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IconHelp bloodpoints

Puntos de Sangre (BP) son una de las tres monedas en Dead by Daylight IconHelp DBDlogo

Visión General[ | ]

Los Puntos de Sangre son una moneda de progresión del personaje del jugador. Se utilizan para mejorar los Personajes que uno posee comprando en Red de Sangre IconHelp bloodweb. La mayoría de las acciones del juego desencadenan eventos de puntuación que se convierten en Bloodpoints al final de una prueba. Ciertas Ofertas, Beneficios y Eventos pueden modificar la cantidad de Bloodpoints que uno recibe.

Los Puntos de Sangre tienen un límite de 2.000.000.

Sistema de Rangos Antiguo[ | ]

Prior to the Emblem Update for Survivors and the Victory Cube for the Killers, a Player's Rank used to be determined by how many Bloodpoints in a Category they had earned during a trial.

The Tally Screen would display all four available Categories and represent the Ranking procedure with a circle. One full circle was equivalent to 5,000 Bloodpoints achieved in the associated Category.

Despite that, Players can receive up to 8,000 Bloodpoints in each Category, meaning that the maximum reward for each match is 32,000 Bloodpoints (disregarding any Unlockables affecting the Bloodpoint-gain). The circle represented the maximum Bloodpoints contributed towards a Player's Rangos.

As Players' Ranks are not altered by playing the Kill Your Friends mode, they will only visually receive Bloodpoints from playing this mode, which cannot actually be spent and are not added to the Player profile once the game mode is exited.

Obtención[ | ]

Los Puntos de Sangre son obtenibles de dos formas: durante partidas y realizando diversas acciones en el Santuario de los Secretos IconHelp shrineOfSecrets, siendo utilizado para desbloquear recompensas en la Red de Sangre.

Tu rendimiento en una partida determina cuantos Puntos de Sangre obtendras.

Puedes conseguir Puntos de Sangre comprando Habilidades Enseñables Archivo:IconHelp TeacheablePerks.png desde el Santuario de los Secretos que ya tienes.

Los Puntos de Sangre se añadiran a tu perfil y pueden ser usados para progresar la Red de Sangre de cualquier personaje. Los Puntos de Sangre que no se gasten tendrán un limite de almacenamiento de 1 millón de BP.

Los Supervivientes[ | ]

Gana recompensas en 4 categorias:

  • Supervivencia - Manteniendose vivo
  • Objetivos- Reparando generadores y trabajando en conjunto para escapar
  • Audacia - Por interactuar con el Asesino
  • Altruismo - Ayudando a otros Supervivientes

El Asesino[ | ]

Gana recompensas en 4 categorias:

  • Brutalidad - Hirirendo Supervivientes y destruyendo objetos
  • Caza - Encontrando, persiguiendo y atrapando Supervivientes
  • Malicia - Por un buen uso de los poderes
  • Sacrificio - Colgando Supervivientes para el placer de La Entity IconHelp entity

Acciones de Puntos de Sangre[ | ]

Debajo hay una lista completa de todas las acciones que recompensan con Puntos de Sangre en Dead by Daylight IconHelp DBDlogo
Recompensas marcadas con el simbolo - tienen un valor desconocido.

Puntos de Sangre para Supervivientes[ | ]

DailyRitualIcon objectivesObjetivos[ | ]

Name Minimum
(if on-going)
Fixed value Maximum
(if on-going)
Coop Action 1 - 8,000 (Cap) Received after successfully repairing a Generator IconHelpLoading generators together with at least another Survivor.
The amount of Bloodpoints received will range dependent on the two or more players' contribution towards repairing from start to end.
Good Skill Check - 50 - Obtained after performing an action involving an objective Skill Check IconHelp skillChecks.
This is obtained after hitting the non-critical zone.
Great Skill Check - 150 - Obtained after performing an action involving an objective Skill Check.
This is obtained after hitting the critical zone.
Hex Skill Check - 150 - Obtained after performing an action involving an objective Skill Check.
This is obtained after hitting the critical zone under the influence of Hex: Ruin IconPerks hexRuin.
Repairs 1 - 1,250 Obtained after successfully repairing a Generator.
Points received will range dependent on the player's contribution towards repairing from start to end.
Map Scout - 150 - Obtained when using a Map IconItems map and finding an object.
Chest Searched 1 - 250 Obtained when searching through a Chest IconHelp chests.
Unlocking 1 - 1250 Obtained when unlocking the Exit Gates IconHelp exitGates.
Hatch Escape - 2000 - Obtained when escaping through the Hatch IconHelp hatch.
Hatch Open - 2000 - Obtained when opening the Hatch IconHelp hatch with a Key IconItems key (Dull or Skeleton).
Lunar Generator - 4500 - Obtained when any Survivor has repaired a Lunar Generator, limited to the Howling Grounds Event.
Macabre Search - 100 - Obtained when a Survivor interacts with a Jigsaw Box IconHelp jigsawBoxes.
Cocktail Party - 4500 - Obtained when any Survivor has repaired a Frozen Cocktail Machine, limited to Survivors who have played a BBQ Invitation IconFavors bbqInvitation Offering and also limited to the Scorching Summer BBQ Event.

