = "Il Redentore", techName = "The Redeemer", killer = 19, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {"DeepWound", "Projectile", "Spear"} }, { id = 20, name = "Riti del Giudizio", techName = "Rites of Judgement", killer = 20, patch = "7.1.0", tags = {"CagesOfAtonement", "KillerInstinct", "MiniMori", "Torment"} }, { id = 21, name = "Corruzione Infettata", techName = "Blighted Corruption", killer = 21, patch = "5.0.0", tags = {"BreakableWalls", "Dash", "Fatigue", "Pallets", "Slam", "Tokens"} }, { id = 22, name = "Legame di Sangue", techName = "Blood Bond", killer = 22, patch = "7.7.0", tags = { "Broken", "Collision", "DormantState", "GateBlocker", "Incapacitated", "InteractionBlocker", "KillerInstinct", "Lockers", "Lullaby", "Oblivious", "PoolsOfBlood", "RedStain", "ScratchMarks", "TerrorRadius" } }, { id = 23, name = "Standing Ovation", techName = "Showstopper", killer = 23, patch = "7.4.2", tags = {"Blades", "Laceration", "Lockers", "Lullaby", "MainEvent"} }, { id = 24, name = "Virus T", techName = "T-Virus", killer = 24, patch = "5.2.0", tags = { "BreakableWalls", "Contamination", "HeadOn", "Firecrackers", "FlashGrenades", "Flashlights", "Hindered", "KillerInstinct", "Pallets", "SupplyCases", "Vaccine", "Zombies" }, hindered = "-20 %" }, { id = 25, name = "Evocazioni del Dolore", techName = "Summons of Pain", killer = 25, patch = "6.7.0", tags = { "Auras", "ChainHunt", "GateBlocker", "Incapacitated", "KillerInstinct", "LamentConfiguration", "Oblivious", "Teleportation" } }, { id = 26, name = "Uccelli del Tormento", techName = "Birds of Torment", killer = 26, patch = "6.7.0", tags = {"Auras", "DireCrows", "FlightPath", "KillerInstinct", "Lockers", "Swarm"} }, { id = 27, name = "Diluvio di Terrore", techName = "Deluge of Fear", killer = 27, patch = "7.5.1", tags = { "Auras", "Condemned", "Hooks", "Invisibility", "KillerStun", "Lullaby", "MiniMori", "Pallets", "Teleportation", "TVs", "Undetectable", "VHSTape" } }, { id = 28, name = "Regno dell'Oscurità", techName = "Reign of Darkness", killer = 28, patch = "6.0.2", tags = {"Husk", "KillerInstinct", "Lockers", "Nightfall", "Remnant", "Teleportation", "Tokens", "Undetectable"} }, { id = 29, name = "Slancio Virulento", techName = "Virulent Bound", killer = 29, patch = "8.0.0", tags = { "Dash", "FirstAidSpray", "GateBlocker", "Hindered", "Infection", "KillerInstinct", "Pallets", "Slam", "SupplyCases", "Tokens", "Vaulting", "Windows" }, hindered = "-4 %" }, { id = 30, name = "Compagnia d'Arme", techName = "Guardia Compagnia", killer = 30, patch = "6.5.0", tags = { "BreakableWalls", "DeepWound", "Endurance", "Generators", "Guards", "Haste", "Hunt", "GuardOrder", "Pallets", "Patrol", "PatrolPath", "PoolsOfBlood", "ScratchMarks", "Standard" }, haste = {"+5 %", "+50 %"} }, { id = 31, name = "Occhi dal Cielo", techName = "Eyes in the Sky", killer = 31, patch = "7.3.1", tags = { "Auras", "AutoDamage", "Broken", "ClawTraps", "DeepWound", "Drones", "Haste", "KillerInstinct", "Undetectable" }, haste = {"+3 %", "+5 %", "+6 %", "+7 %"}, hindered = "-10 %" }, { id = 32, name = "Istanziazione Quantistica", techName = "Quantum Instantiation", killer = 32, patch = "7.0.1", tags = { "ActionSpeed", "Biopods", "BreakableWalls", "EMP", "KillerStun", "OverclockMode", "Pallets", "Slipstream", "SupplyCases", "Teleportation", "Windows" } }, { id = 33, name = "Caccia Furtiva", techName = "Hidden Pursuit", killer = 33, patch = "7.2.2", tags = { "AttackRange", "Auras", "ControlStation", "CrawlerMode", "Exhausted", "ExitGates", "Footsteps", "Hindered", "Incapacitated", "KillerInstinct", "KillerStun", "TerrorRadius", "Tunnels", "Turrets" }, hindered = "-35 %" }, { id = 34, name = "Basta Giocare", techName = "Playtime's Over", killer = 34, patch = "8.0.0", tags = {"Footfalls", "Hallucinations", "Pallets", "Scamper", "Undetectable", "Windows"} }, { id = 35, name = "Vix", techName = "UVX", killer = 35, patch = "7.6.0", tags = { "ActionSpeed", "BlastArea", "Hallucinations", "Hindered", "KillerInstinct", "Projectile", "Props", "Teleportation", "Weakened" }, hindered = "-6 %" }, { id = 36, name = "Fosche Tenebre", techName = "Vile Darkness", killer = 36, patch = "8.0.0", tags = { "Auras", "AutoDamage", "EyeOfVecna", "HandOfVecna", "Haste", "Invisibility", "KillerInstinct", "Levitation", "Lockers", "LoudNoiseNotifications", "MiniMori", "Pallets", "Teleportation", "TreasureChests", "Windows" }, haste = {"+7 %", "+25 %"} } } return p
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