DailyRitualIcon survivalSupervivencia[ | ]

Name Minimum
(if on-going)
Fixed value Maximum
(if on-going)
Killer Grasp Escape - 500 - Obtained after wiggling your way out of the Killer's grasp.
Struggle 1 - 8,000 (Cap) Obtained during the Struggle Phase, which marks the the second Hook Stage. Points received will increase the longer the player struggled on the Hook before being sacrificed.

As it's directly tied to how long the struggle phase goes, it is impossible to obtain much more than ~900 Bloodpoints.

Self-Healing 1 - 300 Obtained after healing oneself with a Med-Kit IconItems firstAidKit or Self-Care IconPerks selfCare.
Survived - 5000 - Obtained after having escaped through the Exit Gates IconHelp exitGates or the Hatch IconHelpLoading hatch or if the Killer left the game.
Trap Escape - 500 - Obtained after freeing oneself from a Trampas para Osos IconPowers trap.
Hook Escape - 1500 - Obtained after freeing oneself from a Hook IconHelpLoading hook.
Distraction - 150 - Obtained after igniting a Chinese Firecracker IconItems chineseFirecracker.
Wake up! - 100 - Obtained after waking yourself up from the Dream World.
Snapped Out Of It - 200 - Obtained after snapping yourself out it, reducing Madness III to Madness II.
Trap Escape - 400 - Obtained after freeing oneself from a Reverse Bear Trap.

DailyRitualIcon altruismAltruismo[ | ]

Name Minimum Maximum Description
Assist 250 315 Obtained for being nearby another Survivor in danger or on the hook.
315 BPs are only obtained after the Exit Gates IconHelp exitGates receive power.
Distraction - 250 Obtained after having helped another Survivor escape the Killer.
Can already be obtained by helping them lose a chase, not necessarily to escape from the map.
Heal 400 500 Obtained for healing another Survivor.
500 BPs are only obtained after the Exit Gates IconHelp exitGates receive power.
Trap Rescue 1000 1250 Obtained for freeing another Survivor out of a Trampa para Osos IconPowers trap.
1250 BPs are only obtained after the Exit Gates IconHelp exitGates receive power.
Killer Grasp Rescue - 1250 Obtained for freeing another Survivor from the Killer's grasp.
Good Skill Check - 50 Obtained after performing an action involving an Altruism Skill Check, such as healing. BPs for Self-Care IconPerks selfCare Skill Checks will also count towards Altruism, despite Self-Care BPs counting towards survival.
This is obtained after hitting the non-critical zone.
Great Skill Check - 150 Obtained after performing an action involving an Altruism Skill Check, such as healing. BPs for Self-Care IconPerks selfCare Skill Checks will also count towards Altruism, despite Self-Care BPs counting towards survival.
This is similar to the Good Skill Check, however it is obtained after hitting the critical zone.
Hook Rescue 1000 1875 Obtained after freeing another Survivor from the Hook IconHelpLoading hook.
1875 are obtained after the Exit Gates IconHelp exitGates receive power.
Reunited - 200 Received after being near another Survivor.
Can only be obtained up to 3 times, once per Survivor.
Protection - 200 Obtained when taking a hit from the Killer in order to shield another Survivor.
Wake up! - 150 Obtained when waking up another survivor.
Waking up another survivor through failing a generator skill check when the asleep survivor is on the same generator also counts.

DailyRitualIcon boldnessAudacia[ | ]

Name Minimum Maximum Description
Bold 1 250 Obtenido por esconderse cerca del Asesino. Los puntos recibidos aumentarán cuanto más tiempo esté un jugador al acecho alrededor del Asesino y se darán una vez que el jugador haya dejado de esconderse cerca del Asesino.
Chased 1 Category Cap (8,000) Obtained for being chased by the Killer.
Escaped - 400 Obtained after escaping the Killer during a chase.
Killer Stun - 1000 Obtained after stunning a Killer with a Pallet IconHelp pullDown.
Killer Blind - 250 Obtained for blinding a Killer with a Flashlight IconItems flashlight.
Killer Burn - 350 Obtained for blind stunning a cloaked Wraith IconHelpLoading wraith or blink-charging Nurse IconHelpLoading nurse with a Flashlight IconItems flashlight.
Hook Sabotage 1 500 Obtained after sabotaging a Hook IconHelpLoading hook.
Trap Disarm - 300 Obtained after disarming a Trampa para Osos IconPowers trap.
Hag Trap Disarm - 400 Using a Flashlight IconItems flashlight on a non-activated Phantasm Trap.
Trap Sabotage - 250 Obtained after breaking a Trampa para Osos IconPowers trap.
Cleansed 600 1000 Obtained after cleansing a Totem IconHelpLoading totem, if it's a Hex Totem, it will reward the maximum amount of points, a Dull Totem only the minimum amount.
Good Skill Check - 50 Obtained after performing an action involving a sabotage Skill Check IconHelp skillChecks, such as sabotaging a hook.

This is obtained after hitting the non-critical zone.

Great Skill Check - 150 Obtained after performing an action involving a sabotage Skill Check IconHelp skillChecks, such as sabotaging a hook.

This is obtained after hitting the critical zone.

Basement Time 1 Category Cap (8,000) Obtained for time in the Basement IconHelp basement.

Puntos de Sangre para Asesinos[ | ]

DailyRitualIcon brutalityBrutalidad[ | ]

Name Minimum Maximum Description
Catch - 600 Se obtiene al interrumpir una animación de Superviviente al agarrarlo.
Hit - 500 Se obtiene al golpear a un Superviviente.
Destruction - 100 Se obtiene al romper un Pallet IconHelp pullDown o al dañar un Generator IconHelpLoading generators.
Quitter Bonus 625 2500 Se obtiene cuando un Superviviente se desconecta de la partida. Para obtener el máximo de puntos, todos los Supervivientes tienen que desconectarse.

DailyRitualIcon deviousnessMalicia[ | ]

Name Minimum Maximum Description
Bleeding 1 - Se obtiene después de que un Superviviente con sangrado se cure. La cantidad de puntos recibidos depende del tiempo que el Superviviente haya estado sangrando.
Death - 50 Se obtiene cuando un Superviviente muere permaneciendo en el estado de Dying IconHelp dying demasiado tiempo.
Set Trap - 100 Se obtiene al colocar una Trampa para Osos IconPowers trap jugando como The Trapper IconHelpLoading trapper.
Trapped - 1000 Se obtiene cuando un Superviviente es cazado con una Trampa para Osos IconPowers trap.
Grab Trapped Survivor - 500 Se obtiene cuando agarras a un Superviviente atrapado (en una Trampa Para Osos).
Surprise Attack - 550 Obtained when successfully landing the first attack on a Survivor shortly after uncloaking as The Wraith IconHelpLoading wraith, or landing an attack shortly after blinking on a repairing Survivor with The Nurse IconHelpLoading nurse.
Stalker 1 - Obtained while stalking the Survivor as The Shape IconHelpLoading shape (100 per second) or as a cloaked Wraith IconHelpLoading wraith.
Chainsaw Sprint 1 - Obtained after stopping a Chainsaw Sprint as The Hillbilly IconHelpLoading hillbilly or The Cannibal IconHelpLoading cannibal.
Chainsaw Hit - 850 Obtained after hitting a Survivor with the Chainsaw as The Hillbilly IconHelpLoading hillbilly or The Cannibal IconHelpLoading cannibal.
Precise Blink - 150 Obtained by blinking very close to a Survivor as The Nurse IconHelpLoading nurse.
Lethal Blink - 250 Obtained by landing a post-blink hit on a Survivor as The Nurse IconHelpLoading nurse.
Blink Grab - 200 Obtained by grabbing a survivor while blinking as The Nurse IconHelpLoading nurse.
Evil Within - 500 Obtained with each Tier-increase of Evil Within as The Shape IconHelpLoading shape.
Set Trap - 25 Obtained after setting a Phantasm Trap IconPowers blackenedCatalyst as The Hag IconHelpLoading hag.
Trap Triggered - 200 Obtained after a Survivor triggered a Phantasm Trap IconPowers blackenedCatalyst.
Phantasm Attack - 550 Obtained when successfully landing the first attack on a Survivor shortly after teleporting as The Hag IconHelpLoading hag.
Shocked 150 300 Obtained when a Survivor gets hit with the Shock Therapy Attack as The Doctor IconHelpLoading doctor.
Drops to 150 Bloodpoints when Deviousness is almost full.
Attack Bonus - 250 Obtained when landing a hit on a Survivor shortly after they are hit with the Shock Therapy Attack as The Doctor IconHelpLoading doctor.
Precise Shot - 500 Obtained when landing a hit on a Survivor by throwing Hatchet as The Huntress IconHelpLoading huntress.
No One Escaped - 2500 Obtained when achieving a Merciless Victory, letting no Survivor escape.
Dream Demon - 150 Obtained after pulling a Survivor into the Dream World as The Nightmare IconHelpLoading nightmare.
Ambush Dash - 50 Obtained when The Pig dashes forward in an Ambush attack.
Ambush Hit - 250 Obtained when The Pig lands a successful hit with the Ambush attack.
Trap Set - 500 Obtained when The Pig puts a Reverse Bear Trap onto a dying Survivor.
Intoxication - 150 Obtained when a Survivor gets intoxicated by The Clown's The Afterpiece Tonic.
Wasted - 300 Obtained when an intoxicated Survivor is downed by The Clown.
Bottle Throw - 250 Obtained when The Clown hits a Survivor with The Afterpiece Tonic.

DailyRitualIcon hunterCaza[ | ]

Name Minimum Maximum Description
Chase 1 - Se obtiene al perseguir a un Superviviente (10 por segundo).
Survivor Found - 400 Se obtiene al encontrar a un superviviente.
Catch - 600 Se obtiene al encontrar un Superviviente en una Locker IconHelp lockers.

DailyRitualIcon sacrificeSacrifice[ | ]

Name Minimum Maximum Description
Hooked - 500 Se obtiene al colgar un Superviviente en un Hook IconHelpLoading hook.
Hooked - 200 Se obtiene al comenzar la fase de invocación del Ente (1ª etapa del gancho).
Entity Summoned - 200 Se obtiene al comenzar la etapa de forcejeo (2ª etapa del gancho).
Sacrifice Completed - 200 Se obtiene cuando un Superviviente es liberado del Gancho o sacrificado a la Entity IconHelp entity (3ª etapa del gancho).
Kill - 1000 Se obtiene al asesinar al Superviviente con tus propias manos. (Memento Mori)
Game Over - 500 Se obtiene cuando un Superviviente es asesinado con una Trampa para Osos.
Lunar Hook - 5500 Se obtiene cuando cualquier Superviviente es colgado en el gancho por primera vez en el Gancho Lunar, limitado a el evento de Howling Grounds.
Sausage Sizzle! - 5500 Se obtiene cuando cualquier Superviviente es colgado en el gancho por primera vez en el Gancho Parrilla, limitado al evento de Scorching Summer BBQ Event.

Gastando[ | ]

Points can be used to unlock Nodes from a Character's Bloodweb, containing Unlockables. As points are not unique to each Character, a Player can use Bloodpoints obtained from playing for example as a particular Survivor to upgrade another Survivors' or the Killers' Bloodwebs.

Nodes come in different Rarities that depend on the type of Unlockable they display. Their cost is directly linked to their Rarity.

Coste de Nodos[ | ]

Icon Rarity Cost in Bloodpoints IconHelp bloodpoints
Dbd-addons-common Common
3,000 BPs
Dbd-addons-uncommon Uncommon
4,000 BPs
Dbd-addons-rare Rare
5,000 BPs
Dbd-addons-veryrare Very Rare
6,000 BPs
Dbd-addons-ultrarare Ultra Rare
7,000 BPs
Dbd-perks-teachable Teachable
5,000 BPs

Desbloqueables que afectan los Puntos de Sangre[ | ]

Habilidades[ | ]

Icon Name Description
IconPerks barbecueAndChilli
Barbecue & Chilli Un profundo vínculo con el Ente IconHelp entity te permite percibir auras. Tras colgar a un Superviviente, podrás ver el Aura IconHelp auras del resto durante 4 segundos si están a más de 40 metros de distancia del Gancho IconHelpLoading hook.
  • Cada vez que cuelgas a un Superviviente por primera vez, consigues un multiplicador acumulable de Puntos de Sangre del 25 % hasta un máximo del 50/75/100 %.
  • Esta bonificación solo se concede después de la partida.

"Matar no me produce ningún placer. Hay cosas que uno tiene que hacer, sin más. No tienen por qué gustarte". — Drayton Sawyer

IconPerks distressing
Distressing Tus horrorosas emanaciones alcanzas distancias sobrenaturales. Tu Radio de Terror aumenta en un {{{1}}}/{{{2}}}/{{{3}}}.

Gana un {{{4}}}/{{{5}}}/{{{6}}} adicional en puntos de sangre IconHelp bloodpoints en la categoría Malicia. Los puntos de sangre adicionales sólo se otorgan después de la partida.

"Deléitate en su miedo".

IconPerks noOneLeftBehind
No One Left Behind Es inconcebible abandonar a alguien. Una vez que la puerta de salida se abra, gana un 50/75/100 % de puntos de sangre IconHelp bloodpoints adicionales en la categoría de Altruismo y por realizarlas un 4/8/12 % más rápido.

"... si, no me jodas, pero aún podemos ser más listos y derrocarlo si trabajamos juntos. ¡Deje de ser previsible y egoísta!" — Cintas perdidas: Clyde

IconPerks hexThrillOfTheHunt
Hex: Thrill Of The Hunt Un Maleficio que basa su poder en la esperanza.

La falsa esperanza de los Supervivientes IconHelpLoading survivor te estimula y fortalece tus tótems. Consigues un Distintivo por cada Tótem Apagado o de Maleficio que quede en el Mapa.

  • Cada distintivo te proporciona un 10 % más de Puntos de Sangre IconHelp bloodpoints por acciones de la Categoría Caza.
  • La velocidad de purificación de los Supervivientes se reduce en un 4/5/6 % por cada Distintivo.
  • Recibes un aviso cuando alguien se pone a manipular un Tótem de Maleficio.

Los efectos del Maleficio perduran mientras su Tótem de Maleficio IconHelpLoading totem correspondiente siga en pie.

IconPerks wereGonnaLiveForever
We're Gonna Live Forever Tus amigos merecen la máxima protección.

Cuando cures a un superviviente agonizante, tu velocidad de curación aumenta un 100%. Además, cualquiera de las siguientes acciones activa la función secundaria de esta habilidad: Rescate de gancho seguro, Sufrir un golpe por proteger a un superviviente, Rescatar a un superviviente aturdiendo al asesino con un palé, Rescatar a un superviviente cegando al asesino con una linterna.

Cuando esté activa la función secundaria de esta habilidad, si curas a otro superviviente en estado agonizante, obtendrá el Estado de Efecto Resistencia Archivo:IconStatusEffects endurance.png durante 10 segundos y desactiva la función secundaria.

"¡Venga, atrévete! Me la suda, socio". — David King

Add-ons[ | ]

Icon Name Stacks? Rarity Description Power
FulliconAddon scarredHand
Scarred Hand
Muy Raro(a)
The cut up, severed hand of the cannibal village butcher.
The trapped life essence within unlocks tremendous potential in The Hag's power.
  • Mud Phantasms have collision with Survivors.
  • Grants 300 % bonus Bloodpoints in the Deviousness DailyRitualIcon deviousness Category.
  • Disables The Hag's ability to teleport to tripped Phantasm Traps.

Scarred Hand trumps all other Add-ons.

"..." — The Butcher

Blackened Catalyst
IconHelpLoading hag
FulliconAddon speedLimiter
Speed Limiter
Poco Común
A mechanical device that limits the amount of fuel small engines can intake at one time, forcing a constant and safe speed.
  • Grants 100 % Bonus Bloodpoints for Chainsaw Hit Score Events in the Deviousness DailyRitualIcon deviousness Category.
  • Hits with either Bubba's Chainsaw or the Chainsaw do not automatically trigger the Dying State IconHelp dying.
Bubba's Chainsaw
IconHelpLoading cannibal
FulliconAddon speedLimiter
Speed Limiter
Poco Común
A mechanical device that limits the amount of fuel small engines can intake at one time, forcing a constant and safe speed.
  • Grants 100 % Bonus Bloodpoints for Chainsaw Hit Score Events in the Deviousness DailyRitualIcon deviousness Category.
  • Hits with either Bubba's Chainsaw or the Chainsaw do not automatically trigger the Dying State IconHelp dying.
IconHelpLoading hillbilly
FulliconAddon vanityMirror
Vanity Mirror
Muy Raro(a)
A standing portable vanity mirror in perfect condition except for a fine layer of dust and face powder covering it.
  • The Auras IconHelp auras of all Survivors within 16 metres of The Shape are revealed while Stalking in Evil Within II.
  • Grants 100 % bonus Bloodpoints for Hit Score Events in the Brutality DailyRitualIcon brutality Category.
  • Grants 150 % bonus Bloodpoints for Hit Score Events in the Deviousness DailyRitualIcon deviousness Category.
  • The Shape is unable to progress past Evil Within II.
Evil Within
IconHelpLoading shape
FulliconAddon scratchedMirror
Scratched Mirror
Muy Raro(a)
A standing portable vanity mirror which has been violently scratched with a sharp metallic object.
  • The Auras IconHelp auras of all Survivors within 32 metres of The Shape are revealed while Stalking in Evil Within I.
  • Grants 100 % bonus Bloodpoints for Hit Score Events in the Brutality DailyRitualIcon brutality Category.
  • Grants 200 % bonus Bloodpoints for Hit Score Events in the Deviousness DailyRitualIcon deviousness Category.
  • The Shape is unable to progress past Evil Within I.
Evil Within
IconHelpLoading shape

Historial de Cambios[ | ]

Patch 1.0.2[ | ]

  • Killers are now awarded bonus points if a Survivor disconnects (625 Brutality Points)
  • Killers are now awarded sacrifice points if a Survivor leaves the game (1,250 Sacrifice Points)
  • Hidden Change: Reunited bonus increased from 150 to 200 BPs
  • Hidden Change: Stunned Killer bonus increased from 800 to 1,000 BPs

Patch 1.5.3[ | ]

  • Added 4 Post-Exit Altruism Score Events: Heal, Assist, Trap Rescue and Hook Rescue
  • Reimplemented old Score Event in Boldness: Bold
  • Objectives, Map Scout (increased from 50 to 150 BPs)
  • Objectives, Hex Skill Check (increased from 50 to 150 BPs)

Patch 1.6.1[ | ]

  • Added Score Events for The Huntress: Brutality, Hit and Deviousness, Hatchet Hit & Precise Shot.

Patch 1.6.2[ | ]

  • Snapping Out Of It now awards 200 BPs

Patch 1.9.1[ | ]

  • Ambush Hit (Pig) (increased from 50 to 200 BPs)
  • Ambush Dash (Pig) (increased from 25 to 100 BPs)
  • Setting RBT (Pig) (increased from 250 to 500 BPs)

Patch 1.9.2[ | ]

  • Ambush Hit (Pig) (increased from 200 to 250 BPs)
  • Ambush Dash (Pig) (reduced from 100 to 50 BPs)

Patch 2.0.0[ | ]

  • Objectives, Coop (increased from 10/sec to 25/sec BPs)
  • Boldness, Chased (increased from 20/sec to 40/sec BPs)
  • Boldness, Escaped (increased from 250 to 400 BPs)
  • Brutality, Hit (increased from 300 to 500 BPs)
  • Hunter, Chase (increased from 5/sec to 10/sec BPs)
  • Hunter, Survivor Found (increased from 200 to 400 BPs)

Trivial[ | ]

  • Bloodpoints gained from "on-going" actions such as bleeding and repairs will show up after the action "completes". For example:
    • A bleeding survivor is healed or hooked --> the Killer gets points for causing bleeding
    • Generator repair is finished / the Survivor leaves the generator --> the Survivor gets points for repair.
  • Perks that increase Bloodpoint earnings change the in-game value, but the Bloodpoint-cap for that category remains the same.
  • Offerings that increase Bloodpoint earnings only apply after the game ends; they do not change the in-game values.
  • Offerings make it possible to technically earn more than the cap for a Category.
  • Before the introduction of Iridescent Shards IconHelp iridescentShards in Patch 1.2.0, Bloodpoints were the only currency feature in the Game.

Galería[ | ]

AuricCells Icon Células Áuricas BloodpointsIcon2 Puntos de Sangre EventObjective goldCoins Monedas Doradas Icon iridescentShards Fragmentos Iridiscentes PutridSerum Suero Pútrido RiftFragments Rift Fragments